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- Jul 23, 2007
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Well, I finally have a minute so I thought I would post my birth story. I woke up Sunday morning at 4:30 to go to the bathroom and noticed my underwear was wet. I wasn't sure if it was my water that had broken or if I had leaked urine. I put on a pad and waited about 30 minutes, and I was still leaking. It was more like a few small gushes rather than one big one (TMI I know). I couldn't feel any contractions or pain. I woke up DH, showered, put a few more things in my bag, and we went to the hospital!
They checked to make sure my water had broken. I was only 1 cm. dilated, so I had to walk the halls for two forty minute stretches. I had been having terrible sciatic nerve pain, so the walking was very difficult. After walking, I was barely making progress. Since I was GBS positive, they wanted to move things along, so they started me on Pitocin at around 10:00. They said my contractions would gradually increase in length and duration. That was a lie! Once I had the Pitocin, the contractions came on so much closer and stronger. I was moving along really quickly. The pain was getting unbearable, so I got an epidural at around 11:00. Wow, what a difference! I thought it would hurt getting the epi, but I felt no pain! It was awesome.
At 3:00, I started pushing. It wasn't that bad at all! This part actually seemed so much less dramatic than I thought it would be. DH and I were making small talk with the nurse and doctor in between pushes! Nolan Ross was born after about 2 hours of pushing. The whole labor was about 13 hours. Honestly, I think the worst part of the whole experience was trying to pee that night. I was so swollen that I just couldn't pee and they had to give me another catheter!
Overall, it was a great experience. I really didn't have a ton of anxiety about labor beforehand, so I think that helped! We got home Tuesday night and everything is going well. Nolan is crying now, so I'm off to feed him! Here's a quick pic of our little man...
![nursery054-1[1].jpg nursery054-1[1].jpg](