
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I''m so late to the game, and I''m totally a lurker on this thread, but good vibes going your way Tacori!

All the best!!!
Date: 10/29/2007 9:25:15 PM
Author: littlelysser
I''m so late to the game, and I''m totally a lurker on this thread, but good vibes going your way Tacori!

All the best!!!

It''s not too late. Thanks!
Date: 10/29/2007 9:51:58 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 10/29/2007 9:25:15 PM
Author: littlelysser
I''m so late to the game, and I''m totally a lurker on this thread, but good vibes going your way Tacori!

All the best!!!

It''s not too late. Thanks!
I''m so excited for you, Tacori! It''s wonderful to be having your baby so close to the holiday season - I really think kids and esp babies make the holidays feel so special!
Yes just piping up to tacori. Take care and am thinking of you and am sending comforting sisterhood vibes so that you know you can do this girl and soon you darling babe will be in your arms

If you are still here, what color clothes have you been buying for your baby? So many people know the sex in advance now that I have grown used to seeing baby wardrobes clearly chosen for one sex or the other.

I knew I was adopting a girl, but her room was pale yellow and much of her clothing was, too. I also loved pale blue, so it was represented as well as pale pink.

hey tacori, just wanted to you to know we''re thinking of you today and wishing you luck at the dr''s office. can''t wait for the update!!!
I go to the doc''s in a few hours. I will update then. I am nervous and excited to see what he says.

Deb, there are nursery pics in the "show me your nursery" thread (I *think* that is what it is called!) We painted it a pale blue b/c it matched the bedding I bought. Our whole closet it all green, yellow, and white (MIL buys white, I NEVER would). I have two outfits b/c I have no idea what the temp will be like. One is a pale green fleece hoodie and pants (with a matching onesie) by Carter. Really cute. If it is warmer I have a strip white/gray sleeper type thing from Old Navy. Yesterday my mom and I looked at Baby Gap (during our mall walk) oh I can''t wait to start buying it clothes. They have the cutest stuff. Even the boy clothes are adorable. I am excited.

Kate, thanks for the support.

Sweetpea, I agree that the holidays will be even MORE special this year.
Hang in there Tacori!!! I can''t wait to see baby Tacori!
Tacori--so soon you''ll get to go into baby gap and buy little ____or_____clothing--yippeee.

I am a BIG shopper but at nearly 5 months preggo the only thing I''ve bought is a boppy and breast pump b/c like you guys we are not finding out the sex and it really curbs the temptation to shop!
I also figure i''ll be too darn tired to shop full-tilt once the baby arrives so that''ll help ensure I don''t go buck-wild.

Tgal--was thinking of you this morning. Just got back from a quick trip to toronto (4 hr drive in each direction) I really had to move around a lot b/c my limbs kept falling asleep! Do you think your airline will give u the emerg. exit seats for your flight to oz? I have done that flight twice and know how looooong it is (i know you know that already!) --the extra room would be great for you....have u looked into that possibility?

MrsS. --i certianly don''t see myself at the gym 9 days after giving birth --i needed a week to recover from my wedding day let alone the most difficult physical feat a woman can accomplish. That is why I was so surprised. But to each their own and she seemed to be doing great so all the power to her.

I often think of my grandmother who worked in the bush on a farm, gave birth to her youngest and had to care for 6 other little kids --all without the help of a daycare, inlaws or even her husband and wonder how some women did it back then!

Ella--those baby taps/kicks/bumps make it worthwhile until they acutally arrive eh? DH swore he felt something the other night but i think it was just wishful thinking on his part. He asks me a zillion times a day "is the baby up?" wanting a play by play on the little bean''s status.
I notice that every time i have really hot tea that i get little kicks --wondering if it reacts to the sudden warmth in there....
Do your twins seem to be active at the same time, or can u tell if baby A and B are doing different things?
also, since you are having a boy and a girl are u beautiful one day and hideous the next depending on who is taking up more of your ''resources'' haha--just jokin of course....some of those theories really crack me up!
Tacori-- thinking of you. Hope the doctor has good news for you.
Haha...I wasn''t trying to be funny...I just had looked down at my position and thought if TGuy walked into the room, I was going to look really really strange!

