
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tgal, sorry to hear about Tguy''s job
Hopefully be can find something better soon.

Chrono, sounds like everything worked out for the better but how scary for you both to be jobless (and you being 5 months along)

Jcrow, you''ll be fine. If you both are ready I think it is great you are going to start trying. Hopefully you will concieve quickly. Though I am going to warn you. Summer + 3rd trimester = NOT fun!

Miranda, good luck you your DH! I was watching Glen Beck last night and got freaked out when he said we were heading for another great depression!

Diver, hope all went well and you are enjoying Delaney right now!
tgal, so sorry about tguys job too. I bet he does find something better, something he never would have even been looking for had he still been working for his old company. so glad you guys are in a position to be able to handle it though..

I''m hoping that since we haven''t heard from diver that everything went as planned and Delaney is celebrating her b-day...boy am i excited to see those little newborn pics, hopefully this weekend..

nothing new for me to report. i''m finally starting to feel better and lasting longer each day without the moments or hours of m/s so i''m hoping this is a sign that it will soon be a thing of the past and not follow me into my next trimester.

hope all of you are doing well too...
Glad you are feeling better, let''s hope the ms is a thing of the past, nock on wood.

Tgal, sorry to hear about TGuys job, firm believer in silver linings.

I am thinking of Diver too. Can''t wait to see pics of Miss Delaney. I hope all went smoothly!!!
MrsS, glad you are feeling better! I do not miss my first trimester at all.

How funny that our hospital has wireless internet and I am so addicted to PS I actually was thinking "oh good, I can still check the boards!"
I might be typing in between contractions! No promises though.
tacori, that is really cool that your hospital has wireless internet. I think my hubby might think I''ve completely lost it or am way to addicted if i acutally packed my computer in my hospital bag. I''ll have to find out if my hospital has it though, they didn''t 4 years ago when I had Lily, but things sure have changed. It would be fun to be able to email and send out pics right away since I don''t have email going to my phone...hmmmm...
Glad you''re starting to feel better, MrsS -- that''s got to be such a relief!

Photo time!! Here''s me at 25 weeks (ignore my pants that are too small, I''m desperately trying to find pants that fit but am having a hard time!):

And here's our painted nursery! I looooooooove this color!!
Hubby put together the cribs last night, too, but since we don't have mattresses yet, we can't make up the beds. Seeing the two cribs in the room last night really hit home for us that soon --- so soon! -- we're going to have two babies in the house!

Hi, just randomly popping in to say congrats to everyone and let you know about this special that was one last night. National Geographic had another edition of "In the Womb". They''ve done it before with animal pregnancies and multiples, but the latest is a single baby, showing 3 and 4-D imaging. I''m not having children and even I thought it was fascinating. I''m sure it will be repeated so you may want to check it out.
ellaila, you look amazing!!! Are you sure there are 2 in there?! What a great little belly. And I love your nursery color. It must be so exciting to see the cribs all ready for your little munchkins!!

nytemist, I saw that show while I was pregnant and it''s really quite amazing. I was truly fascinated and learned so much. I think everyone should watch it if they can--so informative.

DIVER?? Do you have wireless internet at your hospital?!?!?! How''s Delaney????? We''re all dying here, can''t wait for the whole story and photos!
Thanks, Curly! What''s so weird is that right now I''ve got the length (though not the weight) of one full-term baby in my belly already because each baby is like 10 inches or bigger already (will find out for sure tomorrow at the u/s)! That''s so crazy to me! (Though it does help to explain how I can feel bladder pressure AND tailbone pressure all at the same time!) As for the nursery, we took the PB sheets to Benjamin Moore, and they had a color in their fan deck that was a pretty close match so we just went with that rather than doing the color matching. I was afraid it may be too dark, but it''s really lovely. We''re ooohing and aaahing everytime we walk by it!

nytemist (which, btw, I still read as NY Temist, not Nyte Mist! Ha ha), thanks for letting us know about this Nat Geo special. I saw the multiples one, and it was amazing!! We often quote things from it actually, so yes, these shows really do give you a ton of information. Plus they''re just so darn cool to watch.

