
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 1/20/2010 4:37:48 PM
Author: lovelylulu
quick question -

when did you first start feeling fetal movements. I''m a little over 18wks and nothing yet.
14 weeks - just flutters
16 weeks- kicks
20 weeks - non stop moving all day

Don''t be alarmed about not feeling anything yet though, I didn''t feel a thing until 24 weeks with my first pregnancy..
Hey Ladies,
Well, had my 20 wk ultrasound today! Everything with baby looks good and healthy and developing well! We got a pleasant surprise though... at my 13 wk ultrasound, one of the 3D pics looked kinda apparent that it was a girl, BUT they didn''t want to call it yet as it was still pretty early and the legs were closed.. TODAY: No Mistake,.. It''s a Boy!! We were so set it was a girl we already had her name picked out.. haha.. I should''ve guessed considering all of the differences in this pregnancy from the one with our little girl... He''s SOO active!! you can actually already feel him kick on the outside. It''s like he never sits still, the ultrasound was interesting to see them waiting for him to stop moving to get their measurements.

I do have a couple questions for all of you:
Has anyone had their placenta sitting a little low where they (doctors) were concerned and watched it to make sure that it moved up? (to avoid the need for a cesection)
If you had this happen, Did it move by delivery time?
Do you know how low (centimeter wise) was it sitting in relation to where they want it?

PS: Mine is 1 cm low and I have to go back in at 28 wks to get it rechecked and I''m of course over concerned and want to know my odds of it moving so I can deliver naturally and not cesection... they of course say " it usually moves up as you grow, don''t worry"

Thank you for all your help and comments!
lol RPS i just texted my sis and said to tell mom i guess she is getting her aquarius after all!!! hopefully now that i said that nothing happens tonite to jinx it hehe. hope the kid waits til monday for you now...and maybe sunday for me. hehe.

re: feeling baby move. it took me forever. i thought i felt it at about 16-18 weeks but then it subsided so i was never quite sure if it was him or gas. since this is my first it was really hard to tell as well. around 20-22 is when i started to really notice it more but it wasn''t until he was larger at about 24 or so that i started feeling him a lot more. my dr never said if i had a tilted ute or where my placenta was or anything but i always have kind of measured ''small'' on the belly (like 1-2 weeks most visits) so i think he just had a lot of room to play around in there before i noticed. every time we saw him on the screen he was active and bouncing around but i think it just took a while for me to really feel it. now that he is giant, i feel him ALL the time...and it''s sort of ironic it took me so long to really feel it to start. i wouldn''t worry if it takes you longer to feel it but i know it can be stressful since some people feel theirs so early.

so excited, congrats on a boy!

lulu... DITTO on the regenerating MP lol. i am still horrified about that tidbit.

kaleigh, we only have clawfoot tub now and i am too lazy to do anything with it. hehee. honestly bed is my favorite place lately!

i had my hair appt and now i am all highlighted and beautiful. well not so much the 2nd part lol, but i just don''t have to worry about bad hair roots for another 9 weeks, yay. my friend was laughing because she is like are you trying to look good for the L&D nurses...and i was like no really i am just trying to get all my ''appts'' out of the way before labor so i don''t have to worry about stuff for a while! portia is groomed, her teeth are clean, my hair is done, my hair is plucked haha. now just a pedicure over the next few days so i don''t get hammertoe while home with the kid. i do want to see the dentist so i am hoping i can do that on monday.

i just took my codeine and am going to bed even though it''s 5:30 hahaa. i told greg he is on his own tonite. i am desperate for some sleep!
Date: 1/20/2010 5:44:13 PM
Author: lili
Oh? I thought you still have another week (at least that''s what is in the Preggo in Waiting)
Were your other kids all after their EDD? (ETA: just saw your response to Mara)
How many days pass then?
I actually have 2 due dates, so I put the later one on the list. Today is 40 weeks from date of conception, while the 28th is going by LMP. I ovulated on CD9 or 10 during that cycle, which is why there''s such a difference. Today is also the due date that was figured at the first ultrasound I had (which was around 9 weeks).

My other kids were ALL late -- from 2-11 days, plus the last one, we don''t really know because I had several due dates then, too.

The big deal for me is that if I go too late, I risk out of my planned homebirth. Once I hit 42 weeks, I''m in the hospital. So, in the interest of keeping my homebirth, my mw and I go with my latest due date since it buys me an entire week over my first due date. Does that make sense?

