
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Blushing!!!!!!!!!!!! So many many many congrats, I could die.
BB: Fisher is on a PS hiatus but she said: Oh I'm thrilled! Please tell her I'm so happy for her! Tear-filled eyeballs and everything!
) Thank you for telling me, Amber! I've been praying for her! Yippppeee! Two babies.... fabulous!
Blushing- How absolutely wonderful!! You''ve certainly had a long journey and what better than TWO babies! You might want to pop over to the TTC thread, too. We''ve all been wondering about you!

Annnnnnnnd ladies, I am knocked up
In all of my 3 weeks 3 days glory (should be due around Dec 4), I''ll probably continue to mostly lurk here. But figured I''d put it out there anyway. We are shocked and so excited
DRK , great story and i also found the medical perspective interesting though i didn''t know half of what you were referencing!! i also wore the ice panties til they melted and then just got new ones, haha they were priceless! also love the down-cheek adorable.

blushing, huge congrats and double the blessing! we are 7 weeks into dealing with one and i am in serious awe of multiple parents...they are like superpeople.

lindsey...good to hear things are still going well for you!! i can''t wait to see your baby pics.

icekid, congrats!! now the fun really begins.

so many upcoming babies!!! the PS baby boom never seems to end.
Date: 3/23/2010 6:07:03 PM
Author: icekid
Blushing- How absolutely wonderful!! You''ve certainly had a long journey and what better than TWO babies! You might want to pop over to the TTC thread, too. We''ve all been wondering about you!

Annnnnnnnd ladies, I am knocked up
In all of my 3 weeks 3 days glory (should be due around Dec 4), I''ll probably continue to mostly lurk here. But figured I''d put it out there anyway. We are shocked and so excited

OMG Congrats Ice!!!!
I''m not really on PS right now (no time) but I saw Amber telling Fisher on FB - so I jumped on here to BELT MY HEARTY McGARTY CONGRATULATIONS to Blushing and Mr. Blushing !!!!
You are always on my mind, as a fellow pioneer on the TTC thread and this is just such great news. Happy Healthy to you and your twiiiiiins. Holy Hannah. TWO 1/2 Croatian beauties to come! Whahoooooo!
icekid - congrats!!
Congrats icekid! Sending you lots of sticky dust!
icekid!!!!!! Big congrats, so happy for you!!!

Blushing, congrats lady, so thrilled for you!!!!
Blushing, big (and double!) congrats
That is such amazing news, and I''m thrilled for you.

Icekid, congrats to you too
I also found out *super* early that I was pregnant, it made the first trimester feel so long sometimes
but then the rest has been flying by.

Lindsey, so glad to hear all the good news for you and your bub. Please continue to check in and let us know how are you doing.

Wow, it''s just a happy day around here, isn''t it?
YAY, Blushing!!! I check this thread occasionally and just read your wonderful news!!! Im sooooo thrilled for you!!! Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!!!!!

Congratulations, Icekid!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!
OMG Blushing!!!!!!!!!

I am SO THRILLED for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twins are the best, if I may say so myself!

Huge congrats to you and DH!!! And How do you know they are not identical?. You know, mine turned out to be and they had separate sacs, placentas, etc!...I got confirmation that they were identical after finally getting their DNA tested!

I am so excited for you! And now, as Neatfreak did for me, I have books on twins if you want them!!!. You may have already bought some, but I have tons and would love to give them to you!. Let me know and if you''re interested, we can send a message to Ella (the admin) so that she can give you my email address.

Again, congratulations and don''t hesitate to page me if you have any questions!!!! I hope you have a smooth pregnancy!!
Icekid~ Congrats! I can''t believe you already know!! Lots of sticky vibes!!
Thanks so much ladies. I especially appreciate all of the sticky vibes
We''re getting prepared for this wild ride!
Ugh, the internet ate my reply to the thread!

Mara, Deb, Cara, Lindsey - I''m glad some of you enjoyed the ueber-detailed birth story. I wrote it all out for myself and then was too lazy to edit it much for public consumption. I kind of figured I''d totally gross a few people out with stories of diarrhea, perineal swelling and pain etc.

Deb - I''m an anesthesiologist

Lindsey - That''s such fantastic news that things are still going so well with the IVIG alone. Hope things continue to go smoothly and that we''ll be hearing a great birth story from you in another 8 weeks or so. Not long to go!

