
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Good to know I am not alone on the Fage. I really used to love it. *sniff*

And you''re not alone on the used to be one of my fave veggies. But it causes so much horrible, NOXIOUS gas for me that it threatens to destroy my taste for ANYTHING. Broccoli''s now on the sh*t list cause it smells like it to me.

Yes, post the shots!
Ella, we were posting at the same time. Honestly I think he rather disappoint EVERYONE than his dad. I am telling you that hero worship gene is STRONG! It is kind of annoying. He always says "Family First" but it is obvious which family he is talking about. Though his mom usually gets her way. I remember when I had just started dating DH she told me a woman can ALWAYS get her way by with holding sex (she was more subtle than that, but that was the message). So funny telling her son''s GF that!

One of the things that ATTRACTED me to him was the closeness to his family (b/c mine is close too). Just goes to show you families are so different. I was trying to explain that to Sabine in the BWW thread. Even marriage (and grandchildren) do not change a family''s dynamic. Over all I still feel pretty lucky with the extended family I wound up with. Life could be A LOT worse!!!
tacori, there is still time so hopefully your MIL can knock some sense into your FIL so he will let your DH off the hook. if he does end up going, enjoy the alone time, go get a mani and pedi and find a girlfriend and go to the movies. make it a weekend all about you and pampare yourself like crazy..

t-gal and ella, so with you on the fage. i did eat some very early in my pregnancy and it still tasted good but since, no thank you. My kids love taco bell and i used to drive them though often, now i can''t go near the place. i''m not a big seafood eater, i think mostly b/c i live in a landlocked state and it''s just not super fresh her but for whatever reason when i''m preggo I love it, salmon and shrip, want it all the time, well that and a big mac, which I refrain from getting...

So, the dr. appt was short and uneventful which is good. got to the here the hearbeat which is always fun and they drew blood for the routine pre-natal work-up. scheduled the nuchal skin fold test for next wed. although, my odds are still less than 1% for downs, it will bring be great peace of mind just passing the screen. my hubby thinks i should skip any and all testing b/c i''m a worrywart and he thinks it just makes me psycho, which is very true, but i''m going to do next week anyway

only 1.5 more weeks in this trimester and i''m soooooo praying my lateday sickness will go away
We''ll see how it unfolds MrsS! Oh, the second trimester was so nice. I miss it. As you know though since you have been through this before. By the way, not every preggo is CRAZY enough to sit in Micky D''s parking lot until 10:30 to satisfy her craving??? Haha! My appointments are really short too. Urine sample, weight, blood pressure, heartbeat. That''s it. Guess it is good. Not sure if tomorrow or my 36 week appointment will be about the baby''s position.
I hate half the foods I used to love. I cannot even look at fish...a diet staple I adore...(I''m a big sushi fan). Eggs are grossing me out right now, and chocolate is not my friend. I used to LOVE those things.

but right now I want CUPCAKES. NOW. or the 1000 layer cream pastry thing from hte french joint down the road. mmmm.
I''m so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I''m so excited for Diver to deliver her little Delaney!
I''ve been keeping my eye in this thread constantly for news.

I was good this weekend and didn''t test although I''m feeling anxious now (DH too). I was supposed to start AF yesterday and she was a no show and so far (8pm Monday) a no show for today. Yay!! I may test tomorrow a.m. just to see but I haven''t decided yet. I''m so nervous/excited/impatient

Good luck Diva. Lots of baby dust!!!!

UPDATE: DH will NOT be going to Ohio. What mama wants, mama gets! I could learn a thing or two from that woman. Not sure what she said or who she said it to but when she told me not to worry I should have believed her. So DH is very happy and so am I. He has a lot of work to do plus a UFC fight on Saturday (he lives for those). So yeah for me!
Date: 9/17/2007 9:58:53 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Good luck Diva. Lots of baby dust!!!!

