
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Icekid-Congratulations! It sounds as if you got pregnant easily.

blushingbride-Hearty congratulations! I do not know your back story, but it sounds as if there is a lot there. I mean, it doesn't sound as if one day you and your husband said, "Let's have a baby," and conceived twins naturally that month. So I wish you the easiest, happiest, healthiest pregnancy in the world!

Hugs to both of you!

drk-Thanks for answering me. Was your anesthesiologist during labor someone you knew and trusted?


Just so exciting to have another twin momma!

Neatfreak is so right on training the DHs!!!....that''s so important!. I made the mistake of sometimes telling him when he was doing stuff wrong...and I learned my lesson quickly!. If I get home and everyone seems safe, I tell him he did an awesome job and help build up his daddy ego!!! (even if both babies have poop, are obviously hungry and have spit up all over their clothes!).

I would wait once they are a couple of months before doing any testing. My boys were really different initially (I think) because Alex was so much smaller!. Then Alex started catching up and EVERYONE that saw them asked me if they were identical...I started realizing they really did look a lot alike!. I can tell them apart (but have gotten them confused from time to time!)...but I just had to do the testing to finally know!

I went to 36weeks 3 days, was NEVER on bedrest (although I did rest a lot...but that was because I was tired!! hehe) and other than not being able to sleep and the annoying back pain, I had a pretty good pregnancy!. My boys came home with me from the hospital and didn''t require any special attention (NICU, etc)...THANK GOD!

I also has a c-section (baby A was breech) and it was not bad at all!

Not that you asked but my recommendations for these early stages:

- Keep a positive attitude and try to put any negative thoughts out of your mind! (I know it''s not easy, but just keep trying!).
- Start the nursery EARLY! Once you get too big you won''t care anymore and most likely things will stay as they are!. I got my nursery done pretty early and I''m so happy I did!.
- Start thinking about who can help you once the babies arrive. I had my mom stay with us for the first month and my dad and stepmom coming over every day to help on the second month. This was the key to me not going nuts!. It really makes a huge difference when you have helping hands!.
- Keep hydrated!!!!. I know that sounds silly...and if you are liek me, you don''t need a reminder because I was SO THIRSTY all day long!. Drink plenty of water!!!! and if you feel tired, rest! It''s ok to rest and if anyone gives you grief or says you''re being lazy tell them you are not''re gestating TWO prefect babies!!!

So excited for you!!!
Blushing- LOL!!!!!! I''m gettin'' ready!!!!
wow this thread is hopping!


this morning i woke to the news that a friend of mine started having contractions last night and drove an hour to the hospital only to find out it was false labor. 3 hours of contractions less than 10 minutes apart... she''s due at the end of april but is scheduled for a c/s mid april. it''s her 3rd child.

then, i was found out another good friend of mine just had a miscarriage. i had sent her a baby + mommy gift a few weeks ago and hadn''t heard anything from her. she said she had received it but hadn''t opened it due to the circumstances. she lost the baby at 15 weeks, but didn''t find out until 18.5 weeks. she''s devastated. it''s also her third child, but her and her husband had been trying for so long to conceive. i feel so terrible for her and just don''t know exactly what to say/do to comfort her.

and in me news, i ran a bunch of errands today [target, micheal''s, cvs, office max, office depot, etc., etc.] at every place i went the person who checked me out asked when i was due. it was so funny! this whole pregnancy people really haven''t asked me many questions or acknowledged my belly or anything. now suddenly everyone is asking me when i''m due! one random customer actually came up to me from behind to tell me i was "as cute as a button!" haha. i was like thanks! i''ll take it :] another cashier asked my due date and when i replied may 1, she said that someone had just come in and was about my size and she was due in october
she asked her if she was having twins, and she wasn''t. oops. anyway, i sorta didn''t want to come home with all the sweet comments i got today
blushing, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Times two!!!! I am so overjoyed for you and looking forward to following your journey. Wishing you the best nine months ever!!
Date: 3/24/2010 1:25:18 PM
Author: Dani
Blushing- LOL!!!!!! I''m gettin'' ready!!!!
Itchy womb??
That''s my girl!!!
Date: 3/24/2010 5:19:35 PM
Author: curlygirl
blushing, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Times two!!!! I am so overjoyed for you and looking forward to following your journey. Wishing you the best nine months ever!!
Thank you so much Curlygirl - you are one of my favorite NYC moms!!!
So glad you popped in to wish me well! Any advice you can give on raising two little ones in the city would be much appreciated! We still plan to move to the ''burbs in a couple years, but until then, we''ll be here!
Mandarine - more great advice!!! Thank you!!! I will definitely need to build up the "daddy-ego" as I tend to be critical sometimes on how DH cleans up after dinner or how he makes the bed, etc. I know he''ll be such a great dad though. I see him with my friend''s kids and he''s fantastic! He''ll be the one on the floor playing with them when the other husbands (who don''t have kids yet) just sit on the couch with an expression on their faces like they''ve never seen a baby/child before!

