
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hey MrsS

I am with you on the clothing issue....i retired about 50% of my pants nearly 2 weeks ago but have been able to wear (and can still wear) the other 1/2. I guess it all depends on the rise....low rise = good! Need new pants desperatly, but they are hard to find at this stage

Even shirts are a problem. Since i have always been an a-cup and now have breasts I find all my tops are so much tighter.

No stores with maternity clothing in my small city (other than walmart and the stuff just seems gigantic to me--not ready for it) so I am holding out for my NYC trip the first weekend of october!

Have you, or anyone else, used those tube-top like bands to keep old pants up? Do they work? I just think it would feel weird to have half zipped pants with a band around them. I am afraid it''ll slip off or something...
MrsS, I was in maternity pants so fast it was pathetic. But I am ALLLLLL about comfort!

Jas, I have ordered stuff from Old Navy. Love their $5 shipping. They are having a sale right now. Just something to think about. I was a 4 pre-preggo and wore an XS pant/jean for trimester 1 &2 (if that helps).

So ladies I am feeling SOOO much pressure down there. I wonder if the baby dropped. When I walk around it is uncomfortable. Maybe I am not used to it since the baby just flipped. We went to a party last night and all these girls were telling me how adorable and cute I looked. That made me feel good obviously
Even preggos need ego boasts once in awhile!

Oh I started to put together our pack ''n play. I don''t remember the last time I swore so much! The half I did was *really* hard! I only got the bassinet part done and gave up. PLUS one of the pieces (canopy) came wrong (one of the pieces is on backwards and it is not removable
) So I am going to have to call them tomorrow and have them send a new one. So annoying! Plus the cats think the bassinet is the coolest, most comfy thing in the world. I am not sure how I am going to keep them out of it.

WEEKEND UPDATE: For those following my drama DH obviously did not go to Ohio this weekend. But wait, how funny! His mom and sister ended up not going up there either (MIL was pissed said there was not that much to do and FIL can handle it himself) well he called DH when I was around yesterday to tell him about the jetski trip he took yesterday!
What about all the work?!? Huh? What a joke! I bet the lawn needs to be cut and that''s it. I am SOOO glad DH was not tricked into going. MIL saved the say for sure! If he had and called me to tell me about spending the day on the lake I would have changed our locks. So not kidding!!!
Jas, I just ordered my stuff from oldnavy. they are having a decent sale right now and although there is room to grow I don''t think their stuff is just huge. i seem to remember their things fitting where they should fit and leaving room in the places you need the room so it''s just not like wearing a tent for a shirt. I normally wear a 2 and ordered the XS in the jeans and a few tops. I''ll let you know how they work when they get here later this week.

tacori, i bet the baby is started to drop and the head is the extra pressure you''re feeling down there. you''re getting closer and closer girl
so glad your hubby didn''t go and end up spending the day on the lake. that would have sent me over the top too...

what type of pack n play did your get? mine''s a graco and I think it came already put together, at least I don''t remember it being anything challenging. Of course, that was more than 5 years ago so my memory could just be faulty or maybe that was the one thing hubby actually put together. I put together the crib, the swing, the saucer and just about everything else b/c it seemed he never had time...who new what a allen wrench was b/f putting baby things together??
Hi everyone,

I went into maternity shirts pretty early on (the boobage thing), but was able to wear my old pants for quite some time -- till about 17 weeks, I think (?). I did get bella bands, and they were really helpful -- more so for keeping maternity pants UP than for keeping nonmaternity pants on though. I did wear them a few times with my old jeans unbuttoned/unzipped, but to be honest, the waistband on nonmaternity pants isn''t very forgiving even when they''re unbuttoned. Bending over was painful! Stretchy waists are definitely the way to go! But the bands do help to keep mat pants up when they''re too big -- at least a little bit. I''m still constantly pulling my pants up, but they seem to help a little.

