
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 3/25/2010 1:33:13 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
18-or 20 weeks. Not sure which, my doc said they scan at 18, but schedule wise I wont be due for an apt until 20. Hopefully they won''t make me wait!

We''ve got our top two for each gender picked

Aidan Campbell or Jack Henry for boys


Katharine Fenn or Grace Campbell for girls.

Our top choices are Grace and Aidean though.
Ooooh Hudson Hawk! Aidan is one of our top choices too for a boy! Aidan Lee (Lee is after my father).
I inherited a long, Croatian last name so, we are trying to keep the names short.
MP~ I really thought you were ready! Any time now though!!

My appt today could have gone better. I have to see a perinatologist on Mon. The arrhythmia is every 2-3 beats. The monitors at my dr''s office can''t get a baseline to get much more info. My doc thought that perhaps I could just take a med to help baby out, but the consulting dr said he doesn''t think it''ll work. I don''t know why, I''m sure I''ll find out on Mon. I''m very scared. At this point, everything looks good for her, but I''m so nervous that the development will be affected in some way. I keep thinking I should have tried harder to keep my vitamins down and never had a Mt Dew. We just keep praying that the arrhythmia will resolve on its own with no side effects.

That''s all for now. Hope you''re all doing well.
SS, please don''t feel guilty. I''m sure it''s nothing you did.
Shiny, I''m sorry to hear your news. Please let us know how everything turns out with the dr., but I''m sure that your baby will be just fine.
Date: 3/25/2010 5:56:16 PM
Author: puppmom
SS, please don''t feel guilty. I''m sure it''s nothing you did.

I''m so sorry SS.
*hugs* for the news.
I hope you get good news Monday.
ss, I''m sorry. I hope you get soon good news Monday. Leep us posted.
SS- *Hugs* I''m sure everything is going to be ok. One of my friends daughter''s was just born with a hole in her heart and eventhough they said it would close on it''s own in the next few years, it has already almost closed and she is only a month old. Stay positive sweetie.

I just looked down and my ankles are huge...
The swelling has begun. What do they say about the swelling... Is it bad if you push on it and it leaves an indention? or is that normal?
ss - big hugs.

meresal - yeh the swelling sucks. is it painful for you too? my legs started out painful then the swelling started. the swelling comes and goes, but i don''t know the discomfort anymore. hubs would hold my legs [ankles and bottom of my calves] tightly with his hands and the pain would subside and the swelling too.
jcrow- it''s actually not painful... yet anyway. It actually really surprised me when I noticed that I could no longer see my inner ankle bones.

What is frightening me, is this thing called "pitting". If you poke on the area that is swollen and it leaves indentations, then it is called "pitting" and I worry that with with sudden swelling, it could mean something else. I''m not sure? Is yours pitting?
Date: 3/26/2010 12:11:32 AM
Author: meresal
jcrow- it''s actually not painful... yet anyway. It actually really surprised me when I noticed that I could no longer see my inner ankle bones.

What is frightening me, is this thing called ''pitting''. If you poke on the area that is swollen and it leaves indentations, then it is called ''pitting'' and I worry that with with sudden swelling, it could mean something else. I''m not sure? Is yours pitting?

hum, i have no idea. right now they''re not swollen enough to poke and tell. when i talked to my doc about it, she said swelling is common but becomes a concern when paired with high blood pressure. my bp is fine.
My bp is what I am worried about mainly at this point... I ususally have low blood pressure (100/60-115/70 range), but I just googled "symptoms" of high blood pressure, and they say that there is really no way of knowing that it has risen unless you have it read on a machine.

There is a CVS downtown, so I will probably go by there first thing in the morning to see if they can read my bp. DH and I are supposed to leave for DFW at 11 am tomorrow morning to go to a wedding. I don't really want to leave town if there is a possibility that the swelling could be something else. Especially seeing what my sister has been going thru, with her swelling... though, her's has moved to her neck and face as well.

ETA: I think you would notice if yours was pitting... if your DH has been holding them up before, you would have seen VERY noticable marks from his hands and fingers when he lets go. The marks don't go away right away either, they stay as indents until the fluid refills the area.
Awww MP I am so sorry that you are still hanging around...BOO I remember what it felt like to think tonite might be the night and then boom sleep and the next morning it started all over again. It was like Groundhog Day!! But then one feels DIFFERENT and you just know... but even that next morning the contrax were not as strong and I was like NOO don''t stop haha. A few hours later I was like ''holy crap please stop!''...LOL! I am sure you are so close! Hang in. And get the rest while you can because you will need it.

