
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 10/25/2007 2:14:48 PM
Author: nytemist
Non-mom again!

I just saw this posted on MSN, figured I''d post it here for those of you with older babies.

Thanks Nytemist! We have one but I always planned on ONLY using it on the floor.

I do have a general recall question. If something is recalled what exactly do you do? Do you take it back to the store which you bought it? You don''t have to keep the box or receipt right?
Date: 10/25/2007 3:21:44 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 10/25/2007 2:14:48 PM
Author: nytemist
Non-mom again!

I just saw this posted on MSN, figured I''d post it here for those of you with older babies.

Thanks Nytemist! We have one but I always planned on ONLY using it on the floor.

I do have a general recall question. If something is recalled what exactly do you do? Do you take it back to the store which you bought it? You don''t have to keep the box or receipt right?
tacori good question! I was wondering the same thing. Curly you are right, just like like the children''s cold medicine people arent using it correctly. I love our Bumbo, my 1 1/2 yo still sits in hers-I''m not giving it up. Tgal glad your amnio went smoothly.
Tacori, your inlaws sound awesome. Good for them!!!

nytemist, I saw that too. And I agree it''s because people use them as high chairs. They should be used on the ground.

Curlygirl, your post cracked me up. What a great answer to the boy/girl question. Upon looking at my U/S pics closely, I am now sure that skeltor is residing in my tummy. I should upload these pics, but I have to scan them in. And yes, it did feel like a cramp when the needle was pulled was strange and I am still tender. In fact, I feel very bloated.
TGal, they are. Of course they sent me my favorite...irises. FIL actually called DH to tell them they left them at our door (we had already brought them in). I think it is funny he must have been stalking the fedex website.

I forgot to add, I totally get the alien thing. The head on pics are kind of scary. I much perfer the profile. Are you going to share any with us??? Did they do any of the 3D ones? Those look REALLY scary
TGal, yep, taking the needle out was weirder than it going in -- I remember that too now! I had the unpleasant experience of also having a dull needle for one of the amnios, so be thankful you didn''t have that! Glad it wasn''t horrible overall for you though -- now starts the wait ... but 7-10 days is pretty quick at least. That''s funny that they told you to look away from the screen -- I think it''s safe to say that even if you looked at the screen, you wouldn''t have a clue whether you were looking at a boy or girl unless someone pointed it out to you -- and even then, I''m not sure it''s that clear to an untrained eye! But good for them for respecting your wishes like that.

And yes, I agree that the face-forward u/s shots are a little disturbing. We were calling our guy Skeletor too -- a very handsome Skeletor (or if it''s a girl, a beautiful little Skeletor) though, as I''m sure yours is too
We never did any of the 3D shots -- I find them too creepy until like the 9th month when they start to look like actual babies and have some fat to them! When they''re scrawny little things ... eeek.

Tacori, that''s so sweet of your in-laws! Awwww. They must be just as anxious as you to meet that baby!

I booked myself a prenatal massage tomorrow ... I am sooooo looking forward to it!!!

You go to the manufacturers website & there will be instructions on how to return it directly to the manufacturer. The stores cannot & will not take the items back. They have to get OUT of circulation. (eg: not goodwill, etc) If you fill out hte product registration cards, you will get a mailer directly with an 800 number for free replacement items, updates, etc. This has happened with BOTH my carseats, and I have to send 4 of Jakes Thomas Engine toys back to the maker.

more hungry
glad to know my baby isn''t the only skeletor around! I was thinking of using TTot''s face shot as my Halloween e-card this year. Hehehehe.

I''ll try to upload it at some point. But I am pretty sure ultrasounds all look the same. And Ella, you are right...I did kind of laugh because the thought did cross my mind, "Why are they having me turn away? I wouldn''t even know what I was looking at!" This was confirmed when they showed a round thing and I said, is that its head? And they replied, no, that''s its abdomen.

No 3D shots today...those wig me out a bit...and I don''t want to see it at this stage. I would like to hold on to the fantasy that TTot is very cute right now and not a creepy alien skeletor. The u/s ones I got today were enough!

Ella, a prenatal massage sounds so nice! Enjoy, you deserve it!

Got the flu shot...all is good. My friend was at the office. She is very petite and was warning me that this seasons flu shots are "very painful" and that I should use whatever arm I use less on a daily basis. She said I would be sore for days. When they gave me the shot, I literally felt almost nothing. I almost said, uh, is that it? As I was leaving, my friend asked me how it was, and I smiled a bit and said it didn''t hurt at all. When she looked surprised, I pointed at my belly and said, "It''s all relative to the needle I got in my gut this morning."

