
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Happy Birthday Meresal!

Love the pics MonkeyPie!

Anyone hear from DrK? Isn''t she due here any day now? Loved her last belly pic too!
Meresal, hoping you are having a great birthday!!!!

MP these pics are soooo great!!!! Love the last one and look forward to seeing more?? PP?? (pretty please)
Date: 3/4/2010 5:04:43 PM
Author: Kaleigh
MP these pics are soooo great!!!! Love the last one and look forward to seeing more?? PP?? (pretty please)

Oh, if I must

Date: 3/4/2010 2:43:06 PM
Author: KimberlyH
lost in baby and moving, wanted to say thanks to dee for updating and all of you for the kind words. will be back with birth story, probably next week when mom eaves. she''s been the champion mover w/ husband while i take care of bby. hope everyone is well.

Great to hear from you Kimi! Can''t wait to hear your story and see more pics.
What great pics, MP! Sorry if i interrupted- just had to chime in!

FELIZ CUMPLEANOS, Mere! Have a FABULOUS one. I''m sure you''re looking forward to your steakhouse dinner tonite.

HH- I didn''t have any dreams like you described, but certainly experienced some pent-up anxiety leading up to the NT scan/blood test.

Tacori- Always GREAT to see you, friend!

ugh, just ate a WHOLE BOX of Reese''s Pieces. I feel sick...
MP, love the pics! They are great!

Happy birthday meresal!

HH, I am aware that is the plan :) though we''ll have to wait and see what the little ones have to say about their arrival date! Oh, I am definitely sleeping weird. I few weeks ago I was having really vivid dreams, and the preggo-comotose feeling occasionally, but now I am having trouble sleeping or getting comfortable? I am not normally one with these kinds of problems, but its like the least little disturbance will wake me up and then I wake up randomly for an hour or two at like 4 am... only to fall back asleep at like 6 when it wouldn''t be ridiculous to get up.

Try not to worry too much about the screening - easier said than done I know - but its just a screening! Even in case of a bad result, you''ll be referred for a diagnostic test if you want to go that route as typically there are usually a lots of false positives with the screen. I''m actually looking forward to the detailed ultrasound cause hopefully the resolution will be better and we''ll get some good pics/images! Fun times!
Yea, that''s what''s odd. I know the odds, I know the protocol and mentally I''m fine with it. I''m just surmising that''s where a dream like that would come from.

Cara, the last few weeks I''ve fallen into a preggo comas every night starting around 8:30. Last night I fell asleep early but woke up multiple times, finally I woke up at 4:45 and couldn''t go back to sleep. Hopefully it''s not a trend, I love my preggo coma!
Eagerly awaiting news from DrK!

Happy Birthday Meresal!

Hoping that you all are doing great! It was fun to catch up just now, but I can''t remember everything now that I''m typing! I''m a bit tuned out of the pregnancy thing lately; a friend who is 21wks now is in the fourth week of waiting for her baby to pass away from serious complications. Its just awful for her whole family and I''m feeling guilty and distraught for her. I''m also on half days work now because part of my broken rib (now 5 months unhealed) is jabbing into a non-vital organ (sounds more gross than it is), but wrangling high school students is not compatible with this situation, so am trying to keep myself out of trouble.

Mostly, I need to find a doula and have been asking around, are there any sources you ladies would suggest?
MP, Just popping in to tell you I love your photos! The last two photos are wonderful. I especially love the one of you on the left. The expression on your face is just - WOW - hopeful and knowing, yet wondering, all at the same time. That's what I see in your face.
Is it the same photo as the first one you posted, just in black and white? In scrolling up or down to compare, I can't quite tell. Amazing how the effect is completely different in the B&W.

Swimmer, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and her loss. At 21 weeks, that is just awful.
Date: 3/4/2010 5:18:43 PM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 3/4/2010 5:04:43 PM
Author: Kaleigh
MP these pics are soooo great!!!! Love the last one and look forward to seeing more?? PP?? (pretty please)

Oh, if I must
Love these. You look great MP!!! Love the pic with your loving husband... So sweet!!! Guessing you are getting pretty close??
I''ve declined all screenings too.