My favorite jeans are from Gap Maternity (the outlet) -- I think I paid $35 for them, and they''re the long and lean style. They rock. I also just got a super-cute pair of gray cords at Motherhood. The sizing thing doesn''t get any easier the further along you go -- I think you''re always in between sizes, since you''re always changing and growing! I got mediums, which fit me great now, but I''m sure I''ll outgrow them in a few weeks
They''re pretty stretchy though so I''ll squeeze myself into them for as long as I can (without looking too indecent!). It''s just so hard to buy stuff though because you want to buy what fits you now but then you know you''ll outgrow them eventually (well, unless you''re naive like I was and think "No, I''ll never outgrow my clothes!") , so you want to buy something that will fit you a few months down the road too. And that''s just impossible to predict. As for tops, I''ve gotten a lot at Old Navy, too. They''re super cute and inexpensive, so why not? I''m starting to get really tired of spending $$ on mat clothes, so I''m allowing myself one more pair of cords and a few sweaters/turtlenecks for the winter, and then I''m done!

Wow, Tacori, sounds like you dropped alright! I was just reading in the twins forum about women who dropped at 31 weeks and didn''t deliver till 38 though, so I''m not sure how much of a sign of impeding delivery it is? Though I''m sure with two babies in there, dropping happens earlier than with just one baby? Funny about the OH trip not being quite so important after all!

Nothing really new to report with me on the PG front. We went to our wedding venue today to do a belated anniversary celebration, and we had just the most perfect day! There wasn''t a cloud in the sky, it was about 78 degrees out, we sat outside and stuffed ourselves silly with absolutely fantastic brunch food, and then relaxed on the Adirondack chairs in the sun for a while. The only pregnancy symptoms I felt were kicks -- no discomfort, no horrible bladder pressure, no nothing annoying -- just good things! It was really just a perfect perfect day -- I got all emotional and teary-eyed a few times, thinking about how good life has been to us the past year since we got married there ... ah, I''m such a sap
Oh, and I had to include a photo of me and hubby in our silly Ts! We went apple picking with friends yesterday, and they don''t have and don''t want kids -- they''re people who say "another one bites the dust" when they find out another friend gets pregnant! So we had to wear these shirts and be all gung-ho about our new arrivals when they came over yesterday just to see if we could get a rise out of them
(We changed out of the shirts before we went out in public though!)

Ellaila, you and your hubby are toooooo adorable; love the shirts!!! heheee
Date: 9/23/2007 9:12:01 PM
Author: Skippy123
Ellaila, you and your hubby are toooooo adorable; love the shirts!!! heheee

ditto, you guys look darling....and I think I made it to around 17 weeks until i got into maternity pants too with my first. this time my body must remember it''s pregnant pose and just decided to go there superfast
Aw, thanks -- you guys are sweet! That "babe/babies" shirt cracks me up every time I put it on! Sadly, I''ve only worn it like three times, and it''s already getting too snug on me. Doncha just hate how our clothes seem to keep shrinking??

Tacori, I know you said you got bloated quickly but you also didn''t really put on much weight at all the first trimester, so I think that if you didn''t have the water gain, you''d not have needed mat clothes so early on. But yes I agree that once I made the transition to maternity pants, I was like AHHH, why didn''t I do this earlier?! Much much more comfy. (Reminds me of an episode of The New Adventures of Old Christine where she admitted that she still wears her maternity jeans b/c they''re so comfy -- her kids is like eight years old or something
. Then again, I think all of her jeans are Paiges, so if I had maternity Paiges, I think I''d probably wear them for a few years too!)

Also, Tacori, I hear you on keeping the cat out of the baby''s stuff -- I''m worried about that too! Our cat rules this house, and I really don''t know how we''re going to be able to discipline him once the babies arrive. And btw, yes, you DO look adorable!
Date: 9/23/2007 9:09:48 PM
Author: ellaila
Oh, and I had to include a photo of me and hubby in our silly Ts! We went apple picking with friends yesterday, and they don''t have and don''t want kids -- they''re people who say ''another one bites the dust'' when they find out another friend gets pregnant! So we had to wear these shirts and be all gung-ho about our new arrivals when they came over yesterday just to see if we could get a rise out of them
(We changed out of the shirts before we went out in public though!)
Too cute!!! Love your T''s!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Diver and lots of xoxoxoxo and hugs to cutie Delaney! Damn, you look so chipper and fresh Diver. I wish I looked that great coming out from L&D! Take care and lots of rest, with lots of bonding time with the new baby. When you have time, I'd love to hear more about Delaney. I'm glad the delivery was easy; she sure is a big girl. Almost 9 pounds.