Something Shiny...I hope you get good news and that everything is ok. And I agree that I am sure it''s nothing you did... and you probably know that inside but it is hard to have things be so out of your control. Hang in there.

Pupp... re the names..I love Noah and Owen! I had no idea that Noah was Jewish..I don''t know the origin of any names ... I just know if I like them or not!!
Date: 3/26/2010 12:27:10 AM
Author: meresal
My bp is what I am worried about mainly at this point... I ususally have low blood pressure (100/60-115/70 range), but I just googled ''symptoms'' of high blood pressure, and they say that there is really no way of knowing that it has risen unless you have it read on a machine.

There is a CVS downtown, so I will probably go by there first thing in the morning to see if they can read my bp. DH and I are supposed to leave for DFW at 11 am tomorrow morning to go to a wedding. I don''t really want to leave town if there is a possibility that the swelling could be something else. Especially seeing what my sister has been going thru, with her swelling... though, her''s has moved to her neck and face as well.

ETA: I think you would notice if yours was pitting... if your DH has been holding them up before, you would have seen VERY noticable marks from his hands and fingers when he lets go. The marks don''t go away right away either, they stay as indents until the fluid refills the area.

mine were probably pitting then because you could see where his hands were. but, he was holding my ankles/legs tightly.

i would be concerned since you are flying. keeping your legs down in a seated position definitely doesn''t help things. i try to prop my legs up all day if i''m sitting.
hello preggos- it''s been an emotionally draining week, so i''ve been MIA. but had to pop in and wish BLUSHING a huge CONGRATS!!

i promise to come back tomorrow with a full report and to catch up.

27 weeks today!
Why is my butt sticking out as far as my belly??? No one warned me about this!
Date: 3/26/2010 8:05:05 AM
Author: puppmom
Why is my butt sticking out as far as my belly??? No one warned me about this!
LOL! I complained about the same thing to my husband. He referenced his engineering classes in college, and said that it''s natural counterbalance.

BTW, I love your name choices.

HH, I love your name choices too.
Date: 3/26/2010 8:05:05 AM
Author: puppmom
Why is my butt sticking out as far as my belly??? No one warned me about this!

LOL oh that gave me a good giggle. Mine did the same thing - I always said I had a baby in the back, too.

39 weeks today for me, ladies! Getting close, but I''m calling my midwife this morning - Micah has barely moved in the past three hours.
Date: 3/26/2010 9:07:10 AM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 3/26/2010 8:05:05 AM
Author: puppmom
Why is my butt sticking out as far as my belly??? No one warned me about this!

LOL oh that gave me a good giggle. Mine did the same thing - I always said I had a baby in the back, too.

39 weeks today for me, ladies! Getting close, but I''m calling my midwife this morning - Micah has barely moved in the past three hours.
Am I making this up or can that be a sign that he''s ready? I swear I read that somewhere.
I thought of that, too, but I think it depends on the baby. Micah has always been super active so it''s really weird for him to be so still, and he''s been sluggish the past few days. It just worries me.
Puppmom--lol, my butt didn''t change much with my first pregnancy, but this time, i have boootyyy
. But not perky J-lo style, more like a widening. Ick. I said to DH a week or so ago "OMG, my butt has really grown this pregnancy hasn''t it"??? (hubbies panic when they get a question like this ,right) and his reply was "um, you''re glowing"
. Ha, nice dodge buddy. I''ll take that as a YES.

MP--hope things get rolling for you soon...
Date: 3/26/2010 9:38:43 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
I thought of that, too, but I think it depends on the baby. Micah has always been super active so it''s really weird for him to be so still, and he''s been sluggish the past few days. It just worries me.
MP, not to be an alarmist
but Sophia did the same to me. She didn''t move in over 3 hours and I called the OB who had me go in immediately. I was going through silent contractions and ended up having her that day. I was induced, though, because my body was laboring but not progressing.

