
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 8/26/2008 7:00:28 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Kay, does the moisturizer help? Should I try that? I just feel so...full. And heavy. All the time.
It is hard to tell, but I figure it can't hurt! It definitely helped with the itching since it is not pretty when dry skin gets stretched (I am prone to very dry skin). I got one red mark on each side early on, and then I found religion. I have not gotten any more marks yet, but I still have 7 more weeks of growing to go.

ETA: The full, heavy feeling gets to me too. Sometimes it is so hard to tell what is going on in there. I'm not always sure if I am feeling full because of baby, my last meal, gas, or a combo of all 3. Once the babes start moving it gets real interesting -- with small movements I'm sometimes not sure if the baby is moving or if I have indigestion.
Date: 8/26/2008 7:18:16 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 8/26/2008 5:30:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

I guess this means I will have a girl, after all the boys here its time for some pink...
That''s what I said when we were about to find out the baby''s sex. There was a pink fest going on and I thought, that means I''m having a boy. Ok, so I am having a boy. I ended up breaking the girl streak. But that doesn''t mean you''ll have a girl. Your chances are 50/50 like everyone else here!
I''m thinking boy for you.
It''s funny that the tide seems to have turned here. In my department at work, there have been 8 babies born in the past 2 years and only 1 was a boy. My girl makes 8 girls to 1 boy -- not sure if he will feel cursed or popular at company picnics.
THANK YOU littlelysser, snlee, dd, jas, sk8rjen, indy, kay & blenheim!!

indy, my belly has started to get REALLY itchy too, and like kay i find that moisturizing helps. i keep extra virgin olive oil in the bathroom and massage it in after a shower - i''ve heard the vitamin e in it really helps.

btw, i still haven''t bought any maternity pants yet - i''m @ 18 wks but so far the bella band has been working pretty well for me. i definitely have a belly now, so i think i need to head to the mall soon. i was holding off, because i felt like the sooner i started wearing maternity clothes, the sooner i''d get sick of them!

sk8rjen - yay for both babies facing down! you must be so relieved!
Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:03 PM
Author: Blenheim

Hey ladies! I''m feeling really good today. No fatigue, no morning sickness. I had some crazy cravings earlier though. DH and I went on a nice, long walk and he''s currently making me a yummy, healthy dinner.

I got really excited this morning when I found a pair of dress pants that I forgot they had. They''re 2 sizes larger than most of my pants, so I almost got rid of them a while ago, but then I decided that I''d keep them for early pregancy and post partum. Well, they fit now PERFECTLY. I want to wear them every day. I''ve been getting really frustrated with my clothing lately. I''m so bloated it''s hard to find things that fit, but I feel like it''s too early to start wearing maternity clothing. I lived in dresses with empire waists (too casual to wear to work) and DH''s shorts (also not appropriate for work) when I was on vacation. I''m doing okay with skirts that used to fit on my hipbone, only I now have to wear them at my natural waist, which feels constraining to me. When did the rest of you start to wear maternity clothing? And does anyone have a good source for maternity pants with long inseams? (I''m 5''11''.)
I have had good luck with ordering mat pants from Nordstrom. (I am 5''10.5".) These fit me:

The Olian pants say 32" inseam, but they are long on me, probably because they ride low.

I was able to wear some of my bigger regular clothes, especially low waist styles, until 20 weeks when I announced my pregnancy at work. Then I started adding in mat clothes. It helped that so many regular clothes this spring/summer had empire waists or were baggy.
Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pregnancy Related Guilty Admission for the Day

I, Dreamer, did knowingly and willfully eat nothing all day until dinner except a large McDonald''s fries. And I feel great. So if my baby is born with a 15-points-lower IQ, we will all know the real reason.
Sometimes you just have to give in to the craving. One day last week I was so busy I had a banana for breakast, no lunch, and a Big Mac and fries for dinner. I''m not proud, but at least it is not a regular event. (Ooh, those fries are sooo good.)
Baby documentaries -
DH and I just watched National Geographic's In the Womb and it was fascinating! It shows real life images of the baby in the womb, as well as u/s and 3D/4D u/s images. It even shows and talks about TWINS, which I thought was great. It's very informative and interesting.