I''m not thrilled about the idea of a c-section, but obviously I''ll do anything necessary to ensure my babies'' safety! I am prepared to work from home if I do need bedrest - I''m so lucky my job is so understanding and flexible!

Good tip on the nursery too. Although, believe it or not, but we''ll be moving to a different apartment early this summer before they are born. Right now we''re in 1-bedroom with a home office which we would''ve converted to a nursery if we had one. But, with two, we''ll need a real 2-bedroom which will offer us much more room. Luckily, my DH is the property manager for our building so, we''ll be able to get things together room by room and he''ll have the handymen and porters on staff to help.

My mom will stay with me for a week or two, but then my in-laws will be the ones helping after that and the majority of the time since they live 20 min. away. My mother-in-law owns her own business and will be able to take several days off a week. Plus, DH works in our building so, he''ll be available a lot. We''ll make it work one way or another!

Yes - I thirsty all the time!!!! So funny! I feel like I LIVE in the bathroom at work and at home!
Date: 3/24/2010 8:49:41 AM
Author: vespergirl
Date: 3/23/2010 6:25:38 PM

Author: mela lu

I'm not really on PS right now (no time) but I saw Amber telling Fisher on FB - so I jumped on here to BELT MY HEARTY McGARTY CONGRATULATIONS to Blushing and Mr. Blushing !!!!

You are always on my mind, as a fellow pioneer on the TTC thread and this is just such great news. Happy Healthy to you and your twiiiiiins. Holy Hannah. TWO 1/2 Croatian beauties to come! Whahoooooo!

Just responding to MelaLu's post - is Blushing Croatian? Me too! Learn something new about my fellow PSers every day!

Vesper - my DH is Croatian
. He's from just outside of Split. So, my baby is Half Croatian and Half Italian.

Blushing I'm seriously so so so excited for you!!!
Blushing Make sure you have a doctor who is very comfortable delivering twins. If they tell you that they are fraternal because they have two sacs, or some other myth about twins run fast because this means they really don''t know a lot about twins! I am glad it was your RE that said it and not your OB or I would be telling you to run away screaming!

I think it''s really important to make sure that you see an OB who has the experience and expertise to handle a twin pregnancy and most importantly knows when they are out of their league and to send to you a peri/MFM.

You''ll be fine-don''t stress and like Mandarine said drinks lots and lots of water!
drk and qt... re: the epi... yeah i think my slouch was part of the issue... i was having such bad contrax from waiting too long to get epi, i kept jerking around and she was taking what felt like forever. at some point i was so pissed off and beside myself, i told greg i wanted to get off the table and go home HAHA. he''s said he thought he was going to have to tackle me if i made a break for it. LOL.

MP you are so close. are you guys READY??? i just put my little screamer down for a nap. boy has a temper!!
MP is MIA at the moment. Hopefully off resting comfortably the maternity ward!
BLushing! I am so happy for you! I was just thinking of you for the umpteenth time the other day hopeing you would pop back in with great news. I personally never had an m/c but I still did not trust my pregnancy until I was closer to 20 weeks... from 12 weeks on it was a gradual increase in trust. I think that is very normal for pregant women, at least is seems so here. So you will feel more confident with time, I am certain! Enjoy these moments, the ride you are in for is a wild one! And it won''t stop until you are old and grey!
Blushing! founder of the TTC thread! so so so wonderful to see your posts! What wonderful news, oh I am just so happy for you. This new journey is going to be amazing!

Icekid, Great news! hoping you have an easy 9 months now!

Hugs and congratulations to the new ladies on this thread and my apologies for typing before coffee!

