
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

By the way since I''ve posted in this thread, I must say congratulations to all the moms to be! I am soooo excited for all of you and i love reading about your experiences of getting ready to be mommies. Diver congratulations and best wishes for tomorrow :)
TGal! That is such a relief! Glad TTot is healthy.

Diver, hope you are doing okay.

Njc, can''t wait to see pictures! I cried when I said good bye to my mom in July b/c chances are next time she sees me I will be a mom too. It was just too much for me to handle. I am not sure I have EVER cried when we said good bye but I was pretty hysterical.

Thanks for all the name help. DH says he is still on board with Tessa so maybe we will just wait to see what the baby looks like (like Ella suggested in the name thread).
That''s great news TGal!!!!
Thanks ladies!

Ella, you have a screening at 11 weeks, then 16 weeks. The second one is more accurate. I am doing something called "sequential screen" and here is the brochure if you are interested...

OK, so I think TGuy and I have decided Indie is out (thanks to all the votes). It just didn''t flow. I went through 1000s of names tonight and got nixed at every turn at the few I did find. So here are the two that are left that TGuy likes:

Amelia Renee
Amelia Morgan I was reading through the fav names thread, I saw that Joolskie gave me an idea.

What do you think about

Amelia Korey (or Kory)? That would actually get America, Australia AND Korea somehow all in the name....

Ugh, never mind on Korey...TGuy nixed it. I''m taking a break from names for my kid and worry about others instead!
-kinda long-

Hi ladies,
how are we all doing this evening?
I''m doing alright. I came home SO tired.
i felll onto the couch and started crying out of sheer tiredness
I didn''t mention this but; on top of the miscarriage,
i caught a head cold the day after

apparently, misery loves more misery

i was suppose to have a visit from A. Flo on the 5th of Sept. but when
i didn''t feel any symptoms, i tested and got a BFP!! YAY
then over the weekend, i was getting back aches. dull, lower back pains.
i think subconciously, i knew something wasn''t ''right''
then i started spotting monday. called my dr. and she said it was prolly
implantation bleeding. so she had me make my 8 wk. appt. that evening
someone opened the flood gates.. echhh. it was a bit more clotted then i
cared for

so i called my doc again and she said to take another EPT. so i got a BFN

she ultrasounded me yesterday and i had an empty uterus. I was only like, 4-5 weeks
so it wasn''t really painful. the dull back aches was my uterus contracting. thank
goodness i didn''t need a D&C or anything like that. it wasn''t as traumatizing as it could
have been.

i''m not too upset. i mean, i am dissapointed and i was crying about to DH. it''s just hard
because; with a teaching schedule, everything revolves around summer break. i was really
hoping to deliver by June (at the latest). very narrow time frame.

thanks for all the comforting words and just being here. it''s a little different to talk about
it with DH. he''s a man. things come off a little harsh from him, sometimes.

we just have to try again.
Momma you still have time to have a late spring/summer baby. That would probably be better for a teacher right? Don''t give up hope. You already have a beautiful child so you know your body can handle being preggo. What a shock seeing an empty uterus. Lots of hugs from NC!!! Pamper yourself and try to stay positive. I can totally relate to the insensitive hubby. That is what WE are for
MommaBear, I''m so sorry. Take good care of yourself. Lots of hugs to you.

TGal, I like Amelia Renee better than Amelia Indie. I love what the name Amelia represents. And that''s great news on the test results!

Tacori, I love the name Natalie. I think I like it a little better than Tessa. I still really like the name Tessa though. It''s a lovely name. I love Tessa Noelle!

Diver, yay! Can''t wait to meet Delaney!
Oh Mommma Bear! I''m so sorry! Try and follow everyone''s advice and get lots of rest and take care of yourself.
I''m home from the hospital!


They had 5 women dilated between 6cm and 10cm roll in 20 minutes before I got there this morning in HARDCORE labor. The other 3 rooms were full with moms who had delivered...and with 8 suites (its a teeny hospital, but really nice) there was no room for moi.

I bet I won''t get in until Monday or so.....


No Delaney yet.

Thanks for the well wishes, I''ll let you guys know if it changes!
oh diver...i'm so sorry...well, maybe you'll still go into labor on your own and won't have to wait until monday. I was just thinking of you and wondering if you were there and if delaney had made her presence...