Did you know a baby develops a preference between their right and left hand as soon as they can suck their thumb (around 11 weeks)!? From the one 3D/4D picture we have of our baby sucking his thumb, it looks like he's a lefty. Hmmm...we'll see!

And did you know that giving birth to a boy triggers a reaction in some women which disrupts future pregnancies and increases the risk of miscarriage? That's not something I want to hear!

In addition to Nova's Life's Greatest Miracle, I highly recommend watching National Geographic's In the Womb.
Just a quick drive by---happy to see everyone is doing well.

NF: congrats on the boys! Finally a few boys to balance out all the gals!

Sorry I can''t comment too much on individual posts----there''s a lot of analysis the last few pages and my almost 36wk preggo brain can only handle nesting thoughts!

I''m finally done though..all items bought except for little things like a few nursing items and prepping hospital bag. I still can''t believe a baby is supposed to come out of me in a few weeks.

Last visit was short and uneventful. She did a quick internal and said baby''s head is down and cervix closed. That was it.
I feel pretty decent, going to the beach this wkend and generally same old. My feet are super swollen though (not great for summer outfits, boo), and I still am gaining weight. Baby moves but still a mellow one, so doctor has told me to count for 5 moves each hour--kind of stressful b/c I''m so busy I usually forget!

That''s it from here--will check in again soon!
Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pregnancy Related Guilty Admission for the Day

I, Dreamer, did knowingly and willfully eat nothing all day until dinner except a large McDonald''s fries. And I feel great. So if my baby is born with a 15-points-lower IQ, we will all know the real reason.

OK, now I HAVE to have McDonald''s fried. Thanks a lot DD!!!!

Mmmm. friesfriesfriesfriesfriesfriesfries. So. salty. and. delicious. Just my luck that I think I live in the only town in the United States with no McDonalds in the middle of it. (sigh).

SNLEe thanks for the documentary tip! Did you get it on line or from netflix, or...?

Blen, wear whatever feels comfiest! And hurray on reaching nearly 8 weeks! At that point, especially if there''s a heartbeat, you''re nearly in the safety zone. Plus, being in the third month feels kinda neato, no?

She said the boys are perfect and "smooshie" and that she had the best labor ever and the drugs work wonders. Also, she says her heart isn''t "big enuf." Awwww!!!!

Will let everyone know when I hear more.

Date: 8/27/2008 10:05:51 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

She said the boys are perfect and ''smooshie'' and that she had the best labor ever and the drugs work wonders. Also, she says her heart isn''t ''big enuf.'' Awwww!!!!

Will let everyone know when I hear more.


Thanks so much Dee for the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOHOOOOO!!! Yay, Jackie!!!!!!!! I am so excited to hear the whole story, so glad it went well. DeeJay, thank you so much for the update. Please give Jackie my best wishes!!!
EEEK, congrats JAS!!!!!!!

Can''t wait to hear the whole story, but liking that the drugs worked some wonders!!!
Check in soon
So, I told my boss. Well, I sort of did. I went through the Big Double Glass Doors to where her office is and her secretary didn't know where she was. Then she came in. Glanced at my stomach about 6 times. Then I said "Hey, got 5 minutes to chat?" She glances about 10 more times at my tummy and says "Sure, come on in!"

So I go into her office and she sits in the living room style chairs, not her office chair. So I'm already clued in that she's chill because good bosses know that architecture is destiny, and don't sit forebodingly 'behind the desk' in such scenarios.

I say, "So I thought I should tell you."

And she says "That you're pregnant?"

Uhm yeah.
I told her I was 100% committed to getting the work done I had been contracted to do and that I was already well on my way, that I hoped to still put in an appearance once or twice a week after the babies are born so I could participate in office life (I'm allowed to work at home any time anyway) and that I'd have a mountain of help at home to make that possible. I also told her I'd already spoken to the lady in charge of workplace accessibility and that we had backup plans A through F in case of trouble, so that there should be no worries along those lines.