Cara - (Great name, BTW) I wasn''t too upset about the epidural. I know that they''re totally luck of the draw when it comes to things not working perfectly right off the bat, unless you''ve got bad scoliosis or previous spinal surgery or something. There''s nothing the staff guy could have done, and I''d have done the same things he did to get it working before bailing on it and just deciding to redo. At least having half my body pain-free relatively quickly helped, and even the distraction of the extra meds/catheter adjustments and waiting to see the effects did a very good job of helping me to get through the time while I was dilating very quickly to 10cm. I wish it had been a little less strongly in effect so that I could have pushed better at the end and avoided the vacuum, but it seems my body did a good job of bringing her right down all on its own. 23 min of ineffective pushing and then being able to use the vacuum to just get her around the pubic bone in one contraction and 3 pushes really wasn''t bad for a first child. I''d still think of trying for #2 without, hoping that I''d be naturally in labour and wouldn''t have as much pain. And the epidural was fantastic while they were suturing me for an hour.

Kara is a pretty good baby. I''m getting about 6 hours a night the last couple nights by having her in bed with me sleeping on her tummy on my chest. I can easily sleep and not move a muscle, so I have no worries about rolling over and squishing her. She doesn''t sleep for long if she''s swaddled and in the middle of the bed between us, so I figured I''ll do it this way for a week or two till she gets fuller as the milk supply improves and till we can start getting her used to sleeping on her own. She''s very sweet. Had a major diaper leak today (DH didn''t make it tight enough, and the poop leaked out one leg and through 2 layers of clothing), and as I was about to dangle her in the sink to wash off her bum, she peed all over the bathroom floor and hit my slippered foot while she was at it. Even now, I think I can hear explosive pooping from across the room where DH put her in the pack and play. Yikes! It''s a good thing I love her, or I''d not be impressed with all the poop in my life!

Must quickly send a couple emails before she''s crying to be fed. Congrats to the new preggos, and good luck to those who are going to deliver soon! Oops, crying already. Darn it!
oh drk your post reminded me i wanted to respond to a few of your points in your story..!! i got the epi and they had to poke me in three diff places apparently to get it done correctly, what was THAT about? why wouldn''t the first 2 times work? i never quite figured that out and i was in too much pain at the time to ask. but the next day HELLO the three holes hurt like heck. and re :pushing while on the epi...i couldn''t feel a THING but apparently i was some champion pusher which i thought was totally hilarious considering i couldnt feel a thing except my TOES. thank god greg had a leg and the nurse did too because i was floptastic. and yes the epi while suturing after was fabulous, didnt feel a thing. our poor kid couldn''t clear my bone either which is why i was pushing his head out for an hour and 45 minutes. he had a crazy cone when he came out and face was so swollen. anyway K is fabulous, congrats!!
Just wanted to quickly pop in and say CONGRATS!!! to Blushing!!! Twins, WOW!! Just soooo happy for you, mama! :)
Deb - I don''t think I''m in great shape at all, especially after 7 weeks lying on the couch mid-pregnancy! The only thing I can think of is that I sucked in the gut multiple times a day to keep the transverse abs a little more toned. Maybe that helped? I sure didn''t lose much weight after delivering: was 75.3kg day of inducion, 71.7kg about 4 days postpartum.

Mara - It occasionally takes me three shots to get it in, though usually my max is poking a two different levels if the space at the first level is tricky for some reason (super narrow, or the person has scoliosis). I''d guess your doc just wasn''t able to locate the epiural space on the frst two tries. My insertion site was also tender for the first couple of days. I guess I''m just a crappy pusher then! Though at least my child-bearing hips let her come down a long way without pushing.
Date: 3/23/2010 3:07:29 PM
Author: blushingbride
Date: 3/23/2010 2:17:03 PM

Author: neatfreak

Oh CONGRATS Blushing! That is so exciting to see you back and with TWINS! It's a wild ride for sure and you will be exhausted but it's totally worth it.

I would expect to deliver by 36 weeks. The vast majority of twin pregnancies do not go full term, and if you end up with a c-section which is likely, you'll be delivering no later than 38 weeks for most doctors. So prepare for 36 weeks to be sure you have everything done by then! At least half of twin pregnancies deliver before 36 weeks so just be prepared before then with carseats, etc. so you don't have to send DH to go get them before you leave the hospital. But I will be sending you lots of 'stay put' vibes!

Even if I don't post I lurk in these threads occasionally so feel free to ask any questions you have.

Neatfreak!!! I'll definitely be asking you a TON of questions as the days and months pass by. Can you tell me your favorite tihng about having twins??? What's the most important piece of advice you can give me??? I know that I'm in for wild ride, but DH and I are FULLY ready for the challenge!!