Diver! Diver! Diver! Can''t wait to hear from you and see how everything went and, more importantly, see Delaney!
Hi Preggies

just checking in

Ella--great belly pics!!!!!!

Curly girl--thanks for the announcment and diaper bag brand names--i am going to do some online shopping now that the Canadian dollar is pretty much on par with the US. (i also go to NYC in 2 weeks so i hope to hit up target)

Jcrow--yea, exciting baby plans! You know, now that you have that plan ''in print'' on pricescope you are going to have us hounding you for updates as of Jan 1st!

Just got in from my second pre-nat appnt. I gained a whopping 5 lbs in one month!!!!
for a total of 9 in my first trimester. My doc says (yuck) that it is mostly stool--since i have many food allergies and my digestion has been terrible she said it can really pack on the lbs!!
I have been having luck by eating copious amounts of prunes--so anyone else with the same problem may want to try that!
I did sneak a peak at my chart when the doc was out of the room and at my last physical (well before i was prego) I weighed the same as I do now at the end of the 1st trimester--so I am going with MrsS. theory that the body quickly puts on maternal stores that may have been lacking at the start of pregnancy
--that''s my theory and i am sticking to it!

Wanted to know--every single night i wake up in a sweat, need to pee--then I have to strip down to my skivvies b/c i am so hot and then i am super restless for about a 1/2 hour before falling back into a deep sleep. Happens EVERY night since i''ve been pregnant--anyone else have this ''symptom''?
jas, I had those symptoms you are describing but not till the 3rd trimester!! I would wake up in a pool of my own sweat and it was so gross. I also had the restless legs and hot feet--I would get up and go and stand on the cold marble in the bathroom so my feet would cool down! And the peeing thing was an ongoing problem for me because I drink gallons of water anyway, combined with the bladder pressure--I was always in the bathroom! I hope your other problems get resolved soon, those prunes should help although I know constipation is a definite pg symptom too. If it gets really bad, ask your doctor if you can take colace. I''m pretty sure it''s safe during pregnancy.
jas, I wake up hot too and the temp doesn''t change in our room from the where it is when I go to bed. then I too have a hard time going back to sleep. I hate having to get up 2-3 times a night to pee but i figure my body is just getting me used to being up with a newborn again...
Jas, don''t fret about the weight thing - I''ve heard of lots of people putting on 10 lbs. in the beginning and then balancing out in the 2nd trimester. Your body knows how to nurture the babies, so as long as you''re eating well, you''ll be a-ok!

As for the sweating thing ... oh yeah, I remember that one! I think mine was actually more in the 2nd trimester than the first -- 2nd tri was also more of the summer for me, whereas 1st was more spring -- but I would go to sleep in a bathing suit top and undies and have two fans on me and I''d still wake up sweating! It was horrible, but at least for me, it did pass. And it''s getting to be fall, so hopefully cooler weather for sleeping will help out too. The peeing thing though ... hate to tell you, but that''s going to get worse. MUCH MUCH WORSE! I''m on almost the same schedule every single night: bed at 11, up at 12:30ish, up at 1:45ish, up at 3:15ish, up at 4:45ish, and up at 6. Then the alarm goes off at 6:15. It''s greeaaaaat.

As for the restlessness, what helps me a LOT is sleeping with a body pillow. I think I have the snoozer (the huge j-shaped one). It''s awkward and cumbersome and a PITA to flip it everytime I roll over, but honestly once I settle into it, I fall soundly asleep ... for about 45 minutes until I have to get up and pee again! But then I come back to bed, flip the pillow (my sciatic pain makes me switch sides often), and I fall asleep quickly again. I used to get very restless too -- restless legs and arms would drive me bonkers!! (I felt like I always needed to swing my arms like a baseball pitcher, which is hard to do in bed!) -- but this really helps me. And if you get one and hate it, give it some time. I hated this when I first got it, but then after a while I realized that it really did the trick for me!

