
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

so my sister called me and our dr. does recommend the flu shot. I''ll have to call an chat with him myself but she''s on the hunt to find somewhere that offers the thimersol free kind..

tacori, sounds like your doing better. enjoy the final me days and rest and pampare yourself.
I would have skipped the flu shot if we hadn't planned 2 trips at the end of this year.
Like Tacori, I hadn't gotten the flu for as long as I can remember (knock on wood).
The one time that I got sick was when my roommate forced me to get a flu shot because she was afraid I'll catch it and pass it to her.
Anyway, I figured that since I'll be in confined quarter with lots of people during flu peak season this time, my chances of catching something is alot higher.
Thanks for the heads up on the bra.
I''m not that well-endowed.
My problem is that they don''t seem to have too many of the 32b/c because the 34 is a bit loose.
Guess I''ll grow into it in time.
I would possibly have skipped the shot if I weren''t doing two 13 hour plane rides in December to Oz. Once January hits, I am going to pretty much be home bound for my last trimester. But as I mentioned before, the worst illness I got was on a plane ride to Sydney and I was dying the entire week I was in Oz. And there was nothing I could really do to prevent catching it since the plane was full and I could not move seats. I remember the sick gal next to me helping to pass my drink and her hand touched mine and I thought "Oh geez, I''m dead."

I bought the cocoa butter too, and it''s helping...

More later...I am off to my pilates class...
Speaking of growing into clothes, can I vent for a second? I''m going NUTS here with my pants today!! I got a new pair of jeans at the Gap Outlet last night, and I don''t know if they''re too big or too small but they will NOT stay up!! I know with some of the under-the-belly pants I had before, they would fall down when they were too small on me, but I hope these jeans (full panel) are too big -- they better not to be too small because I am NOT going up another size!!

I was walking into work this morning with a coffee (decaf) in one hand, my umbrella, work, and coat in the other, and I looked like a rapper with my pants sagging halfway down my butt. Lovely. A pair of Old Navy pants that I wore earlier this week did the same thing. I think because my belly is so big but the rest of me isn''t, that pants just don''t fit me right. I need one size for my belly but another size for my body. Frustrating!!

I wish I could just live in my yoga/PJ pants.

lili, maybe you could try that jr. high trick and stuff cottonballs in your bra to fill it out?

VegasAngel, I''m sure that we''ll all be sympathizing with you soon enough on those "exciting" trips out to the supermarket or the dry cleaners! Too funny!
I was away for a few days so I''m just catching up!

Tacori and Ella, cute belly shots! You both look great!

Tacori, hang in there! You''re almost there!

diver, Delaney is adorable! So cute!

ephemery, lots of baby dust coming your way!

I hope to be posting more regularly on this thread. My husband and I are officially trying! Yay! I''ve been charting and I should be ovulating soon. I''ve been taking prenatals for a few months now and we''ve waited awhile to start so we feel ready, as ready as you can be. I''m trying to not get my hopes up since it''s only the first try but any baby dust would be appreciated! I''m very thankful to have this thread. I''ve learned so much already, thanks to all of you!
Date: 10/24/2007 5:54:19 PM
Author: snlee

I was away for a few days so I''m just catching up!

Tacori and Ella, cute belly shots! You both look great!

Tacori, hang in there! You''re almost there!

diver, Delaney is adorable! So cute!

ephemery, lots of baby dust coming your way!

I hope to be posting more regularly on this thread. My husband and I are officially trying! Yay! I''ve been charting and I should be ovulating soon. I''ve been taking prenatals for a few months now and we''ve waited awhile to start so we feel ready, as ready as you can be. I''m trying to not get my hopes up since it''s only the first try but any baby dust would be appreciated! I''m very thankful to have this thread. I''ve learned so much already, thanks to all of you!
How exciting, sending lots of baby dust you way Snlee. And to ephemery too. Best of luck ladies!!!
Eph: Woowoo lots of baby dust to you!!!! Have fun trying!

Flu shots: well we all got ours this weekend/week. DH & I got the real ones on saturday at a flu shot clinic, and then Jake got his (a thimersol free formula available only for children 6 to 36 months. I always get them, I forgot hte last 2 years & I''ve gotten so ILL. I can''t take that chance this year with such a little baby at home, I don''t want any of us getting her sick if we can help it.

Did you all know the flu shot prevents 90% of flu strains? So its no guarantee you won''t get sick at all, but you will get sick a lot less.