8 rooms?? that is teeny tiny hospital.
Oh Diver,
I''m sorry!! I know that''s very frustrating. Hang in there!!!
Oh Diver, I can''t even imagine the anxiety you feel of knowing how close you are to seeing your little baby girl and then being sent home! Well, as I said before, I''m partial to 9/17 so I think it''d be a great day for her to arrive, but for your sake, I hope you can get in sooner than that! By the way, I saw your wedding dress photos in BWW thread -- gorgeous dress, those straps are so pretty!

MommaBear, again, I''m so sorry you''re going through this. Like Tacori said though, you know that your body can handle a healthy pregnancy, so have faith that it will happen again! Sometimes these things just aren''t meant to be at certain times (why, I don''t know). Take some time to heal emotionally and mentally and then when your body is ready for it to happen, it will. As TGal and a few others have said, often just being relaxed and not thinking about it too much is the best way to make it happen!

TGal, I didn''t really like the look of Korey or Kory (reminds me of Kevin Federline''s kids names), but I do like the meaning behind it. Maybe Cora? You''ve got plenty of time to come up with the perfect name, so no need to make yourself too crazy over it just yet! Maybe you should just stick with Amelia TTot?
Hey, I just realized that if you decide you need a new boy name, you could do Liam -- Lia for Australia and Am for America! I love the name Liam actually, that''s one of my fave boy names. Hubby doesn''t like it though, so it was nixed for us.

So yesterday I was getting a manicure and feeling lots of kicks (I think we''ve got two black belts in there!) and out of the corner of my eye I saw my belly jump! So then I spent the next 10 minutes just looking down at my jumping belly and giggling. I LOVE feeling -- and now seeing! -- them move! It totally makes all the bad stuff worth it. Sleepless nights? Eh. Constant bladder pressure? Eh. Sciatic pain? Eh. Babies doing aerobics in my belly? Whoo hooo!!!!

Oh, and I posted in the nursery thread that our bedding arrived yesterday, and I am just in loooove with it! It''s so totally the look I wanted for the room -- coordinating but not matchy-matchy all around. I think we''re going to go get the paint today, so hopefully hubby can start working on it tomorrow! Yaaaaay!!!
MommaBear, I am really sorry for yourr loss.

Diver, thinking of you! I thought for sure you would be having Delaney right this minute! I hope it goes really well whenever the big day arrives.

Tgal, what about the name Lia? I have a friend with that name, spelled that way, and I LOVE it.
Hi Mommabear, I just wanted to say I am sorry for what you are going through. I will keep you in my thoughts. do what tacori say and please take care of yourself with extra tlc.
Hi. I have news, I think. I got a bfp this morning!!!!! I am a little stunned and confused. I am just late by a few days. Have had a long cycle my whole life so really didn''t think much of it. My fiance and I just decided to check to be on the safe side...and I saw it. I can''t believe it. I think I am only like 2 or 3 weeks. I don''t even know if that is pregnant? but I saw it I know.
I looked on one website that describes it at 2 weeks as not even being really pregnant? and three weeks, just a little more than not really pregnant? I am so excited but a little scared becasue its so early.
any advice? thanks ahead of time.
Date: 9/15/2007 12:55:41 PM
Author: pavelover
Hi. I have news, I think. I got a bfp this morning!!!!! I am a little stunned and confused. I am just late by a few days. Have had a long cycle my whole life so really didn''t think much of it. My fiance and I just decided to check to be on the safe side...and I saw it. I can''t believe it. I think I am only like 2 or 3 weeks. I don''t even know if that is pregnant? but I saw it I know.

I looked on one website that describes it at 2 weeks as not even being really pregnant? and three weeks, just a little more than not really pregnant? I am so excited but a little scared becasue its so early.

any advice? thanks ahead of time.

I got mine *really* early too. I was 3.5 weeks preggo when we found out!!! As for symptoms...hmmm...everyone''s different. I noticed greasy hair/skin BEFORE I got my BFP but didn''t put the two together until after. I had an upper backache and my boobs were slightly sore on the sides. I was also VERY tired. My doctor said those are all positive signs (I got a *faint* positive in the office) so had to do the 48 hour blood tests (2 blood tests 48 apart to make sure your HcG is raising). So for a week I had NO idea what was going on! I would make an appointment on Monday with your doc (I tested on the weekend too of course!) The wait is the worst but so is the next 40 weeks if you are so I guess it is something we just have to deal with! Is there a reason you aren''t waiting until after your wedding?
False positives are pretty rare. You can get a blood test to be sure or just wait a few days and take another test. That''s very exciting!!!!
Diver, sorry they didn''t have room for you! What a bummer. But she''ll come soon.