UPDATE: DH will NOT be going to Ohio. What mama wants, mama gets! I could learn a thing or two from that woman. Not sure what she said or who she said it to but when she told me not to worry I should have believed her. So DH is very happy and so am I. He has a lot of work to do plus a UFC fight on Saturday (he lives for those). So yeah for me!

Yes Tgal! I am very happy! I am glad I didn''t have to be the bad guy but I would have LOVED to be a fly on the wall when she talked with my FIL. I am guessing she was as smooth as honey.
Tacori: wooowoooo! I am so glad he''s not going.

DivaDiamond: OMIGOSH, I am so excited for you...please post as soon as you test! I had great luck with First Response tests.

DH made me dinner tonight....pepperoni pizza and german chocolate cake. Hey I didn''t have to cook! LOL. As soon as monday night football is over, we are going to watch the rest of season 1 of Weeds (great show) and have some cake. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

No baby yet...looks like I''ll be hanging a little while longer...sorry ladies!

Oh bad bff found out her IVF was not successful. It was using her LAST 3 frozen embryos. This was her 7th try....(after YEARS of Clomid, IUI, etc.) She does have one little girl from her 3rd round of IVF, but she always dreamt of having more children. She''s crushed and I am so sad, I am finding a lot of tears in my eyes for her. I had so much hope, this batch of eggs was even better than the embryos she got pregnant with her daughter on. She''s done now & has some grieving to do. Unfortunately she is extremely anti-adoption, (something really bad happened in their family with an adoption that soured them ALL on it--she never goes into detail..I guess it was awful) so that''s not an option (believe me, I''ve tried to encourage it). I''m just thankful she has her daughter, but I know that while that is a comfort, it still doesn''t take away the pain she feels right now. This is still a tremendous loss for her. I am heartbroken...absolutely heartbroken for her. And funny, part of me feels guilty having my 2nd baby any day now. I know she''s thrilled for me, but I also know its hard for her. She really is the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. Its just not fair.

Ok...gonna drown my sorrows in a little german chocolate....
Diver I wish we could trade DHs. Yours sounds like a sweetheart. I made my FIRST preggo request today. I asked DH to bring me home some Pepsi for my sour tummy. He forgot all 4 times he admitted going to the gas station
He likes to go to get himself drinks throughout the day. Waste of money if you ask me! But I guess I am so glad he is not going out of town I am not too angry. I know he works hard but I just wanted to be pampered a little
Diver, I am so sorry about your friend. I understand your guilt. My friend (the one who has been trying), asked me today if I was uncomfortable discussing my pregnancy with her, and that she hoped I wasn''t. She is so sweet. I (honestly) answered her that no, I wasn''t uncomfortable at all! I just am not the type to go on and on and on about these types of things (which is why I love PS...allows me to talk about it a bit!) I notice that a lot of women who have kids have asked me how I am doing. I say, "fine" and then they proceed to tell me all about THEIR pregnancy. I told my friend that I don''t care to hear others go on and on, especially in front of her so I change the subject. Even though I am fine talking to her about it, I said there is a fine line and we should be a bit respectful of what she is going through as well.

Tacori, hang in there. Boys will be boys, but they can be trained too. TGuy has been awesome lately, but the other day he did make me smirk a bit. He asked me for a shoulder there I was, preggo lady standing behind her hubby and giving him a massage. He breathed a sigh of happiness and told me "yeah, it''s just so tough driving out there in traffic." I couldn''t help it. I nonchalantly just said "Oh yeah? I created a lung today. What else happened in your day?" He had the decency to look sheepish.

But he was also great over the weekend when I broke my new maui jim sunglasses (the glass shattered) and I was totally bummed (Rx and very expensive). He just came over, put his arm around he and held me for awhile. Sometimes, that''s all a gal needs. We don''t ask for much, do we?
Diver, I forgot to say I am sorry for your friend (I feel like a brat now!) Don''t feel guilty. I am sure deep down she is happy for you.