Ellaila, you look like you are all belly. Love the shirt.

Tacori, I think you are next.
I think my contractions started out low, then it became all over.
Ella, you guys are so cute!!!

Thanks for all the mat clothing advice--i am going to check out oldnavy online for sure--esp after this morning when i threw a fit trying to find something to wear to work--not looking forward to cleaning up the articles of clothing I flung allll over the bedroom--DH gave me a rushed "um, bye hon, I am off to work" --he wanted out of the line of fire ;-). I used to be the type of gal who would never wear the same outfit more than once in a month (a bit of a clothes horse) and now i am alternating b/w 3 pairs of dress pants hehe. At least i am saving $$!

Just some random blogging babble----went to see the movie Eastern Promises this weekend (naomi watts and veggo mortensen) and just last week saw the spanish film Pan''s Labrinth...well for anyone who has seen either you''ll know that the plots in both movies kinda hinge on a female *pregnant* character hemoraging to death in her last tri of pregnancy and leaving an infant in the care of someone else. This has NOT been good for my very vivid dreams just a warning to those with active imaginations while preggo--stick to Disney. Or at least spread out your exposure to movies with dying pregnant women and abandoned babies
Date: 9/23/2007 9:12:01 PM
Author: Skippy123
Ellaila, you and your hubby are toooooo adorable; love the shirts!!! heheee
MrsS, I am not sure how I am going to handle 4-5 more weeks of this!
Oh well. We have the Combi 9400 DX Play yard. I picked it since it was the only one I found with a removable bassinet (and it comes with a seperate stand). I thought that was cool and would save use money in the long run. Plus it doesn''t look babyish. I think the Play yard part is already put together but I didn''t even unzip the storage bag to check. I just put together the bassinet and stand. FYI Combi customer service is awesome. They are sending a replacement and said to just through away the defected part. I put together our fisher price swing last night and started on the infant chair. Told DH we need to buy LOTS of batteries. Is this nesting???

Chrono, njc is next. She should be going any day now!
Her EDD is next week. I agree Diver looked good after L&D. Now I know why women bring make-up. At first I thought that was silly but she converted me into a believer! I am so freaked that I won''t realize I am having contractions when I am (I know it is HIGHLY unlikely). I have been getting a lot of BHs lately. But they last awhile. Not what everyone talks about.

Ella, your shirts are so cute! Oh I was in maternity pants SUPER early (maybe 9 weeks). Even though I had lost weight the bloating made my reg. pants so uncomfy. Plus I work from home so it wasn''t like I was trying to stay in work clothes for as long as possible. The XS fit me for a while though. I just graduated to a med jean (skipped the small b/c I wanted this to be the LAST pair) that are so big on me but so comfortable and I figured I would grow into them. I am over spending money on mat. clothes too! Wish my shirts were longer though
My mat tanks from old navy are so short on me now. They look silly. I can only wear them to sleep in now.

Jas, I have been know to wear the same mat pants for so many days in a row it is embarrassing. But hey, it gets to a point where comfort is the MOST important thing. Some of the stuff I bought in the begining I thought was HUGE on me and I would never out grow them. HAHAHA! I can''t wear MOST of it now. Do not underestimate the size your belly...and errrr...other parts will grow.

DH and I watched "In the Womb" last night. It was really cool! Made everything a little more real though her belly looked TOO perfect. Of course I started crying during L&D part (stand procedure for me now). I just get so overwhelmed with fear, excitement, etc...
Yep, I basically live in my one pair of jeans -- a good 3-4 days a week I wear them! I don''t even care what other people think anymore. If they''ve got a problem with it, they can get me a gift certificate to Gap Maternity to buy some new clothes

And yes, Diver looked way too glam after giving birth! She looked better than that I do most days - how unfair is that? It''s funny though because usually I tell my husband "I''ll kill you if you post any photos like that of me!" when I see other people''s hospital shots. Yet there''s our Diver looking all fab ... way to go, girl!

