
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Blenheim, your stories are hilarious! And cute picture!... I doubt that there is any baby showing yet, but you''ll be sure glad to have the pic to compare to! I didn''t take a pic until 12 weeks and wish I took one earlier for a proper comparison. Are you feeling the bloat? And sorry about the up chick fest. Bleh! I never did puke and feel pretty lucky. I wassurprised because normally I''m a realy puker: when I''m sick, when I fly, when I drink
But not when I was in the first trimester! LOL!

Blenheim, you are so tiny! Can't wait to see your belly grow. I love reading your hormonal/pregnant stories! LOL about the chips! I'm sorry about the m/s and the puking! That is no fun!

I THINK I see some stretch marks pooping up on my belly. Boo.
I thought maybe I'd be lucky and not get any. From the side I can see a few shiny dark lines. But from the front, I'm not sure if it's stretch marks or just skin discoloration. I have dark spots all around my belly button (that's almost flat. I wonder if it'll pop out?) and a dark linea nigra line down my whole belly. It's looking nice!
There's a good reason why I posted a side shot of my belly and not the front!

snlee, that''s when my lovelies started to''s not the worse thing in the world. Try not to get too upset!
hehe, there is a reason why so many belly shots on here are of the side

i think 90% of us get that nasty linea nigra with the dark spots around the belly button.

the belly button feels weird huh?
just a soft membrane with nothing in the back

i find myself poking at it all the time.
Congratulations Jackie! I''m so excited for you and your boys-can''t wait for photos!

Blenheim I missed your announcement when I was AWOL-congratulations!! Cute belly shot!

Snlee you look great!
Quick Jackie check in! She''ll be home on Sunday and will post pics then. She did say that she had a caesarian because Jackson flipped and his foot came out during a contraction. (
) I''m not even having kids and that makes me cringe... Oh, and her in-laws are still being poopheads. (Geez; you think they''d give the girl a break! She did after all just produce two grandbabies for them!)
Yay for Jackie!!!! I can''t wait for pictures of those beautiful boys.

And OUCH! That girl has the best stories...can''t wait for the book.
Congrats Jackie!!
Can''t wait to see pics!
Congrats Jackie!! Thanks Dee!! You''ll be home soon, with your wonderful boys. Get plenty of rest sweetie.
You are so slim and tiny.
Cute belly shot.
Keep them coming.
lili, the belly button is very weird! DH and I are always poking at it too.

Thanks Gemma! How are you doing?

DeeJay, thanks for the update!

Jas, I''m sorry to hear about the baby''s foot (ouch!), c-section, and poopy in-laws! I hope you are getting lots of rest and enjoying your time with your twins. Can''t wait for an update and pictures on Sunday!!!
Can''t wait to see the Jackie pics!!! A big DOUBLE congrats!!!

How is everyone else holding up? Had to giggle at the newest MS and hormonal stories--don''t miss those days.
Blen--feel no shame over stealing the stale chips--any unguarded food is fair game for a preggo as far as i am concerned lol

Lili mentioned the morphing of the belly button, mine STILL hasn''t recovered 4.5 months later, it''s a little discolored and stretched out and my belly line is still visible too. I didn''t get any stretch marks but i have plenty of other weird reminders of pregnancy.
Hi everyone,
Just checking in! Things have been nice and quiet for me lately. Enjoying the new house, and appreciating dh getting us moved in so well!!
I had another appt on Monday (can''t remember if I posted afterwards or not???) but everything was status quo. And no trip to L&D!! Seems like almost every time I have an appt, I get sent straight to the hospital so this was a treat!!

Anyway, a quick catch up:
SBDE: CONGRATS on your boy! I''m so glad you shared with us!!! And welcome to team blue!! :)

LL: I''m excited to see you over on this thread. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you!

SNLEE: can''t remember if I already commented, but your belly shot is BEAUTIFUL! You look absoluely amazing! I hope you had a great anniversary with your hubbie.

JEN: that''s awesome that your peri appt went so well. And congrats on being off the bedrest!! I''m still wondering how much good it''s doing my kiddo, but I definitely have noticed that the quieter I am, the fewer contractions I have. So I guess that''s good? And congrats on the 30 weeks!!! I''ll be there on Tuesday ,and I can''t wait. It does feel like a huge milestone I think... btw...your home depot story is HILLARIOUS!! i''m glad that you have such a good attitude about everything!!!