TGal, I love it! Too bad I am done creating organs. You are 100% right about not needing much. A $1.00 worth of pepsi would have had me signing his praises. Throw in some saltines and watch out! Add a "how are you feeling?" and I would have thought he was husband of the year
Date: 9/18/2007 12:40:41 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Diver, I forgot to say I am sorry for your friend (I feel like a brat now!) Don''t feel guilty. I am sure deep down she is happy for you.

TGal, I love it! Too bad I am done creating organs. You are 100% right about not needing much. A $1.00 worth of pepsi would have had me signing his praises. Throw in some saltines and watch out! Add a ''how are you feeling?'' and I would have thought he was husband of the year
Exactly Tacori! If they only knew how a little goes a LOOOONG way. I tell TGuy, "put a little bit in the bank here and there, and then you will have plenty for withdrawl," i.e. when he screws up! It amazes me sometimes how some guys try to withdraw on an EMPTY account. Hello?! I never said I offered overdraft protection!

And in all honesty, I think I am done creating organs too...but TGuy doesn''t know that. Maybe he should pick up a pregnancy book! If he pisses me off in the third trimester, I''m just going to tell him that I am going to create a third eye if he pisses me off. What''s he gonna know?
Oh Diver,
I am so sorry for your friend. That sucks. I know how that feels, had it happen to me when I was expecting and my good friend had failed attempts. I felt guilty about being happy. But she did go on to have a second, on her own. So am hoping your friend has the same luck... Fairy dust her way...
So.....I woke up at 5am and had to pee like crazy so I tested.....and got a BFN
......but STILL no period. No cramps, sore boobies, headache nothing! Maybe still too early? We''re just going to wait it out. If it doesn''t happen this time then we will try again next cycle but it is so exciting. My SIL in Pittsburgh is expecting #4 so I emailed her and she''s been really supportive of us trying. I''ll keep everyone posted!

Tacori, so glad that your DH isn''t going out of town! That''s great. As for him not being sensitive to all of your needs, not sure how to make *that* happen. I really don''t think they quite realize that a hug here or there or various other little things are so very important. Isn''t it obvious?? What''s with men?!

TGal, just wanted to say that I really like Amelia Morgan. Very cute!

Diver, good luck! Any moment now you will have your new little one!!
Tacori – Sorry for the tummy issues… that’s never any fun! Um, wow on the Ohio trip bit. With the trip being about nothing but a jetski, I would HAVE to say something. It’s the end of September for crying out loud… can you really ride a jetski any longer esp up north!? I hate telling my parents no too, but would have NO PROBLEM saying no it to this. Good for MIL jumping in there and laying down the law… I think we could all learn something from her!!!! My ribs have gotten larger, but not much going on in the cup size area. I am scared of once my milk comes in… my SIL said she exploded. We shall see! I think I win the “Bad DH of the Moment” award… last night after I fixed dinner and cleaned it all up, I asked DH to help me get all our trash and recycling out (we had TONS of boxes and trash from all the baby stuff) and he said not to worry about it, he would do it all in the morning. He ended up getting called into work at midnight so I got to haul everything out this morning… I was NOT a happy camper. It also made me an hour late for work! I doubt he does anything to make up for it either… he will have been home all day and I will still have to make dinner…

Diver – Hadnt thought about the sagging… I guess that’s a good consolation prize! Oh wow about our friend. What a harsh reality to face. I would feel a little guilty too about getting ready to have a baby and her loosing her last chance at another. Like you said, at least she has her DD. With a great friend like you, I am sure she will get through this in time! Hope everything is a go for you tomorrow... WOOOHOOOO!!!!

Ellen – HA! I’d hate to be the mom that has the half baby…

Ella – My doctor said if you have more than 5 in an hour to call. It happened to me a couple times and never called, but I might be more mindful with twins. Try lying down on your left side (if you can) and chugging water if you seem to get a lot. I always seemed to get a bunch when I hadn’t been drinking enough.