Tacori, hoping for good news...please check in with us today!

Lili, I had meant to say (don''t know if I did), thanks for your scoop on your amnio. You''re a braver woman than I am...I could not look at the needle. Even your description of it wigged me out! I hope all comes back well. Did you do the screening tests too?

Jas, I don''t know how it will go, but I haven''t had too many issues with my limbs yet. I did just come back from a 4 hour drive each way a week ago and I was fine. But I plan to move around a bit on the plane anyway. I am dreading the flight, but so looking forward to going to Oz for a summery Christmas! One thing I don''t like about the exit row is it tends to be colder than other rows. TGuy says there''s no way wind can come in, but I swear I always feel something and my feet turn into ice cubes!

And I totally agree about the shopping. I don''t bother to even look because I don''t know what I am having...which makes it so much easier. I am not a big shopper anyway, thank goodness!

My friend just told me orange juice really got the baby going in the kicking department. Must be the sugar...
Date: 10/30/2007 1:25:40 PM
Author: lili
Tacori-- thinking of you. Hope the doctor has good news for you.
Tacori, hoping you get some good news today. I think if you go past your due date, they will do a non-stress test and/or biophysical profile to make sure the baby''s heart and your fluids are all ok. I think that''s how they decide when to induce. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!

TGal, I know what you mean about the exit row--my feet always FREEZE when I sit there!! I kind of doubt they would let a pregnant woman sit in that row as it may be difficult for you to help out in case of an emergency but I''m not positive about that. As long as you drink lots of water and move around a lot, you''ll be ok. And you may want to get some compression stockings. And orange juice definitely gets the baby kicking. So does chocolate!

Jas, I was back in the gym exactly 14 days after giving birth but I didn''t go crazy. I think the general rule is to not go back until you get the go ahead from your doctor at the 6 week appointment but I didn''t have a tough labor/delivery, I felt fine physically and I just really needed to do something for myself! I was thinking about your comment about your grandmother and had to laugh. I know some people have a tougher time than others but honestly, so much of it is common sense and instinct. I gave birth on a Saturday, got home on Monday and my husband went back to work on Tuesday! I didn''t have any real help, I was on my own the whole time--plus I continued to work from home so I could get paid so I really didn''t get a break at all. My mother came by a few times to spend the day with me but I really just figured it all out by myself and I''m glad I did. One of my girlfriends just had a baby 2 weeks ago and she hired a baby nurse to live with them for the first 4 weeks. She called me today in a panic because the baby nurse had to go out and the baby was crying and she didn''t know what to do! I don''t begrudge anybody for getting help but I also think that you can figure this stuff out by yourself most of the time. Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time and have managed to raise their children without turning it into a whole dramatic episode. I guess I just get annoyed when people act as if they are the first person to ever be pregnant or have a baby. I know I probably sound harsh but I was really shocked to get that call from my friend today--she literally had no clue what to do and it really bothered me! I wonder what she''ll do when the nurse leaves for good.
I feel like a broken record saying this (and I feel like an old lady using that expression!), but ... thinking of you Tacori! My little ones are jumping all around right now, so I think they''re sending you good vibes too.

Ha ha, TGal, you just earned yourself a new nickname -- TGal Bundy! (Is it wrong that I just cracked myself up with that??) So could you feel anything from the outside yet??

How much longer for amnio results, TGal and Lili? TGal, you said yours could be as soon as 7 days, right? So would that be this Friday?

Speaking of colors and nurseries, I''ll have to take some photos of the nursery and post them in the nursery thread -- it''s really cute! So cute that the cat has adopted the cribs as his own
Gotta break him of that habit NOW! Unfortunately we don''t have a door on the room at the moment, so we can''t really keep him out of the room. And darnit if he doesn''t look supercute all snuggled up in a crib ... it''s hard to scold a sleepy furry lovebug, you know?
LOL Curlygirl....whaddaya mean? I''m not the FIRST person to go through this???