KAY (and SBDE): I hope the belly itching is subsiding. I''ve got to say (from the dermatologist perspective), the absolute BEST moisturizer you can buy/use is plain old vaseline (petroleum jelly). I know it''s extremely greasy, but it works like a charm!!

DD: you are so cute with your guilty admission!! i just ate basically an entire jar of peanut butter. I couldn''t help it!!! And I''m happy to hear how well your co-workers/supervisors reacted to the big news!

INDY: congrats on being "out." Your story of how you told your boss was adorable! I''m so glad to hear that your office is going to be so supportive!

JANINE: you are a super star! I can''t believe you''re planningon working through to 39.5 weeks!! HOw are you feeling? Isn''t it exciting that it''s almost September?!?!

LISA: you''re so cute with your food updates!! I think your repeat u/s was today?? PLEASE update as soon as you''re back! Can''t wait to hear the news...

BLEN: you are ADORABLE!! thanks for the belly pic! and the chip story. had me laughing out loud! i agree...TOTALLY fair game for a preggo!

GEMMA: how are you? i miss you around here!!

CURLY: how are you?? hope you''re feeling well!!

JACKIE: uuuugh on the inlaws. cannot WAIT to see those little boys of yours!!
Date: 8/29/2008 2:38:31 PM
Author: lover in athens

LISA: you''re so cute with your food updates!! I think your repeat u/s was today?? PLEASE update as soon as you''re back! Can''t wait to hear the news...
Big ditto to this! I can''t wait!

And LIA I''m so glad you are doing well! Yippee!
oops, almost forgot.. Have a question for you all.

As you may know, DH and I have done literally NOTHING to get ready for this baby...We are Jewish, and he is somewhat superstitious, and tradition holds that nothing is bought for the baby prior to the birth. Well, with all the preterm labor scares we've had, we've FINALLY started at least thinking about what we're going to need for the kiddo.

And the biggie that comes to mind is A NAME!!! :)
Wanted your opinions...
Our last name starts with a J, and is one syllable. We both love the name Jacob, but dont really like Jake as a nickname with our last name. So, what does everyone think about "Coby" as a nickname?
The biggest problem I see is Kobe Bryant...I DID grow up in LA afterall!! But at least we're not in LA now, so I don't think we'd get as many weird looks...What do you think??

Also: Chicco Keyfit vs Graco Snugride?? I'm leaning towards the snugride, although the keyfit had the best ratings on consumer reports.
Also: Any hard core runners out there? DH wants a REAL running stroller. I THINK we'll go with the BOB ironman, but not positive...

Thanks everyone!! I suppose I should put some of these questions in the gear thread...

29wks, 3 days
Lisa, I'm eagerly awaiting your u/s update too! Can't wait!

Thanks LIA! I'm glad you checked in. Yay for a great appointment and enjoying your new place! Oh so it's a Jewish tradition to not buy anything for baby before birth? A co-worker of mine did the same thing and I was wondering why. I understand it's tradition and superstition but isn't it really stressful for the parents to buy all the baby stuff with a newborn? Do you have a list ready? Regarding the name, it's a nickname so you can call Jacob (love the name btw!) anything you'd like. I think Coby is cute. We went with the Chicco Keyfit because of the ratings and it's up to 30 pounds. Not sure about the running stroller. I agree, you may want to post your questions in the baby stuff thread.

It's been a really hot week here. I've been uncomfortable lying on the couch all day with the heat! And I haven't been able to wear any of my rings the last few days! I hope when it cools down I can get my wedding band on at least. I feel naked without it!

It's gotten very quiet around here...

Anyone have exciting plans for the 3-day Labor Day weekend?

My family is having a BBQ on Sunday. I'll just lay on my parent's couch instead of my couch.
I am looking forward to getting out of the house. Although, I was bad and snuck in two short lunch outings this week!
Snlee: don''t feel bad about the lunch outings! I think we have to keep our sanity here, right? I''ve technically been on bedrest for 3 1/2 weeks now (can''t believe it)... And still probably looking at about 4 1/2 MORE!! Yesterday, DH had to run some errands so we reclined the passenger seat and I drove around with him and just stayed in the car. It was pathetic but SOOOO nice just to be out of the house for a little while!!! :)
Date: 8/29/2008 2:45:55 PM
Author: lover in athens

...And the biggie that comes to mind is A NAME!!! :)

Wanted your opinions...


Also: Chicco Keyfit vs Graco Snugride??

