
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 12/8/2009 9:44:39 PM
Author: gingerB

2 questions here.

1) what are ya''lls thoughts/actions on the whole sleeping on your back dealio? i''ve always been a side sleeper, which made me think that it would be easy peasy for me, but i keep waking up on my back. and sometimes it seems more comfy on my back, but then i start feeling guilty about possibly depriving gingerbaby of something vital, so then i go back to my side and then the whole process repeats itself. i''m not uncomfortable in any position (yet -- fingers crossed!) but this keeps waking me up mulitple times per night.

2)cord blood banking - private vs public vs not at all? with the little bit of research i''ve done, i''m thinking likely i''ll do public. it seems private is too costly for such low return (although if you need it, YOU NEED IT). maybe if i was part of a high risk group i''d consider, but right now, i''m thinking no, although my ob seems to want me to say yes. i don''t know if public banking is available in my area (should be since i''m in one of the largest med centers and a huge transplant center) and i haven''t fully researched what it entails (pretty minimal on the donor side from what ive read so far), but the thought of donating something that would otherwise go to waste and possibly save another child''s life is very appealing. just wanted to hear other''s thoughts on the subject and what ya''ll have learned. it''s esp interesting for me since i''m working on the transplant service right now.

1- from what i understand, sleeping on your back is bad for you not necessarily the baby. i was always a tummy/side sleeper and i''ve constantly found myself waking on my back. so i got one of those long body pillows and pushed it up against my back. this has helped me not to roll over onto my back at night.

2- i''ve been on the fence about cord blood banking too. it''s just so darn expensive. if we don''t save it for ourselves, we''ll be donating it for sure. my sil is in houston and actually just sent me info today on cord blood banking. she donated her daughter''s cord blood to cryobanks international, which lists donations with the national “be the match” registry. link she said if there''s no in-house donation set up at your hosptial, cryobanks lets you do it from any hospital. she also said that you have to complete the paperwork before you''re 34 weeks along in order for it to be processed in time.

and along those lines, there''s also national marrow donor program. i haven''t researched this yet, but here''s the link
ginger... i havent had belly itchiness in a while thank goodness. but that sounds normal, your belly is totally stretching right now! sometimes i have a little itchiness but not much. i am afraid to scratch now because i don't want to cause stretch marks though i'm not even sure what really causes them hahaa.

and the squirms and wiggles are hilarious... sometimes i feel like i have a SNAKE in my belly!! but man at night, usually every few nights at like 4am when i get up to pee and come back to bed the kid goes NUTS in my belly. like crazy nuts...i can't even describe it but there are huge punches and kicks and stretches with all areas of my belly just going like crazy. for ten minutes typically. it just cracks me up! i am like what the heck is he doing in there???? like really!

also i think i have mentioned this as well but usually he's pretty active for about 4-5 days, then i have a day or so when he is really mellow and i could easily get paranoid about it but i try to remind myself that it's a cycle for him... maybe a growth spurt then or something. oh yeah and sometimes i love just pressing down on a hard spot and feeling it move in there! it's like he is like 'whoaaa' hhaha. i have to say that while i don't feel my absolute best right now, just getting heavier and larger and slower, i do find this part of the pregnancy the most fun from an entertainment perspective!! it always makes me smile when he is doing his little acrobatic gymnastics.

the cord thing, honestly i thought it was kind of just a marketing thing. has anyone here actually done that? is it common? i had never even heard of it before!

work is absolutely ridiculous right now and i am soo looking fwd to going on mat leave, concentrating on something else for a while.
jcrow - thanks for the links! we're leaning pretty far towards donating and not banking. for sure we don't want to "waste" it. i'm pretty sure we have in house donation at the hospital i'm planning on L&Ding in, but i'm going to check to make sure. i'm getting close to the deadline so i better get on it!

mara - the cord blood stuff is for real. it's really being used and really saving lives. that's a separate issue from private banking, which means you pay a hefty fee $700- >$1000 per year, for a banking center to hold your baby's cord blood for private use - i.e. medical neccesity in the future. public banking is like donating blood or signing up to be an unrelated bone marrow donor to a general pool. then people who need donors for transplants who don't have a mtched related donor can access the data from these public banks to see if they match and qualify for a transplant. it's a good think IMO if you're not going to bank private. it just takes a little paperwork and a vial of blood from mom after delivery. worth it if you can save a child's life somewhere down the line.

oh and BIG FAT DITTO on the work thing. i don't know if it's pure work exploding or the combo of work exploding and my rising anxiety to be ready for the bebe and not being able to do it because of work but i am soooo ready for mat leave.

