
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Ella--i totally second your excitement for feeling that deep love for another being you have just met!
My mom always tells me that the love you feel for your children is like nothing else in this world and that before you have kids you can be happy and content the way things are and then after giving birth wonder how the heck you ever lived without the love they give and the intense love you feel. I think that is so neat and impossible to imagine.....and it must be the reason that despite the struggles of raising kids, so many parents do it over and over again.

(aww shucks now i am all emotional and must get back to work!)
Oh Diver, you are so awesome!!! I'm so glad Delaney is bringing you so much joy. And I'm really happy it went so quickly and smoothly for you. Epidurals ROCK!!!!! Rest up and kiss that little girl for us!

Tacori, they say you should wash everything that will come into contact with the baby's skin. So yes, clothes, blankets, etc. We use All Free and Clear--cheaper than Dreft which I think is just another marketing ploy for unsuspecting preggos! Any detergent that is free of dyes and fragrances works. After a while, we stopped washing her stuff before she wore it and now she wears new stuff without any problems. I had a feeilng she wouldn't have sensitive skin because neither DH nor I have it. She's quite resilient--no rashes yet. Regarding clothing, if you're just putting her into a car and taking her home and it's hot out, you'll probably be fine with a onesie, a hat and some socks and maybe a blanket if the air conditioning is on. We put Lily in this one piece thing from the Gap that just snapped all the way up. You'll probably be nervous about putting anything over the baby's head in the beginning so I recommend side snap tshirts or anything that doesn't go over the head for your own peace of mind.

njc, you're getting so close!!! How exciting! I hope it's fast and easy. I'm going to be watching to see when you disappear from this board!

somethingshiny, that is such a sweet sentiment. I may have to use that one...

ellaila, it's such an amazing feeling and it's simply indescribable but you will feel it instantaneously! I sit here at work and look at pictures of Lily all day and smile like a goofball. There is nothing else like it.

Jas, I think your mom is absolutely right! The love you feel for your child is so intense and unconditional. I almost forgot what my life was like before my daughter and I can't imagine being without her now. I haven't gotten my hair cut, had a manicure or bought new clothes in ages but I don't even care--everything I do is for my girl and I love it. My mother always tells me that no matter what happens, your baby is your baby--even when he/she is 50 years old! You never stop worrying about them but you also never stop loving them. One of life's great rewards, I guess.
Hi mothers and mothers-to-be! Working Mother magazine just came out with their "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers" list for 2007. It''s very interesting to see what the top companies offer - how much paid time off, time off, etc. they give working mothers and in some cases new fathers. Here''s the link if you''re interested.
Curly, what about the swing cover and the infant chair cover? Changing pad cover? Should I wash those too? Stuffed animals? (even though baby will not come into contact with those for awhile) So confusing! Meanwhile I have been have so many BHs. Some hurt, some don''t. It is hard to time them.
Tacori, they say you are supposed to wash all of those things too--swing cover, car seat cover, bouncy seat cover, stuffed animals, etc. I didn''t do any of that. I just did her little tshirts and onesies which was really all she wore and it seemed like her skin didn''t really come directly into contact with those other things. And yeah, don''t worry about the stuffed animals and toys because she won''t have any interest in those for a while. And I don''t know why I said SHE but it just seemed natural to me. I think girl for sure!!!! If you''re having all those BH, it sounds like your body is gearing up for something!!! Woohooo, you could go early!!!

i didn''t wash all that other stuff either. Just the clothes, blankets, etc.
I didn''t wash anything at all because I wanted to be sure the clothes will fit. Baby #1 never wore any pre-washed clothes from Day 1. Baby #2 either. But none in the family has sensitive skin.
Glad I won''t be a bad mommy if I don''t wash everything!
I am just worried the covers will shrink and not fit right (for the swing & infant chair).
Date: 9/25/2007 6:39:40 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Glad I won''t be a bad mommy if I don''t wash everything!
I am just worried the covers will shrink and not fit right (for the swing & infant chair).

tacori, chances are you will have to wash them at some point..babies just love to spit up or spill in the swing/chair/carseat etc. I also washed the stuff on cold and then air dried it and never had any problems with shrinking...
Hey gals! More later, but I do have to say that I love the shirts Ella!

I posted this in Bobo''s flu thread ( but I had meant to post it here yesterday, so it was a timely question.

Just some info for you on flu shots. Here''s my posted answer to Bobo in case you are interested...


The CDC recommends flu shots for all pregnant women. However, I have learned to trust no one, so two nights ago, I spent a few hours researching.