Hmm, I''m the busy poster here. Can you tell who''s not getting a lot of work done today?
Okay ladies - I have no idea what''s going on with me. My AF was due on Sunday and still hasn''t showed up. I took a HPT earlier this week and it was a BFN so I decided to wait a few more days. I tested again this a.m. and got another BFN - still with no signs of AF. Physically I feel fine - completely normal. Could I be missing my AF since I recently got off the pill? I had a normal cycle immediately following getting off so this really makes no sense to me. A co-worker says I should wait until this weekend and if AF still hasn''t shown and I''m still getting BFN''s then I should call the doctor. What do you think? Ugh! I''m getting so frustrated with my body right now

Diver! Is Delaney here yet?? I can''t wait to see pics

Ella: Your belly is sooo cute!


Sorry to hear about your elusive AF and BFP. I agree with your co-worker and wait until this weekend and take another test.
Hopefully you''ll get your answer by then. Good luck and have my fingers crossed for you.
Sorry to hear about DH''s news. Like others, I am a firm believer in the silver lining. TGuy will find a better job that he loves soon. In the meantime, just enjoy the "us" time and being pampered by him.

That''s great that Baby T is flipping. It must have been such a relief for you. It never ceased to amaze me how amazing the womb is. I don''t know how the baby is able to make that turn in that tight space. I bet it sure wasn''t a pleasant experience for you when Baby T made the maneuver ...ouch
Hehe, I have to chuckle by your mentioning of your 10 lb boobs. I certainly wouldn''t mind being well-endowed

Love your latest belly shot. Girl, you are all belly. I would never have guessed that you are carrying twins if you didn''t say it. Oh, I was wondering if you''ve discovered the TJ''s peanut butter cup since you said that you love Reese. They are really yummy if you haven''t already tried them. Unlike Reese, it has a really yummy peanut butter taste. I love the color for the nursery. Can''t wait to see the finished room.

You are so tall and skinny, I''m sure you carried those 9 lbs really well and hardly look pregnant.

Congrats on your migration to the "honeymoon" state. Yay for your m/s being almost a thing of the past. I can''t wait for my 2nd trimester too.
Diva, I was on 40 day cycles when I got off the pill. Have you had a period off the pill yet? You could be irregular b/c of it. All you can do is wait and test again in a few days. I did have symptoms when implantation occured (didn''t know that was why at the time). Then I started getting preggo symptoms around 3-4 weeks. M/S around 7 weeks. It is a hard wait I know. I got three BFN before my three BFPs (one negative was at the doc''s office).

Lili, seriously my boobs are out of control. Of course they grew pretty early on and I know I mentioned it before but I never got checked out SO much in my life. It is like guy''s eyes didn''t make it to the belly. They were just so distracted by the milkers. Honestly I am slightly worried about when my milk comes in.
I am guessing they will grow more...Even my female friends comment on them. Ahhh well. Keeps the attention off the double chin
I am constantly surprised by nature. How does the baby know to flip? It is amazing. Oh, it was rather uncomfortable/slightly painful. I am guessing then I was having lots of HEAVY movement is when baby did it. It felt like (s)he was trying to get out!

Ella, your belly looks great. I love your hardwoods (I even showed hubby) and the color is very pretty. I can''t believe you are 25 weeks already!!!

MrsS, I think my hubby EXPECTS me to PS while in the hospital. He doesn''t approve of my addiction but accepts it.
I think e-mailing would be helpful since everyone is DYING to know the baby''s sex. Plus it will help pass the time. I am glad you are feeling better.

Nytemist, (if you are still lurking) my MIL told me about that show. Hopefully they will show it again. Sounds interesting.

Jas, I have gained SOOOO much weight. The sooner you come to accept that is going to happen the better you will feel (trust me). I spent so much time depressed and one day it just didn''t bother me anymore. I kind of think it is funny now. Plus I had a rather unsupportive DH. He has now seen the error of his ways.
If you feel sad just think of your baby. Word of advice. Don''t look at old photos. Could make you VERY depressed! And remember you WILL have a waist again!!!