ETA: funny that you mentioned the scratching thing. the other day my MIL was warning me not to scratch because it causes stretch marks. i was pooh poohing that remark in my head because 1) i don't think it does and 2) i wasn't itchy then. serves me right. and now that i AM itchy, i'm geting paranoid about scratching causing stretch marks even though physiologically, i'm 99% sure it doesn't!
Date: 12/8/2009 11:19:26 PM
Author: gingerB
jcrow - thanks for the links! we''re leaning pretty far towards donating and not banking. for sure we don''t want to ''waste'' it. i''m pretty sure we have in house donation at the hospital i''m planning on L&Ding in, but i''m going to check to make sure. i''m getting close to the deadline so i better get on it!

mara - the cord blood stuff is for real. it''s really being used and really saving lives. that''s a separate issue from private banking, which means you pay a hefty fee $700- >$1000 per year, for a banking center to hold your baby''s cord blood for private use - i.e. medical neccesity in the future. public banking is like donating blood or signing up to be an unrelated bone marrow donor to a general pool. then people who need donors for transplants who don''t have a mtched related donor can access the data from these public banks to see if they match and qualify for a transplant. it''s a good think IMO if you''re not going to bank private. it just takes a little paperwork and a vial of blood from mom after delivery. worth it if you can save a child''s life somewhere down the line.

oh and BIG FAT DITTO on the work thing. i don''t know if it''s pure work exploding or the combo of work exploding and my rising anxiety to be ready for the bebe and not being able to do it because of work but i am soooo ready for mat leave.

ETA: funny that you mentioned the scratching thing. the other day my MIL was warning me not to scratch because it causes stretch marks. i was pooh poohing that remark in my head because 1) i don''t think it does and 2) i wasn''t itchy then. serves me right. and now that i AM itchy, i''m geting paranoid about scratching causing stretch marks even though physiologically, i''m 99% sure it doesn''t!
just wanted to chime in on itchy belly. Towards the end my belly itched like CRAZY! I couldn''t help but scratch sometimes and I didn''t get any stretch marks
What helped me though was LOTS and LOTS of lotion. I would literally lube up my belly wherever I was
It relieved the itch everytime!
puppmom - how did your appointment go today? I gave up worrying now that I realized there''s nothing I can do but be as healthy as possible. I''m going to tell my mom and my brother the good news over Christmas, and DH wants to tell his family at the same time. I was trying to persuade him to wait until after we see the U/S on the 29th because he''s got a much bigger family, but I guess it''s not fair that we can tell my family and not his. and we should handle this as though everything will be fine.

regarding cramping, I''ve had it ever since 3.5 weeks. not in my crotch, but in my abdomen on either side, and especially when I''m on my side so I sleep on my back to make it go away. but now that I think about it, it''s actually gotten a lot less this past week! I''m guessing it had to do with gas. I haven''t had any spotting which is why I didn''t worry about it.

gingerB - last week I bought a maternity pillow (my first pregnancy purchase) because I feel I have learn to sleep on my side which I really hate. I just feel there is too much pressure on my shoulder, plus I work out my arms so it''s not really comfortable. anyway, I fall asleep with the thing and wake up about an hour later and throw it out of bed and end up on my back. at least I still have some months to learn.
Re: Cord Blood Banking.
It is sooooooo expensive. Yuck! I am leaning towards donating it. I have heard that sometimes they can''t even retrieve enough blood for it to actually be beneficial in the future and I would hate to pay all that money, only to find out it won''t help anyway. Like another poster as well, DH and I have literally no bad family medical history, so I don''t expect there to be any serious problems, hopefully.

