
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

DRK, thanks for sharing your birth story and pics of your sweet little girl. She is precious. And you look great!

Shiny, yay for team pink!
We need some little girls around here, that''s so exciting.

Ambulance, welcome and congrats
I love your due date.

Mere, glad to hear you had a good shower. Mine is this weekend, and though I should be looking forward to it, I''m kind of dreading it. I''m just not into these kind of things, and I HATE being the center of attention. Not to mention I''m not even going to know half the people there. Oh well, I just keep telling myself it''s only for a few hours, and I can do that.

Pupp, I have an anterior placenta too. Sometimes I feel a bit sad that I can''t feel everything like other people, but not much to be done about it I guess. I do know some people say the baby kicks so hard it will wake them up at night, and I would definitely never have that problem!

Jcrow/Jas, the stress of the baby and moving at the same time is something else isn''t it? I still can''t believe we take possession when I''m 36 weeks, and don''t officially move in until I''m 38 weeks.
I''m like you Jcrow, thinking I could go into labour during the move. It certainly does cause some anxiety. I can''t believe how much packing I still have to do. Gah, I''m sure it will all work out, but sometimes I really wonder what we are doing to ourselves?!?

Oobie, welcome
You are almost half way there!
Pupp, as far as labour goes, I don''t think we''ll have anyone at the hospital. Our hospital seems to have restricted visiting hours anyway, so the timing may not work. And like you, I don''t want to feel stressed about people coming in the minute the baby arrives, and would like some time with just FI, me and the baby. His family will probably know when it''s happening though, as my FI works with his Dad, but I don''t think they will come until we call them. Or I hope so, anyway. Maybe I should make sure he has talked with them about this. At any rate, I personally don''t think you are being selfish.
Pupmom: re: visitors right after the birth. I have both sets of parents in town and was checked into the hospital at 5:30 am for my son''s birth. My DS wasn''t born until 5:30pm so i had family popping in annoying me throughout those 12 hours of agony. I thought i would let them in right after, b/c they were soooo excited & hanging around, but the hospital acutally had a policy that it was just mom/birth attendants and staff for 2 hours after the birth. However everything after the birth is a blur & very busy. Depending on how things go you might be getting stitched, or in recovery or the baby might need attending to. So much is happening in that hour or two right after so in my one experience, there was no quiet time with just the baby and DH. It was birth, cord blood banking procedure, stitches while nursing baby, baby weighed, ID''d, cleaned up etc, more nursing, shower for me, nurses checking bleeding, HR, BP, etc (at which point my kid went missing and was doing the rounds out in the hallway with family
). It was after 8 when i finally got to eat something & really see my baby. It was nutty, but so exciting. Not sure if my experience is typical, but i''d just say play it by ear and tell them to be ready by the phone for when you want/can have visitors.
They might not listen, but don''t worry about them, you won''t care too much at the time!

Puffy: ha, i bet we''ll be installing the carseat post-birth too. Esp since we are planning the homebirth and if we don''t have him/her at home we''ll probably just walk home with the baby like i did last time since we live across the street from the hospital.
Sweet, one less thing to do-lol.

Oobiecoo-nearly half way there! Get posting girl :)

Prettyblues--oh not you too--we''ll all be stressed and moving together with huge bellies and short fuses. Misery loves company right?!

Re: Anterior placentas: I''ve posted a few times how i thought for sure my placenta was at the back b/c i honestly think i can feel this kid blinking (
). I feel everything, constantly waking up in the night from the movement and DH started to feel the baby at 20 weeks (visible movement from the outside at 22 weeks) so you can imagine my suprise when i looked at my ultrasound reports and i have an anterior placenta!!! i am confused
. Maybe it''s anterior but off more to one side or something, b/c if not, i am afraid i have a UFC fighter in there or something...oy
re: visitors - dh''s parents are going to be notified when we go to the hospital. they live 2.5 hours away and plan to come to the hospital. neither will be in the room during the birth. my family live 6 hours away so they aren''t going to be there. dh''s parents are planning to stay with us for a week after the baby''s birth. then my cousin will come stay with us.

re: the move - i know, back when we first started looking into moving i knew it would be stressful, but i thought it would be better to be settled in a new place before baby rather than trying to pack + house hunt + move with a newborn. either way it''s difficult i''m sure.

re: car seat - i just found a place to have it inspected. unfortunately, dh can''t be there. so i guess we''ll install the seat in my car and i''ll take it to get checked out.
Date: 3/23/2010 8:24:25 AM
Author: puppmom
Welcome, Ambulance and OobieCoo! Oobie, we must be due a week apart! I''m due 08/09/2010. I didn''t post much at first either because I felt like all I did was ask questions. Now that I''m halfway there, I feel like I can contribute at least a little.

