
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tacori: Itchy is pretty normal, but watch out for a rash. One friend of mine got PUPPS and I don''t know what it is, or anything about it, but its pretty uncomfortable, happens in pregnancy and requires a cream I think. You can probably google it. I''m itchy a lot too. Lotion lotion lotion. a good night sleep last night. My son is being a needy little monkey, won''t let us read the paper---has already had one time out for grabbing my paper & crinkling it up on the floor & then throwing the remote. He''s the type of kid who normally plays by himself for an hour or so in the morning so we can read/drink coffee/relax & ever since I got close to my due date he''s been a terror. I''m dreading bringing Delaney home when I''m really exhausted/bleeding/needing to rest. Maybe my recovery will be easier the 2nd time around. I can hope. But still, he''s got no room to complain. DH and I play with him so much each day, we don''t sit him in front of the TV, I read countless books to him each day, we go to the park/library/our backyard/some other cool "kid" spot daily, and he gets playdates with all his little friends, so he doesn''t have much to complain about. LOL. He is not neglected boy. I just want to read the freakin'' paper. I''ve done it for 2.5 years.....Oh well, time out seemed to work, he just gave me his favorite toy excavator. He is awfully cute, even when he''s naughty.

Well I just popped on to say Hi! I''m still here...(and most likely NOT going anywhere....nothin'' going on) so...I''m going to do some more chores....and take Monkey boy to the park.

Diver, glad you''re doing well. hope you had a fun day with Jake. are you going to try and induce tomorrow or just go ahead and wait it out?

tacori, i never had the itchy skin thing, so can''t help you there..

not much news from me. I have my next appt. tomorrow afternoon, not real sure what they are going to do, but i''m excited to hear the heartbeat again. we also just found out my sister is expecting, she''s still very early, only 5 weeks along and about 6 weeks behind me which will be great fun for the little cousins to have each other as playmates..

hope all you mommies and future mommies are having a good day...
Awww congrats to your sister MrsS, how exciting. Good luck at your appt tomorrow.

Diver, hope you had a great day with Jake!!! Good luck in the days ahead!!!
Nursery pics are in the nursery thread!! We finished as much as could be looks SO AWESOME. DH and I are thrilled with it.
Mrs. Salvo: I am supposed to call my OB tomorrow, and see what she wants to do, and have her check the hospital schedule. I probably won''t get induced any time''d be nice if I could on tuesday or something, dh has a biz trip first week in october, so I want as much time with him home.

I''m not getting my hopes up for anything, but I did a TON of laundry, steamcleaned my living room carpets, and busted my butt around the house in hopes of bringing on labor. LOL. Oh well, at the least, the house looks/smells amazing!!!

Que sera, sera...what will be will be.....

Diver, thanks for checking in! I don''t have a rash but I will google PUPPS and see what I find.

MrsS, how fun to have a cousin the same age!
Had my last baby shower today and had a great time. Got no baby clothes/bibs/blankets!!!
More useful stuff (which I NEED). Here is a belly shot I took today at 34 weeks.

Here is a front shot.

Diver, Delaney's room is just toooooo fab!! Love how it's just baby enough without being too over-the-top babyish. Awesome job!

Tacori, aren't you the cutest?
Glad your shower went well, and that you didn't get any more receiving blankets (ha ha)! I can't believe you're 34 weeks -- I remember when you announced your pregnancy here (though I was just a lurker then)! Wow, time flies ... Sorry you're all itchy now!

MrsS, good luck at your appt. tomorrow! And that's fantastic about your sister -- do you guys live near each other so that the cousins will see each other often? All our siblings live away, and it's kind of a bummer that the cousins will only see each other like once a year.

Nothing much to report here. We went to a wedding last night, and for the first time in months I really really wanted to get a good wine buzz on! But no, I stuck to water and then cran/ginger ale like a good momma-to-be! I actually felt pretty cute all dressed up last night with my big belly busting out

ETA: The post in the nursery thread got me wondering about foam vs. coil mattresses. Moms -- thoughts??
Thanks Ella! Part of me feels like I have been preggo forever and the other part can''t believe how close to the end I am! I''ll be considered full term in 3 weeks (37 weeks). Crazy!