Puppmom- I hope you have a great appt today! Be sure to check in and let us know how it goes.
Thanks, guys! I have butterflies this morning! I''m way excited for my appointment (plus, I LOVE half days). I have A LOT of questions ranging from "Is this bloating going to pass?" to "Can I repaint my bathroom?" and "Can I put Splenda in my coffee?" My poor doctor...I''m pretty sure I''ll give her a run for her money!

I don''t know if it will fly but we''re going to beg for a U/S to see the heartbeat before Christmas. My in-laws leave for Florida for the winter the day after and we would love to tell them before they go and would feel more comfortable doing so if we can see the heartbeat. I know that doesn''t necessarily mean there''s no risk any longer - it would just make me feel more comfortable sharing.
Puppmom- Do you have any idea how far along you "might" be right now?

Butterflies are common. I am 20 weeks today, and two weeks ago was my first appt that I didn't feel sick going in.
My LMP was 11/02/2009 and I''m pretty sure I ovulated on 11/13/2009 so I guess that makes me 5W2D or 5W5D. I''m guessing they''ll use LMP to calculate my due date since it''s close and I can''t be certain when I ovulated.
re: painting while preggo, there are some new organic non-toxic paints out there that you can get that are basically fume less. my mom did a few of her rooms in this stuff and said it was like a 10000% improvement over regular paint smells and whatever there is goes away within a few hours.

re: sleeping on back, i also read that it was more about the mom than the baby... something about as you get bigger that uterus puts pressure on something and makes it harder for you to draw enough breaths or maybe it''s circulation or something. anyway thank goodness i am a side sleeper. i am 32.5 weeks and have not needed any pillows or anything and lucky enough to get about 8 hours a night still. i am still sleeping in my same positions (i have is side fetal and other is one leg down other leg bent fwd...the 2nd is harder now that belly is getting in the way but i can still prop leg up and feel comfy. only downer is when he kicks into bladder in this position, it''s painful sooo i spent most of my time in fetal).

i have 2 friends who are back sleepers who have not slept well since about 20 weeks. i am so sad for them because it is SUPER hard to change lifelong sleeping habits. but i also wake up on my back a lot and i don''t feel weird or anything, sometimes i half wake up and lay there for about 10 min before i will actually get up. then there are other times when i wake up and feel kind of lightheaded. i guess it might also just depend on where my uterus is at the time (or where his bulk is..who knows).

i say don''t worry about it unless it becomes a problem...but hopefully you can use pillows to make yourself more comfy til the end.

ginger..thanks for the info on the cord banking, i had no idea ... we will probably donate. i will have to ask my hospital how they deal with it because no one has given me any info on it.
Re back sleeping: the concern is about the uterus and baby putting too much pressure on the inferior vena cava, which kind of runs along the right side of your vertebrae in there. It''s just a vein, so if you squish it, you can seriously reduce blood return to your heart from the bottom half of your body. You should still get some return from your liver, and from the superior vena cava that drains the upper half of your body. If it happens, you ought to notice, as the drop in blood return will decrease how much fills up the chambers of your heart, and your blood pressure will drop, making you feel nauseous and dizzy. The uterus and baby would have to put a ton of weight on your aorta (the huge artery supplying everything in your body with blood) to decrease the flow to the baby significantly. If your blood pressure drops from the lack of venous return, the lower blood pressure can affect how much the baby will get. Hope that''s not too medical! I''ve decided that as long as I don''t get lightheaded lying flat on my back (at nearly 28 weeks), I''m not going to worry about it. Side lying will get the kid optimal blood flow though.

I''m also wondering about the cord blood banking. There''s only one public registry in Canada. Since we''re not super-fertile and about to pop out 3-4 more kids, I don''t think I''m going to go for private banking because it either gets used for siblings, or if the same child develops leukemia or something like that, I wonder whether using their own cord blood helps, since that should have the same predisposition to the illness.

House hassles are ongoing, but at least I''m back to work part-time and loving it!
GingerB- Oops, yes, I meant you! I got you confused b/c aren''t you in medicine as well???? Of course, if HouMedGal is in Houston as her name suggests, then of course I meant to include both of you. Wait for mommy brain, it''s seriously crazy how diminished my brain capacity is. When I was preggo I forgot words and now I forget everything. When I try and think it''s like crickets chirping and then I start thinking about how nice a nap would be before I remember that someone asked me a question and is waiting for a real answer!