Speaking of questions, what do you ladies think of this?

Originally, DH and I planned to call his parents when I go into labor. My parents are out of the question because my mom WILL come in to the delivery room. She did when my brother''s son was born and said she wasn''t leaving. She asked me this weekend who was going to be in the delivery room and when I told just DH she said, ''I don''t give a choice, now do I?'' - so they''re not getting a call until the baby comes. We always planned to call DHs parents because they respect our boundaries. However, I''ve been thinking recently that I don''t want to call anyone until the baby is born. I feel like this is a moment that I want to have just between DH and me. If I have people who''ve been in the waiting room for 10 hours, I''m going to feel obliged to have them come back right away. I also want DH there with me to enjoy all of those first moments - not hanging out with his parents in the waiting room because he feels bad that they''ve been waiting so long. Do you think this is selfish? What are you all planning to do?
I had always thought we''d call both sets of parents and maybe some of DH''s siblings so they could be there for the birth (in the waiting room, of course!) but lately I''ve been thinking that I just want it to be the two of us. We are using a birthing center so we most likely won''t be there for more than 12-18 hours anyway. My parents live about 4 hours away so we can call them right after and they can just meet us at our house when we leave a few hours later. I have a feeling my mom is going to be crushed though... she gets really upset about that sort of thing.

Also, on the registering thing... we registered around 17 weeks I think. I wanted mostly neutral colors anyway so it won''t look like pink or blue exploded all over our house so it didn''t matter that we didn''t know the gender yet. I''ll add a couple of outfits after we find out the gender but thats it.

A few of our items that I REALLY want/need are online only... do you think most people will avoid ordering online?
Am I the only person who doesn''t care for the gender "neutral" colors? I hate pastel green and yellow and really hate the lightish brown that''s shown up everywhere. Maybe alone or paired with blue or pink, but that brown with the yellow or green makes me think of a diaper blow out. I love bright colors. If we have a girl she''ll probably be in a lot of boys clothes because DH and I much prefer bright blue, green and red to pink and purple.
Thanks for the congrats, everyone!!

vesper~ glad you finally got a chance to go through some things for the little guy!

jcrow~ Good luck for your move! You shouldn''t feel helpless. You ARE growing a baby. Take a break and be glad that others are gonna get the job done while you supervise!

oobie~ I''ve been wondering where you''ve been. I last saw you in the "barely preggo" thread! You''re almost half way now!! Re: registering. In my experience, people will avoid buying online. They want to see the item before they give it to you.

pupp~ With JT, I only wanted DH and my best friend in the room with me, but I was sure that everyone else would manage for themselves in the waiting room and popping in and out. Not so. I felt like I was entertaining everyone. I was apologizing for trying to nap a few minutes here and there and it was stressful. Because I had an emergency c, only DH was at the hospital when I went in. I did want to see my mom before getting surgery so I was a bit disappointed that she wasn''t there. However, immediately upon returning from recovery, when I hadn''t even held my baby yet, I had a line of people waiting for a turn. I could''ve done without that! This time, it will only be DH. After I get to my regular room and have some time with Baby, we''ll call parents (and JT).

jas~ You and I seem to be on the same track for fetal movements. My placenta is definitely posterior, I''d have thought yours was too. If your LO is fighting through an anterior placenta, WATCH OUT!

RE: registering. When I registered with JT, DH and I went a couple weeks after we found out the gender. Then I went back with a mommy friend to register for more. A mommy friend is a great help when you''re looking at things you THINK you need. Most of those fussy items are such a pain in the butt.