Thanks again for all the comments on the photo -- you guys are the best!

And speaking of comments, apparently now that I''m 25 weeks along, I''ve got some giant sign on me that says, "Please tell me that I''m huge." Today alone I got this one from the president of my company: "Wow, you look like you''re about to go any day now! You''re the same size as my neighbor who is 8.5 months pregnant!" -- and this from the mailman at work: "You''re getting BIG! You''re probably going to go on bedrest" so I told him how my cousin went to 37 weeks w/o bedrest with her twin preganncy, and he says, "That''s uncommon though. You''ll probably go on bedrest" .... because, as you know, mailmen are all experts in twin pregnancies

According to the doctor the other night, at about 30 weeks (so just over 4 more weeks for me), my body will be basically the size of someone who is full-term with a singleton pregnancy, so yeah I should be about the size of someone who is 35 weeks pregnant right now with one baby! I''m not HUGE by any means, and I still feel like I''m mostly all belly, so getting these comments makes me feel pretty bad about myself -- when normally I feel pretty good! Agh! I keep reminding myself that neither person who made a comment has been pregnant themselves, so maybe they just don''t realize how uncool it is to tell someone she''s getting huge. But jeez.

Anyhow, end of rant.

Tacori, when I start to get overwhelmed by it all -- fear, excitement, etc. -- I just keep thinking about how it can''t be too bad because so many people do it all over again and have more kids, right?
Well Ella I am 35 weeks and feel like you look smaller than me! I kind of had the opposite happen. Everyone telling me I am HUGE and look like I am going to deliever any day during my 2nd trimester and then the same people telling me how great I look during my 3rd. Makes no sense since of course I have gotten much bigger.
People are just rude. Period. Best to ignore them. I am sure it is worse with twins. Everyone''s an expert. My neighbor is probably due around you (with twins) and I see her still running around after their son (3). So obviously not everyone is forced to bedrest. My aunt went OVERDUE with my twin cousins. So I am not sure why these people are trying to worry you! Shame on them. Don''t they know we have enough to worry about without their help?!?

I think I misread your previous comment about water weight. I agree if I had not beeing so bloated I wouldn''t have needed maternity pants so early. Since it is my first and I was excited to be preggo it honestly didn''t bother me to wear them early on. Not like anyone could tell anyways. DH did tease me though!

Oh, DH changed his mind. He now thinks its a boy and I will deliver at 39 weeks.
FYI, Bumbo warning:

Tacori, you're right, I shouldn't let it get to me and really for the most part, I find the comments sort of amusing (sort of). But I just can't imagine another three months of it! Oh well, I'm proud of my big momma belly! What do YOU think you're having - boy or girl?

njc, how are you doing?? Hanging in there?

All the first trimester mommies, are you starting to feel better?
Ella--you look absolutely fantastic. period.

(I can''t get over how many cute moms to be are on this board)

As for the mailman comment--i can totally see how that sort of stuff gets reallllly annoying. I am already a little annoyed with the ''how are you feeling'' question a zillion times a day and 1/2 the ppl i am around on a weekly basis don''t even know I am pregnant yet so i am gearing myself up for when I am really noticably pregnant. I try to remind myself it''s all part of the 9-month experience and maybe I should enjoy it b/c when the baby is born no one will be asking about me anymore!
Ella, you look great and perfect in every way.
Honestly, those type of negative comments will just go through one ear and out the other for me,
although I would very much like to give that mailman a piece of my mind or two about his expertise in knowing if someone is going to be bedridden.
Some people, I think they just like hearing themselves talk and will say just about anything.
Ella, that is why I will only use our Bumbo on the floor (probably on a carpet). I still think it helps babies developementally but like anything they should be supervised. I STILL think it is a girl. Obviously I have a 50% of being wrong. Every dream I have had the baby is a girl. Plus the way I am carrying, my m/s, all those old wives tales say I am having a girl. People are SO surprised when they find out we don''t know. They act all impressed with our self control. I also think I will go early. Maybe b/c I was born 3 weeks early. Now that I said that I will be a week late with a boy
Obviously we don''t care either way but it is fun to guess. As of now Tessa Elizabeth is winning the name race. We''ll see though....I don''t envy that you have to come up with TWO names!