Tgal – I think you guys should plan a trip as soon as you think you would be comfortable traveling so far. Why celebrate one day when you can celebrate the whole year AND let Ttot get in on the action! My mom turned 60 in August but has several trips and a big cruise all planned for the next year in celebration. I just recently got back into eating yogurt, so I feel you on that. I went through a phase where I couldn’t stand any kind of fish, but now its just canned tuna, which is fine with me because the of mercury anyways! Even some sweet stuff is a turn off. I am DYING for some sushi though!!!!!

Diva – It could still be early. It could also depend on the type of test you took… some are more sensitive than others! Check out for more info on that.


I am VERY happy to announce, that our nursery is CLEAN... all LOs clothes and essentials are WASHED and PUT AWAY... and my bag is PACKED!!!! I would love to say that I am ready to go now, but still have a little too much to do at work in terms of cleaning up loose ends and I need to be here Monday to get my temp up and running at the very least. So next Tuesday, I am giving little guy the green light!

And now that i have a functioning camera again, here is a belly shot from last weekend at 37 weeks. Next I''ll hop over to the nursery thread and load up there!

diver, i'm so sorry for your friend. I hope she is able to find peace and eventually contentment and acceptance. I just can't even imagine....

tacori...yay for your MIL...give her an extra special christmas present this year.

as for the hubby's they do have to be trained. this is baby #5 for mine, although i've only been a part of #'s 3-5 he really is pretty wonderful when I'm preggo. I am also very vocal and specific of my wants and needs though and he's knows i'm milking this last pregnancy for everything it's worth. Guys are just clueless and sometimes thoughtless so although you asked 4 times for the pepsi, since he forgot I would have made him go back out and get one when he got home

speaking of cravings. my mom used to make this little pizza things when i was a kid. you know where you bake an english muffin with pizza sauce, pepperoni, and cheese. i haven't had them in years and thought about them at the store yesterday. so, guess what dinner was last night. my kids loved them and it's actually not a bad way to sneak in some fiber b/c i used the whole wheat light muffins. anyway, it was just way strange but tasted soooo good
Yay, Tacori! That''s fantastic that your hub is sticking around, I really had a feeling it''d wind up that way once it was all said and done! And it''s great that he listens to your MIL because they say you can tell a lot about a guy by his relationship with his mother

Diver, that''s a shame about your friend. It just reminds me again how truly blessed we all are to be pregnant, since it''s something that many people unfortunately don''t get to experience (and really really want). Like you said, it''s not fair. It''s just not. But try not to let it make you feel guilty about being so lucky to have Jake and Delaney! We all have ups and downs in our lives, and I''m sure your friend would never want you to feel bad about having an "up" that is a "down" for her!

TGal, great comeback with the "I created a lung today" -- too funny. My husband and I have a joke about how I now have six hands yet do even less around the house than I did when I had just two
. I think that we have every right to milk these pregnancies for all we can because, dammit, we''re doing some pretty amazing stuff for 40 weeks!!

MrsS, I can''t believe you haven''t had an english muffin pizza in years!! Those are totally a staple in this house when we have no other food!

njc, can''t wait to see the nursery!! And I truly can''t get over how little your belly is and that you''re due in just two weeks! You look fantastic!! Sorry you had to do all that trash shlepping this morning. At the very least, your hubby owes you a good back rub!

Keep us posted, Jess!! Good luck!