Hope you''re all feeling well! Don''t know if I''ll check in much this week because sis is getting married Friday and we have family coming in. I''ll definitely post after Thurs appt about the heartbeat.
Really late, but congrats DRK!! She''s beautiful!
Date: 3/23/2010 11:58:40 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Am I the only person who doesn''t care for the gender ''neutral'' colors? I hate pastel green and yellow and really hate the lightish brown that''s shown up everywhere. Maybe alone or paired with blue or pink, but that brown with the yellow or green makes me think of a diaper blow out. I love bright colors. If we have a girl she''ll probably be in a lot of boys clothes because DH and I much prefer bright blue, green and red to pink and purple.
Hehe... I don''t like ALL of the neutral stuff. Most of what we registered for is more a medium to bright color, not pastel. And I''m pretty anti- pastel colored babyish prints like teddy bears or ducks. Really I''m not into baby prints at all no matter what color they are.
HH~ I''m not into gender neutral either. JT''s nursery was camel on the walls, and lots of camel and green, navy and red. It was neutral tones, but definitely not gender neutral. I''ve been thinking about this one''s nursery since yesterday. The walls are already a bright blue and I''m thinking of mixing bright stripes (pink, green, blue,etc), polka dots, and solids for the bedding. I may add a bit of Tinkerbell but everything will definitely be bright!
Date: 3/23/2010 11:58:40 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Am I the only person who doesn''t care for the gender ''neutral'' colors? I hate pastel green and yellow and really hate the lightish brown that''s shown up everywhere. Maybe alone or paired with blue or pink, but that brown with the yellow or green makes me think of a diaper blow out. I love bright colors. If we have a girl she''ll probably be in a lot of boys clothes because DH and I much prefer bright blue, green and red to pink and purple.

I didn''t care for them, either. I bought a set of onsies before we knew it was a boy and they were that pale brown, with some green touches. They were certainly cute, but not what I really wanted - I just could not contain myself and had to buy SOMETHING baby, haha.

Hi Ladies!!!!

Yes, it’s me, Blushing.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to jump in now while things on this thread are relatively quiet and let you all know that back after a much needed hiatus.

I know that I just sort of up and left the TTC thread back in October, but after my miscarriage last summer, I realized that I was in desperate need of some serious “Blushing time” and really needed to focus on me, DH and our number one goal – having a baby!
I kept thinking that all I needed was a small break, and then that small break turned into a long one! I didn’t even lurk on PS (which was so hard to do), but I was very disciplined.

Anyway, I have some exciting news! I’m almost 10 weeks along and having TWINS!!!!!!
Mandarine – I know you were wondering who the next PS’er with twins would be and that happens to be moi!) J

The first trimester has been a bumpy road to say the least. Around 5w5d, I wiped (sorry for TMI) when going to the bathroom and saw red blood (exactly what happened to me when I miscarried). After that, when I wiped it was brown and I didn’t have the cramping I had with my miscarriage, so I thought maybe this wasn’t the end? However, I immediately called my Dr. and she said the spotting was normal.....and that actually, a lot of times it happens with twins! Hmmmmm?


I went in for an ultrasound and everything looked great and only one baby was seen, but it was too early to see or hear a heartbeat (although my doctor said she saw a flicker). The spotting eventually stopped for a day or two, but started up again so, I went back for a second ultrasound 3-days later on a Sunday to check on things and still no heartbeat yet, but everything looked good and again, only one baby was seen by the doctor on call. I went back to my Dr. for a third time at 7 weeks and saw one baby and saw/heard one heartbeat. Then, my Dr. moved the ultrasound probe around and to our surprise, she found a second baby!!! Another strong heartbeat was seen and heard and my DH and I were in complete disbelief because all the while, we thought we were having one!

Needless to say, we are EXTREMELY excited and happy for our two little babies. Obviously, they are not identical, but, they are not clomid babies like Peony even though I had been on it for six cycles. I had finished the sixth cycle before X-mas and my Dr. told me to take a break after that because the office would be closed around X-mas and NYE for monitoring etc. We decided to figure out our next plan of attack in the new year. I have to wonder though if being on clomid for six cycles prior to our last one did play a part in some way or if it was god’s way of letting us know that he recognized the struggle we have been through and decided to bless us with two (I tend to think it’s the latter).