Jas, I think people just ask how you are feeling b/c they don''t know what else to say. People STILL ask me. STRANGERS ask me how I am feeling. How funny that throughout all my complaining I think a small part of me will miss being preggo. Feeling your baby kick is just such a great feeling. I love it even when they are slightly painful! Also I love pushing on my belly and feeling the baby move around. I guess I am annoying it but sometimes I just want to make sure its okay. Pregnancy really is a miracle. I am so amazed that our bodies just *know* what to do.

So the infant chair is now put together too! All that is left is the travel system and the play yard (which I have a feeling IS mostly put together).
MIL sent me two pairs of nursing pjs (I am so spoiled!) that will be great for the hospital. Everything is coming together. Now we just need the baby!

njc, how are you feeling???
you guys are so funny!

Tgal: My secret? EPIDURAL! If you give birth, and don''t feel tends not to beat you up. LOL. Plus, I dilated from 3cm to 10cm in less than 2 hours after getting my epidural (I went fast after the epi with Jake too...I think it relaxes my body so it can do its job) 2nd baby, I only pushed for 28 minutes. No episiotomy, but I did get a 2nd degree tear on my old episiotomy site...but nothing too bad. My labor was pretty short. Water broken at 1:20, epidural at 3pm, pushing started at 5:02, and delivery at 5;30pm....

My epidural rocked sooo much. I got it before the pain got bad & i got to feel my WHOLE delivery without pain. Feeling her crown was so amazing, I don''t remember that with Jake. I lucked out & had such a great experience, I wish it on everyone, no matter how you do it...

I had my tubal the day after & that SUCKED. I was awake for the surgery..ew...thank goodness it was fast...but I was sooo sore until y''day and I can''t lift Jake for 4 weeks, so I can''t even GO anywhere without a chaperone. Dang. Did not know that. Oh well, I get lots of help I guess, and I''ll TAKE IT!

I love this little girl..omg...I am so wrapped around her finger. She''s a super sweet lovebug.....likes to keep us up at night, but she rewards me with goofy faces, so it''s ok. Jake likes her, but he''s all off his game from the changes in the house, poor guy. I LOVE MY KIDS!!!!!!!! LOVE OVERLOAD! Its awesome! Tiring, but I''m in heaven.

Hospital makeup: Powder, bronzer, mascara, gloss....the shower felt really good. excited for you

tacori Hi!

Ellaila: you look like a singleton pregoo, you are tiny.

xoxo everyone!
Hey Diver

You sound over the moon happy. I am so glad you had such an easy delivery!!! Can you tell us when you get time about the tubal?? Is there an incision in your tummy? Or is it done through your belly button.
Glad Miss Delaney is doing well, and that Jake is taking to his little sister. How fun!!! Enjoy this special time!!
Hey diver,
so glad you had a second to check in with us. My second delivery went super fast too so I can only imagine how quickly baby #3 is going to go. Your experience with the tubal is very interesting to me b/c I am considering doing it right after delivery myself, if my dr. will do it. Now you make me wonder if that really is the best time, although my older 2 don''t really need to be picked up or carried so maybe doing it while the baby is still light would still be the best time. Now that you''ve be through it would you still recommend it right after delivery or further down the road.
you''ll have to post more pics of delaney when you get a chance. I''m still 7 weeks away from finding out the sex but still kinda hope for another girl, a boy would be totally fine though too. hubby even confessed after a few glasses of wine the other night that girls are so fun and he''d love another one too. he''s been pleading the fifth on his preference. i know you always ended up joyful with whatever you''re given though.