Also, you are NOT given a live virus, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to get sick from the flu shot. It takes 2 weeks for it to protect you after you receive it, so if you do get sick after getting the shot, it is because you were exposed to the virus either before you got the shot or in that two weeks after getting it from someone else & got sick before the vaccination could innoculate you.

I did get a flu shot when I was pg with Jake, I was about 6 months along. I was told I needed one.

Here are some links for flu shots in pregnancy.

Ok, so everyone go get those shots. The flu is serious and it drives me nuts every time I hear someone say "oh I got sick from the flu shot." Oh no you didn'' got sick from the flu that you picked up from someone/somewhere else. The last article (babycenter) even restates what I''ve said here, that the virus is dead/inactivated. Trust me, I gave Jake the flu last year, and the last thing you want to do is give a tiny baby the flu & have them develop RSV, or pneumonia, and wind up hospitalized.

I AM SO TIRED!! My daughter was rockin & rollin'' last night. I wound up taking her to bed with me to get some shut eye. Bad habit to start, but man I''m exhausted.
Snlee: Woowoo baby dust to you too! how exciting!

Ellaila: Welcome to my maternity pant world. Mine NEVER EVER stayed up. Ever. Jeans were the worst because I think the denim is too heavy to be held up by a soft waistband. Both pregnancies my pants were the bane of my existence.

Edited to add: And I wore full panel, demi-panel, under belly with and without belts, used a bella band (the original one), another different kind of belly band to no avail. Nothing ever worked. bah!
*Loads* of baby dust to Eph and Snlee!! Best of luck ladies!!!
Lili, I know Kohl''s has a brand that has in between sizes (like barely C) maybe those would work. My boobs have stayed the same size for awhile now. The got really big (full cup size) in the first trimester and then nothing. I am sure once my milk comes in they will grow another cup size (that is what they say anyways)
Scary thought! I like Kohl''s bras b/c they are JUST like VS but half the price. I hate spending money on stuff like that. Now sweaters....those are one of my weeknesses.

Ella, sorry I have no pants advice. I was/am not a belly only preggo so I did not have that problem. Maybe go to destination maternity or a place with a lot of different brands. Something has gotta fit well. Or skirts maybe.

Snlee, good luck TTC! My mom had luck using a basel thermo. Took her two years but once she started taking her temp she got preggo fast.

Vegas, I already have thought about how annoying it is going to be to run errands (not to say I won''t love my child!) Luckily DH works from home (a lot) so maybe we can make an arrangement. I think our first trip alone will be in Feb (baby and me). I am kind of nervous about being on the plane with the baby and no DH but I know my mom really wants me to come visit and that way my extended family can meet the baby. I will take a direct flight so it is only 1.5/2 hours. Still....

MrsS, I took the longest nap today. I totally changed my attitude so I am happy again. I just needed some time to get over the frustration and diappointment. I think if I DO go to my next doctor''s appointment and my body has had no change I will have another break down but luckily my mom will be with me (I am taking her into the room too haha!) Hopefully between my tears and a mom''s natural ability to guilt I can be induced late next week. That is the plan anyways
Sorry Diver. Didn''t mean to imply that the flu shot made me sick with the flu.
I should have specified that I got a slight fever instead.
There is a small percentage of people who do get a fever and cough (that last 1-2 days) after getting the shot,
but that is a whole lot better than coming down with the flu.
I''m delurking to say that I''m living vicariously through you ladies. DH and I both really want to have children, but the time''s just not ideal right now. We want to save up more $ first and get me in a better place career-wise, plus my back''s still hurting and I doubt that an extra 30+ pounds primarily on one side of my body would help. The good news is that we''ve sent a tentative TTC date, even if it''s a while away.

I actually got my IUD out a couple of weeks ago, because my gyno and I finally came to the conclusion that even the lowered hormone dosage of the Mirena was doing a number on my body. I''ve been reading TCOYF and charting since then (plus condoms for the next few months, of course) but I really want to be able to use things in the achieving pregnancy section instead of the natural birth control section of the book. Oh well, soon enough.

Diver, Delaney is just precious. I love the pictures that you posted.

Tacori, I keep thinking of you and hoping that things are progressing. That has to be so frustrating. Hang in there!