Almost 21 weeks and DH felt Baby bounce around today. He was so happy! JT has been able to feel baby for the last several days, he''s amazed and his eyes light up every time.

I''ve eaten 4 Cadbury eggs in 2 days and I''m seriously contemplating having another....

Hope all of you are doing great!!
Happy Birthday Meresal! I hope you are having a fantastic day.

MP, I really like the last shot of you and your DH, it's so sweet.

Swimmer, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. What a horrible thing to have to go through.

Shiny, it's so incredible to feel the baby from the outside, isn't it? And that is so cute about JT!
Date: 3/4/2010 8:34:13 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
MP, Just popping in to tell you I love your photos! The last two photos are wonderful. I especially love the one of you on the left. The expression on your face is just - WOW - hopeful and knowing, yet wondering, all at the same time. That''s what I see in your face.
Is it the same photo as the first one you posted, just in black and white? In scrolling up or down to compare, I can''t quite tell. Amazing how the effect is completely different in the B&W.

Yeah it''s the same
I think I like it better in B&W!

Kaleigh, only 4 more weeks to go! We are getting nervous now lol. The baby has been sitting super low for a week or so, I think he''s gearing up to make an appearance already. Eek!
Hey guys, I''m 40 weeks tomorrow and still here! I hope she makes a speedy arrival now though. Made it through my last day at work today, thankfully. I can''t believe I made it this far!

I went out to a continuing education drug dinner thingy last night, which was really tasty. The doc did a stretch & sweep (without much warning) at my appt yesterday (was supposedly 2cm dilated after that), so in the evening I was having a few contractions during dinner. I decided to treat myself to a quarter glass of wine to see if it would help slow the contractions down, and sure enough, they went away again overnight. Since I was scheduled to earn about twice my usual billings with my fantastic OR list for the day today, the kid was under strict instructions to not stir things up till after 3pm. Not much going on even now.

So not much to report here, really. I had some increased bleeding/spotting after the check yesterday, and had some EWCM-like stuff mixed in with the dark blood last night and again this afternoon, so maybe that''s my mucus plug finally starting to come out. Looks like I''ll be making a final BPF (I hope) contribution tomorrow after all. Who''d have thought?

Swimmer - hope the rib heals before you''re stuck with a kid stretching and kicking into it all the time.

Kim - congrats on your daughter.

So who''s next after me? Am I the only one of my cohort left??
MP the images are great! I love the one of you in pink, your expression is priceless.

Wonder if DRK is birthing?!? Woo hoo.

So many of you are so close. How fun!!! And ummm at the risk of being sure and do whatever you want to for YOURSELF before baby comes..!! Afterwards its all about BABY and their schedule. And while you may think you know that, you kind of don't really know what it MEANS til baby is here!!

Kim glad to hear you guys are doing well and making it all work, wow moving and baby, crazy!! I hope you are feeling ok too and taking care of yourself!

ETA...I see I was cross posting, DRK you are not birthing yet hehe. It's so amazing you made it to 40 weeks given all the early tightening scares. Good for you for baking that little nugget so well!
Happy Friday!

DrK, 40 weeks! Yay! Any day now you''ll be holding your little girl.

Mere, I hope your birthday was good...having the day off from work was probably a good start!

MP, I absolutely LOVE your pictures! I hope your little guy is lucky enough to have your eyes! Micah''s going to be beautiful!

Kimberly, I ''m glad to hear you''re doing well. I hope you''re enjoying your new house and baby!

Swimmer, I''m so sorry to hear about your friend. That sounds just awful. The worries never end during pregnancy.

SS, how exciting that DH felt the baby. Right now, I can feel movement (just a few times a day) but it can''t be felt from the outside yet. DH is gonna flip when he can feel this kiddo from the outside.

