
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

My first one never quit night feedings until close to close to 2 years of age. My 2nd did quit night feeding (4 to 5 hours) for a while but somehow it came back. He hardly drinks milk during the day (12 oz at best) but eats well. I''m thinking he''s probably not fond of bottles and so he holds out until I come home where he reverse cycles and tries to make up for his milk intake during the night. At his age, he needs a minimum of 24 oz a day. I''m not sure how to entice him to drink more during the day - believe me, my parent have tried, short of forcing him, which doesn''t work anyway.
Chrono, there will be many decisions you make re: your children that your parents probably won''t agree with. this is just one of the first big ones. you are your baby''s mother, do what you think is right. if you begin giving into pressure now and not set the boundry they will continue to interfere and expect you to follow their advice. stay strong woman, i know it''s hard but if you want to go until 18 month then do it!!
Sounds like he doesnt like bottles. Mine never took bottles, ever. She completely refused them. What she did wind up using were the cups with straws from 6 months on. I like the Playtex ones but I also bought the really cheap ones that are $2 or $3 for a whole bunch. With night feeds they will always wake because they are used to it, it''s habit but they dont need to. I night fed my daughter until I realized that in our case I would hear her cry & just automatically get out of bed, bring her in our bed & nurse her back to sleep. It took me a week or so to break our ritual.
Do you recall which Playtex cups w/straws it is? I've also thought about straws but wanted some soft ones so it will not hurt his mouth. Since I'm going away on a business trip, perhaps he might not wake up for milk for hubby and then I'll continue to try to lessen the night feedings. Thanks for the suggestion.
Sorry I edited to say I looked at mine & they are the Playtex insulated sport. It doesnt leak as bad as most cups & the straw is soft. Love them.
Well, full moon didn''t work for me
Good news is my mom will be here no for the birth (for sure). I know that will mean a lot for her. I''m hanging in there.
Date: 10/27/2007 8:36:26 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Well, full moon didn''t work for me
Good news is my mom will be here no for the birth (for sure). I know that will mean a lot for her. I''m hanging in there.

that is good news that your mom will get to be there. my mom was with me when I had my first and it was so special for her and I loved having my mom there too. i''m glad your hanging in there, i know those final days are soooooo hard but I''m so glad you''ve got your mom coming. that will help the time pass faster too.
Date: 10/27/2007 8:36:26 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Well, full moon didn''t work for me
Good news is my mom will be here no for the birth (for sure). I know that will mean a lot for her. I''m hanging in there.
Aw, I was secretly hoping it would.

Hang in there miss, and just try to enjoy your last solitary days.
Date: 10/27/2007 8:36:26 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Well, full moon didn''t work for me
Good news is my mom will be here no for the birth (for sure). I know that will mean a lot for her. I''m hanging in there.

I''m so sorry, Tacori! But I''m glad you''ll have your mom with you. I know I''m going to have to have my mom with me. I''m still a big baby, and sometimes, a girl just needs her mom!

Is your due date tomorrow? You never know...maybe you''ll be one of those 5%!
tacori, I know your mom''s in town now and so you''ve got limited computer time. but, please know we''re thinking of you.
Date: 10/27/2007 10:02:18 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tacori, I know your mom''s in town now and so you''ve got limited computer time. but, please know we''re thinking of you.
You ladies are the best. Just checking in. Still preggo. My due date is tomorrow (sunday) so who knows. Maybe baby will come exactly on time. No symptoms yet though
Date: 10/27/2007 10:33:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
You ladies are the best. Just checking in. Still preggo. My due date is tomorrow (sunday) so who knows. Maybe baby will come exactly on time. No symptoms yet though

We have a houseguest from Italy, but I wanted to check in on you before I went to bed, Tacori. Sleep well.

Date: 10/27/2007 10:33:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
You ladies are the best. Just checking in. Still preggo. My due date is tomorrow (sunday) so who knows. Maybe baby will come exactly on time. No symptoms yet though
Sending baby delivery dust Tacori!!! I bet your mom and whole family is so excited! I can''t wait either!!! hehee
Hang in there, Tacori. Just remember, no matter what, you won''t be pregnant for that much longer!!!!

Best of luck to you!!!! So exciting!!!!
Here for my daily check in....nothing happening yet. Today is the official due date but I know it is rare to actually deliever on the day. Yesterday we went to a bithday party (our friend''s son turned one). One of the moms there was induced in July so she told me it was great and not to worry (everyone says the labor is harder). She was induced at noon and had her baby girl just after midnight. 12 hours sounds good to me!
Also spoke to my MIL. They are planning on coming down on Friday just for the weeekend (hopefully the baby will be here one way or another). That made DH VERY happy. Originally they made it sound like they would just come later. I think it hurt DH''s feelings. DH **FINALLY** installed the carseat last night so now we are really ready! I am getting pretty excited (though nervous). Like Dani said no matter what I won''t be preggo TOOOOOO much longer!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I promise I will check in later.
Tacori you''re still here? I was sure that full moon would do it! Oh well. Sending you plenty of speedy delivery dust!