Ephemery and Snlee, good luck!
Blenheim, thanks. It is frusterating but I know I am not the only woman in the world that feels like this! It is actually rare to go early with your first pregnancy. I didn''t know you and your DH wanted children. That is wonderful! I hope when the time comes you get preggo quickly. It does take a toll on your body but all the aches, pain, extra weight, greasy skin, etc, are worth it in the end!
Tacori, I haven''t posted here before, but I have been following your progress and just wanted to say hang in there, it won''t be long now and you will be holding your little one in your arms! Also give G and M a hug for me

Best wishes to all you ladies!!!
Baby dust, baby dust, snlee!! And for you too, Blen, when the time comes!

This cartoon was in my Babycenter update yesterday -- thought it was cute (and sadly appropriate!)

Date: 10/23/2007 7:30:43 PM
Author: ephemery1
I just had to share an update on my rampant baby fever... as of this month, I am officially OFF birth control... yippee!!! Our plan was to use other methods until at least Dec/Jan... but to my (pleasant!) surprise, DH announced that he thinks we should just see what happens instead.

I''m pretty sure we missed the window this month, and I had irregular cycles before birth control (8 years ago), so I''m anticipating crazy cycles starting up again now... and we won''t be actively charting or anything for a while... but despite all that, I''m excited!!! To think I''ve spent my whole life dreaming of being a mommy, and now all the sudden it''s such a real possibility... suffice it to say, it''s a great feeling.

So if anyone''s got any spare baby dust, send it this way please.........
Ephemery - I too went off BC this month and am starting to get baby fever! My period is supposed to come in the next few days so, it will be interesting to see when it actually comes. I started taking prenatals in preperation, but we probably won''t officially start trying until the spring. It''s sooooo exciting to even think about it!!!

Tacori - on of my best friends when into the hospital at midnight last night to get induced...I''m waiting patiently by the phone to hear if she had a boy or girl!!! She was a week past her due date (due Oct 17th) and the waiting around was so hard for her. She said all she was doing all day was watching a Baby Story and Brining Home Baby on TLC in! Hang in won''t be too much longer!
ugggg. this flu shot thing is really turning into a huge ordeal. I am having a very difficult time finding a place that provides the mercury free version. I finally found a local pharmacy that had it and they are all out. I called the health dept. and they don't order it b/c you have to buy it in single doses and it's cheaper to buy the reg. version in bulk, so they are not an option. then I called my OB and they give one to all the prenatal women at their office but the receptionist didn't know if it's the mercury free kind or not so i'm waiting for them to call me back.

snlee and eph, good luck girls, can't wait to having you posting regularly here

tacori, thinking of you today as the hours tick away...
ok, just heard for our dr. they only do the mercury kind. the one nurse has never even heard of the mercury free kind
. so, i''ll keep hunting, otherwise i may just do the shot at their office my next visit.
Hang in there MrsSalvo, hopefully you will find it! You want to be diligent now because if it''s still out there, it''s going to be gone early.

More later...I''m off to get my amnio this morning. I had a horrible nightmare about it last I''m a bit nervous
oh tgal, saying prayers for you that all will go very smoothly for you....
Oh, best of luck today, TGal -- check in later if you can and let us know how you''re doing. The procedure will be fine -- it''s over with before you know it. Like I said before, just be sure to take the rest of the day off to relax and do nothing. They say results take 10-14 days, and mine were ready after 12, FYI.

Good luck with finding the thermisol-free shot, MrsS! Diver said they have the thermisol-free kind available for kids, so maybe you can check with your pediatrician and he/she could do you a little favor on the sly?

Tacori, how ya doing today, hon?
ha, thanks ella, that was going to be my next call. i actually just got off the phone with CVS and they got in the t-free version so I can go get one there. if i''m going to do it, i just feel better about it. also, since i''ve got kids in school exposed to who knows what i think it might be a good idea for me this year even though i''ve never had one before. it''s just strange to me so many places haven''t even heard of it or didn''t know. I called two different CVS''s and both told me the same thing so that''s good news, it seems to be true. i''d double check when i get there too.
Thanks for all the baby dust ladies!

Tacori, lots of labor vibes going your way.

Tgal, hope everything goes smoothly and you get lots of rest after your amnio.

mrssalvo, glad you were able to find a place with thermisol-free shots.