On the name front, DH won''t even discuss until we know the gender (which, BTW, we find out on the 18th!). If I suggest a name, he''ll say "You can add it to the list." He knows me so well and isn''t going to bother arguing with me until he has to.

On another note, I''m feeling a little better about my weight gain. I''m still up 10-12 pounds at only 18 weeks but I feel like my weight gain has stabilized.
MP, Fiery, Vesper, Kaleigh, CG, Cara, Swimmer, and PB- Thank you all for the birthday wishes! It was a wonderful day and perfect for a day off! Now I am back at my desk, but my work baby shower is this afternoon, which I am excited about!

China- Thank you! It was such an incredible day! I was sitting in the tunnel for lunch earlier this week and you crossed my mind. I wondered if I had ever seen you walking around. LOL! I''ll start paying more attention.

Kimi- Glad to hear you are doing well. I can''t wait to read your full story!

MP- Love your pictures!

Swimmer- I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a horrible situation, and I can completely understand why that would curb your excitement for a while.

Drk- Thanks for the update and Happy due date!! Sounds like the LO''s arrival is getting close!!

My appointment went well yesterday. I have only gained a pound! Woohoo... not that it should matter. Ha. I met the physician''s assistant, who talked to us like we were children. THAT was great. I felt like I was at a pediatrician appt for a little bit. After about 5 minutes she started talking like normal, but then reverted back at the end. Hopefully it was just that awkward first meeting thing.
I asked her about my decreased appetitie and she said that it could be due to my lack of "consistency" lately. Apparently that can make you feel full and less likely to be hungry. I am supposed to increase my fiber and get some metamucil. (I''ll keep you all posted
Also, she said that the hiccups that baby has been getting are perfectly normal. I was just worried becuase for the last few days they were happening after everytime I eat. Soooo cute, but different none the less.

All is good over here! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!

Here is my 32 week picture

Mer at 32w 2d 03.5.10.JPG
re: hiccups - now that i've identified them, baby girl gets them at least once a day. i'm guessing out in the world she'll be hiccupy too.

yesterday we met with another pediatrician. i think we've decided on which one to go with. it was a little hard because we wanted an in between. the first one spoke slowly and so calmly. drove us a little nuts, but would probably be calming for the baby. the second one was so fast talking and jittery, i felt like i couldn't breath after we finished meeting with him. so, we're going the calming + slow route. haha. also, we didn't see the rooms at the first place, but the second one the rooms were SO sterile and cold. no artwork or anything distracting any where. just a sink + table and 2 plastic chairs. no sense of warmth or cheeriness.

in other news, we put an offer down on a house wednesday and it was accepted the same day! we have the inspection today. fingers crossed all goes well. i'm thinking it should. it's a pretty new house. 3 bedroom + office. high ceilings. covered back porch. i'll be so happy to have a garage again. no bringing baby up and down 3 flights of stairs and loading her in the car out in the rain!! and we think we're getting a pretty good deal on the house. it's good for us, but kinda scary at the same time - we're getting it for less than they bought it for 5 years ago. and interest rates are really, really good right now, so that's a plus too.

here's hoping we can close at the end of march, giving us a few weeks to paint the secondary bedrooms, pack + move in before the baby!
Mere - you''re tiny! Looking good though.

Here''s what had better be my final BPF contribution. I want her out of here before 41 weeks, thanks very much (not that I''m not grateful to have made it to full term, but enough''s enough now that I''m done working!).

My mother had said she''d come up today if the kid hadn''t arrived by then, which was getting DH upset since he really likes his space and wants as little stress as possible before the baby comes along. Thankfully, the weather forecast is looking clear for the next few days, so she''s going to wait till Monday unless something happens before then.

A big glob of the mucous plug came out in the shower this morning, though the contractions really haven''t been frequent or too intense. Hopefully it''s a sign that things are slowly progressing. It''d be nice for DH to get through a busy work day today and have her arrive on the weekend, but we''ll see how it goes.