While certainly not proven, there is a camp out there that believe thimerosal (the preservative in vaccines) might be one of the culprits that cause autism. So a few years ago, to be on the safe side, thimerosal was taken out of vaccines given to young children/babies.

EXCEPT for the flu shot. There ARE flu shots available that are thimerosal "free". However those are in much shorter supply. We as pregnant women are told not to consume too much canned tuna and certain kinds of fish because of the levels of mercury, but flu shots are recommend when they have a lot more mercury in them? Didn''t make sense to me...even though I''ve also read it''s a "different" kind of mercury.

Still, I don''t want to get sick with the flu while pregnant. My pilates instructor has an autistic child. For whatever reason, she is convinced it has to do with the crippling flu she got when she was 7 months pregnant. Everyone has a theory...

So I searched for which manufacturers made thimerosal free flu shots in the hopes of getting one of those. Guess what...7 states have banned giving flu shots with thimerosal in them to pregnant women and children under 3, and one of them is my state...California. Here is the link of some info I found which lists the states. The organization that put this out was pretty vocal in the press and you''ll find them quoted in different news sites.

And here''s the california list of approved flu shots

Therefore I''ll be getting the thimerosal free version, but I am going to ask to make sure. In California the law only came into effect last year and was even suspended temporarily because of shortage.

Hope that helps!

MrsS, I figured I would have to wash them sooner or later but my surge of energy/nesting has yet to kick in. I have been so tired and felt crappy lately. Oh is it normal to get REALLY emotional at the end? I mean more than in any other time of pregnancy. I think I have cried everyday for the past week! Not always for bad things. Basically any song/TV/movie/book that involves new moms/dads make me cry. Thinking about L&D sets me off. I have been a wreck lately! Poor DH thinks I have lost my mind.
great info tGal, i haven''t got a flu shot in years and will probably skip this time too but that is very good to know in case my dr. really recommends it or even has one there to give me.

tacori, i cry very easily too over the littlest things, tv commercials, extreme makeover home edition had me balling and although my oldest has been in kindergarten over a month now, i broke down the other day after i dropped her off
it''s very normal for just about anything to trigger some type of emotional break down. don''t worry about the nesting thing either. it may or may not kick in, just try to get as much rest as you can b/c it won''t be long until you snagging mini naps day and night with your own little one
tgal--i am extremely critical of shots/ sister was diagonsed with type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes in grade 10--just weeks after recieving HepB vaccination at school. She was sent to a Dr. in Ottawa who was doing a huge nation-wide study looking at the link b/w this vaccination and the massive influx of teenage-onset diabetes. She was an amazing althlete in perfect health and them bam-her pancrease was attacked by ''something'' and she is now on 4-needles a day to stay alive. This Dr. is certain there is a link--but is fighting the government to prove it conclusively. Ever since then i have been very weary of vaccinations/shots of any sort and find it SO difficult to get accurate information. So many drug companies/doctors/organizations sponsor the vaccinations--so unbiased risks and complications are rarely fully exposed. As you mentioned there is a huge camp of ppl who believe that autism is a result of the many vaccinations we inject into infants and toddlers--

Who knows for certain, just something to be mindful of as we make all these individual choices for ourselves and our kids. I am dreading having to make these decisions myself
b/c obviously we all want what is best.
No proof but here''s a scary thought:
With all the recalls lately on discovering lead in painted toys, maybe part of the reason we see the increase in autism rates might be due to these tainted toys which was only found recently? Maybe this has been going on undetected for the past few years?
Thanks for the vaccine info, TGal -- it''s definitely something I''ve thought about too and plan to talk to my pediatrician about before the babies are born. One thing that is a little tricky is that in some states a lot of these vaccines (not flu shots obviously) are mandatory for kids to go to public schools, so then what do parents do? I''m with Jas -- I''m pretty scared to have to make these decisions for our babies when there''s really not enough information out there. Scary stuff.