I felt the first couple of light taps from TTot today. Mostly it''s been flutterings, but today I got a "tap tap." So I am 99% sure I''m feeling the baby now. I think it was pissed at the needle invasion this morning.
TGal, yeah to feeling Ttot!!! We wouldn''t have gotten 3D pics except they asked and it was the same U/S (they just switched a screen) so we figured why not. They never had us turn away. I agree at 20 weeks it would be hard to know what we were looking at.

Ella, enjoy your massage!

Diver, thanks for the recall info. Just something I always wondered.
TGal--how fun you feel Ttot already. I think I may have a good 2 weeks before I feel anything substantial.
I lie in bed very still in the morning hoping to see if I could feel something. So far, nothing

All I feel is my lump getting bigger

Glad to hear that your amnio was a breeze and that you got your flu shot.

I was going to get my flu shot after the amnio today too.
But the doctor who performed the amnio suggested that I get it next week.
I guess he doesn''t want to subject my body to any more stress.
The amnio itself was fairly quick and painless. Needle was in and out before I knew it.
I thought it was neat to see the needle in the u/s though--shining like a north star.
It was interesting to see the little pocket where he had the needle diminished as he drew out the amnio fluid.
I was a bit surprised when he took 3 vials of fluid. A little more than the 2 tbspn that I expected.
So I''m relaxing at home right now. So far no cramping or sore, so that''s good.

I agree totally with you on skeletor. It was pretty funny when the technician showed us the front view of the baby.
We saw the mouth open and close.....the movement is really robotic looking

So was this your sonogram appointment too?
I''ll be going in 12 days for the half-way point sonogram, although I''ll only be at 18 wks.
Tacori-- You are so lucky to have such sweet in laws. Glad to see that you are feeling better about things.
Anyway, sending you all the labor vibes and hope that the TDT did the trick

Ella-- Love the drawing you posted. So cute and funny. That massage sounds so good. Think I''ll have to ask DH for one tonight.
Don''t think that''s misusing my "pregnancy card" too much since I did get jabbed with a long needle today.

To all the TTC ladies, giving you all my babydust.
lili and tgal, i hope both of you are feeling good today...

how are you doing tacori? your mom comes tomorrow right?

Hi Gals

Another quick check in--

TGal--so glad your amnio went well--that''s another thing out of the way and crossed off the list!--Like you I am definitely feeling the tap-taps--actually feels a little strange to me. Just the last 2 days I''ve become very conscious of them and they are quite distinguishable now. I guess that will only increase over time!

Tacori--hang in there, you mom is on the way and i am sure she will pamper you and make you feel so much more at ease!

I went to a concert last night and then read in ''what to expect'' that it was not such a good idea! Crumbs, I always find out this stuff ''after'' the fact. I should trust my intuition b/c every time i do something questionable and check with "them" (the all-knowing, all too overprotective authorities out there) that I''ve made the wrong choice.
Just hoping the little bean''s ears were not damaged
--i was in a tiny bar with really loud music!
Got more details on my mat leave. I get the full 52 weeks with 96% pay for the duration of the leave. So relieved b/c i thought my pay would take a bigger hit and was getting stressed about income etc.. DH can get 37 weeks of legal parental leave--he would get insurance benefits but is not guaranteed pay from an employer (he owns his own business anyway so he won''t that that amount of time off!). What is everyone else taking? What about hubbies?
lili, glad to hear the amnio procedure went well yesterday, and I echo MrsS''s wishes that you and TGal are both feeling good today. I know that I felt pretty crampy on day 2, so I suggest you both take it easy today too -- why not?

Tacori, I was thinking of you last night when I got up for all my nightly bathroom trips because the full moon was SO bright -- it lit up our bathroom (we have a skylight)! I hope that you don''t go into labor till after your mom arrives though, so I''m rooting for a Sunday delivery for you

Hope everyone else is doing well! Five hours till my massage ... ahhh!!!
Thanks for your thoughts Jas, MrsS, and Ella. Yes my mom is coming tomorrow!!!! I am SO excited! This morning I noticed a lot more lower pressure/light cramping. Not sure if that means ANYTHING but I take every cramp/pain as a positive thing (who would have thought?) At this point you are right Ella. It would be awesome for my mom to be here when the baby comes. Maybe my water will break tomorrow afternoon/night?!? TMI alert but I still have my plug so I am not sure if my water will break at all. My doc said the plug is over rated and doesn''t mean anything. Hope he is right. My dad basically said the same thing. Still how pathetic that I am wishing for it to fall out just so I FEEL like I am making progress. Who ever wishes for bloody show?