I figured the best part about having several due dates is that I might actually deliver on one of them!
I was so like you, getting everything done. Nothing like not having to worry about the roots, the nails, and of course you want Portia all groomed and ready for the nugget. Could be some time before she gets back to the groomer, wonder how she liked all that rain you had?? It''s a muddy mess here, I swear we''ve had more rain in the past year than I can ever remember. Reminds me of Noah''s ark, I keep expecting animals to go floating by two by two.

Glad you have the codeine, sweet dreams......
So Excited

I had a low lying placenta around 28 weeks I believe. I was given an u/s from that point on and it moved up by 36 weeks.

I wouldn''t worry about it right now. Just like the baby is moving, so is the placenta and at 20 weeks there is still plenty of time for it to move up.

Some tips is to try not to bend down too much or use too much force. Don''t lift anything heavy. GL!
So Excited - I think usually with low-lying placenta they don''t worry too much. Mine was just over 1cm from the internal cervical os, and no one ever mentioned being worried about it. I''ve had enough scans since then that they know it moved farther up as the lower uterine segment developed. I''m sure yours will too. I think they''ll check again at the 28-32 week mark, and tell you more. If you had a true previa, that''d be another story, and they''d have put you on pelvic rest. Contrats on the boy!

Lulu - I think I had my first taps at 18.5 weeks (despite anterior placenta). Anything I might have felt before that I kept being sure was just gas moving through my bowels. After the first tapes, it took another week or so to feel anything again, and after that it got much more strong and regular. She''s a wiggle worm these days - seems to be taking over snake child from Mara''s kid now that she''s getting close to delivery. I had nearly 2 hours of non-stop belly jiggling and rib and stomach kicks tonight.

Steph - can''t believe you only have a week to go. Exciting!

Now I feel like I whined too much about the underappreciated anesthesiologists. I think most of us really do enjoy our jobs whether or not people say thanks, but I do love it when a patient makes a point of thanking me ahead of time, or when they say something in the recovery room as I''m dropping them off. It''s just such a nice change. I''d be shocked to get a gift of any sort (like chocolate), but a card or two a year would be great. I think part of it is that we have very short but intense contact with patients. Either we''re with them immediately before surgery when they''re scared, or we''re arriving when they''re in great pain in labour. I have to say I love it when I have patients who I saw in the consult clinic end up being on my list for the day. It''s very nice to have the repeated contact with most of them (not the annoying ones, of course), since that''s so unusual in our specialty. And I loved it a month ago when I did the anesthetics for a couple of radical prostatectomies, and then ended up rounding on pain service the next day and got to see my guys all over again. They were doing so great, and it was a pleasure to see that.

Mara - hope the cold goes away soon and the codeine gives you a good night''s sleep.

Shiny - glad to hear the ECP is fading.

QT - hope the contractions pick up after you''ve got your bag packed! Not sure when I''ll get around to packing mine. My mother''s got her car full of gas and with bag already in it, so she''s more prepared for an early arrival than I am! :)

MP - yeah, the nurses really do deserve the lion''s share of the praise and appreciation. Assuming they were good. Some can be kind of crummy, and depending on the hospital don''t spend as much time with their patients (will just sit at the front desk watching the FHR monitor remotely). I hope i get one I like!

Tomorrow I''ve got to be better with the packing. Didn''t hardly get anything done today. And I only have 3.5 days to finish my stuff before I''m back at work next week.
so i got a 2 hour nap and that was about it. haha. now i am watching food network and shopping for post-maternity clothes on i guess i'll get my sleep in snatches again tonite!

Dr also told me i can take sudafed (regular, psuedophedrine only) which i found in our cabinet so i took a 1/2. wow that stuff clears you right up but dries you out. re snake child. right now he is slithering back and forth under my rib because i am sitting up and 'constraining his space'. but yep another week and snakey is all yours. hehee. i joke that we should have his middle name be Slither.

oh and latest development. cough=pee. so fun!!
Hello Ladies,

I have a question. What is up with the mucous plug? I know that this is TMI and kinda gross but today I had a weird experience. I wanted to ask you ladies what it felt like and what it looked like if you don''t mind!

I don''t know if it came out but I am worried and wanna call my OB first thing in the morn. My mom got a little scared cuz she thinks the time is nearing! I am 36 weeks 2 days!
RPS- Well, I give you ALOT of credit for not taking meds. I love your AV...your bebe is so cute and the wig makes ur bebe EVEN cutier!