I totally agree about the nannies, help, etc. I had to laugh when my friend (who was the one who just gave birth) told me newborns are SOOO easy (although I think her son is pretty easy). At the time, her milk hadn''t come in, so her husband was doing all the feeding, burping and diaper changing. Her mother was with her and was getting her what she needed. She also hired a housekeeper so the housekeeper was doing all the baby''s washing. I''m thinking, man, that sounds easy to me too!!!

But I asked TGuy...what happened to the days when it was just the mom and dad raising the kid? Help is great, and I am sure my mom will want to help, but I have told TGuy that it''s just "you and me, kid." He agrees.

Yeah good point about the exit row. I will probably even need a note to fly. I''ll be fine...bathroom visits have been minimal lately so I am hoping that lasts and I can just pass out like I usually do. Anyone else find that bathroom visits decreased in the second trimester? I can normally sleep the night through now.

Ella, yes, it could be as early as this Friday. We shall see!

Haven''t felt anything from the outside, but the kid is sneaky. Every time my hand goes inside my pants, it stops kicking. Maybe it''s scared that mommy seems to be doing something weird....

TG-AL Bundy

I felt it! I did an Al Bundy sneak attack and it moved as my hand was on top of it and I think I could feel it! The little ones I can''t feel from the needs to be a full body smackdown for me to feel it. Eek!
hehe TG-Al Bundy
Anyway, I'm in no way a brave woman. It's morbid curiosity that prompted me to look. That and also I wanted to make sure that needle is nowhere near my baby.
I didn't do the AFP screening because I know I would probably be wondering about the false negative if I get a favorable number back since they did say that the test is about 70%. I figured that I'll need the assurance from the amnio to put me at ease, so why bother getting pricked with the amnio. Now had they offered the NT test, I'll do that just to get a freebie glimpse of the baby

That's so cool being able to feel Ttot from the outside. I'm still straining to see if I can feel my baby from the inside. Sometimes I think I feel it, but then sometimes I think it might be muscle spasms. Oh well, I'll just have to be patient and wait a few weeks more.

My doctor is not as fast as TGal. The doctor said that the results will be back within 12 days (so that's 10 business days). I try not to think about it too much, instead look forward to the level II sound that is coming up about the same time that I will get the results. I'm thinking about pushing my sonogram appt back a couple of weeks just so that the baby will have more body fat and not look like skeletor. But I'm anxious to see the baby, so I'll stick with the appt.

re: emergency seat on plane.
is that just for the extra leg rooms? if so, i probably don't need to request for it because i'm so short anyway. there's plenty of room for me.
also, like curlygirl said, i don't even know if they will let you have those seats since you are required to open that bulky door in case of an emergency.

re: less restroom break.
yup, I find that I don't need to go as often, but I still wake up just as much though because I'm having a hard time finding a comfortable position to sleep.
I have been a back sleep for a good 15 years and it's hard to break the habit. Kept finding myself back on back when I woke up from a deep sleep.
Lili, I am not sure if my doc is fast. They said 7-10 days. That could mean business days.

I first felt mine in week 16. But wasn''t sure. Last week I felt the first tap tap, but not much after that. It was only yesterday that I am 100% positive it is the kid...and s/he just started going bonkers in there. It was moving a lot in the ultrasound too, so I am not surprised.

And I am a total back sleeper too. I bought a body pillow, but I have somehow found a comfy way to use it while still on my back...and obviously I didn''t mean to, but it''s how I am when I wake up!
Checking in on Tacori. I hope your appointment went well.
I''m also checking in. I will wait to hear from you, but part of me is thinking the doctor could have decided to admit you and induce....

My massage guy last week taught me a good way to sleep -- and since it totally helped with my hip pain, I pass the info on to you! I hope this makes sense ....