Just before leaving the hospital on my last day of work yesterday, I scanned myself one last time to see how she was lying. Couldn''t see her head at all. Heart was just above the symphysis pubis. I think her back is more on my left side, and she had her feet crossed at the ankles with both of them up by the right side of my ribs, which is where I''ve always had the mad waving feet action for the last few weeks. I don''t think she''s changed position in about 5 weeks at this point. They were fairly cute, so I printed off one final crummy picture of the feet in utero while I had the chance.

So if all stays quiet, we''re going to get some stuff organized into the basement this weekend and get the guest bedroom set up down there. And then we''ll wait - hopefully not for too long!

Feet! (Labeled so it''s not so much just a blur)

Last little foot pic with labels.JPG
First of the 3-part collage of belly pics from 24 weeks on (I love seeing collages, though mine isn''t great quality).

24 to 28 wks.JPG
Part 2

29 to 34 wks.JPG
Part 3

I''m sure I''ll be taking the postpartum belly shots as well, flabby skin and all. Now when''s that postpartum phase going to start???

Jcrow - congrats on the house! Hope to see photos and hear more details as time goes on. Exciting times for you!

36 to 40 wks.JPG

You are already at 40 Weeks....time flies!!!! I have been following your story for a while and wanted to wish you an uneventful delivery and a healthy baby.
(ps: you''ve looked amazing throughout your pregnancy).

Everybody looks great! Happy Friday, ladies!

drk, your belly progression is super cute. You were so little for so long and then POP. Love it.

I am 36 weeks today (no picture since I have been posting my maternity pics all week), and I won''t lie - I AM SO OVER BEING PG. I want him out! Everything hurts, I waddle like my left kneecap is broken or something, and I have hot flashes every night that mess up my sleep worse than usual. And now when Micah moves a lot, it feels like he''s crushing my internal organs, it''s getting painful. In fact, he''s doing it right now. Thanks, baby!

Oh, and I am such a pig nowadays - I want to eat ALL DAY. I am starving right now and I usually don''t eat lunch for another half an hour, but I think I am going to break into it once I post this. I am just so hungry all the time! But the bump doesn''t seem to be growing with it, so I have no idea where it''s going. Probably my butt lol.

I think I have finally reached the grumpy stage
DRK~ I love the progression photos! GOOD LUCK for the upcoming arrival!!

Thought I''d post my first BPF. 21 weeks tomorrow. I''ve really popped in the past couple weeks. SOME people can even tell I''m preggo, not just chubby! JT showed his "belly" too.

Date: 3/5/2010 1:03:32 PM
Author: somethingshiny
Thought I''d post my first BPF. 21 weeks tomorrow. I''ve really popped in the past couple weeks. SOME people can even tell I''m preggo, not just chubby! JT showed his ''belly'' too.

LOL that''s cute!
Wow, it''s definitely plain as day that you''ve dropped in the last week! And I love how you can see little feet poking out of your belly in your 39 week pic. Good luck this weekend, I hope it''s a smooth and easy ride for you, DH and the little lady. Can''t wait to meet her!
love the BPF''s!!!

DRK love the collage, it is hilarious how in week 24 you look like you had a big meal then suddenly POP goes the belly!!! i hope things progress soon...i remember how anxious i was to get things going.

MP...girl i hear you re: being over it. hang in there, you are so close!!

mere...belated Happy Birthday!!! you guys are on it with the pedi. we just waited til after he was born then they met with us in the hospital on choosing a pedi. i knew which facility i wanted to go to so we had some options. i figured we''d try a few til we liked one but our first choice was great, we love her so far! she is super practical with her advice and it''s real world not just textbook. i thought we might want a man for J but so far having a gal has been great for ME. esp when she made me pull out my boobs and squeezed them and made me latch so she could make sure that J was doing things right. in front of a man, not so much.
SS very cute! I don''t think I''ve ever seen a picture of you, you''re adorable (and so is little man!)

I will not be partaking in BFP this week, but stay tuned for my 3 month pic and an u/s next week :)