Houston Meet-up- Let''s touch base after the holidays then. JCrow, let us know when you might be in town. I am pretty open on weekends. I try to check this thread often, but come page me in the newborn thread if you guys make a plan. Fun!!!!

Painting- We painted our house (inside) while I was preggo. Almost any paint you can get VOC free, though it''s more expensive. Just ask at the paint store. And I couldn''t smell it at all, and I had insane smelling ability while preggo.

Cord Blood- We actually did this. It''s crazy expensive and I honestly don''t think it''s necessary. I think there was a discussion on this back when I was preggo and most moms that did the research decided against private storage. We did it b/c we know of someone who needed it and it just came down to how much I would regret NOT doing it if I actually needed it one day. But in the sane light of day, I would probably donate it next time. Also, and correct me if I''m wrong, but I think you can use one for any kids you have, so we only planned on doing it this one time. But everyone please consider donating it!!!!!! It''s so easy and free, you just tell them at the hospital and they take care of it for you. Assuming of course that your hospital participates.

PuppMom- I can only scan this thread, so haven''t read all your posts, but my dates are almost identical to yours! I had my LMP on 11/1 and estimated ovulation on 11/13 or 11/15 of last year. My due date was August 8, 2009 but my little guy didn''t come until August 18, 2009. Anyways, just seeing your dates reminded me of mine. Gosh, was that only a year ago??? Anyways, congrats and good luck at your appointment today.
ChinaCat - fabulous! we''ll regroup and decide on a weekend in january that works for everyone and we''ll plan a h-town meetup!
So today is our first major snow storm. We''re up to 6 inches and it''s not showing signs of stopping... Before leaving for work, DH sternly told baby to stay put today! Haha. Obviously, it figures that the only day I absolutely had to go out was today...
I took the bus to the doctor''s office, and some creepy guy started hitting on me! I was like "Dude, I''m 9 months pregnant!!" Seriously, who does that?

Anyway, I''m 37 weeks today, so full term!!
My appointment went well, everything''s good with baby, cervix is soft but still closed. The doctor said baby doesn''t seem to be in a hurry to get out. I don''t blame him/her, it''s all warm and cozy in the belly compared to the weather we''re having!

Since I''m full term now, I''d like to start a gender poll for the little "grenouille"... Place your bets, ladies!
Date: 12/9/2009 1:12:43 PM
Author: anchor31
So today is our first major snow storm. We''re up to 6 inches and it''s not showing signs of stopping... Before leaving for work, DH sternly told baby to stay put today! Haha. Obviously, it figures that the only day I absolutely had to go out was today...
I took the bus to the doctor''s office, and some creepy guy started hitting on me! I was like ''Dude, I''m 9 months pregnant!!'' Seriously, who does that?

Anyway, I''m 37 weeks today, so full term!!
My appointment went well, everything''s good with baby, cervix is soft but still closed. The doctor said baby doesn''t seem to be in a hurry to get out. I don''t blame him/her, it''s all warm and cozy in the belly compared to the weather we''re having!

Since I''m full term now, I''d like to start a gender poll for the little ''grenouille''... Place your bets, ladies!
I''m going with boy
Do you "feel" like it''s one gender or the other at all?

I wish we had snow for me to blame my tiredness on, but instead I slept REALLY well last night (barely moved - my left shoulder was even a bit sore from laying on it so long without moving), and I still feel like crap today. Not to mention my very lower belly, just below my belly button, feels like it is really tight and pulling me over so I want to hunch. It doesn''t hurt, it just feels weird. Micah was kicking like mad all morning, so maybe it''s just from that.
Anchor this whole time I thought you were having a girl so I''m going to go with Girl for you
Anchor- I''m with Fiery, I see GIRL for you!
Date: 12/9/2009 1:39:36 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Anchor- I''m with Fiery, I see GIRL for you!

And I''m excited about a Houston GTG!!!
Puppmom, I don''t have an OB in addition to my midwife, except for her backup OB. She''s a certified nurse midwife with over 20 years of experience, so I trust her fully. If I had to switch to an OB, I''d go to her backup guy in a heartbeat because I really like and respect him.