Ella, I LOOOOOVE seeing my belly move. It makes me giggle everytime (and I only got one soccer player in there). Wait until they get stronger. Sometimes, well often times, baby likes to "head butt" me and the head is pushing so hard into my belly I look like I have a tennis ball sized cyst. It''s funny. My next appointment is on tuesday and I know they are getting anxious about baby T''s position. We''ll see......

TGal, you and TGuy have lots of time. You will come up with the perfect name.

Logistic question for mommies....
Since I don''t really sleep anymore (5 poor hours last night
) I have LOTS of time to think. I realized that we are going to have a tricky drive to Ohio at x-mas. It would take FOREVER to pull over every two hours for 40-60 mins to nurse (it is an 8 hour drive) so do you think it is a good idea to pump, sit in the back seat and bottle feed the baby in its car seat and ONLY pull over at the end for burping and changing? I figured I could pump during the car ride too (give those truckers a show! J/K) to try to prevent engourgement and build up my milk supply. Does anyone know of a type of small cooler/fridge that plugs into the cig lighter? Anyone have a better idea? Funny how this little creature just changes everything
thanks so much for writing back. I might just be the most impatient person I know. I thought I have been extra tired but I love to sleep so I thought it was just my imagination that its different. I will call the doctor on monday.

I am not waiting because I am anxious to get things going. I had no idea that I would get pregnant the first time I tried it...hehe. I mean I went off the pill a couple of months ago. Thought I would be getting my body ready. then I kinda thought I was ovulating and we just went for it. I have never been regular my whole life and expected to have some difficulty. In hind sight perhaps this is silly since my mom had 5 kids in 7 years.

in honesty, I am not looking forward to dealing with my mom and the whole wedding thing. I am 36 yrs old, and she is upset already that I am not keeping her in the loop, not wanting a big wedding, etc. ps there haven''t been any plans made so I am not keeping her out of the loop.

i was kind of hoping this would happen and then we will just get married at some point. really want to be with my fiance forever, but don''t really super care about the whole "wedding" thing. I think I would if my mom wouldn''t make it hard, but what are you gonna do?
the post above was to tacori- thanks for writing me back.

Also, thanks kaleigh, I think I will recheck. My friend just gave me a bunch of tests/ovulation tests etc. this is so surprising.
Pave, I didn't mean to be noisey I was just curious. There are so many ladies on my oct. board that are unmarried and they planned their pregnancies. *shrug* Obviously you know what is best for you! We got preggo the first try too (as did many others on here). That is why I have cautioned a few ladies to wait until after their weddings to try (those who already have everything planned). I would have HATED to be preggo at mine but I was really sick my first trimester.

Kaleigh is right, flase positive are rare but do happen. They are called chemical pregnancies. Anyways, good luck hun! I hope it is a true BFP and I can add you to the list soon!

ETA: the BEST way to test so early is not to drink anything or pee for three hours so your pee is really concentrated. Then test again. I am a big believer into the peeing in a cup method (hey, good practice anyways!) so you can retest ASAP without having to wait until you next have to pee. I think we tested 3 times in a row (is disbelief) when we did it.
Congratulations, pavelover! And just so you know, you''re probably further along than 2 or 3 weeks if you missed a period. You''re supposed to calculate around how far along you are from the first day of your LMP (last menstrual period), so you''re probably more like 4-5 weeks preg. Your doctor will give you a better approximation, though.
Date: 9/15/2007 2:03:41 PM
Author: EBree
Congratulations, pavelover! And just so you know, you''re probably further along than 2 or 3 weeks if you missed a period. You''re supposed to calculate around how far along you are from the first day of your LMP (last menstrual period), so you''re probably more like 4-5 weeks preg. Your doctor will give you a better approximation, though.

Not always Ebree. When I got my BFP I was 3.5 weeks
As soon as your urine has enough HcG you will get a positive. My doctor dates from conception since I had irregular periods (sounds like pave does too).
Date: 9/15/2007 2:06:48 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 9/15/2007 2:03:41 PM

Author: EBree

Congratulations, pavelover! And just so you know, you're probably further along than 2 or 3 weeks if you missed a period. You're supposed to calculate around how far along you are from the first day of your LMP (last menstrual period), so you're probably more like 4-5 weeks preg. Your doctor will give you a better approximation, though.