We have a coil mattress. It is what the store suggested.
well diver, with each day the passes you get a day closer. i hope it''s soon for you though whether you''re induced or go natural. those last few days/weeks were the hardest for me. your nursery looks just darling. very sweet for a baby girl, delaney is going to love it, I''m sure..

ella, my sister lives about 10 minutes away now. we''re moving soon though and will be about 2 1/2 hours away. we''ll be back all the time though so the cousins will definitely get to see each other a lot.

tacori, you look so cute. gosh, i can hardly believe you''re at 34 weeks, the time really did seem to fly by. your little one will be here before you know it..
Just checking in to say hello!

Tacori, you look adorable! I still think boy, but I know I''m in the minority!

Diver, I wish you the best of luck in delivering your baby girl! I can''t wait to see pictures of her.
diver, that''s too bad you didn''t get induced this saturday. but hey, that''s just more days that you can devote your full attention to little jake.
like ella, i''m partial to the 17th too. perhaps delaney is waiting til that day to make her grand entrance :) oh, delaney''s nursery is so sweet. i like that you didn''t choose the typical pink color for a girl''s room.

mrs.s, how exciting it is that your sister is preggo at the same time. you both can rejoice and commiserate together :)

tacori, love your latest shot. your tummy is soooo cute.
Date: 9/15/2007 1:52:53 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Logistic question for mommies....
Since I don't really sleep anymore (5 poor hours last night
) I have LOTS of time to think. I realized that we are going to have a tricky drive to Ohio at x-mas. It would take FOREVER to pull over every two hours for 40-60 mins to nurse (it is an 8 hour drive) so do you think it is a good idea to pump, sit in the back seat and bottle feed the baby in its car seat and ONLY pull over at the end for burping and changing? I figured I could pump during the car ride too (give those truckers a show! J/K) to try to prevent engourgement and build up my milk supply. Does anyone know of a type of small cooler/fridge that plugs into the cig lighter? Anyone have a better idea? Funny how this little creature just changes everything
How old will baby T be?

I've also leaned over and nursed in the car seat but this contortion can sometimes strain my back. I prefer to pump and feed in the car.
Since little babies poo after almost every feed in the first few weeks, you may end up pulling over every 2 hours anyway.

Breastmilk is good at room temperature (80 degrees or so) for about 6 to 7 hours, so no need to keep that cooled, then heated up again. Your pump parts can be kept clean in a zip lock back (also good for 6 to 7 hours at room temperature), and then put into a cooler if you prefer. Just a regular 6 pack cooler or lunch pack cooler with ice or ice packs.

This is possible (unlike formula or other milk) because breastmilk contains live white cells (among other wonders) which kills all bacteria and germs. There's been a study done that shows a bottle of breastmilk that has been sitting out for a few hours actually containing less bacteria than freshly pumped milk.
Isn't mother nature amazing?
Diver – Oh no! I thought for sure you would have had little Delany too. You’ve got a great attitude though… cant wait to check out the nursery pics.

Ella – It is really cool to watch them jump around in there… I’ve actually been trying to watch as much as I can lately because I know I am going to miss it once little guy is here! From what I can tell our mattress has both some foam and coils. FIL and DH picked it out… hahaha!

Pave – Congrats! I agree… false positives are rare… call the doc to make sure!

Tacori – Oh wow… I haven’t thought about long car rides and needing to feed the baby! I know if you wanted to pump and feed that straight to the baby, breast milk can last up to 10 hours at room temp. Medella has bottle that you can pump and store with or they also come with tops to feed with. You look great! I cant get over how big everyones boobs are and mine haven’t grown at all… I told DH the other night I feel ripped off! Maybe I will get giant milk boobies?! That’s also great you got more of the stuff you needed vs. clothes!

MrsS – Congrats to your sister… how fun! Hope your appt goes well today.

I got everything washed and put away yesterday, but still have some clutter around the room, so I hope to get that cleaned up tonight and pack my bag! I worked non-stop yesterday and thought for sure I was going to get it all done. Oh well!

MrsS, thank you! Seems like just yesterday I was announcing my pregnancy. I think it is starting to become more real for DH too.