Re: Feeling the bebe move. I think that I felt movement (fluttering) around 12-14 weeks. Very slight fluttering.

Re: Due dates. Doc told me that my due date is feb 12 and then feb 16. He said that the baby development wise is feb 12 and the other date is based on my LMP. Weird. So, I always say that my DD is feb 12.
I had my first baby related dream last night! It was a labor dream and it was easy, lol. Then the doc took the baby away and I was pissed because they wouldn''t give her back to me. So I got up and walked around looking for her and I saw the BIGGEST baby ever. He was like a little sumo wrestler-not my kid I said to myself in the dream. Oh and in the dream the baby was a girl
I had partial praevia at 21 weeks. They scanned me again at 35 weeks and it had moved enough that I didn''t have to have a c-section. IIRC it was 3cm from the os at 35 weeks which is 1 cm more than the minimum allowable.

95% of early potential praevias resolve as the uterus expands.

DrK - Anaesthetists are absolutely my most favourite people in any hospital! The nice doctor who did my epidural was in no doubt how grateful I was!
My favorite hospital people usually are on the IV team. I have major problems with nurses punching through veins, missing them all together and just all around turning my arm into a pin cushion, so when the IV team shows up I''m usually about ready to kiss them! I''m sure I''ll feel the same way about my anesthesiologist.
Mara, hope you're feeling better soon and that the boy stays put until that's the case.

Lulu, I'm in the anterior placenta crew (there are only 4 places it can implant so it's pretty common) and I felt movement starting around 20 weeks, it became consistent and more noticable around 22 weeks, if memory serves.

RPS, I'd be happy to post pictures of the house, I'll take one at inspection. We live in new (2005) custom home now in a community full of the homes you are referring to and it's not "us" either. The charm and character of this house is amazing and structurally it's in fantastic condition. Then again, we're doing the opposite of what most people do when they have babies, downsizing instead of moving into a larger home and rather then heading for a suburban community we're escaping ours.

Steph, sorry for the scare and the time in triage.

Anesthesiologists: Mine at my D&C was absolutely wonderful. She could not have been more kind or helpful. I hope if I'm in a position that I need one during labor I'll get the same woman as she made a terrible experience much more tolerable.

Cramps/Pain: Sciatica has kicked in and last night I woke up with a totally cramped up left calf, I hopped out of bed and had to force my foot flat on the ground. Overall I feel fantastic, I'll take a bit of cramping and pain over all the other stuff that could be going on.

So the house is ours, hooray! Thanks for all the happy wishes. Closing date is March 1. This kiddo needs to stay put for a while.

We went to a makeup CBE class last night. I really just wanted the piece about c-section because of my diabetes diagonsis, so we slipped out early. Both of us were wiped and wanted to escape while the crazy rain calmed down so we weren't stuck driving in a downpour.

I had my 32 wk appt. yesterday as well. All is well. She had J find the heartbeat with the doppler, he was so amazed and touched and it was awesome to see. He's been so nervous throughout the pregnancy and I could really see him connecting with the baby while doing so, such a fantastic experience. I'm measuring behind, not so shocking considering I'm on a low carb no sugar diet and I started off the pregnancy at a healthy weight. She's not concerned, it's only slightly so when she measured me the old fashioned way (fingers not tape measure).

MTJ, I wouldn't worry too much if you lost some of your plug this early because it can regenerate. It's really a gross thing -- imagine if you had the worst head cold ever and sneezed out one big glob. Yeah, that's what it looks like. If you lose it early, it's usually just white/clear, but when you get close to labor, it's likely to have streaks of blood or some brown blood combined.

I do apologize for any of the sensitive stomachs that I may have offended with that description!

Mara, I hear you on the cough = pee. I've had a nagging cough all through my pregnancy thanks to the various allergens in VA (and a bad cold for a while). When you cough repeatedly, I think your bladder just gets tired of trying to hold it in. This is where kegels come in handy so do them as often as you can!

Kim, CONGRATS! I cannot wait to see pics! I don't blame you for downsizing because it can make life a LOT easier. When my ex and I were together, we had a 4 bedroom house and it was really hard for me to keep up with since I was juggling the kids and, well, my ex pretty much refused to do anything around the house. Now we're in a 3 bedroom apartment and it can get a little hairy at times when there are the 4 kids plus the 2 of us, but overall, since everyone is used to it, it's not bad. It's also nice that when it's time to clean, there just isn't a lot of stuff to do!