Jcrow, awesome to have such a great feedback day! You are really cooking now! A friend of mine was waiting for 4 weeks for her baby''s heart to stop, finally at 22 weeks it did and she just had a d and c. No one knows what to say. It is just awful all around. I took over a chicken pot pie (like it was 1953) not knowing what else to do and she said that the worst thing was that people didn''t want to acknowledge that she had a loss or that she had to comfort others when she was just empty inside. I can''t imagine what your friend is going through now, you will find the words that need to be said.

HH, I don''t know if we can all will Micah to be born...but we can try!

Soooo, at 34 weeks and was told that baby boy is 18 inches long already! in the highest percentile for height (femur length), if he goes to term they predicted an 8.5 lb bebe! whoa, long and skinny like DH I guess. I sort of went from no one noticing that I''m pregnant, to being really really preggo. We found our doula too, so am just getting excited. Also, with the placenta in front kicks became obvious to me only last week and that has been so amazing. I can imagine that some of you who have this for 25 some weeks might get tired of the discomfort, but for me to feel the kicking/punching (yes I can tell the difference as the hands are down to the left and the legs are up on the left with the butt on the right), for the last two months is such a relief/moment of awe.
Yea, It turns our MP was just getting some much needed (and deserved) rest last night. BUMMER!
Ohh, glad to hear that MP got the rest she so desperately needs. A good night sleep at this point, is like a needle in a hay stack!

Well, preggo friend #1 had her handsome son on 3/12 (we have yet to see though), and preggo friend #2 headed to L&D this morning at midnight!!!

Hopefully DH and I will be visiting them tonight to meet thier new daughter!!!


Ohh, and just a quick update on my sister, the swelling is horrible. She is on full bed rest, no work at all. She has every indicator of Pre-E except for high blood pressure, so she is going twice a week to see the high risk doctor. (Has her seond appt of the week today, hopefully things still look good.) She has her second appt today, but on Monday she was 1cm and 50% effaced, so if they need to induce, the doctor feels comfortable that her body will react well.

I'm off to our first walk thru at the house!! *fingers crossed*
Darn it, I am still pregnant. I should have kept myself awake - it seems that every time I get some decent sleep my contractions stop. I am totally channeling Mara right now, sleep = happy baby!

Gah, I am so tired of being taunted by contractions though. If they were just Braxton Hicks I''d be ok, but they are painful and I am miserable. My midwife better be ready for my wrath this Friday!
awww, MP, I was hoping for good news for you. Come on baby!

Yesterday I had my second and final ultrasound, at 33 weeks.
It was so nice to see him again, and see how much he has grown. And it was funny to watch him squirming around on the screen and feel it at the same time. My FI was laughing because at one point my stomach was actually pulsating. Maybe the baby didn''t like all the poking and prodding
. Anyway, great news - my placenta has moved up so now I''m in the clear for a vaginal birth
I knew for most women it moves, so I was trying not to get my hopes up in case, but I''m so happy!

Can''t believe less than seven weeks now until my due date, where does the time go?
Awww, MP--i feel for you. I had that happen repeatedly when i was in my last weeks. Such a tease! Just know that it means your body is getting ready and labor will be a tad easier

Allie, get used to the constant pee urgency. It’s not going to go away. You’ll get used to waking up in the middle of the night. That was a huge adjustment for me but now, most nights, I don’t even remember if I get up to pee. Wait till the kiddo is kicking you in the bladder. You’ll go from no urgency to practically peeing your pants in a single moment!

MP, you’re so close. I can’t wait to *meet* Micah. All of this discomfort will be a memory soon!

Blushing, keep us posted on your progress. I’m really looking forward to following your pregnancy. Oh, and thanks for starting the TTC thread. That thread meant a lot to me while DH and I were baby dancing!

Swimmer, sounds like your kiddo will be tall. Long and skinny should be good for delivery purposes right? I think I’m carrying a peanut. None of my mom’s babies were over 6lbs 8oz but MIL just told me ALL of her babies were over 8 lbs! She went past her due date every time though. I’m not sure if any of this is genetic anyway.

JCrow, sounds like you’re getting a lot done. Care to share some of that motivation? I’ve been so lazy! The spurt I got as the result of the nice weather has since fizzled.

Meresal, you’re such a lucky gal to have friends with babies so close in age to your LO. In our close circle, no one else is preggo. My nephew was just born in January though so having another little guy in the family so close in age to ours will be really nice though.

PB, I think we’ve already seen our kiddo for the last time via U/S. So the next time we’ll see him is the day he’s born. I’m jealous!