So, she basically seemed mildly floofed, but overall not too concerned and said "Feel free to just bring the babies to work when you want. We have no specific lactation room, but your office is private enough that it should be fine for that. I should probably inform the folks at the top, but since I have every reason to believe you'll fulfill your contractual obligations, I don't think it will be an issue with them at all."

Then she just turned the conversation to some strategic issues we needed to discuss anyway, and away we go.

So, I'm out of the closet.


And I noticed today that, in fact, there are two women who brought their babies to work.

So the overall picture around here seems to be: Go ahead and have kids! Bring them to the office if you need to! So long as your work gets done and being a mom doesn't interfere with it.
Date: 8/27/2008 10:05:51 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

She said the boys are perfect and ''smooshie'' and that she had the best labor ever and the drugs work wonders. Also, she says her heart isn''t ''big enuf.'' Awwww!!!!

Will let everyone know when I hear more.


OH WOW!!! Hurray! Congratulations to JAS + 2!!!
So exciting!
YEAH Jas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to hear it went smoothly, and I can''t wait to meet your little boys!!!!!!!!!


yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats Jas!!!!!!!!
Yaaah Jas

I can''t wait to hear how it went and to see PICTURES!! Must see pictures!! I love newborn twins, twice the cuteness!
Kay That is crazy about the gender ratio at your office! Something must be in the water. Was it the moms who work with you or the dads? And what is the gender ratio in your office? I ask because I have read studies on rats where if the geneder ratio gets too out of whack then the gender ratio of the babies tends to shift to bring it back to 50:50! Crazy, eh?

sbde I cannot believe you still wear your regular jeans! Am I recalling correctly that you are tall and slim? I guess that makes a real difference in how the clothing fits during pregnancy!

Janine that sucks about having to do the counts... I think I would never remember at all! When are you planning to stop working anyways? Just curious.

Good for you! And that attitude towards women and babies is awesome, what a great place to find yourself working when you are having twins!

I finally told my work colleagues/supervisors. The response was better than I hoped. Here are some of their funny replies for all your academics out there:

From my post-doc supervisor (female, just had a baby post-tenure): congratulations! how exciting for you both. it is quite the ride, but it''s a fun one -- it is possible to be both productive and a mom -- just so long as you''re willing to give up on the idea of ever sleeping again!

From one of my referees and also the head of our department (Male, in his 60s): Congratulations Mazel tov. We had our first kid at about the same time & it worked out fine. There is no perfect time, but this is probably as good as any.

DD: counts are annoying and i never know if I'm doing them right. When i feel movement i start counting and all is good. But there are plenty of times during the day when I'm too busy and I don't feel anything so I wonder if I should be feeling at least 5 within every hour a day? So confusing.

I plan on stopping work at around 39.5 weeks. That's with vacation maxed out and going as late as possible (to use leave for baby rather than waiting!). Now if the baby comes early, all my plans will be thrown out the window, but so far so good.
Congrats Jackie!!! Can''t wait to hear all about it, and to see pics of your precious boys!!!
For Fisher - not Stats junkies (DD, NF, Indy?)

I''m too out of it to provide proper stats on the NICU thing but I will share my 3 yrs experience in level 3 NICU w/ high-risk OB.

According to 1 neonatologist, 60% of 24 weekers make it out of the NICU! Now there may or may not be lots of medical sequelea.

24 is so not good. Retinal issues, lung disease, feeding probs, dev. delays, heart issues. Not all though. This is the cusp of viability. Sometimes a 23 weeker will eek through.

32-34 weeks is the magic #''s for preemie deliveries (we called them "feeder growers"). Most get CPAP (cont. pos. airway pressure) and then nasal canula and feed decently.

These stay usually 2 weeks in NICU give or take.

Then there are the unique cases of anoxia during del., placental infections, congenital anomalies, drug use. Even term babies w/ delivery complications or toxic exposures can be worse off than some 24 weekers. An 11lber w/ gest. diabetes in mom was so so sick!

Usually a baby by baby assesment. But long term antepartums are all striving for the 32 week mark. 34 is preferable.