Here's the truth of the day: a Mustang is a great car...unless you're 300 months pregnant. I had to take ours this morning because the truck didn't have enough gas and at this point, getting in is difficult, plus I have to pull the seat waaaay up in order to push in the clutch. Then I nearly strangle myself with the seat belt.

I had to take my younger daughter to the dentist (who's also my dentist). She looked almost horrified that I was actually there, being this pregnant. Then she said, "I can't believe they didn't induce you last week!"

I know that there are plenty of women and doctors that are comfortable evicting babies at 39 weeks. I'm not one of those women because I think there's a reason why pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks. It's one thing if you go into labor early naturally or if you need to be induced early for a medical issue, but just for convenience sake? No thanks.

I have experience with it too because we tried to induce #4 at 39 weeks due to my husband at the time having to have surgery on his foot. After 12 hours hooked up to pitocin, I had made no progress, so I chose to go home. I'm convinced that because I was making no progress even with the pitocin jacked up the whole way, if I would have kept going, I would have ended up with a c-section. I went into labor myself TWO WEEKS later. That tells me that she simply was not ready to be born at 39 weeks.

Yeah, so that's been my day so far.

ETA: I work with some real dopes. I actually just got an email from one of our project managers asking if he could schedule a 3 hour training session for one of our clients for next week. HELLO?? I understand that this customer has a schedule to keep and all, but I'M PREGNANT AND DUE ANY DAY. I'm not planning to take much time off, which is great, but right now, I am simply not up to planning a 3 hour training session. I can't believe this guy would even have the nerve to ask.
kim - congrats on the house!! that is so exciting!!

movements - i prob felt them earlier and atrributed it to gas, cuz the first official movement my husband felt at 18ish weeks? that being said, my placenta is posterior and i don''t think i have a back tilting uterus based on how easily i can grab gingerbaby''s limbs when he''s a''kickin and a''punchin. i.e. i probably have an easier time feeling movement than some mommas.

so i''ve officially hit 37 weeks today!
which i''m very happy about. but i''m also feeling bleah because i amd sooooo stuffed and congested it''s not even funny. i have an appt tomorrow for the final u/s which i''m excited about (now that you ladies have calmed me down and convinced me nothing is wrong) and those cream puffs seem to have done the trick cuz i am 2 lbs up
. still waiting for my final shipments of baby stuff and my work shoes don''t fit anymore
. i really really really hope this isn''t permanent spread because i would be uber pissed if i can''t fit into my fave argentinian boots again post preggo
kimi - congratulations again on your home

ginger - 37 wks - so close, so close!!

RPS - I understand you not wanting to *evict* your baby. I hope that I still feel the same way if I''m overdue with my own

so excited - I bet that you are *so excited* to be having a little man! congratulations!!

and again thanks to everyone for the movement updates! I''ll just have to wait it out some more.
Kim, congrats on your new house!
Kim, congrats on the house, yay! March 1st isn''t far away at all. How exciting!

gingerb, and here I thought I might be the only person in this thread with a posterior placenta and I was weird. I had no idea anterior ones were so common. Lucky us!

I am so bored at work today. I have to start training the ONE PERSON I loathe in my department on my stuff so they can do it during my maternity leave, and I am not impressed. She is one of those people that asks a lot of questions, which is fine, but then she refuses to take my answer as truth and will ask me fifty more questions (which is basically the same question, re-worded) and then go ask both my supervisor and manager just to "double check". Arg! I see stress in my future lol. If I go into early labor I am suing!
Congratualtions Kim!

RPS- I am very glad that my mom will be there. I talked with MIL last night and everything seems good!

Update: Today is my 26 weeks appt (This pregnancy is flying by!), and I am drinking my Glucose drink.
Luckily my doctor allows me to do it before I get to the office, so I don''t have to sit there. It isn''t that bad, it smells and tastes like Fruit Punch.
Thank you sooo much for the info on your personnal experiences.... I definately feel alot more comfortable knowing that it actually does have a good chance on moving up based on more than the Doc saying "Don''t worry, you''ll be fine..."

Fiery- Does bending and lifting really have an effect on it moving?