You only have to get thermisol-free flu shot if you''re pregnant? Not if you''re planning to get pregnant soon? Well, it''s too late now but I''m just curious. I didn''t even know there were two versions until after I got my flu shot a few weeks ago.
Thanks for all the labor vibes. Still preggo of course. DTD last night. Hopefully that softened me up a bit. Baby is still having its nightly dance parties so maybe it is small. I can''t imagine how it has much room in there! Just two days til my mom gets here! I am very excited. I haven''t seen her since July.

Hope all the mommies are doing well and all those who want to be mommies get preggo quick.
MrsS, glad you found the shots. My hunch was that CVS would have them too...a lot of the time pharmacists know a lot more than doctors. I should have gone to check, but decided to just go to the office where my friend works. That way I know I''m good to go and don''t have to deal with the hassle. However, I have to pay for a doc''s visit since they don''t take my insurance. But since I am her friend, they are only going to charge me 40 bucks. Would have been a 25 copay anyway so that is not bad.

And congrats to the TTC ladies. Babydust your way!!!

Ella, love the cartoon! I sent it to my friend who just had her kid and titled it "aren''t you glad this isn''t you anymore."

Thanks for your well wishes on the amnio ladies.
I have to say, it was a tough call...especially when the docs are all saying "you got your screen results right? They are very good." But I just wanted it. I''m so laid back about some things and a worry wart about others. Whatever the result was, I just needed to mentally prepare for it.

The amnio itself was fine. I had researched it and it was exactly as I read...on a scale of 1-10, I''d say the discomfort/pain was about a 3. But the creep factor was definitely a 9 or 10. I tried not to look at the needle, but I saw him holding it before it went in!
TGuy didn''t see the needle...he was holding my hand but hiding practically behind my head and a curtain that was there.

Putting the needle in hurts less than pulling it out. Interestingly, the worst was when the needle was completely out...I don''t know if the skin or something was retracting, but that hurt the most. Even then it was not bad. Site of the insertion is still quite sore and I am resting. Results in 7-10 days they said, which I thought was pretty fast. I just hope everything will be alright. So far, no real cramping, but I am taking it totally easy (typing from my bed, actually!)

Baby looked good...TGuy loved seeing it move. We didn''t give in and find out the sex, but it was strange that they knew and weren''t telling us. They told us to turn away a few times from the u/s screen. I have to say though...the ultrasound pic we got of the face head-on is kind of looks like an alien.

Tacori, still sending labor vibes your way!!!
snlee, don''t quote me on this (you may want to look it up yourself) but I believe you are fine. I think the preservatives get absorbed or''s only when you''re pregnant that there is any degree of concern.
TGal, glad your amnio went well (and that you didn''t cave). Stay strong girl. It is a hard wait but exciting. Aren''t you glad THAT is over with!?!

My inlaws sent me flowers today
My MIL is very thoughtful and basically they were cheer up, you are almost there flowers. Made my day obviously. I think I might try walking (slowly) on the treadmill. It is finally raining here plus I rather be home in case I DO start having discomfort/contractions. I''ll see how long I can do that. I am guessing NOT that long since I do have some cervical pressure and walking is really uncomfortable now. But anything is better than nothing.

I''ll check in later ladies.
Tacori, hang in there!!!! I know this is the worst part but try to enjoy the last few days of being pregnant. You just might miss it when it''s over...

TGal, I''m glad the amnio went smoothly. The ick factor is definitely way up there. I refused to look at the needle!!!! To me, it wasn''t too uncomfortable--just felt like a cramp when the needle was pulled out. Take it easy today and tomorrow. Based on your prior test results, you probably have nothing to worry about but it will be nice for you to know for sure so you can have peace of mind for the rest of your pregnancy. There will be a billion other things to think/worry about so it will be good to cross this off your list! And the ultrasound pics totally make babies look like aliens!!!!!! Before we found out the sex, people always said, "well, it will either be a boy or a girl". And I always said, "as long as it''s not an alien, I don''t care!!"

nytemist, I heard about the Bumbo recall this morning. The stupid thing is that it''s not the device that is faulty. It''s the fact that people will put it up on a high surface with their child in it and walk away. Kids SQUIRM! I think a little common sense is really important if you''re planning to be a parent and it just amazes me that people would think it''s ok to leave a child unsupervised in a contraption that they can not be strapped into on top of a high table! We use our Bumbo on the floor and only sometimes on the couch if we are sitting right there next to her. The funny thing is that they aren''t discontinuing the product or changing anything about it. They are just putting a new warning on the box! Not sure they should call it a "recall" but what do I know?!