Ran SOOO many errands today I am so tired. I bought lots of last minute stuff at BRU (sheets, changing table pads for PnP, breast pads...) I REALLY wanted to buy our moniter but they were sold out of the one I wanted. By the way they have so many coupons if you aren''t on their mailing list you should get on (everytime I get a $5 off $25). Every little but helps right? Oh, and my doc told me to start taking Zantac so hopefully I will start feeling better. Oh, are those hospital/grooming kits good to have???
Tacori: I did have a regular cycle when I got off the pill - it came a day early but was otherwise normal. This would have been my second cycle of non-pill taking. I''m going to wait until this weekend and then see what happens. I''ll test again and if still nothing then I''ll give my doctor a ring to get her opinion. I can''t imagine having a 40 day cycle! At least there''s no AF to deal with though!

Date: 9/20/2007 9:41:05 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
Tacori: I did have a regular cycle when I got off the pill - it came a day early but was otherwise normal. This would have been my second cycle of non-pill taking. I''m going to wait until this weekend and then see what happens. I''ll test again and if still nothing then I''ll give my doctor a ring to get her opinion. I can''t imagine having a 40 day cycle! At least there''s no AF to deal with though!


That is one of the reasons we were surprise when I got preggo so fast. I went to the doc (maybe when I was a week or two preggo) for a UTI. That is why they tested me (b/c of the medication). Anyways she said there was really nothing to do but wait. Obviously if you go *months* w/o it there could be a medical issue. Otherwise lots of things can delay AF. Stress, weight, body adjusting to no BC pill etc...When you said you had a cycle OFF that was that means this would really be your third period, right? Obviously you can''t count the one RIGHT after you stop since BC is still in your body.
Did you check to see when you ovulated? Usually the luteal phase (the time from ovuation to AF) is around 13-14 days for most people. My cycle is 26-27 days, so I tend to ovulated around day 11-13. 14 days after the last fertile day, my AF would come. Never used BC, so I wouldn't know the effect of BC on your cycle. I do know that chocolate aversely pushed my cycle back up to 4 days. I know it sound weird, but if I have lots of chocolate during the month, my ovulation would get pushed back about 4 days. But always 14 days after the last fertile day, AF will come.

It is quite possible that you'll go up another size or 2
My sisters' boobs didn't grow much during the pregnancy, but they were literal the size of their heads when their milk came in
Ella--i find comfort in knowing other women share the same experiences...something about knowing there is a wide group of moms-to-be all suffering the same fate seems to make it that much more bearable. That said, DH turned to me last night and said "you''d think the human body would be a bit more efficient at growing a baby, I can''t believe the stuff that women have to go through" I couldn''t agree with him more. We really are tough!
About the peeing--i think MrsS is on to something when she remarked how the numerous bathroom trips are preparing her for disruption of sleep when the newborn comes along....that sounds really plausible!

Tacori--i am much less concerned about the weight gain now than I was a few weeks ago. I kinda ''threw my hands up'' when i realized i am eating quite healthfully, exercising pretty much every day and sleeping fairly well--what more can I do? so I best not beat myself up. As for the picture advice....good idea, but hard since I just got married and those darn pics are everywhere--my mom is obsesssed with them!!
Lili, I am currently a 36-38 D (I was a 34 C) so hopefully I will not go past DD. Finding D bras was hard enough! I am sure my husband would be happy though.

Jas, I am currently at 4, sometimes 5 trips to pee during the night. If I try to hold it the bladder pressure becomes painful (doc says this is normal). Somehow it feels worse lying down. Maybe it has increased now that the baby is head down
If you look at a drawing of the inside a woman''s body pre-preggo and preggo it helps understand WHY we have to pee more, have acid/heart burn, trouble breathing, etc...Our poor organs are squished in there. I have a short torso to being with.
Pre-baby, I was also a 34C, during pregnancy they went up to D, now nursing at DD. You could experience the same thing. Post weaning my first, I stayed a D. It was very hard to find undergarments and I had to order online.
I looked at schedule and looks like it will be on again this Sunday. Also another show call ed the Science of Babies- I''m sure that will be of interest to all the new and soon-to-be moms.

I just learned that someone I know is pregnant again. I''m sure they holding their breath until the ultrasound, her first pregnancy was twins.
Tgal – Sorry about Tguy, but I agree with Chrono… there is a silver lining to everything and that hopefully this will lead to bigger and better things for him!

Ella – You look fabulous! And as far as I can tell, your pants look great, but I know when they are tight, it just doesn’t work anymore! That’s a color you guys have painted the room… love those hardwood floors too!