29wks, 3 days

Haha. I scanned down this post since I''m kind of in a hurry and at first I thought you were proposing "CHicco Keyfit" or "Graco Snugride" as names for your baby.

Jacob is practically my favourite name. Not so fond of ''Coby''. If you wanted, you could just insist on him being called Jacob. It''s not THAT long!

But yeah, love it!

BTW, I''ve got cramps, discomfort, and lower back pain. That''s normal at 14-15 weeks, right? Reassure me! I don''t meet my new doc till next Thursday so I don''t want to call if I''m being silly.
Date: 8/29/2008 3:50:01 PM
Author: Independent Gal
BTW, I''ve got cramps, discomfort, and lower back pain. That''s normal at 14-15 weeks, right? Reassure me! I don''t meet my new doc till next Thursday so I don''t want to call if I''m being silly.
Indy, what kind of discomfort? I don''t remember having any cramps or lower back pain around 14-15 weeks but maybe it''s different for twin pregnancies. I''d call your doctor just to make sure it''s nothing. There are no silly questions! It''s better to be safe than sorry. I hope it''s nothing.
indy, CALL YOUR DOCTOR!! i agree with snlee, no question is stupid. esp with your twins!! and definitely drink a ton of water and lay down and put your feet up asap!!

and i hadn''t thought of it, but now that you mention it, i think CHICCO or GRACO are awesome baby names. :) LOL. can you imagine???
Date: 8/29/2008 4:00:08 PM
Author: lover in athens
indy, CALL YOUR DOCTOR!! i agree with snlee, no question is stupid. esp with your twins!! and definitely drink a ton of water and lay down and put your feet up asap!!
Ditto! Take no chances I would call my midwife with those symptoms. I have been feeling more stretching feelings and more twinges of round ligament pain... but it sounds like yours is more severe. Could be nothing, better safe than sorry.
Date: 8/28/2008 6:26:37 PM
Author: snlee
Blenheim, you are so tiny! Can''t wait to see your belly grow. I love reading your hormonal/pregnant stories! LOL about the chips! I''m sorry about the m/s and the puking! That is no fun!

I THINK I see some stretch marks pooping up on my belly. Boo.
I thought maybe I''d be lucky and not get any. From the side I can see a few shiny dark lines. But from the front, I''m not sure if it''s stretch marks or just skin discoloration. I have dark spots all around my belly button (that''s almost flat. I wonder if it''ll pop out?) and a dark linea nigra line down my whole belly. It''s looking nice!
There''s a good reason why I posted a side shot of my belly and not the front!

Snlee - My bellybutton was totally flat by the end of my pregnancy but did not pop out. I''m 8 wks. pp and it''s still sort of funny looking. I also still have a pretty dark linea nigra line from top to bottom - how sexy
Hang in there, you''re nearing the end and will soon have your little bundle to enjoy!

Indy - I''d give the doc a call just to check. I had mild back cramping throughout my entire pregnancy but was assured that it was just my (once tight) ligaments stretching to accomodate the baby. There are no stupid questions in pregnancy - and hey, that''s what the doc gets paid for.

Date: 8/29/2008 3:50:01 PM
Author: Independent Gal
I scanned down this post since I''m kind of in a hurry and at first I thought you were proposing ''CHicco Keyfit'' or ''Graco Snugride'' as names for your baby.

(snort!) i love the feeling of water coming out of my nose and onto my keyboard -- thanks for that

And yes, Indy
, call the doc, just to be on the safe side -- we get all kinds of fun extras with twins, but it''s always a good idea to dbl-check....

LIA -- glad all is going well! I think the nickname "coby" is cute and also unique (despite kobe bryant) so i think it''d be fine. Incidentally, we meant to call donovan "van" for short (i hate "don" and give a really nasty dirty look to anyone who tries to call him that
) but we ended up calling him our "little d" for a long time and then that became just "d" or "dee" if you spell it out. I really never considered that would happen, but sometimes kids just end up nicknaming themselves.... re:carseats, we opted for the graco safeseats, but considered the snugrides first -- didn''t really look into the chiccos, though, sorry... re: my "good attitude" about people who say stupid stuff -- it''s on a person-to-person basis
plus when you look like the goodyear blimp-in-training, you kinda HAVE to have an ok attitude about it!

Snlee -- someone else''s couch might be a nice change-of-pace :) Don''t beat yourself out for 2 lunch outings -- we all gotta eat

Jas12 -- not holding up well, but holding up nonetheless... girls are trying to get out and i''m trying to keep ''em in. Co just keeps getting cuter by the day!