Because of how many weeks you are, I would at least call if you haven''t felt him move.
SS--i hope you get some answers. I know how you feel. At our 18 week scan we found out that the baby only has one kidney & no main artery to that part of the body and although everything looks okay otherwise & he/she should be jsut fine, i couldn't help but think back to weeks 4-8 of development and wrack my brain about something i did to cause it. I know neither of us did anything wrong for our babies (certainly not Mnt Dew
), but it's just natural to place some blame on ourselves. Guilt is an icky part of parenting and it starts the moment the pregnancy test comes in positive.

MP--movement does slow down considerably in the last days. Try a really hot or cold drink to try and stir Micah, but call just in case too. Can't hurt and will stop you from stressing.
Jcrow, sorry I didn't see your post last night. I went to bed. It sounds like you do have the pitting as well. Isn't it a lovely sight, lol. It reminds me of memory foam.

Well, after sleeping with ice pack on my ankles, I woke up this morning and swelling was still bad in my ankles and calves. I just went to have my b/p checked at a random doctor office here by my office and I measured 126/79 and 130/76.

Waiting for the nurse to tell me what to do...
Well apparently they don''t start to worry until you are at 130/90. I am taking their word for it... but this is the kind of thing that irritates me, where they grade every single woman on the same scale.
My diastolic is hardly ever above the 60''s range, and for it to rise to 90, I would assume would mean I am having a HUGE problem, not just something to look into. Any doctor''s that can give some advice here? Maybe I am just being crazy... I just don''t want something to sneak up on me that I am not expecting.
meresal - after sleeping, the swelling was still there this morning? hum. i''m pretty sure in the mornings mine would be gone.
I got sent to L&D where the monitored the baby, but all is well! Naughty baby got the hiccups the moment I left
Bad, Micah! He is grounded the minute he comes out for scaring you like that!
Date: 3/26/2010 11:12:53 AM
Author: meresal
Well apparently they don't start to worry until you are at 130/90. I am taking their word for it... but this is the kind of thing that irritates me, where they grade every single woman on the same scale.

My diastolic is hardly ever above the 60's range, and for it to rise to 90, I would assume would mean I am having a HUGE problem, not just something to look into. Any doctor's that can give some advice here? Maybe I am just being crazy... I just don't want something to sneak up on me that I am not expecting.


I'm not a doctor, and I don't mean to scare you, but I was in the same position as you were when I was pregnant with my son. My blood pressure is normally pretty low (as yours is), and I saw it continue to creep up through the later part of my pregnancy. Combined with AWFUL swelling in my legs, ankles and feet, I was worried. Because it was still within the "normal" range (but NOT normal for me), however, my doctor/nurse wasn't concerned.

At 36w5d, my doctor finally ordered a 24 hour urine test (it's the 3rd piece of evidence they need for a pre-eclampsia diagnosis, I believe) and the results had my doctor check me in to be induced two hours after she read the results to us.

Since I was almost term, the easiest solution was to induce, but I'm not sure what the protocol is for women who are earlier in their pregnancies if they suspect pre-eclampsia. Maybe they'll just monitor you very closely up until that point?
Date: 3/26/2010 12:35:17 PM
Author: E B
Date: 3/26/2010 11:12:53 AM

Author: meresal

Well apparently they don''t start to worry until you are at 130/90. I am taking their word for it... but this is the kind of thing that irritates me, where they grade every single woman on the same scale.

My diastolic is hardly ever above the 60''s range, and for it to rise to 90, I would assume would mean I am having a HUGE problem, not just something to look into. Any doctor''s that can give some advice here? Maybe I am just being crazy... I just don''t want something to sneak up on me that I am not expecting.


I''m not a doctor, and I don''t mean to scare you, but I was in the same position as you were when I was pregnant with my son. My blood pressure is normally pretty low (as yours is), and I saw it continue to creep up through the later part of my pregnancy. Combined with the swelling, I was worried, but because it was still within the ''normal'' range (but NOT normal for me), my doctor/nurse wasn''t concerned.

At 36w4d, my doctor finally ordered a urine test to check for proteins (I believe- it''s the 3rd piece of evidence they need for pre-eclampsia) and the results had my doctor check me in to be induced the day she read the results to us.

Since I was almost term, the easiest solution was to induce, but I''m not sure what the protocol is for women who are earlier in their pregnancies. Maybe they''ll just monitor you very closely up until that point?

ah, proteins in the urine. i couldn''t remember what the other thing was besides blood pressure that the doctor said they looked at when swelling is present.

yes, swelling + high blood pressure + proteins in the urine are concerns for pre-eclampsia.