I had my glucose test this morning, so will find out tomorrow the results. I only hear from them if I failed but he said the more common phone call is to tell me if my iron is low, so ... we''ll see how that goes! Had a regular checkup after that, and all is good. Cervix is fine, bp is low, and my weight is good (24 lbs., and from what I''ve read there is a "24 lbs in 24 weeks" suggestion for twins, and I''m 25 weeks tomorrow, so right on track!). It''s still strange seeing such high numbers on the scale though ... I know it''s good to have the lbs. there but on the other hand it''s a little depressing!
ella, I hear ya on the scale thing. I *know* there is a good reason, but it's still hard for me. I'm up 6 lbs so far, which isn't really suprising b/c I cut out all diet versions of food and drinks so there is added calories along with all the water and baby stuff going on, but still. everything says 3-4 lbs in the first trimester and i'm already over 2 lbs with a week until i go into trimester 2
..i read on the baby forums some gals actually loose weight in the first trimester due to the m/s etc. I certainly did not have that problem...

njc- you look great, can't believe you are only 2 weeks away...seriously!!
Thanks ladies, I certainly feel like I am ready to explode though! I’ve just got so much vertical space… its an optical illusion! When I bend/scrunch over he kicks like, “Hey! The walls are closing in!!!”

Ella – Thats great you had a good check up, hope your GD test turns out negative. I have diabetes in my family so I was a little concerned, but no problems for me.

MrsS – I gained 2-3 pounds every visit at the beginning (the whole time really) so I was right around 10 pounds at the end of the first trimester. My doctor explained it to me this way… some women gain more in the beginning, some the middle, some the end and some the whole time, as long as I didnt gain like 8 pounds at once. I know its hard though… I actually threw my arms up in the air and cheered last week at my appt because I didn’t gain anything! And I know the high number is just my body type (tall and solid) but I doubt you ladies will ever catch me at 235 (32 gained)!!! I almost weigh as much as my dad!!!
So when you get down about your weight, just think, at least I dont weigh as much as NJC!
NJC--you do NOT look 2 weeks away from DD!! I honestly think i look like that at 11pm when i am super bloated

MrsS. who are these women who loose weight in the first trimester?! I know they are out there, but it''s certainly not me either! I am with you--7 lbs by week 13 and gaining (kinda dreading my appnt this week) Like you, it''s my diet that is getting me. I am generally eating super healthy and exercising A LOT--but at 3 o''clock i cannot deny my super sugar cravings and i consume some things i never did prior to pregnancy!!
Seems like the childhood cravings are popular! I had to make an ancient recipe from my childhood just last week to satisfy an egg-noodle obsession.....weird

Tacori--yea for MIL!!!!
NJC, you don't look full term! I am feeling better and better about this preggo thing already! I hope I look like you gals!

And yes, I'd love to do a trip, but I don't think I can take TTot to Oz within 3 months of birth...and after that I won't have time off...

Mrs S...those pizza things sound SOOOO good. Guess what I'll be shopping for today? That will be the perfect snack!

Ella, hope the results come back great!

As for weight...I just stepped on the scale. My "goal" (not actively, just mentally since dieting is not a good idea while preggo) was the alloted 3-4 pounds. I am just finishing up my first trimester (does it finish at 12 or 13 weeks?) and I have gained about 2.5. Payback's gonna be a b*tch in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters!

ETA Jas, yes, childhood cravings seem to be the consensus among my real life preggo friends too. It must be something about the basic stuff you were able to swallow as a kid is the same stuff you can swallow when preggo - since your body loved it from an early age. If you took me to a fancy french restaurant right now, I'd puke.
tgal, only 2.5 lbs is great. for some reason i feel like i didn''t gain much at all during the first trimester when preggo with my first but still managed to gain almost 40 lbs with her, actually 38 lbs at 38 weeks when i delivered, my second was about the same in the weight gain dept. so i have no reason to believe this one will be any different. I''ve also heard if you are at all underweight your body will make it up during pregancy so i going to use that as my excuse

just made those pizza''s for lunch again and man they were so tasty. definitely going to buy more at the store...

tonight is chicken bbq on hamburger buns with baked beans and coleslaw..actually already looking forward to dinner

(and i wonder where the quick weight gain is coming from
Since we''re talking about food, I need to vent -- why do they even make PopTarts without the frosting on it?! I was in the supermarket the other day and was starving so I grabbed a box of my faves -- brown sugar cinnamon -- without looking too closely at the box. Get to the car, rip the pack open, and .. what the ... ??! No frosting!
That''s just wrong.