Curly - That site has some cute announcements... thanks for sharing!

Diver - Cant wait to see Delaney!

I went to the doc yesterday and everything is still going well… I actually lost a pound!? Not much progression since they checked 2 weeks ago, but I guess a little is better than none. I have gone from fingertip to 1cm and long. After next week (my temp will be up and running at work) I figure I will start playing around with some of the old wives tales to get things moving. The first one that comes to mind is DTD, which I am sure DH wont mind!

Oh, we finally tackled the circumcision issue.
DH changed the subject 3 times on me... it was rather funny. Now we just need to pick the official name! Plenty of time right!?

EDD: 10.02
Thanks, guys! We love the nursery color and floors too -- the whole house has gorgeous hardwood floors in it, and that was definitely a selling point of it for us!

Ha ha, Tacori, I laughed out loud when you called your boobs "milkers"!

njc, maybe I shouldn't ask, but what's DTD?

Jess, I don't have much advice for you since our PG just happened without much planning, but the first thing that came to my mind was that maybe you're worrying too much about getting your period and that's why it's late? I know that stress can affect it. OR you could be preggo

Lili, I actually love Reeses b/c they're kinda salty -- yumm!! A friend recommended Paul Newman's PB Cups (she craved them when she was pregnant), but I didn't like them as much. I'll try the TJ's ones though!

So I had an u/s this morning, and the babies are doing great
Their ~ weights are 1.8 and 1.9 lbs (the girl is the "fattie" -- like her momma!), and all the organs and amniotic fluid look good. They're getting SO big now!! It's crazy.

And speaking of crazy, we had a rather crazy night last night ... so I was leaving work to go to my first mother-of-twins club meeting, and of course I stopped to pee and I noticed some blood on my little pantyliner. There was no blood in my urine but there was blood when I wiped. So needless to say, I freaked out. I've read waaaay too many stories of twins being born this early NOT to get nervous! So I called my dr. who wasn't available and then some other dr. called me back and said I could come to the hospital if it'd make me feel better or I could just wait till my u/s Friday morning (today). Uhhh, yeah, what person who's 25 weeks pregnant and sees blood is going to wait?! So we drive an hour to the hospital ... get seen like an hour later, the babies heartrates are checked and thankfully all is good (both in the 150s). Then we're just literally sitting there strapped to the fetal monitor for another hour. Now it's 9:00 and neither of us has eaten dinner, and we're just sitting in a room, doing nothing. No one is coming to even check on us or the babies heartrates. What the ... ?! Eventually the dr. comes in and ... whoa. This guy talks like Jeff Spiccoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High and looks like Owen Wilson. SO not what I was expecting! He gives me a rather painful exam (he was not the most adept at the speculum) and says my cervix is nice and closed and he sees no blood. They then take an fFN test, which is something I've read about on the twins forums -- basically if they're worried about preterm labor, this test can help determine if it's likely. If the test is negative, then you're not going into labor in the next few days -- if it's positive, then ... well, that's more of an unknown! The test takes an hour to get results, so we're sitting and waiting for another hour. Finally we hear that the restuls are negative. Thankfully!! So we get to go home. No real reason for the blood, but the dr. didn't seem worried about it -- I guess these things can happen (?). Though they did say that if I see it again to not hesistate to come back. We were SO not impressed with this doctor though. I don't know who he was since he's not in my dr's practice, yet he was the one who called me back when I called my dr's office
We both hope that he's not a potential deliverer of the babies though. He was just really strange. Anyhow, so we didn't get home till after 12:30 am, so we were just drained -- both emotionally and physically. Not a fun night!! But thankfully the babies are doing great, so that's all that matters. I can deal with a little inconvenience to get peace of mind.

Ok, that was a long story!
OMG, I just got up once last night to pee. Sweet sweet sleep. I''ve forgotten how refreshed and rejuvenated you can be after a night of uninterrupted sleep.

Sorry you had a rough night last night, but glad to hear that you and your babies are doing great
Wow, close to 2 lbs each already. They''ve really grown.
I think DTD is Do the Deed, otherwise known as Do the tango/horizontal dance or more baby making (but its already made).