As for me…we’re really struggling with names. Our short consists of Henry, Nolan and Owen. How much attention are you guys paying to whether or not a name *goes* with your last name? Our last name is a mouthful and is very Jewish. We’re not Jewish so not necessarily looking for a Hebrew name but I feel like Owen and Nolan don’t really “go” because they too are very ethnic, for lack of a better term, in their own way. Henry seems to be the most non-descript in terms of its origin. You don’t think “Ah, that’s German!” right when you hear it – at least I don’t. My concern with Henry is that our someday teenaged son will complain he hates it. I do feel like it’s a great baby, kid and adult name though. Am I over-thinking this? We’ve got plenty of time but we’ve been over every name list imaginable and haven’t found anything else that we both like. God, me head is spinning. I never thought this decision would be so difficult.
Henry! **jumps up and down** Henry!

Henry is the cutest name! It''s my baby bro''s name, so I''m partial ;)

What word does your last name rhyme with? Or which letters does it end with? (If you're comfortable sharing.)

I'm partial as I have a Henry, but I don't think Owen and Nolan sound too Irish at all. In fact, I had to look up where "Nolan" came from. Owen was one of our favorites when considering Henry, too.
I second Henry - we had a hard time coming up with a non-hispanic name to go with our VERY hispanic last name, so I understand your frustration! Henry is one of those names that sounds good with almost any last name though.

Jas, this means labor will be easier?! AWESOME! I feel a lot better now lol.
Date: 3/25/2010 12:15:09 PM
Author: E B

What word does your last name rhyme with? Or which letters does it end with? (If you''re comfortable sharing.)

I''m partial as I have a Henry, but I don''t think Owen and Nolan sound too Irish at all. In fact, I had to look up where ''Nolan'' came from. Owen was one of our favorites when considering Henry, too.
EB, Our last name ends in "son". Do you call your Henry by his full name? Does anyone call him Hank? What''s his middle name? We''re thinking Ellis or Walker (a family name). Thanks for chiming in!

I''m glad everyone likes Henry. I think it''s cute too.

HH, does anyone call your brother Hank? I don''t hate Hank, I would just prefer Henry.
NO! Thank god!

We actually named him Henry after his uncle/god father and gave him Joseph as a middle name. This was the early 90s before Henry was a popular name so we intended to call him "Joe or "Joey" for short. But Henry stuck and he''s just Henry.
Date: 3/25/2010 12:48:51 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
NO! Thank god!

We actually named him Henry after his uncle/god father and gave him Joseph as a middle name. This was the early 90s before Henry was a popular name so we intended to call him ''Joe or ''Joey'' for short. But Henry stuck and he''s just Henry.
Thanks for the input. I really do like Henry. So when are we finding our what YOU''RE having so we can name your baby.
Naming someone else''s baby is so much more fun for me!
18-or 20 weeks. Not sure which, my doc said they scan at 18, but schedule wise I wont be due for an apt until 20. Hopefully they won''t make me wait!

We''ve got our top two for each gender picked

Aidan Campbell or Jack Henry for boys


Katharine Fenn or Grace Campbell for girls.

Our top choices are Grace and Aidean though.
Date: 3/25/2010 1:33:13 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
18-or 20 weeks. Not sure which, my doc said they scan at 18, but schedule wise I wont be due for an apt until 20. Hopefully they won''t make me wait!

We''ve got our top two for each gender picked

Aidan Campbell or Jack Henry for boys


Katharine Fenn or Grace Campbell for girls.

Our top choices are Grace and Aidean though.
You''ve got your stuff together! DH wouldn''t talk names seriously until we knew the gender. Those are all GREAT names!
Date: 3/25/2010 12:45:51 PM
Author: puppmom

Do you call your Henry by his full name? Does anyone call him Hank?

We call him Henry, but half of my family (and some of my husband''s family) calls him Hank. I''ve even had a few strangers say, "aww, Hank!" when I told them his name.

In fact, my husband (a big baseball fan) wanted to name him Henry Aaron.
Date: 3/25/2010 2:56:13 PM
Author: E B

Date: 3/25/2010 12:45:51 PM
Author: puppmom

Do you call your Henry by his full name? Does anyone call him Hank?

We call him Henry, but half of my family (and some of my husband''s family) calls him Hank. I''ve even had a few strangers say, ''aww, Hank!'' when I told them his name.

In fact, my husband (a big baseball fan) wanted to name him Henry Aaron.
DHs do come up with some interesting ideas, don''t they?