With twins sometimes one is gestationally small yet stronger than the other twin. Perhaps the struggle in utero prepared it.
lisa when is you next u/s?
Just read JAS had the boys!!!

Congratulations, can''t wait for u to check in!!!!!!
Hey DD now I want fries....

Next US this Friday.

I've been going nuts thinking about genetic testing if the twins materialize into twins.

For multiples I think you should have CVS testing (@ 11wks) in lieu of amnio (16-18 wks) so that termination is prior to 2nd trimester.

Sorry if that shocks anyone but at 39 the risk of trisomy 21 alone is 1 in 91!

Not sure of this road though, probably have to consult the peri or CVS specialist.

I guess you never stop worrying. Yes we would reduce or terminate if the testing came back bad.

Sorry to be such a downer.

Now I will compile a list of all foods I consumed yesterday - it was a lot!
Date: 8/27/2008 12:13:25 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Hey DD now I want fries....

Next US this Friday.

I''ve been going nuts thinking about genetic testing if the twins materialize into twins.

For multiples I think you should have CVS testing (@ 11wks) in lieu of amnio (16-18 wks) so that termination is prior to 2nd trimester.

Sorry if that shocks anyone but at 39 the risk of trisomy 21 alone is 1 in 91!

Not sure of this road though, probably have to consult the peri or CVS specialist.

I guess you never stop worrying. Yes we would reduce or terminate if the testing came back bad.

Sorry to be such a downer.

Now I will compile a list of all foods I consumed yesterday - it was a lot!
I''m sure many of us thought about this issue, and any decrepit as dust mama
has to at least give it a little thought! The docs will be able to give you the best advice... I was reading somewhere that the increased risk of m/c with CVS and amnio are much lower than was previously thought. In other words, those tests are safer than was once believed.

After the stress of testing is done I''m sure it will all be fine! Can''t wait for friday to see how the beans are progressing. While twins would be awesome, of course!!, for your sake given the extra issues and complications (like CVS, hadn''t thought of that) I kinda hope it is just one big healthy baby coming your way! (I know you understand what I mean by that, only the best intentions.)

2 cups pudding (vanilla/choc)
Bagel w/ goat cheese, tomatoes
more goat cheese and tomatoes
Thai rice noodle soup
crackers w/ more goat cheese & sun-dried tomatoes
pickles (5)
1 burrito
1 quesadilla
tobasco sauce
2 fruit popsicles
jujyfruits and sour chew candy
hansen''s soda (which is apparently bad b/c of the artificial sweetener Splenda)

This is about 5x''s the amt. of food normally consumed!
DD thanks for the understanding post.

The dreaded post-monster ate my response - argh.

Basically I was blathering on and on in the car yest. and DH turns to me
and says, "so what is CVS testing and what do they do to the placenta, when do we know what?"

Complete dithering idiocy in our mixed fog over here!

Then he says, "yeah, get on that would ya!"

I'm not convinced he even really knows how we got pg. in the first place!

ETA - forgot to add pineapple chunks to the heinous list above!
Date: 8/27/2008 10:05:51 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

She said the boys are perfect and ''smooshie'' and that she had the best labor ever and the drugs work wonders. Also, she says her heart isn''t ''big enuf.'' Awwww!!!!


I am SO excited for you all and can''t wait to hear your birth story and see pics!
I hope you are ALL feeling great and that you have a quick recovery. I bet you were a hoot on drugs

DD and Indy -- congrats on successfully coming out of the preggo closet

Lisa -- I liked the way you explained the gestation time issue -- makes me *really* want to make it another 2 weeks at least even more than i did before.

You all made me so hungry it was ridiculous -- so after dropping the van off at the shop to get really bad breakes fixed (yeah, safe, i know), we went to IHOP and i had stuffed french toast. Seriously it was dessert (and then some!) for breakfast -- YUM! Of course i can''t even walk now i''m so full


Lisa you are normally quite thin, did you gain a lot with Olivia or is your metabolism super fast? Or were you not such a pig with her


PS re: post eating... I have started copying my posts before I submit, then if it''s lost I just paste it and try again. Ctrl a Ctrl c submit!