Not always Ebree. When I got my BFP I was 3.5 weeks
As soon as your urine has enough HcG you will get a positive. My doctor dates from conception since I had irregular periods (sounds like pave does too).

Really? Oops! Sorry about that. I thought that's how it was done (ETA: that's what they say in the preg. communities I'm a member of). I guess it's all just a guessing game until you get to the doc, and even then...
Ebree, it is a hard wait. Another good way to date (beside an early u/s) is to go by your HcG levels. The nurse could tell aprox. how far along I was from my blood test results b/c the hormone *should* double every 48 hours. Even if you know when you had sex sperm can live in your body for up to 72 hours. You could have fast/slow sperm, lazy egg....obviously dating is not a perfect science. But they get close. I think my teacher said only 4% deliever ON their due date. Most 4 days early or 4 days late.

ETA: I guess I am proof that YOU can find out VERY early. I think EPTs can have results up to 5 days BEFORE your missed period so that would make you 23 days from your LMP if you are regular. Not that I suggest it. Makes the pregnancy REEEEEEEALLY long
Awww thanks for the kind thoughts everyone, but I''m perfectly OK with not being induced today. Its just one of those things you can''t control, so it didn''t upset/disappoint me at all. I get a few more days to hang with Jake as my "best guy" and I even hemmed & hung the sheers in Delaney''s room. The nursery is not finished & DH is upstairs bustin'' his boo-tay to get it done. LOL. No worries...she''ll get here when she gets here, until then I have lots to do and we even went to Anthropologie today to get more knobs for her doors, then let Jake play outside at the play structure...its GORGEOUS outside right now...I''m taking full advantage of it.

So I just got off the phone with the maternity ward (they asked me to call back) and women are pouring in having babies left and right. LOL. They told me to just call my doctor on Monday & see what we want to do then. At this rate, I just might wait to go into labor on my own.

Mrs. Salvo: Yeah, I''m delivering at a REALLY tiny hospital. Its the ONLY hospital either doc in my practice delivers at. Its part of 4 very LARGE hospitals here in town (the main one pumps out 7000 babies a year), but I like the little one because the care is so personalized, the security rocks, and its so close to my house. I delivered Jake there & loved it.

I might have to take some action to get things started...LOL. Spicy food...long walks....bumpy car rides, etc...wink wink.


Ellaila: Congrats on the belly jumps! How fun!!! yeah, discomfort is a common feeling. ugh..... my belly has seismic activity...more like plate subduction -- LOL!

PaveLover: Well if you had a 28 day cycle you''d be considered 4 weeks pregnant (and some change if you were late by a few days). Go to and use one of their Due Date calendar tools if you know the start date of your last menstrual period. That will help until you get to a doc & they can date you more accurately with hcg or ultrasound. :-) Congrats girlfriend!!!!!

Tacori: You can totally pump on a long car ride...I did it. And you don''t need anything more than a thermal sack with a few ice packs in it. Really, breastmilk keeps unrefrigerated for something crazy like 24 hours. Amazing stuff. My pump (Medela pump in style) came with a thermal sack built in and little freezer packs that you can freeze & stick in great and will keep it fresh!
Thanks Diver. My BF book says its good for 5 hours BUT this will be during the winter. I''ll just stick it in some snow...j/k. My mom said you don''t feed a 2 month old every two hours like a newborn. Is that true? Our hospital has 12 L&D suites but seperate recovery rooms. The nurse said September is one of the busiest times to have a baby (makes sense b/c of the holidays. Probably lots of baby dancing in december

Can''t wait to see D''s nursery!
Tacori: Well if you just put ice in a cooler or use a thermal sack with freezer thingies in it, it will keep for your whole drive--because you are keeping it cold enough. Trust me on that one. And no, you won't be feeding a 2 month old as often as a newborn, but it depends on the baby. Some eat more often than others...BabyTacori will let you know what he/she wants when she/he gets here. LOL.

Here's a link to breastmilk storage & temp, refrig, coolers/icepacks.

Apparently, my dad's friend told him this week was predicted to be the busiest baby weekend in Portland due to a snow storm timed perfectly to conception last december. LOL. When we get snow, our city shuts down. (over an inch or two because we are so wet/hilly we usually get a lot of black ice with it)....

Oh well, I get dinner cooked for me by my friends, & they make the BEST hamburgers & caprese salads...YUM! I'm so in. plus, I love these'll be a nice night...

Later alligators!
By the way I started getting SO itchy yesterday (and still today) everywhere (arms, belly, legs, head, face, etc...). Is this normal???