I also wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to all of you whose BFP’s, gender announcements and birth stories I have missed. I re-read the TTC and Preggo Thread from where I left off and feel like I’m caught up. I also saw the shout-outs from my peeps like Lovely, Cara, Janinegirly, Fisher, Loves Vintage, EB etc. so, please know that they weren’t missed! Thank you so much for thinking of me and I’m truly sorry if I worried anyone.

BTW – who else is due around the same time as me? Cara (my original preggo twin), Snlee, AllieLuv, Ambulance??
Blushing - congratulations on your double blessing! I am a mommy now, but I remember your story from the TTC thread and I often thought of you and hoped you had gotten pregnant again. Wishing you a very happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy.

I want to jump up to NYC and give you a huge congratulatory hug.

You and your husband have been in my thoughts all of the time and I missed you so much when you stopped posting (though, I absolutely understand the need for a break)

double blessings for sure!!

I, too, got lucky on a break. go figure.

this news made my day!
Such happy news! I am excited to see another set of PS twins too. I''m 11 weeks today so we''re about a week apart! I know it''s been a long road for you and I''m so excited to share this journey with you! I hope you post more often now.
Congrats Blushing! There are quite a few us is due in September/October!
Congratulations Blushing...there will be a baby boom around here in the months of September/October!
I love the September/October PS baby boom! So exciting!
I think there''s over 10 of us! Speaking of which, if you haven''t done so already, please add yourself to the Preggos In Waiting List so it''s easier to keep track of everyone''s DDs!
not that two days really matters in the grand scheme, but my DD was moved up to the 20th!
Blushing~ Huge Congratulations to you and your DH!! How exciting and miraculous!! I didn''t post in TTC (except at the very beginning), but I followed your story. I''m so happy for you! Hoping for a happy and healthy next few months!! Is your dr expecting you to carry to 40??

Blushing- Congrats!!! What wonderful news!! There is gonna be a ton of September/October babies around here!

Puppmom- Congrats on Team Blue!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well and congrats to all those with recent pregnancies!


I dont post that much but figured I would finally join this thread considering im 15 weeks pregnant! Baby due Sept 12th and DH & I are so excited!!! So far everything has been going well and cant wait to find out the baby''s gender in 5 wks!!
A big congrats, Blushing!!! Twins, WOW!
Thank you everyone!!!! I know – what a comeback right!!!??? I was seriously hoping I didn’t lose my “thread-cred” (as Mela once said back in the day

I truly missed every single one of you and you were all never far from my mind. I’ve been itching to come back ever since I found out I was pregnant in February, but wanted to wait until I was in a good place with this pregnancy. I had an ultrasound last week at 9 weeks and both babies were right on track for development. I am still nervous wreck every time I go to the bathroom (and probably always be), but as DH says, whatever will be, will be and it’s out of control.

So many feelings and emotions are running through my mind, but the most important one is that we are THRILLED beyond words and are truly blessed!!!!!

(Mandarine, Peony, Neatfreak NYbrkgirl, I think I’ll be reading your posts from start to finish

Somethingshiny - my doctor said that w/ twins I am more likely to carry until around 37 weeks, so I could deliver in September. However, I do know a twin mommy who carried all the way up until 40 weeks so, I guess anything is possible!
Blushing- so glad to see you back and pregnant with twins!! I lurk often and have thought of you many times since the summer. Congrats!!
Oh I exhausted. Like way more than I have been in weeks past. I thought it was supposed to get better not worse? Has tiredness gotten worse for some of you around the 9th week?
Date: 3/23/2010 1:25:42 PM
Author: blushingbride

Thank you everyone!!!! I know – what a comeback right!!!??? I was seriously hoping I didn’t lose my “thread-cred” (as Mela once said back in the day

I truly missed every single one of you and you were all never far from my mind. I’ve been itching to come back ever since I found out I was pregnant in February, but wanted to wait until I was in a good place with this pregnancy. I had an ultrasound last week at 9 weeks and both babies were right on track for development. I am still nervous wreck every time I go to the bathroom (and probably always be), but as DH says, whatever will be, will be and it’s out of control.