Mary -- thanks, and you are a really really great liar (re: me not being that big)
hahaha -- my avatar is SO not up to date

DeeJay -- thanks for the jackie updates!

Jackie -- i can''t wait to see pics of those gorgeous boys!! So was it the in-laws or the baking that actually put you in labor?

Gemma -- hi!!

Blen -- when i laugh, i pee a little, so every time you post a funny, well.... thanks for that
hee hee You look adorable btw!

So a student of mine who is now coaching and just got married last month called me yesterday to tell me she''s pregnant -- so of course I was excited for her -- then she goes on to tell me she had her u/s yesterday and she''s having twins! I flipped out -- WHAT is going on lately??! I mean, I am SUPER excited she''s having twins, but it''s really weird b/c she''s only 21 and there''s no family history on either side -- and it looks to be most likely frats. Any other twin mommas seeing lots of them in real life? I''ve said it before, but maybe some of you weren;t here then -- mine are the 5th set of twins on our short little dead-end street!

30w 2d
snlee - oh I was the same as you. I thought I would escape the evil stretch marks, but they started showing up at 34wks. And my belly button was totally flat toward the end, but didn''t pop out. I poked at it all the time. DH kept telling me to stop doing it. hehe.

blen - You are tiny. Can''t wait to see more belly pics.

LIA - Coby is cute. SIL gave birth last week, and they named him Jacob.

Indy - definitely call your dr when you are unsure. That''s what he is there for.

Everyone else - sound like you ladies are doing well. Hang in there.
jen, 5 sets of twins on your short little dead-end street!?
You have got to be kidding me! That is even weirder than the 6 sets of twins on PS! I wouldn't want to live on your street!
Date: 8/29/2008 4:46:33 PM
Author: snlee
jen, 5 sets of twins on your short little dead-end street!?
You have got to be kidding me! That is even weirder than the 6 sets of twins on PS! I wouldn''t want to live on your street!
Yeah, crazy isn''t it? We moved in just about a year ago and feel like our realtor should have "disclosed" that info to us! haha There are 2 boy-girl sets, a 17-yr-old girl-girl set, a 1-year-old girl-girl set and us -- the baby-girl set''s mom raced down to our house with them to meet me when she found out we were having twins b/c she couldn''t believe it! My DH asked me yesterday if my now-preggo-with-twins student had come over and visited b/c he thinks our street is contagious
But that still doesn''t explain PS....

Date: 8/29/2008 3:43:36 PM
Author: lover in athens
Snlee: don''t feel bad about the lunch outings! I think we have to keep our sanity here, right? I''ve technically been on bedrest for 3 1/2 weeks now (can''t believe it)... And still probably looking at about 4 1/2 MORE!! Yesterday, DH had to run some errands so we reclined the passenger seat and I drove around with him and just stayed in the car. It was pathetic but SOOOO nice just to be out of the house for a little while!!! :)
Hang in there! You''ll make it! I keep a calendar nearby and I cross out the days I''ve completed. It makes me feel accomplished. 4 weeks of bed rest down, 9 days to go! Although, I''ll still take an easy after 34 weeks. I don''t want him coming that early. Plus DH is going on a business trip when I''m 34/35 weeks. It does feel so nice to get out! It takes a lot of will power to not get out of the car and walk around! I''m impressed! What have you been doing to keep yourself busy? Did you ever get things sorted out with the board?
Date: 8/29/2008 5:00:41 PM
Author: sk8rjen

Date: 8/29/2008 4:46:33 PM
Author: snlee
jen, 5 sets of twins on your short little dead-end street!?
You have got to be kidding me! That is even weirder than the 6 sets of twins on PS! I wouldn't want to live on your street!
Yeah, crazy isn't it? We moved in just about a year ago and feel like our realtor should have 'disclosed' that info to us! haha There are 2 boy-girl sets, a 17-yr-old girl-girl set, a 1-year-old girl-girl set and us -- the baby-girl set's mom raced down to our house with them to meet me when she found out we were having twins b/c she couldn't believe it! My DH asked me yesterday if my now-preggo-with-twins student had come over and visited b/c he thinks our street is contagious
But that still doesn't explain PS....

Yes it does!

Folks we now know the cause of the PS Twin baby-boom... it's Jen!! She brought the twin baby-dust with her from her neighborhood!!

Indy, did you call your doctor? Keep us posted. I''m thinking of you and hoping it''s nothing.