Ebree, how funny you say that. My neighbor has decided she thinks its a boy now too because I look "too good." She said she looked horrible when she carried her girl. Granted she has never seen me NOT preggo (we moved into our new house around the same time I got preggo). We will see who is right soon enough! Now I am starting to wonder. I am still 80% girl but how do I know?!? I''ve never done this before

Lili, my belly is like a basketball. My friends were saying how round it was (of course the rest of me is too!
) My one friend has her 1 year old and said she peed for two weeks straight and was left with 10 lbs to lose. She gained 45 with her son. I am hoping mine is water weight too. I feel swollen.

Chrono, the baby will be around 2 months old. I still need to buy a pump and stuff. I don''t mind bottle feeding it by then but I do want to try to use BM (whenever I can). Mother nature IS amazing. I loved learning about BF. DH now wants to be the president of La Leche League (j/k). But he is into it (which is good for me I guess). My neighbor said she has hung her boob over the car seat before too. Such a strange image!

njc, I am a worrier by nature so I thinking about EVERYTHING! We''ll get through it.

I have been having tummy issues. I am hoping this is just normal 3rd trimester stuff but I couldn''t fall asleep til 6 am b/c of it. I don''t feel like I am going to throw up but it hurts for sure (like a sour tummy feeling).
Its like mild m/s all over again!!!

DH-Ohio trip update. Well, DH was kind of put off last night. He thinks his dad''s motivation to have him come is to get the jetski (he is buying his old one) NOT working on the house. Sounds like they are not planning on doing that much stuff. Well, that of course upsets me b/c who the heck cares about a stupid jetski when I am this far along??!??! I know DH is pissed off about it (since he is really busy at work now, feels bad about leaving me, and really doesn''t *want* to drive 20 hours is 72 hours) but it is his dad and he can''t say no to him. So that''s that. At least he will only be gone 3 days vs. 4-5 when we thought he was needed to do real work.
Haha Tacori: you sound like my tummy problems. Ok..its NOT funny, but its hard. Mine was aggravated by heartburn. When my doc put me on Prilosec, it was like magic.

NJC: My boobs didn''t grow either...join the club....I''m still an A cup. Oh well...less chance of sag-age that way! Mine did this last time, & didn''t grow while nursing either, and after I was done went back to their pre-preg state. So I''m hoping for a repeat of that performance, but only time & weight loss will tell.

My phone is ringing off the hook....gotta go...

But we are gonna try Wednesday this time! LOL!!! My hospital does 550 babies a year (in contrast to the others in town that do 3k to 7k a year) so that''s a average of 1.5 babies per day. With 8 maternity suites they almost never have this problem. I think the whole thing is pretty dang funny. My OB was laughing on the phone this morning because I told her all the stuff I got done in lieu of having Delaney. I''m a nut, I tell ya.

But 9-19 is a cool number for a birthday. I like it! We''ll see if Delaney makes her appearance that day!

ok off to dad''s house...

Date: 9/17/2007 1:49:12 PM
Author: divergrrl

But we are gonna try Wednesday this time! LOL!!! My hospital does 550 babies a year (in contrast to the others in town that do 3k to 7k a year) so that''s a average of 1.5 babies per day. With 8 maternity suites they almost never have this problem. I think the whole thing is pretty dang funny. My OB was laughing on the phone this morning because I told her all the stuff I got done in lieu of having Delaney. I''m a nut, I tell ya.

But 9-19 is a cool number for a birthday. I like it! We''ll see if Delaney makes her appearance that day!

ok off to dad''s house...

Please make sure you have the whole baby, and not the half!
Diver, 9-19 was my grandfather''s b-day so I think it is a good day as well! My tummy got really bad this afternoon. I had some soup and coke (love the bubbles). I think it might be the same thing as you had since last night I was burping up something nasty...bile maybe? I think it IS connected to my heart burn. I guess I will ask my doc tomorrow. I don''t want to feel icky for 6 weeks

njc, forgot to comment on the boobs! Yes, mine grew a whole cup size (and a few numbers from my ribs being pushed out). Sometimes I look in the mirrior and it looks like I had a boob job. Curly says they get even bigger after delivery which is kind of scary. Here''s the thing. I now have new understanding for big chested gals (my sister included). It is SOOOOO hard to find nice bras. A lot of styles don''t come larger than 34 D. It was frusterating!!! I can''t even IMAGINE women who are larger than DD. They must have to buy theirs online or something.
OK, this thread cracks me up!