Hmmm...I think the most important is cut yourself some slack. If they're fed, relatively happy, and have bathed in the last week you are doing an awesome job so don't worry about anything else!!
And my second piece of advice is to start training your DH in the first few days by leaving him alone with them. And don't criticize him if he's doing something "not your way". Only if it's dangerous-otherwise he'll feel like you don't trust him and he will NEVER be comfortable with the babies alone. And trust me you want him to be comfy with them by himself!

Lots of other things but I am blanking right now...7pm bedtime is a godsend and in the first few weeks I HIGHLY recommend splitting the night into shifts and each taking 1/2 of the night if you can. That way you each get some uninterrupted sleep. It's a horrible idea to BOTH get up each time the babies do. You can both handle the babies on your own-have some confidence and it will make a world of difference if you can get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.

My FAVORITE thing is probably watching them play and interact with each other. They are just so stinking cute together, especially when they are making each other laugh.

And last thing-there is really no way for your doc to know they are fraternal at this point unless they were monitoring you daily. And since you said this cycle was au natural if I read correctly, there is just no way for your doc to know this. But a lot of doctors unfamiliar with twins ASSUME that if you have 2 placentas and 2 sacs that they are fraternal, but as Mandarine has proven that just isn't the case. So at this point you'll know if they are boy/girl, if you have an amnio they can tell I think, otherwise you just need to see what they look like when they come out! Mine were clearly fraternal-there's no denying it. But Mandarine's turned out to be ID. So you just never know!

Congrats again!!!
Congrats to the new preggos Allie, Ambulance and Blushing!!! Wishing you an easy pregnancy.

Mara - I got poked three times when getting the epi too. The doctor keeps saying to the nurse that I was all bone and she can''t find the space between the bones (in Mandarin, which she didn''t know I can understand). The whole time I was thinking "WTF, I got an epi the first L&D and that doctor had no problem finding the space on the first try." Can''t wait to see what Dr Kate says.
Date: 3/23/2010 6:25:38 PM
Author: mela lu
I''m not really on PS right now (no time) but I saw Amber telling Fisher on FB - so I jumped on here to BELT MY HEARTY McGARTY CONGRATULATIONS to Blushing and Mr. Blushing !!!!
You are always on my mind, as a fellow pioneer on the TTC thread and this is just such great news. Happy Healthy to you and your twiiiiiins. Holy Hannah. TWO 1/2 Croatian beauties to come! Whahoooooo!
Just responding to MelaLu''s post - is Blushing Croatian? Me too! Learn something new about my fellow PSers every day!
Congrats Icekid and welcome!
Can you feel the baby moving lower? Did you have more gas pains towards the end... as the baby started to get into position? Did you ever have pains when you touch the areas just inside your hips?

Sorry for the somewhat TMI... I am just have some lower abdominal pains and trying to figure out what they might be...

Also, I am done drinking my nightly glass of ice water before bed. When does mommy get to STTN again?

- How are you doing girlie?!?!
I swear to God, the peeing is worse now at 14.5 weeks than it was at 10. WTF!
I pee like 3 times a night. My bladder is FULL every time I go. I try to wait as long as I can and then run to the bathroom. I am sure once Shim starts to stomp on my bladder it will be even worse.
Mere, you probably will regret asking but...I FEEL LIKE HELL. Ah, that feels good to say

Yesterday evening I was having some back pain so I lay down in bed with a book and a bunch of pillows under my back and belly. I was uncomfortable, but ok. My husband went to work at 10:30 (he works overnights), and I wasn''t at all tired, so I left the light on and kept reading. Within an hour I was having contractions that REALLY hurt, so I tried to get up and move through them a bit - and I couldn''t. I got as far as my knees and I thought I was going to cry it hurt so bad, so I lay back down. They continued for about 10 minutes, and by the end I was miserable and having to pant through them. I never even managed to get out of bed to turn off the light I was in so much pain, mostly back and pubic. I''m thinking I may be one of those lucky ladies with a lot of back labor

So I got about three hours of sleep, with the light on. And I have tons of work today. Gosh, I can''t wait for him to come out!
Aww, MP, I''m so sorry. I REALLY, really, really hope you don''t have back labor. How did you know it wasn''t the "real deal"? Has this been happening every night for you?
STTN is probably over for good! I didn''t manage it after mid-preg.

QT - I answered Mara''s Q above. Sometimes hiting bone everywhere is a luck thing (didn''t pick exactly the right insertion point for a narrow space), or a skill thing, or even just a positioning thing. Getting a good slouch going is crucial to making the space between the bones as wide as possible. Some nurses and docs are better at getting you positioned than others.
Date: 3/24/2010 11:01:56 AM
Author: meresal
Aww, MP, I''m so sorry. I REALLY, really, really hope you don''t have back labor. How did you know it wasn''t the ''real deal''? Has this been happening every night for you?