Can''t wait to meet your little baby (girl)!
Thanks for checking in, Tacori -- you know what a bunch of worrywarts we moms and moms-to-be are
Can you believe that this is your LAST weekend without a baby?? So exciting!!!

So, I *totally* recommend getting a prenatal massage if you can. Mine was shiatsu so it wasn''t like a really soothing and calming relaxation massage, but between the massage and the techniques he showed me for how to sleep better and how to stretch my back, my hip pain and back pain have more or less disappeared -- hallelujah!! I don''t think I can justify getting them as often as I''d like, but I will allow myself one or two more throughout the pregnancy, I think. I deserve it

Yesterday we went to the jewelry store to get a plain WG band b/c my wedding band is tight now and I want it off before it gets stuck on me. My cousin works at a really nice store and gives us a discount, so I got a nice band and a David Yurman silver chain to wear my current WB on. My ER is a little bigger than my WB so I can still wear that for now, which I''m happy about. Not that I''m a super-blingy person, but I do like to see the sparkle on that finger!

Hope everyone is doing well!
just sayin hi to all the mommies and mommies to be. enjoy all of the time with your precious babies because its sooo true---they grow so fast. i can''t believe my son is already 15 months old.

chrono: i agree w/the breastfeeding issue. so many people were so concerned about when i''d stop...i did stop when he was 9 months, but it was my choice. i think its great and one of the healthiest decisions you can make for your child, but i did have the family members who kept asking about when i''d stop---i told them to MTOB. just tell your mom that when you feel the time is right you will, until then you and your child are comfortable with the situation as is.

don''t worry tacori, your little one will decide to come hopefully sooner than later...maybe a halloween baby.
sending some labor dust for an easy delivery
diver delaney is so beautiful...those cheeks.....she looks like an
We''re thinking about you, Tacori!
Thanks guys....maybe tomorrow....
Date: 10/28/2007 10:23:50 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks guys....maybe tomorrow....
Awww, I know it''s tough, hang in there sweetie. Glad your Mom is there with you. When is your next appointment??
Hoping for tomorrow Tacori! (It's my husband's birthday.
) Hang in there! I'm glad you have your mom with you.
good luck tacori!! ive been following your journey through pregnancy and im sure youll be just of luck and wishing you a safe delivery!
Ah Tacori, sorry the "full moon" didn''t do it''s thing. Good thing is now your mom can go to the doctor''s appt. with you and hear the heartbeat

Hope your baby come out soon! Can''t wait to know if it is a girl or boy :)
tacori, hang in there girl. gosh, i feel for you. when is your next appt? tomorrow? here''s hoping if you don''t go into labor today, your doc. will change his mind and let you induce
I''m glad you have your mom with you. i''m sure that makes things better, it would for me at least. can you go get a pedicure today? do something fun!!
Tacori, is your little one still cooking?
Tacori?? Are you still here????? Just checking up on you. It won''t be long now, hang in there. And keep us posted. We''ll know it''s happening when we don''t hear from you! Sending you lots of quick and easy labor vibes!
Just wanted to wish you well this week Tacori----you''ll have that little bundle soon!!!

Just a random story--i was at gym (a step class ) 2 thursdays ago and the "other preggo girl " whom I always see was there working out like usual. Only on this thursday she was trying to induce b/c she was a few days late already. Apparently she had the baby a few days later....
Fast forward to yesterday morning. I was setting up my weights for Pump class and in walks " no-longer preggo girl" --she had the baby just 9 days before and was back at the gym.
wholly smokes! And she wasn''t taking it easy either, she was right back into the swing of things (but she did check her cell phone between every set just in case hubby called ;-)
So we chatted for a bit and she just encouraged me to keep working out everyday b/c apparently she had lots of energy etc. for labor--that was encouraging but now I am sad to be the only preggo at the gym everyday (ppl are starting to stare at my belly now!)
Here''s hoping we all have that sort of energy after we give birth
Oooh, no word from Mama T yet today!! Could there be a little baby T making his/her appearance?

Jas, that''s great that you''re still working out! I''m guessing that no-longer-preggo girl didn''t have a c-section or else I don''t think there''s any way she''d be back at the gym so soon. I wish that I had kept up with my gym-going, but everything sort of happened all at once for us -- pregnant, buying a house, hubby''s back surgery, moving -- so it just sort of fell to the wayside. Bummer b/c I know that it def. does help you with both labor and recovery -- I think MrS can attest to that from her previous deliveries and recoveries, right?