As for being emotional ... I''m not even in the third tri yet (almost though! 26 weeks today!), and it''s definitely starting to hit me more too. First trimester, I also had the Extreme Makeover Home breakdown, MrsS -- that was the end of that show for me! (Though as a cool aside, they''re actually going to be doing one in our town, and we are SO there to yell, "move! that! bus!" -- heehee!) Second trimester, I''ve been pretty good for the most part -- a small meltdown here and there but that''s mostly due to horrible sleep, I think. Yesterday though I got really upset over ... clothes. Or lack thereof. I desperately need pants for the fall, and I just cannot find anything that fits me right and that I don''t feel completely horribly huge and ugly in. So depressing. So I had a good cry over that ... and then the babies starting kicking, which made me smile. Kind of put it into perspective for me again, you know? I mean, yes, pregnancy can be very overwhelming at times -- and I think that the third tri is when it really hits home!! -- but then you get these little reminders of why you''re going through it, and it''s all good. So who cares if I used to be a small/size 4 and now I''m trying on maternity larges (which thankfully were too big, but still I felt I had to try them b/c the mediums might not fit me much longer!) ... right? (OK, I care. But I''m trying not to.)

By the way, I bought these bra extender straps last night, which rock. Turned my 34 bras into 36s and yaaaaay, I can wear them again!! For $2.99, it''s much cheaper than buying all new bras!
Oh boy--i am with you guys on the emotional roller coaster--i am typically a very even-keel person, but Ella--just reading your post about having a meltdown and then feeling the babies kick made me choke up a little--funny eh.
I too had a terrible sleep last night....told DH that he may be kicked out of the bed the 3rd tri. I just feel like there is not enough room --not b/c i am much bigger--but b/c i toss and turn and kick and flip all around--I have this awful restlessness every morning around 4 or 5 am and just want to kick someone! Geezzz, and i am only just starting the second tri!!!

Ella (and the other gals) did your boobs just continually get larger the further along you got?
Jas, for me the boobs got "big" (to me!) really early on -- and sore sore sore! I basically went from a 32b/34a to a 36b/c, but I''ve been that for many months now, so I don''t think they''ve really grown much since the first trimester. I think they grow again in the third trimester though? And then they just explode once you''re BFing? Any mommies with experience have more info?

Can I just vent for a second about mothers? (Kind of ironic in a mommies-to-be thread, I guess!) So my mother and a local friend are throwing me my shower -- my friend ordered super-cute invitations but they unfortunately took a long time to get to her so they went out sort of late. Guests just received them this past weekend, which was just three weeks before the shower. BUT most people knew the date of the shower anyway, so I didn''t think it was that big a deal. But of course my mother was freaking out. Whatever. So I just found out yesterday that my stepmother, who I am close with and get along with very well, can''t make the shower b/c of a prior family commitment. I''m bummed but I understand. I mean, yes, obviously the shower is important to me but it''s not a priority to everyone and I get that -- other things in life happen! So my mother calls me today and tells me that my stepmother can''t make it and then proceeds to imply what a b*tch she is and how she''s not surprised that she "can''t make it" (with a tone of "yeah, right"), blah blah blah. Ummmm. This is from a woman who decided last week that, yes, she would go to her best friend''s daughter''s baby shower after all (after hemming and hawing about it for weeks). But I suppose that MY shower is, of course, much more important than anyone else''s, right. OY. Also, my mother and stepmother despise each other (which is why hubby and I almost eloped -- seriously), so I''m not all that surprised that my stepmother wouldn''t exactly be jumping to go to a shower that is being thrown by my mom and will have all my mom''s friends there (and no one else that my stepmother knows, since her other family members that were invited can''t make it). In a way I''m relieved that my stepmom can''t make it -- and my mom is thrilled of course -- as yes, it will relieve some tension, but the way my mother talks about it just pisses me off so much. I know I''m not conveying it well, but trust me, it''s annoying. My mom then goes on to say how if a cousin of mine can''t make it then "that''s it for her" in terms of having a relationship. Ummm. Seriously, get a grip, woman. It''s a PARTY. If someone can''t make it, then what''s the big deal?! I''ve bailed on LOTS of things in my life and never gave it a second thought, and here''s my mom ready to write off her own niece if she can''t make the shower. URRRGHHHHH!!!!!

Along those lines, that got me thinking about your relationship with your Mom, Diver -- any update on that situation since Delaney''s been born?
I figured this emotional thing was normal. I thought I was doing pretty good (not that I haven''t had my break downs along the way) but this past week (34/35) just hit me really hard. I have 4.5 weeks left and HOPE they aren''t ALL filled with tears. The antipication is just starting to get to me (and excitement of becoming a mom, fear that something will go wrong, nervous about the pain, etc...) Plus I am just so uncomfortable lately. I have never had a flu shot. I do think vacs are important though. Guess I am in the minority.