Jas, sounds like you have great benefits. Is 57 weeks normal in Canada?
Jas, you're in Canada, right? If I have another baby, I'm going to move up there first. Your healthcare system (and also most of Europe's healthcare) is awesome compared to ours in the US. We are entitled by law to 12 weeks off UNPAID with the guarantee that our position will be held for us. If you take longer than 12 weeks, they can do whatever they want to your job. You do get some disability pay--6 weeks for a regular birth and 8 weeks for csection. Of course, these rules are only in place if you work for a company that has at least 50 employees and if you have worked there for at least 12 months. My company is kind enough to pay for 4 weeks and since I technically worked from home throughout my "leave", I got paid the whole time. It was a deal I had made with my boss because we really couldn't afford to have me not get paid for 8 weeks--DH is self employed and has an inconsisent income--so I made myself reachable via blackberry or phone if necessary. I definitely wasn't working the way I normally do but I didn't completely tune out. You are very lucky. Enjoy it!!!

Tacori, I have heard that the plug can regenerate so that's not the greatest indicator of progress but the cramps could be something! I think the effects of the full moon last for at least three days. Fingers crossed for you!
Yay Tacori full moon day, I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Lili: Glad your amnio went well

Ella: Fullmoon for you would be Dec. 23, 2:51 a.m. EST - The Full Cold Moon; among some tribes, the Full Long Nights Moon. In this month the winter cold fastens its grip, and the nights are at their longest and darkest. Also sometimes called the "Moon before Yule" (Yule is Christmas, and this time the Moon is only just before it). The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long and the Moon is above the horizon a long time. The midwinter full Moon takes a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite to the low Sun.

To all the preggo mommies have a great Friday!
Thanks curly and vegas! Wouldn''t be funny if the full moon sets me off. I would love it b/c DH thinks it is a joke. What were your early labor signs? Does the baby move less with impending labor?
With me I had light cramping throughout the day & I just felt slow-Until that day I could move around pretty quick well that day I moved at turtle speed. I also felt like my daughter was going to fall out. She was low very early im my pregnancy but that day man it was a weird feeling. I remember too I was in a rush to get a lot of things done in her room, I felt like I needed to hurry up, lol
tacori, I don''t remember loosing my plug at all with either of my kids. Even the night my water broke, i went to the bathroom and thought hmmm, i think my water broke, wasn''t even 100% sure, went and got my childbirth book and called the hospital. So, i''m with your dad and dr. that it doesn''t really mean anything. the light cramping is a good sign girl. if they keep getting strongly and more consistant start timing those puppies
Tacori and curlygirl

A year mat leave with some percentage of pay is pretty standard in Canada. Every women is entitled to 17 weeks preggo leave followed by 37 weeks parental leave (the parental leave applies to Dads or partners as well) during which one''s job cannot be legally affected. All canadians automatically pay into employment insurance (comes off their pay cheque) and so the government pays parents while they are off on their leave. This is the minimum compensation (as far as i know) --some people, like government employees have a better deal--they also get a percentage of their pay to ''top up'' their salary (in my case the top up goes to 96% and i think that is fairly common).
The combo of preggo and pregnancy leave ensures that a baby could potentially have a parent home with them for 89 weeks consecutive --if mom and dad take the leave seperately.
And yep, our healthcare system is good (however, we are fighting to keep it that way). I find it strange to read about how the US posters pay for things like flu shots or medical procedures--all health care/procedures/treatments are ''free'' to canadians whether u have insurance or not.
Lili, happy to hear your amino went well..

Jas12, my company only pay for 3 weeks maternity leave, the rest is up to disability I think...I plan to take 2 months off...but I heard disability only pays a % of your salary so I''m worry about the $ ..

Tacorie, almost there....hang in there....
For baby #1, I had a major cleasing of the system 1 day or 2 prior to delivery.
For baby #2, I lost my plug (sorry, if it is TMI - lots of huge mucus) a few days before delivery.

I guess everyone''s body is different.
This really belongs to the Parenting thread but that has long been closed.