Drk- Thanks for the congrats, they said it was only 1 cm to low right now to be "safe" I scheduled another ultrasound for 28 weeks so we will have to wait and see I guess

Pandora II- Good to know that it has a good chance to move, hopefully it moves early (before 28 wks) or they do a later scan to check again - 95% is pretty good odds I guess..

lovelylulu- Yes, it should be awesome having one of each.. not really looking forward on going through all of McKaylees clothes and finally getting rid, no sense on keeping the clutter anymore. GOTTA BUY ALL NEW
RPS-Thanks! I was freaked and grossed out at the same time! LOL...I was relieved not to see blood but I will keep an eye on it. I called the nurse and she said that I will gradually lose a little bit and to keep an eye on it.

MP-I am right there with you! I was the trainer to new people coming and I don''t like when I get "smart asses." And I also HATE when they run to the supervisor to verify what I just said 100 times! Good Luck, you will be ok!
writing my post in two parts since the pages are splitting again..!!

mtj...well i haven't lost my plug yet but moms say it could be like chunks of mucus or just an increase in your mucusy discharge, could be clear but when you wipe it might be tinged red or pink. i wouldn't worry too much if you do lose it because i know a few gals who lost it like 2-3 weeks beforehand and one of them still had to be induced over her due date! so it doesn't necessarily mean you lose it and pop into labor.

HH...haha i had crazy dreams about the baby up until almost 30 weeks. most of it had to do with fear about him coming early and either him or us not being 'ready'. funny but i haven't had any dreams about him in a while now, maybe because i know i'll get to meet him soon. also i think before you really 'interact' with them in your belly they are like more of a nebulous thought. but now that i feel him ALL the time, i feel like we connect more (i grab his foot when he sticks it out, push on his butt, etc) though it's prob just me connecting and him going WTF is this external force...but i think maybe thats why i don't dream as much.

Kimi and RPS re: houses, I have always been a new house lover just for amenities and convenience but our current house is an old house that was gutted and remodeled but they kept some of the architecture and 'older' elements. bets of both worlds IMO. we have the original bathroom with the original 50's subway tiles and a clawfoot tub...but our own bathroom is brand new (used to be the utility area) with all the new amenities. the kitchen is old and original cabinets, but all new counters, and we added in a wall of display storage and shelving that is new. anyway kim, the new house sounds like it will be a lot of fun for you guys to nest in!

oh and kimi i have been measuring behind most of my preg, but Dr was never concerned. thankfully!

RPS...aren't people crazy? last week i was in a meeting and one of the guys wanted to get to the dial in phone that was kind of in front of me. he actually like hits me on the arm to tell me 'move over' and then stares at me until i GRACEFULLY manuever my chair over with me in it. then 10 min later the other preggo drops her pen and he sits there as she GRACEFULLY ambles down to get it. and he is like 'i'd get that but you already got it'...and i was like 'SUCH a gentleman'. sheesh. come here and let me cough on you.

MP... yikes i hope this lady impresses you a little bit more so you don't get too stressed. it took us forever to find someone and in the end we tapped another internal dept to help us out because we just didn't feel comfortable with any contractors we interviewed. what i do is really specialized and brings in a lot of money for our team so i didn't want to just be like here you go random new person! and our company is huge and very corporate and if you don't have global experience in corp you honestly would not do well there and my programs would suffer (and revenue). so i felt SO much better having someone internal that i trusted (his programs do well) who knew the basics. and my employee knows OUR aspects of our programs so she is the specialist there. so i am very happy with how it worked out but man it was stressful not knowing who was going to be helping me and my time looming. i was like OMG i am going to go into early labor! anyway hope you can relax a bit, i also had to be kind of zen at the end be like 'whatever will be will be!'...hehe.

re: early eviction, i believe in it if the kid is growing to be gigantic and the mom might have a really hard time with labor. my friend was induced on her due date and her kid was almost 9 lbs and the mom is tiny. my other coworker was induced at 39 and her kid was almost 8 and this girl weighed like 100 lbs. but other than that i am like fine stay in til 40 but if i could be induced at 40 i would. unfort my hospital only induces at 41 so that is when i will go in if i need to. i don't see the need for the kid to just keep getting more giant in there after development is 'done'... i have to birth that head and body!!! lol.