Say you''re lying on your left side, have your left leg (the bottom leg) straight and then bend your right (top) leg to a 90-degree angle (so, basically the fetus position with that top leg). Then place a bolster (or roll up a blanket or something that will be substantial and not mooshy -- he doesn''t recommend the j-shaped body pillows b/c they wind up being smooshed there, and he''s right -- mine is totally squished at the curved part now) under the top leg -- but don''t put it *between* your knees. That puts too much pressure on the lower leg (which can lead to pain and leg cramps). Then try to elongate the area of your upper leg between your hip and your knee as much as possible. So if I''m lying on my left side, then I find myself angling down even a little more to the left to get that stretch. He also recommends a wedge under the belly, but I found that uncomfortable, and a pillow to hug. I''m still using my snoogle or snoozer or whatever I have, but I''m bulking it up more by putting a folded fleece blanket on top the part near my legs (the fleece does not help with the night sweats -- aaack!).

Seriously, my hip pain was getting brutal before the massage, and now I''ve had maybe two slight twinges of it since last Friday -- it''s heaven!! I thought I was sleeping right beforehand, but NOT sleeping on that bottom leg has made all the difference (well, that and probably still some aftereffects from the massage itself?). Most of you guys are still probably too early on to experience the hip pains but hopefully if you can sleep this way, it will preempt you from getting the pains in the first place!
Ella, can you draw us a pic?
I am bad at reading and visualizing diagrams, so to speak. I will look at it later and do it step by step. Thanks for the tips!!

I cannot lay on my left. I must lay on my right. This is because I am deaf in my left year and so I sleep on the one I can hear with. I have spent my entire life drifting off to sleep in silence and I would never be able to survive if I had to listen to TGuy''s snoring!!!
Thanks Ella for the sleeping tip. I think I'm sleeping right. It's like forming the letter h with your legs with your right leg being the curved part and the pillow supporting the horizontal section right so that your right knee is angling toward the bed? With me, it's not an issue of having pinched nerves or leg cramps that's keeping me up. I just find myself not in a deep sleep when my back is exposed.

Question, at what point is it when your stomach is too big for you to sleep on your back?
Tacori, just checking in on you, waiting to hear I see.
Fingers crossed the doc can give you some answers, Tacori! It''s funny, I check this thread like, 5 times a day to see if baby Tacori is on his/her way out.

*labor dust*
I love you guys! Baby T and I feel so loved. I have an induction date!!!! I am going to be induced this Sat. which means I will go to the hospital Friday night. I love my doc
he''s on call this weekend and called the hospital to make sure I could do it on the weekend. The end is near. He HIGHLY doubts I will go before them. I am only *maybe* fingertip diulated. My body just needs some help. They did a non-stress test. I was hooked up to the heart moniter for 1/2 an hour. I am glad my mom was with me so I had someone to talk with (to pass the time). Also they did an u/s. Baby is not stressed and there is plenty of fluid. He walked me through the process. Plus now my inlaws are coming for the birth since it hits the weekend. My mom is changing her flight and staying an extra week and I am a happy lady!
So now I just have a few more days of pain and discomfort. By Sunday I will be holding my baby!!!!!

Thanks for all the good wishes. Sorry I don''t have time to respond to everyone. I hope all the pregnancies are going well. I''ll be on later.
YAY!!!! You must be so excited Tacori!!!! And so happy your stress test went well and that there is plenty of fluid. Woohoo!!!
Yay! Wow...this weekend, you''ll have your baby!
So if you''ll be induced Saturday, we''ll get an update Saturday night? (I''m just kidding!)

I can''t wait to meet baby Tacori!
That''s great news Tacori! A weekend birth works out perfectly! That''s great that both sets of parents will be there. You''re almost there!!
Date: 10/30/2007 5:39:43 PM
Author: Kaleigh
YAY!!!! You must be so excited Tacori!!!! And so happy your stress test went well and that there is plenty of fluid. Woohoo!!!
Me too and I am glad your momma was with you! Very exciting, big hug Tacori

ETA: it was funny because I was looking for this thread and I didn't realize it was sticky. Good idea for the sticky. hehee