I need advice about dealing with my parents with regards to breastfeeding. Baby will be a year old soon and I''m getting pressure from them to wean: "you are setting yourself up for a lot of trouble if you don''t cut him off before he turns one", "he is preferring nursing over the bottle, so you should wean him completely off so he''ll take more bottles", "you need to night wean so that he''ll drink more milk (bottle) during the day" and other comments like that.

I want to keep up our nursing relationship until at least 18 months and hubby says whatever I decide, he''s fine with it. He loves us nursing because he can see and feel the bond that baby and I share. The other thing is the baby is cow''s milk intolerant. He can''t take youghurt or cheese because his face will break out in a rash. If we wean, it can''t be to cow''s milk, so it''s either soy milk or rice milk which I''d rather wait until at least 18 months before I introduce that.

The problem is my parents are very sensitive and if I don''t word my explainations delicately, things can easily get misconstrued and blown out of proportion. They are also babysitting my baby 5 days a week. My mother bottle fed me so she has no idea how nursing works, the benefits, etc and does not want to hear me explain all that.

So how do I handle this?
Tacori, I didn''t have any real signs until I woke up with contractions!! And even then, I had absolutely NO IDEA that I was going to have the baby--I assumed it was false labor. So I guess my real symptoms were contractions, diarrhea, loss of some mucous but not the big plug I was expecting to see and a bit of bleeding. The baby''s movements definitely slowed down and that is why we went to the hospital. When I called, that was one of the questions they asked me. I wasn''t convinced it was time for me anyway so I was told to eat something and concentrate on the baby''s movements and see what happens. When she didn''t move as much as usual and the contractions started to become hard to breathe through, we were on our way to the hospital! I think she had been dropping for a while but I honestly had no other indicators before the actual day!
Oh yes, Curly reminded me that I had slight spotting with my contractions during early labour.
Chrono--i am not a parent yet but i know what it is like to get pressure from parents (subtle or otherwise). My two cents-- I think the fact that you are breastfeeding at a year is terrific and hope i can do the same. I also really think the weaning is a decision b/w you and your DH (if he has an opinion either way) only. Your parents mean well I am sure, but you have to go with your gut on this. You know your child best.
Funny you should bring this topic up b/c i just had this convo at work!--A co-worker of mine has twin boys and was off on mat-leave for the year with them. She breast fed exclusively for 6 months then continued to BF and supplement till the boys were 18 months (she pumped before work) --she got a lot of idodic advice from some ppl but she said she wouldn''t have it any other way and the boys weaned/adjusted just fine.

{Other potential advantages she mentioned: She looks amazing-healthy and trim (calories buring like crazy) and the boys , according to her, have never been sick}.
Sounds like I won''t really know until it is happening. I feel like the baby''s movements have slowed today but I have no other real symptoms (besides pressure and light cramping). Baby could just be having a lazy day. Maybe baby IS waiting for my mom

Chrono, after going to the BFing class my DH wanted to be president of la leche league (just kidding). Seriously though he told me he wanted me to BF for AT LEAST a year. He really never knew the benefits (most guys probably don''t). He was not BF (I was) so I feel like if I get pressure from anyone it will be from my MIL to ween. She already mentioned I should just do it for a few months (which unless I have some medical problems is not going to happen) I want to BF for at least 6 months and then decide. It is SUCH a personal thing (as is all parenthood decisions) so stay strong. Do what YOU feel is right. This is your child and your body.

Jas, that is wonderful you get so much time off!
Jas, I am so jealous of all the time off you get! Canada really has one of the best healthcare systems! You are very lucky! At my company, after working for a year, you get up to 10 weeks paid (12 if caesarian), 4 weeks of which is before the baby is born. Then you can take an additional 6 weeks off at 55% pay and another 6 weeks unpaid. So that''s a total of 22 or 24 weeks for the mother, which is pretty good in the US. My husband will have to use his vacation time, which sucks, so he''ll probably take 2-3 weeks off after baby is born.
Chrono I nursed my daughter for 18 months (She is 20 months now). My plan was to stop at 1 year but she would not give up the boob. I wound up having to cold turkey her. Every now & then she will still try to get at my boobs. After I quit nursing she started eating a lot more which for her was/is good since she is little. We got tons of comments from everyone. Just say ok, nod, & let them give you unsolicted advise- You are going to do what you want to do. Just curious do you think your baby is lactose intolerant or actually allergic to milk? Has he been allergy tested? Ok, (Ducking) I do agree with your parents about one thing, night feedings (If I''m reading right) should go bye-bye. After about 6 months babies do not need middle of the night feedings. He should be sleeping straight through.
Wonder how Demelza is doing?