As for childhood cravings, I ate a LOT of PB&J sandwiches my first trimester!

As for taking babies on trips, did you know that even newborns/infants need their own passports? And that if one parent is traveling without the other parent, they need a NOTE saying that they have the other parent''s permission to take the baby out of the country? My friends were coming back from Canada and they were given such a hard time getting their 11-month-old baby back into the country because he didn''t have a passport. Ummm .... ooookkkk ...
The passport thing makes sense to me. They need to somehow ID the baby, as it is a person, after all.

And I agree about the poptarts! That''s just sacrilege! My friend also told me about PB&J cravings as she is pregnant (but at the time didn''t know I was.) I went to the market and had PB&J for about 2 weeks, straight.

MrsS, that actually is a good theory. I was at my heaviest before I even got pregnant, so there''s not much to gain in the first trimester. People are so happy I''m showing, and I have to burst their bubble by telling them that the baby they think they are rubbing is in fact, just my big gut! Then I ask them if they want to touch my fat a$$ too.
Date: 9/18/2007 3:13:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Then I ask them if they want to touch my fat a$$ too.
OMG.....Tgal...I love you...
crack my a$$ up.
Date: 9/18/2007 3:03:17 PM
Author: ellaila
Since we''re talking about food, I need to vent -- why do they even make PopTarts without the frosting on it?! I was in the supermarket the other day and was starving so I grabbed a box of my faves -- brown sugar cinnamon -- without looking too closely at the box. Get to the car, rip the pack open, and .. what the ... ??! No frosting!
That''s just wrong.

LOL, Ellaila! I''m the exact opposite. I looooove the Pop Tarts without frosting, specifically the brown sugar. I think the frosting''s icky, especially on the fruity pop tarts. Give me plain, toasted with butter any day.
Diver, you still here? I didn''t see you logged in earlier today and thought that perhaps today is THE day

I guess Delaney is just taking her grand ole time to make her debut huh? Oh love your nursery by the way.
I really like the green with the white and pink accents. Very feminine but not overly feminine.

Tgal, like I''ve said before, your posts always crack me up. So do you mind me asking if anyone take you up on your offer?

NJC, I can''t believe that was a 37 wk belly. Like Jas, my belly looks that big late at night when I''m all bloated and haven''t really digested my many snacks and dinner. Your nursery turned out great too. I really like the monochromatic color scheme you used. So fitting for a baby boy. And what''s good about the room is that it will look great for a big kid too.

for your DH''s not having to make the trip back to his folks. I''m so glad that your MIL stepped in and save the day. It''s great that you have a MIL who has your best interest in mind. Regarding your basketball belly, I think it is the cutest. I have to agree with your neighbor that you do carry your belly really well. Old wives'' tales said that if you carry your belly high, it''s a boy. But I don''t buy into that because my older sis carried her 2 pregnancies really different, and both turned out to be little girls.
Regarding the weight gain, 40 pounds is fairly typical in most pregnancy I think. My younger sister gained about that much for her first and she''s a tiny girl. She was able to lose most of it, if not more, after 6 months. And she doesn''t work out either. I think probably BFing have alot to do with her weight loss. She kept joking that her son is a little vampire, just sucking the life out of her :) I guess BFing takes alot out of you.

Diva, I''m so excited and anxious for you too. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a BFP on your next test.

Ella, good luck on the GD results. And yes, do post your recent pix. I just love seeing how each pregnancy is progressing.

Anyway, it seems like I am in the minority in the food craving/aversions front. I can''t say that I can''t stand the smell or sight of anything. So far, this pregnancy has been pretty good to me. Aside from just eating a whole lot more, nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Hmm...I do have a question for you ladies though. Do any of you find that you have drier skins now? For some reason, legs and arms are just so scaley lately.