Ellen: "Please make sure you have the whole baby, and not the half!" and njc: "Maybe I will get giant milk boobies?!"

As for boobs, mine have definitely grown and hubby and I notice a huge difference ... but I have to buy medium-sized shirts now to cover my belly and they''re too big on top, so they mask my now-big-to-me boobs! So even though I feel all voluptous (ha ha), I still look like boyish li''l me under these shirts. Booo.

Tacori, really your DH can''t say no to his dad just this once? Could you maybe talk to DH''s mom and explain that you''re not comfortable being on your own so late in the pregnancy and maybe she could explain that to DH''s dad? A mother should understand what it''s like to be in your last trimester and not wanting to be left alone (esp. for a jetski!?)! Good luck, hon!

Diver, you''re killin'' us here with anxiety ...

So I''ve been having a lot of what I think are braxton-hicks. My belly gets hard as a rock and I feel really tight and uncomfortable inside. How often are you supposed to get these -- many times a day? I have an OB appt. tomorrow (and my GD test) anyway so I''ll mention it to my doctor, but I''m starting to get anxious about what''s going on in there now that I''m becoming so much more aware of it all (kicks, contrax, etc.)!
BH can come and go throughout the day endlessly. If they get too uncomfortable, take a short break and drink a glass or two of water and it should subside. There''s really no need to worry about the quantity and strength (unless there''s back pain with it or some other labour symptoms
). I think for most ladies, it tends to be more noticeable at night times?
Thanks, Chrono! My lower back has been hurting off and on today, but I think that''s just pressure on the tailbone from the babes. Between that pain and the BH, I feel like I''m walking like a neanderthal -- how sexy pregnancy can be!

I notice the babies kicking more at night, which makes me worry that I''m going to have very active nighttime babies once they''re born!! Did you moms find that your baby''s activity in the womb was similar to their patterns once they were born? I feel the babies a lot during the day too but as soon as I relax on the couch at home, that''s when they really get all "Rah rah rah, Mom!!" on me!! My silly babies
Yes, both mine seemed to love the nighttime in the womb but they turned out to be daybirds when born (that is, after the crazy 2 hour eat/sleep pattern of newborns is past). There are a few theories why the babies tend to be so busy at night:

1. Moms are very preoccupied with work/life during the day and don't notice the movements as much.
2. All the movement of Mom during the day "bounces" the babies to sleep, so what else is there to do at night except to PARTAY!
Ella, our baby''s active time is like from midnight til 3 am. Baby is a night owl for sure! Part of it is b/c we are still during those times so it makes sense that they feel more active/stronger. Last night there might have been some flipping going on. Baby was pushed hard against my left side. Quite uncomfortable! I felt like I could feel the head, back and butt. I get BH''s a lot too. Sometimes I just notice the tightness. Sometimes it is more crampy. My doc said as long as they are not regular I am fine. My neighbor (with twins) is due in jan too and I just found out another neighbor is having a little girl in december. So that is fun. Our kids can all play together.

My MIL does NOT want DH to come. She was fired up about it today. She wears the pants so I am sure my FIL will get an ear full tonight. It was so funny. She was calling my FIL selfish and unthoughtful. I kept my mouth shut like a good DIL. Not only is it about me being 35 weeks (when he goes) but all that driving in a short amount of time is dangerous. Plus it is NOT a necessity. DH mentioned she called and said not to come but now he feels torn. He said it would make his dad look so bad if he stayed home now (guess father/son hero worship never dies
). I reminded him that his mom will be pissed if he DOES come. Ahh...he''ll figure it out. Such drama! At this point I don''t really care. I am over it. I LOOOOVE hearing everyone else''s reactions. All our friends (even single, clueless guy friends) are calling him a bad hubby. They all think it is crazy he is leaving me even if it is for a few days. Obviously it would be different if it was a work trip or some important event....I''ll let you know how it all unfolds....I am happy that she does care about my feelings. It''t funny how she will stand up for me (even though I am not her daughter). I do feel lucky that I have a cool MIL. FIL is not fooling anyone anymore. It is NOT about the house but the stupid jetski
I do feel like our relationship (FIL and mine) is slightly strained from this summer so this will just make the gap wider. Oh well!
Tacori, hooray for your MIL! Just play it cool and hopefully your DH will make the RIGHT choice (because IMO there is a right answer and a wrong one here!)