About Splenda -- it''s all I use. I stay away from refined sugar as much as possible, but can''t do without sweetener in my coffee or tea. Too much refined sugar jacks up my blood sugar and makes me feel awful, thus the Splenda. I will also use Equal if we''re out for dinner and they don''t have Splenda.

Anchor, I hear you on the crotch pain! That sound so awful to say, but it''s true. My pubic bone feels like it''s splitting apart, which I know is totally normal and will go away -- it''s just not very pleasant right now. I walk around the house holding it and SO laughs at me all the time.

Congrats on hitting the 37 week mark! Isn''t it exciting? I''m constantly amazed that I''m this far along (33 weeks) and it seems to have gone by quickly. Of course, I also know that the last 2 weeks also seem to last 10 years.

I''m betting on a boy for you, just because everyone is having boys right now. There''s something in the water, I think.

About sleeping on your back: If you''re comfortable, I don''t think there''s much harm in doing it. If you''re pregnant enough, try lying on your back for a bit and you''ll find yourself getting dizzy -- that''s the clue to move. If you roll onto your back in the middle of the night, it''s likely that you will either change position when you get uncomfortable or you''ll wake up -- and change position. I think our bodies are capable of preventing us from doing things that are harmful.

About cord blood banking: This became popular when I was pregnant with my 9 year old and I had some discussions with my doctor at the time. She was pregnant, too, so she''d done some research. We agreed that the expense outweighed the potential benefits. I''ve declined to have it done with all of the kids.

Not much going on with me this week -- I can tell that the baby is getting big because I feel so HUGE. I''m so glad that I get to work at home because getting up and getting ready for the office in the morning would be a big undertaking.

The only bad thing going on is that I found out we''re working on a new software release that will probably be done in mid January! I will have to update a variety of documentation -- and there are some significant changes -- and no one else at work can do this because of the software I use. I was hoping that come January, I''d be able to kind of skate through the last few weeks of my pregnancy with low key work and it''s not going to happen.
Hey, girls...whew, I''ve been really busy the past few days so I haven''t had a chance to go back and read the last few pages. But I hope everyone is doing well. I''ve been tied up with our pup, he has a tumor that had to be biopsied today to see if he needs surgery
. Then this afternoon, I had my appt. with the doc. I have been having contractions the past few days, so he checked me and I''m not dilated at all (yea!). And he moved my c-section back a few days since he will be out of town, so I''ll be 39 weeks if I make it that long. Anyway, I go for an ultrasound next Mon. to try to get a weight estimate. Hope everyone is having a great day, and I''m going to get caught up from the rest of the week!
Anchor congrats on full term! I am guessing boy for you.

I also had to head out in the snow storm today for a doctor''s appointment, although I wasn''t lucky enough to get hit on

I really didn''t want to go out, as I haven''t been in snow in almost five years. Because I''m pregnant and my center of gravity is changing and I no longer have any idea what I''m doing in the winter, I have an irrational fear of slipping. But of course it was fine.

Everything seems to be good with the baby, got to hear the heartbeat again, although the little troublemaker kept moving away from the doppler as soon as she found it.

So only one week now until the big ultrasound. I am so ready to see this baby

Regarding cord blood I really don''t think I will be paying for private, but I will happily donate it to the public system. I think here I need to register for it ahead of time. They gave me something when I first went to the hospital for my blood work, I''ll have to look it up...

Hope everyone is doing well
anchor, congrats on being full term!
I''m going to guess girl for you. There''ve been so many boys around here...I''m thinking it may be time for another girl...
Do you or your Dh have a preference?

steph - are you the next to deliver, then? are you already 38 weeks?