I honestly didn''t know, but I figured if I could sleep and breath (and talk - I tried that a couple times) through the pain then it wasn''t for real. I was seconds away from calling my husband pretty much all night long, but I ended up being glad he wasn''t there because he would have been freaking out. This was the first night the pain was this bad, I normally only get pubic pain when I roll over.

And even though I hurt a lot today, it isn''t anywhere near as bad, so maybe another day or so...though I hope not!
Cara – I’ve definitely had some morning sickness (still do actually).
It’s so bizarre not feeling hungry and how sometimes just the thought of food is a complete and utter turnoff. I’m also nervous for the NT scan and now I have two babies to worry about. I know I need to get over the anxiety and try to enjoy this pregnancy, but it’s easier said than done!

Lovely – I’m so happy that everything turned out OK for you and your baby girl!!
I’m sure the spotting must have made you a nervous wreck! But, it is nice to know that I’m not the only one feeling the way I feel. Some days are better than others for me, but I know that each day that passes is a blessing

Amber – Even when you say something serious, you crack me up!!
Thank you so much! BTW - congratulations on little Piper – she’s absolutely adorable and you must be one proud mamma!!! Oh, and please tell Fisher that I’ve missed her too and hoping that her hiatus will not be as long as mine (unless she’s laying low for other reasons)! I pray for her too and for all the ladies on the TTC thread – they are never far from my mind! Something tells me I need to get find some of you PSer’s on FB. I definitely want to set up another account under my screen name here – stay tuned for that!
Icekid – Thank you! CONGRATULATIONS to you and your DH – isn’t seeing those two lines the greatest feeling ever???

Mara – Congratulations on Julian (he is such a cutie-pie!!!) and thank you for the well wishes! I know I’m in for a “wild ride” as Neatfreak said – thank god for our families and their willingness to help us, I’m sure we are going to need A LOT of it!
Mela – OK, now I definitely have to get on FB! Thank you very much – yes two more Croatains to enter into this world!
One of the ladies on the TTC thread posted a really cute onesie which said, “Made in America with parts from Canada” and I found one that said “Made in America with parts from Croatia”…tee hee! There’s also one that says, “I love my Croatian Daddy!” Too cute!! Looks like DH will be getting this as gift! I hope you and little Romeo (love that name BTW) are doing well! I think of you guys!!

Thanks my dear!!! I’ve been wondering when you’ll be posting on the TTC or preggo threads!!

Mandarine – Thanks – I still have to pinch myself when I hear myself talking about twins or two babies – it still seems so surreal!!
I’ll have to get their DNA tested to find out for sure if they are identical or fraternal. I think I fell into the same trap that two different sacs automatically meant fraternal. To be honest, I haven’t done much research on the topic, but I definitely will now! Thank you for offering me your books! I’m going to wait until my NT scan to ensure things are good and then I’ll probably reach out to you. If I join FB before then, I can also contact you through that.

Neatfreak – Great advice, thank you!!! I will definitely “train” DH in the early days and will leave him alone with them. He’ll probably be watching them at least one day a week when I go back to work (if I go back) and I’ll try not be critical of him either. I also like the idea of splitting up the night so one of us can sleep a bit.

On the fraternal/identical topic – I was not monitored at all that cycle since it was our cycle “off.” You know, I love my RE, but she can be a little clueless sometimes. She told me a few months ago that I have PCOS and when I asked her why she thought that because I didn’t have any symptoms of it and ovulated like clock-work every month, she glanced at my chart again and then said, “Oh sorry, you don’t have PCOS.”
I was honestly scared there for second thinking I had something that was undedicated for all these months! Anyway, I don’t see her again, so I’ll never know why she said that, but I will be asking my OB about it.
Vespergirl – That’s so cool you are Croatian!
I’m not, but my DH is! He’s from Dubrovnik and moved the states with his family after the war. He’s a US citizen now, but definitely a proud Croatian at heart! We had the chance to go there two summers ago and Croatia was GORGEOUS!!! I can’t wait to go back some day (with our two little ones)! BTW – not sure if you knew, but T-Gal first fell in love with T-Guy in Croatia so, even neither of them are Croatian, they still hold a special place in their hearts for it.
She’s also itching to go back to visit some day!
Again, thanks to everyone I may have missed for the well wishes!!!!!
They mean so much to me!!!