So many feelings and emotions are running through my mind, but the most important one is that we are THRILLED beyond words and are truly blessed!!!!!

(Mandarine, Peony, Neatfreak NYbrkgirl, I think I’ll be reading your posts from start to finish

Somethingshiny - my doctor said that w/ twins I am more likely to carry until around 37 weeks, so I could deliver in September. However, I do know a twin mommy who carried all the way up until 40 weeks so, I guess anything is possible!
Congrats Blushing, I am thrilled for you!

And yes, anything is possible. Stay positive! My friend carried her triplets to nearly 36 weeks (average birth is 28-32 weeks) and she is about 5''2" and tiny. Her sister (nearly same physique) carried her twins to 39 weeks.

Here''s to a long baking for your babies!
Date: 3/23/2010 12:38:58 PM
Author: lovelylulu

I want to jump up to NYC and give you a huge congratulatory hug.

You and your husband have been in my thoughts all of the time and I missed you so much when you stopped posting (though, I absolutely understand the need for a break)

double blessings for sure!!

I, too, got lucky on a break. go figure.

this news made my day!
Lovely!!!!!!!!!! I''ve always been thinking of you and missed you too!!!!!!!! I was hoping and praying that you had a healthy, happy baby thriving inside you!!!!! I can''t believe how far along you are and how beautiful you look pregnant!!!! It truly suits you!!!
Congratulations on your baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are going to be a fantastic momma!!!
Date: 3/23/2010 1:29:51 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Oh I exhausted. Like way more than I have been in weeks past. I thought it was supposed to get better not worse? Has tiredness gotten worse for some of you around the 9th week?

Yes. Actually I''d say it got really bad between 8 and 13 weeks. It''s just starting to resolve now. I was able to spend Sunday afternoon doing laundry and running up and down the stairs in my house without needing a nap. Mondays are always the hardest though. I hit a wall at about 2 and can''t shake it until the next morning when I wake up. I fell asleep at 8:30 last night. Oh, and the insomnia gets bad again (for me anyway), it just started up this week.
Blushing, maybe my hormones are a mess, but your post brought tears to my eyes. I think it''s beyond awesome that the poster who started the TTC thread is pregnant, and with twins! What a blessing! Huge congratulations to you & Mr. Blushing. You & the other posters on the TTC thread were such a help to me when I was trying to navigate the world of charting and TTC, and I am just so overjoyed that you have your own pregnancy to celebrate now. And twins, you lucky girl! I am just so happy for you.

Oobie & Lucy, congrats on your pregnancies as well!

Puppmom, do not be afraid to ban family members from the hospital until you are ready for visitors. All of our parents/inlaws were long distance, but since my delivery took forever, they were sitting at our house waiting for the news of the baby. DS was born at 4:19 am, and DH called the house around 5 am to let them know that he was born, but since we had been up all night, we let them know that we would be getting some rest, and call them that afternoon so they could come visit the baby then. It was really nice, because there was no pressure, and we didn''t have to deal with visitors until we were ready. After all, they waited 9 months to meet the baby, another 8 hours wasn''t going to kill them

HH, that''s so funny about the neutral colors. We found out DS''s gender at 18 weeks, and since my favorite color is blue, almost all of the clothes I bought for him were blue. However, when I got him home and started dressing him in various outfits, we noticed that his best colors were yellow and peach. So, for the next size up, I ended up buying him a bunch of neutral stuff. I just went to Carter''s last week to pick up a couple of new things for the new baby, so he''s not entirely clad in hand-me-downs, and I got him a gender neutral outfit with little yellow ducks on it. I figure at least I''ll be able to tell them apart in the newborn pics, because Andrew will be mostly in blue, and the new little guy will be mostly in yellow & orange :)
Date: 3/23/2010 1:29:51 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Oh I exhausted. Like way more than I have been in weeks past. I thought it was supposed to get better not worse? Has tiredness gotten worse for some of you around the 9th week?

allie, I hate to say it, but I think that''s the time that my *bad* symptoms just got going. Hang in there and know that it''s only a finite time!!