anyway, hope you''re recovering quickly and that delaney starts to sleep a bit better for you. take advantage of the help and get those naps in...
Hi Diver, I am so glad you are doing well! She is a doll. I am highly looking forward to my own epi!
Thanks for checking in! I actually started packing tonight. I feel better now that I know I have *some* stuff in a suitcase. I realized that baby might not need such a warm going home outfit so I need to pack a summer one too (still HOT here). How do you know how many layers to dress them? I heard one more than what we would wear. Is that right? Oh also do you wash EVERYTHING or just clothes and linens/blankets? So many questions!!!!
Diver, you sound SO happy! I smiled reading your post
. Glad to here you and Delany are doing well. I am also interested to hear about the tubal. DH and I aren''t having kids for a few years, but if we are able to have kids naturally I want to stop after two, and am wondering how this whole tubal thing works, lol. Either that or the snip snip for someone else, lol (well not so much laughing for him I guess).

Good luck to all you mommy to be''s (some of you for the second or third time!). Here''s hoping to a fast and painless delivery (read: heavenly epidural, haha)

Still hanging in there! My big goal was making it through today with the temp, so after dinner DH asked if I was ready for the baby now. Um, yeah, no! I still have a few things I would like to get done... maybe this weekend?!

Crazy 10-hour work day today trying to prepare for a meeting and my temp coming in. Lord help him and my co-workers... he is a good designer, but has an obvious focus on things I could care less about. I want an outstanding looking product... he wants it to be created effeciently.
To each their own, I just dont want him to ruin my reputation with the client! I have basicly been taken off all my projects to let him get a handle on everything and "just in case" I dont make it in the next day. Work is going to get BOR-RING now... think I may start taking half days... I need to seperate myself or I am going to go crazy watching him do his thing!

Ella - Love the pic... you guys are too cute... hope you can get a few more wears out of your shirt!

Jas - We watched Pan''s Labirith the other weekend and I agree... it was a little scary!

Tacori - Congrats on getting so much of your stuff together!

Diver - I am hoping I remember to bring my make up with me! Glad you are having a blast with Delaney and that Jake is adjusting well... hope you continue to heal qucikly from the tubal!!!!

Alrighty... its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY past my bed time...
Diver~ Congrats!! She''s beautiful!

Everytime I see a Newborn, it''s like God is Dancing.
I can feel your excitement as I read your post. Thanks for taking the time to share some details with us.

NJC, you''re next. I hope your delivery will be as quick and painless as Diver''s.
Diver--sounds like you had an amazing delivery! You are lucky b/c friends of mine who have had epi''s couldn''t feel a thing and felt detached from the whole birth. It really must make a huge difference to have a the right dose or pain killer?? I don''t know much about it...?

Good luck healing from the tubal--be nice to yourself!
Congrats to Diver and Delaney!!! She is beautiful! I read this thread evryday just to keep my pregnant friends informed. It''s kind of fun- I loooooove new babies!

I know that some of you have cats. This is what my SIL''s friend got at her baby shower a couple of years ago. She said it''s pretty strong and can hold the weight of the cat if they ever jump on it.
Date: 9/24/2007 8:25:33 PM
Author: divergrrl

I love this little girl..omg...I am so wrapped around her finger. She''s a super sweet lovebug.....likes to keep us up at night, but she rewards me with goofy faces, so it''s ok. Jake likes her, but he''s all off his game from the changes in the house, poor guy. I LOVE MY KIDS!!!!!!!! LOVE OVERLOAD! Its awesome! Tiring, but I''m in heaven.
Diver, don''t you know how wrong it is to get us preggos all emotional with your sweet little ramblings about your babies?

Seriously though, it''s seeing things just like this -- how happy people are once they have their babies -- that keeps the whole thing in check for me! I mean, I know it''ll be hard too, but I just can''t wait to experience that feeling of loving somone(s) so instantly and so deeply the moment you see them. It''s got to be the most amazing thing in the world!

And not like you don''t have a million other things to do, I''m sure, but you know that we''re dying to see more photos, right?

njc, yeah it must be weird when you''re at that in-between phase with work -- you''re still involved on one level but SO not on another! I hope it all goes smoothly ... and in a few more weeks (or less!), you most likely won''t even care anyway!