ETA... my update from last nite. I managed to sleep from 2am to 7:30am...YAY. progress. and then from 7:30am to 9:30am. so I feel more human today. i have lunch with some friends and that is all she wrote for today, plus not sure i mentioned this but N CA is getting SLAMMED with some crazy storms and we have had nonstop rain for about 4 days now. we need the water but man. it's gross out. so i am happy to just stay inside mostly.

oh and snake child tried repeatedly to come out the cervix all last nite. at least he is getting the message that way out is down.
Congrats Kim!!

SoExcited~Congrats on a little boy! I am also having a boy this time and currently have a 2 year old girl. I was sad to not be able to reuse all the cute clothes but it has been fun filling our little guys closet!
We also bought a lot of the big stuff in gender neutrals (car seat, stroller, ect) so we''re able to reuse all of that at least.

meresal~Good luck with the glucose test.

mp~Sorry you have to train someone you don''t like. That must be miserable.

ginger~Congrats on 37 weeks! I''m 37 weeks Sunday.

rps~Congrats on 40 weeks! I can see why you''re not into evicting your little one. I am not sure I''ll be able to feel that way if I make it to 40 weeks!

steph~So sorry about the movement scare!! Glad everything is alright.

re due dates: I''ve had 3. First Feb 7, then Feb 17 and now Feb 14. I was having super long cycles (doc didn''t think I was ovulating and we were thinking about starting clomid in the next couple cycles) so that''s why mine is all over the place. Feb 7 sounds SOOOO much better than the 14th right now!

re all the sick preggos: sorry to all the ladies who haven''t been feeling well. I am right there with you. I''ve been fighting this cold-like thing for almost 2 weeks now and I''m so over it. Sleep is a nightmare because I either am unable to breath or have to pee! Yuck.
re: being sick...ginger and burk, it SUCKS. and yes on the pee. my cycle is like... pee. lay down. nap intermittently and have strange dreams for 30 min. get poked in cervix by fingers. cough. get poked in side by foot. cough. blow nose. have to pee again. rinse and repeat.

i know i am this sick because i was so ecstatic about not getting sick this pregnancy. gloating...always does it!
Thanks, Mara! This is so gross! But whatever, it''s all part of being almost being a mommy! I can''t wait but then I want her to stay in longer because I still have to clean and do stuff before she makes her apperance!
I hate cleaning, so lazy and have to take hour long breaks after 15 mins. of actual work!
Date: 1/21/2010 1:23:24 PM
Author: Mara
re: being sick...ginger and burk, it SUCKS. and yes on the pee. my cycle is like... pee. lay down. nap intermittently and have strange dreams for 30 min. get poked in cervix by fingers. cough. get poked in side by foot. cough. blow nose. have to pee again. rinse and repeat.

i know i am this sick because i was so ecstatic about not getting sick this pregnancy. gloating...always does it!
Oh yes, how could I forget blow nose, feel like kid is trying to escape, pee, ect..... NOT fun. I am so exhausted that all I want to do is get some actual sleep but it's virtually impossible! I have a doc appt today so I may mention the cough syrup with codeine you got Mara!!
I just have to make a weird pregnancy confession, so I figure this is the place.

I''ve been having sex dreams for the past two nights with that guy from the new Bachelor - Jake. I was actually sad when I woke up this morning and realized that it was just a dream. It was especially depressing because I woke up to my 28 week pregnant and bloated body, instead of my old, trim body that I was sporting in the dream. It was also embarrassing because if I had a choice, I would have much preferred to have a sex dream with Don Draper from Mad Men instead of the cheesy Bachelor - so lame

Thanks for listening - if I told my husband or my real life friends about it, I would be teased mercilessly and never hear the end of it, but I just had to get it off my chest.
Hi, ladies! My internet has been really weird in the evenings lately and that''s the time I''ve been using to catch up on this thread. I hope you''re all doing well!!

RE: fetal movement. I felt JT and this baby right at 13 weeks. JT was 13 weeks on the day, this one was 13w2d. My uterus is very tipped and forces forward a lot. (it seems that some are suggesting that a tipped uterus has affect on fetal movement???) I feel the movement really low in the pelvis. For me it feels like rolls more than flutters. I could only feel it a few times a day at first, now it''s increasing (almost 15 weeks). I''m very sensitive to pain and other feelings in my uterine and abdomen area, I think from fighting endometreosis and cysts for so long, so maybe I''m just sensitive to baby moving too.
vesper~Glad you got that out and thanks so much for the big smile! I have weird dreams when I''m preggo too and have also had weird sex dreams!