Jas, the sleeping ONLY gets worse
. Between peeing, TRYING to get comfortable (which is hard with a big belly, cramps, sour tummy), now my hips get extra sore (read it is normal, preparing for birth), and my mind not shutting off it is bad. Luckily I don''t have a typical 9-5 so I can sleep in and nap when I need to. My boobs really weren''t that sore which is surprising b/c I went from a 34c to a 36/38 D. I can''t remember when I broke down and bought new bras but I know I talked about it on this thread somewhere. I want to say sometime in early second tri. My old ones got painful. I don''t think they have grown too much since then. They say 38 weeks is when you should buy your nursing bras (if you are BFing) since you will be around that size after.

Ella, sorry to hear about your shower! How stressful that your mom and stepmom don''t get along. I am okay about my size now. I know it is almost over and someday I will have a waist again. I was just thinking about how I might even miss being preggo (just a little) I wish I took a photo of my belly last night. Baby was sticking its butt so far out my belly turned into a pyramid shape. It was so wild! I have no idea what it was doing in there!

Curly, I forgot to say EVERYONE thinks it is a girl (but maybe three people). Strangers even say it is a girl based on how I am carrying it. These BH can get annoying! I feel like I get them all the time now. But I haven''t had any other labor symptoms so who knows when it will happen.

Chrono all the recalls are scary. Not just the toys but the cribs that caused some deaths. And the plastic thing gets me worried. So sad!
Did you all get your shower hostesses thank you gifts? If so, what did you give? I figure I can get my mom a silver double frame for photos of the babies, but not sure what to get for my friend. Suggestions?
Date: 9/26/2007 3:24:17 PM
Author: ellaila
Did you all get your shower hostesses thank you gifts? If so, what did you give? I figure I can get my mom a silver double frame for photos of the babies, but not sure what to get for my friend. Suggestions?

Yes I always do. For my SIL and friend I got them Vera Bradley stuff (b/c they love her stuff and I knew "their" pattern), my sister got a C&B gift card b/c it was weeks away of her moving cross country and I figured she did not need more stuff to move, my other two friends got a pretty photo album. When in doubt get her a gift card. The double frame sounds PERFECT for your mom though!
Hello to all the beautiful ladies on this topic!

I am not preggo, but had a related question and thought you guys would be my best bet.

A close friend is literally at the hospital having her baby as we speak, and another friend and I want to get her a baby gift. Neither of us have kids or really have friends that have kids, so we are a bit clueless!

We all live far apart, so don''t know if she registered or anything.

We want to get her something that she would love, more so than baby clothes or something. Maybe something geared for her rather than for the baby (it''s a boy).

Is there anything that you got or would want for the first few weeks?

Any suggestons would be greatly appreciated!
China I would do a search for her registries at Babies R Us and maybe Target. How much do you want to spend? It is hard b/c she might have gotten lots of stuff already but this is what my friends rave about (I am still a month away so I have the stuff but it has never been used). Mommy must haves seem to be the boppy (around $40 and up depending on the cover you get), play gyms/mats, infant chairs (vibrate and keep baby calm), swing (also a good soother. Look for one that swings both north-south and east-west), Red Envelope has some really cute gifts if you want something more special than useful. Also if you want to splurge Tiffany's has some baby stuff. Also a special gift would be a collection of your favorite childrens books. Or you could get something for mom only (a spa GC or a GC to a meal making place). Hope that helps!

ETA: OR a GC to a house cleaning service would be awesome!

That is a great help, and I love the idea of children''s books! We all became friends b/c of our love of books. What a sweet idea- thank you!!!!!!
Date: 9/26/2007 4:00:11 PM
Author: ChinaCat

That is a great help, and I love the idea of children''s books! We all became friends b/c of our love of books. What a sweet idea- thank you!!!!!!

No problem. My mom saved all of our childhood books and my sister and I had so much fun sorting through them. I was surprised by how many I remembered! Books are so special and you can never start too young
You could even write different messages inside the back cover for the baby. Just avoid newborn clothes. I have a closet full of NB clothes
(and bibs and blankets. Everyone loves to give blankets).
Hi all! Real quick...

Tubal: I''d say don''t get it unless you wind up with a c-section. They can do it laporascopically like I had mine right after birth like that cuz the uterus is up high & tubes are easy to get at. Its cheaper/less invasive/painful for your DH''s to get snipped. Mine was all for it, but I was told the tubal would be "no big deal", and in retrospect, I''d have chosen to send DH to the snip snip doctor.