Who else is at the top of the Preggo Waiting list?
Anchor add me to the list that is thinking GIRL..
back sleeping: so i experimented last night aand just let me body do whatever. my blood pressure was pretty low at my last appt (both PCP and OB), about systolic 10-20 lower than my norm, which i figured made me amore at risk for being dizzy, but nope. i was fine. i think i''ll just go with as long as i feel ok...

cord blood: so i called the hospital i''ll be delivering at to see how it works for donating to a public bank. as i suspected, we are set up in house, so it''s super easy. i just tell them the day i deliver and they take care of everything. for teh 34 week deadline, i think is for hospitals who are not set up and use an outside system. anyways just thought i''d share. if you''re serious about doanting, its really easy to call the L&D floor and ask the nurses how it works for their hospital.

anchor - i''m voting GIRL! the tides are turning...i can feel it!

china - sounds good! although if we wait too long after the holidays, the only way i''d be at the get together is if it was in the L&D floor at my hospital

steph - sorry about your pup...hope everything turns out well.

cdt - yeah...i''ve started the whole lotion process. seems to help a little. seriously, the things they don''t tell you about pregnancy!

the little fella seems to have moved further down for now, less pressure up high, which means i''m tolerating for food (yay!) but dude, last night major pressure on my pelvis. it felt like he was doing handstand or something on my cervix! interesting and vaguely unpleasant sensation. Oh, and i''ve hit another milestone -- we are now officially on every 2 week appointments. Although I still get 2 more freebie appts before my OB starts doing internals again
Cord blood banking: We are banking our first son''s cord blood with CBR, and will do it for our second son as well. The price is actually around $1800 for the initial harvest and banking, but it''s only $125 per year after that. To us it was absolutely worth it to pay around $10 per month to potentially save our son''s life. Now with the second baby, they are giving us a family discount to bank both.

It seems like some of those diseases just happen to other people, but when I was a 23 year old newlywed, my 27 year old first husband was diagnosed with stage 3B lymphoma. They were able to save him (barely) but you never think it''s going to happen to you until it does.
Anchor, I am voting girl!
Anchor, I''m going GIRL too. Any day now!

Rock, it sounds like the midwife experience is very good for you. I think I could probably use something along those lines...a little less clinical and a little more relaxed.

Steph, I''m sorry to hear about your dog. Mine is like a child to me so I can imagine how stressed you are. They''re pretty resilient so hopefully all will turn out well.

So, I had my first OB appointment today. She pretty much answered all of my questions before I could even ask (guess they weren''t that off the wall). She wrote me a script right away for an ultrasound for "viability"...I guess these seem more common now. She said we should be able to see the heartbeat any time beginning next Tuesday so I made an appointment for next Thursday. If all goes well, I think some of my anxiety will back off then and, better yet, we''ll get to tell our family. I''m a little nervous because her script said "TV probe"...I looked that up and it means trans-vaginal - yikes! Do you still have to drink a lot of water for that? I''m going for bloodwork tomorrow or Friday and then back for another visit on 01/11 and ultrasound between 01/15 and 01/25. So, I guess we''ll be busy.

I''m spotting now but I ALWAYS spot after pelvic exams and she said to expect it. So I think today went well and I''ll continue to feel better as time goes on.

Oh, and my official due date is 08/09/2010. That''s easy to remember!
puppmom - cute due date!!
I am also guessing girl for you.

Glad your 1st appt went well. I don''t know if you need to drink water for transvaginal u/s since I never had one. With the abdominal u/s, I think you only need to drink water when they need to measure the cervix.

I am experiencing the opposite of your situation today. I feel like the baby is higher today, and my stomach is squish. I can barely eat anything.

I feel like the baby is all up in my rib. It''s a new sensation for me since M was never up there, so maybe I am carrying higher this time???

I am really bored at work now. I barely have anything to do since the majority of my job is field work, but my boss doesn''t want me to go out anymore. So I am in the office doing paperwork, but there''s just not much paperwork when I am not doing field work. Oh well I shouldn''t complain.
Sha, oops...should have been more clear in my post. Nope I''m not next, the doctor just moved my c-section date back a few days from Jan. 25th to Jan. 27th and I will be 39 weeks then!

Anchor, I''m also thinking GIRL!

Ginger, thanks for the thoughts about our puppy. Yea for every 2 weeks! Makes it seem a lot closer, huh?

Puppmom, thanks for the good thoughts! So glad your first appt. went well. Add me to the list of those that experienced bleeding/cramping at the beginning and everything turned out just fine. I think they ask you to empty your bladder for the trans-vag ultrasound. It is really not that bad b/c you will be so excited to see your little one, you will hardly think about it! Oh and I love you due date!

QT, sorry you''re bored at least you have PS