As for my own 35 week hubby going away situation, we were having brekky over the weekend and TGuy brought it up. He simply said, "It''s a bummer that I''m going to miss my dad''s 60''s birthday." I smiled sympathetically and said "I''m sorry too...but I recently did the calculations and I''ll be 35 weeks by then." He nodded and said he knew. He certainly doesn''t want to miss his first child''s birth but doesn''t want to miss his dad''s 60th either. I just feel awful for him. I''m sure just a mere 3 years ago, he would have never thought he would be missing such a milestone for a father he really loves a lot. It almost makes me want to insist that he go. Almost.

Oh, and I love those belly shots! Keep em coming!

Mrs S, congrats on your cool is that?

Diver, 9-19 is excellent. Oh man, I am on the edge of my seat! Eek!

Njc, your turn is coming soon!!!

BTW, we''ve also added "Amelia Simone" to the middle name saga, but I told TGuy we should just sit on it, so we are. He came up with the idea we should write out the names a lot and post them all over the house to see what we don''t get sick of, since we have to live with it for the rest of our lives (and hers!) I thought it was a funny idea, and not all that crazy so we may do it. Hee hee.
oh, one more thing...anyone not like eating something they use to love? I ate Fage yogurts all the time (as the folks on the WWT would know) and I just had to choke one down. It tasted sour and reminded me of dirty rancid socks or something (not that I eat those). Ugh, freaky tastebuds!!!
Yup, I love shrimp (or prawns) and normally eat rice everyday, but I really could not even LOOK at either one when I was pregnant both times. Just the smell of the rice starch was overpowering to me. I also went prawn free until after delivery, then everything went back to normal.
Date: 9/17/2007 4:16:49 PM
Author: Chrono
Yup, I love shrimp (or prawns) and normally eat rice everyday, but I really could not even LOOK at either one when I was pregnant both times. Just the smell of the rice starch was overpowering to me. I also went prawn free until after delivery, then everything went back to normal.
Oh, I found that too! All seafood in general, and I LOVE seafood. I have not missed sushi at all. I''d better get some omega-3 supplements then I guess....

But rice...isn''t that in the genetic code of asians? I can still definitely eat rice!

I''ve found that whatever I loved when I was a kid, I can eat/crave now. Unfortunately that ends up being some awful SPAM.
Date: 9/17/2007 4:10:11 PM
Author: TravelingGal
oh, one more thing...anyone not like eating something they use to love? I ate Fage yogurts all the time (as the folks on the WWT would know) and I just had to choke one down. It tasted sour and reminded me of dirty rancid socks or something (not that I eat those). Ugh, freaky tastebuds!!!
Right there with you on the Fage! I was eating it daily before I got pregnant, and since then I think I''ve had one and, like you, it was an effort to get it down. I just bought two the other day in the hopes that I can start eating it again, but I have the feeling I''ll be throwing them out.

The other thing I have no taste for whatsoever is broccoli, and I never had a problem with that before.

Tacori, that''s great that your MIL is on your side! I have the feeling that your DH isn''t going to make the trip after all. It''s one thing to have your Dad a little peeved at you, but to have your mother AND your emotional/pregnant wife mad at you at the same time? Whooooeee! That''s another thing completely! Remind him that hell hath no fury ...

TGal, that''s actually a good idea about writing down the names to see if you change your mind about them. Sometimes men do come up with good ideas, don''t they?

I''m going to see if I can find a belly shot from the wedding we went to this weekend!
Thanks TGal! I still think he will go but he may surprise me. At least he KNOWS I am not being hormonal and insensitive here. I agree there is a right and a wrong here (so rare in life!) I will keep my cool and wait until he says something. He gets very defensive about his family. I love mine just as much as he loves his but I have NO problem expressing my opinions when I disagree with them. I think I have a more open relationship with mine. And at the end of the day I know my family likes to hear my point of view and often ask for my advice. No one is perfect. Even dads...