Since I have another child at home, I am 100% dependent on other people to help me. Which is great to have my parents living here (cooking, cleaning, laundry, baby & Jake care), but I feel guilty about Jakey, because I can''t do much of our "routine". He''s definitely having some mommy issues. He''s ok, but he''s feeling a little slighted and confused, I can tell. My poor soon as I''m back on my feet again, he''ll be happier...its just a time for adjustments. weirdness....y''day was my birthday & dh woke up to tell me there were 3 HUGE boxes on our doorstep. Yup, my mom dumped tons of presents on my doorstep in the middle of the night. how stalker-ish is that? I haven''t opened them or read the cards (I know her handwriting its the same as mine) since I''ve been in such good spirits and don''t want to get all postpartum-y sad by dealing with it. I figure...argh...I don''t know what she wants from me. I have no idea whether or not to send them back to her house or what. She deserts me my whole pregnancy and then she all of a sudden wants back in? Insane.

Here is another shot of my little miss.....her little umbilical stump fell off last night...made me sad...milestones happening already. She''s still just a muffin. Little piglet too! Eats like a champ, poops like a machine. Cracks me up. Jake never ate/pooped, we used to worry so much, chart his feedings/diapers...

I have more recent pics on my camera, but I am supposed to be napping, so I''d better lay down and rest.

Love to all!

Delurking, Diver, to tell you congrats and awwwww. Your pictures of your little one make my uterus ache!

But I figure you already have one Jas on here, and DH and I are just in that giggly gawky kinda-sorta mention starting a family stage.

But mamas-to-be, I''m keeping up with your stories!

Hooray babies!

Back to lurking, which, for some reason, makes me feel like the Hamburgler, skulking about.

And yes, that is the SECOND time I''ve used that reference on PS.
Oh Diver, she is a doll!!! Congrats on 2 wonderful kiddos! Yay for Delaney!!!

Happy Birthday Diver!!!
How cute... you and Delaney can have girl days out to celebrate when she gets older! Sorry for the drama with your mom. Hearing about situations like yours makes me thankful I have a good relationship with my mother. I hope you are able to solve this without too much trouble and without making yourself upset. Cute picture!

Ella - My mom got me some bra extenders and you are right... they are heaven!!! Sorry your mom is going crazy over your shower and who is coming. As long as you are at peace with everything! My moms 2 best friends, whom I refer to as my "other mothers" werent able to come... and funny they werent able to come to my bridal showers either. People do have lives... sometimes!

Ugh... I still need to get my friend a present for helping to throw my shower... I just havent been able to think of anything good. I was thinking spa certificate, but she got me one of those as part of my gift (cant wait to use it in a few weeks!)... guess it doesnt matter.

Chrono - I had a similar thought about the toy recalls and higher rates of autism. Also the BPA in the bottles or whatever it is called. So many variables in our society... I also think better diagnostics lead to higher rates.

Flu shot... I got one in October of last year and felt fairly safe about it because I knew we wouldnt be trying for a few months for it to work all through my system... guess we will see soon enough what happens to our little guy.

Jas - my boobs have hardly grown. I went from a small 36C to a full 38-40C. I am actually a little worried about what might happen when my milk comes in! My SIL says she didnt grow much with #1 but got HUGE with her milk. I just bought some nighttime nursing bras to get me started until I know what size I will be because most places wont let you return the nursing bras!

ChinaCat - Tacori gave you some great suggestions and I want to second the books, esp if that is a thing for yall! We got one book and looking back I am a little sad. Of course thats not one of the first things I normally think of for a baby pressent, but it would be a super one!

Tacori - Still having a lot of BHs?

I go to the doctor tomorrow... hope it is good news that I am still moving forward and getting ready! DH patted my belly earlier tonight and told the baby to come on!

Thanks so much about the tubal info... so I guess it''s the snip snip for my other half then, lol!

Glad to hear you are still in good spirits, and definitely wait to open (or send back) the presents. I am sorry your mom is being so unsupportive and just plain indecisive about what is going on. And I am sorry she''s acting like a stalker, lol! Get your rest and um... keep posting those cute pictures!

Diver, Happy birthday! Delaney is beautiful. She looks just like Jake!

Njc, I got a few books but have so many from my childhood this kid is set! I am getting lots of BH (I think that is what they are anyways). Everytime I climb our stairs I get one. Do you think it is b/c I am using my pelvic muscles? So odd. Some are uncomfortable. Some are just really tight. I can still talk through them so I know they aren''t real contractions. Still they are annoying (even though I know they are preparing my body) I feel like the baby is moving less too. But I haven''t had any other labor symptoms. My next doc''s appointment is next week so I am curious to find out the state of my cervix. Oh I hope your water breaks soon so you can meet your little boy!