
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

yikes jas...GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DD - I don''t think it would be possible for you to look like a fat hobo. But it did make me LOL! Btw, how long did the watery CM last for you? I''ve never experienced something like this is kind of nuts. and also, a bit ewwww. Of course, I guess it is only one of about a bazillion ewwwwwws in the months to come!

Jen - I''ve seen all the twins on PS! YIKES! I am only drinking bottled water!!

Indy - This is way worse than the tww. I''m just trying to take a relatively relaxed view...of what will be will be...and there isn''t anything I can do to change things. And I repeat that ad nauseum...until I possibly believe it.

Lisa - How far along are you? I''m still trying to be super cautious and not get too excited...I''m 4 weeks and 2 day right early.

SBDE - Congrats on the U/S! I can''t wait for my first one! Congrats on a boy! Exciting stuffs!!!

JAS - Thank you for the welcome! Enjoy your vacay! And labor vibes your way!!!!
jas, I agree with Tacori, you will DEFINITELY know when you feel a big contraction!! I never lost any kind of plug but had some bleeding and "gunk" coming out of me. Good luck, I hope this is it!!!
Date: 8/26/2008 4:47:31 PM
Author: littlelysser
DD - I don''t think it would be possible for you to look like a fat hobo. But it did make me LOL! Btw, how long did the watery CM last for you? I''ve never experienced something like this is kind of nuts. and also, a bit ewwww. Of course, I guess it is only one of about a bazillion ewwwwwws in the months to come!
I think it lasted a week, but it was less profuse abter 3 or 4 days. Generally there is more CF during pregnancy, and your cervix really changes.. TMI but the other night DH and I were fooling around and he was like, "Whoa, your cervix is weird!" I guess the change is really noticable
dreamer, I can get up to use the bathroom, shower, eat, and go out for short trips (like doctor appointments). Now that you've pointed it out, I do notice how long my belly is! Over the week my belly has really rounded out on the top. I see a tiny baby bump! How exciting! It's fun to see such a big difference with just a week!

Hi Jas12, thanks for stopping by!

jen, how did you peri appointment go? Good news, I hope.

Kay, good to see an update form you! LOL about wanting to sit in your living room naked! Most of the time I'm lounging around the house with no pants on! It feels great. You should do it! Enjoy your empty house! I hope you have a great shower!

littlelysser, it's normal to not feel pregnant for awhile. From what I've read/heard, the digital tests are less sensitive then the non-digital tests, so if you got two pregnant readings, all is good! You are pregnant! Enjoy reading all of your new books! is a good website to check the safety of medications you're on. Although, some of the medications I've taken say only take if the benefits outweigh the risks and that worries me!

Lisa, those are actually gaucho pants that I'm wearing. I have 3 pairs of them and love them! So stretchy and comfy, especially in hot weather!

sbde, I am glad you had a great u/s! Don't feel shy about posting updates about yourself! We love reading them! Congratulations on a boy! Welcome to TEAM BLUE! Funny how there was a pink fest and now there's a blue fest! Yay!

pave, yay for a great appointment and a doctor you love!

jas, thanks for checking in! Wow, big babies! Over 6 pounds now? LOL about the doctor covering. Will you tell us when our book comes out? You know we all want to read it!!! I've had the same thoughts about if I'll know when I'm in labor since I've been having regular contractions - some even 3 minutes apart! I'm sure that when we're REALLY in labor, we'll know! That's what I've heard. Just remember the 511 rule. OMG! Just saw your other post! YAY! Lots of labor vibes to you. I hope it's soon! I wish you a smooth delivery! So exciting!!!

So much excitement here!


More later...
Date: 8/26/2008 4:44:17 PM
Author: sbde
thanks for the kind words everyone!

so yes, i had my fetal survey u/s yesterday. it was so much fun...the dr. took a ton of measurements and confirmed that everything looks normal and on track. the level of detail we were able to see was insane...heart chambers,!

the shocker came when he told us the gender. for the past 10 wks i''ve been convinced i was having a particular reason why but i just had a strong a bunch of the old wives tales were also pointing to a girl (high heartrate, feeling sick yadda yadda yadda)''s a BOY!!

i made the dr. check twice just to be sure haha, but we are definitely thrilled. what with neatfreak and indy''s twin boys, it''ll be a blue fest here on PS pretty soon!
Yeah team blue! do you have names picked out??

I guess this means I will have a girl, after all the boys here its time for some pink...
Thanks all, and yes, ewwww. Was it TGal who termed it T##t snot? THat''s all I could think about.

I''m trying to get a hold of my mother to see what her delay time was between bloody show and labor. If it was more than 24 hours I might actually exhale.

Again, with my luck, I''ll regenerate another mucous plug and have bloody show for 10 days. The Universe tends to do this whenever I''m in drama-mode (no, really, I get dramatic. Oh, please, like you''ve never read my posts), so I need to calm down and ride the wave.

SBDE -- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Boys are awesome! We really swung the pendulum to the male side here, didn''t we?

Tacori and Curly-- First of all, hey. How are ya? Yup, I have stopped DH from calling the dr. for weeks now because I keep telling him that if I can even question if the contrax are "real" -- they ain''t. I just still have terribly funny images of him delivering the babies in the Jeep.
Snlee -- yes, I will let you know about the book. It''s still in the very early stages and probably only funny to me right now. But yeah, this doctor is a whole chaptr already. Maybe I''ll turn this into a less Seth Rogan version of Knocked Up and become a Hollywood Glamourpuss.
I had no idea that a baby''s IQ was related to the length of time it stays in the belly. Hmm. Interesting.

For all of you FAR along, hang in there!

Sorry the baking thing didn''t work this time, Jas. I thought for sure it was a trigger, after all the stories of it around here!
Jackie -- OMG she dated your DH?? smaaaaaaaall world and a bit weird
Sooo, are those contractions picking up now?? Sounds like you are finally moving forward to the real thing
KUP (no more quasi-vacay for you! heehee) I hope those big boys give you an easy delivery!

SBDE -- CONGRATS!!! I''ve said it a million times, but boys are SO wonderful! Also, I had another thought on what you said earlier -- we ALL hav a massive dose of preggo brain around here, so even when you tell everyone something''s coming up, you still gotta plan on telling us all about it and KNOW that we care (we just CRS -- can''t remember...
) I''m really so glad to hear everything went well for you!

Lisa -- so yeah, when''s that next u/s?

LL -- I was gonna say something about the 2ww being nothing compared to what''s next, but didn''t want to scare you
There''s plenty of worrying in your future, so just enjoy the being pregnant part for now

Indy -- I know what you mean about the "Everest" thing and I really hope it works out that you can do it that way -- my own "everest" right now is getting to another VBAC which is more in the hands of my babies than myself, so we''ll see... I just know I *want* it SOOOO bad!

to everyone else!

ok, so i just got back from the peri and it was really cool, for lack of a better word! Right now I''m doing my own little jump-for-joy (in my head, anyway) b/c Sophie started to turn over!!!!! ok, why is this important? well, Marina (baby A) is head-down and has been for a while, but Sophie has been breech or transverse forever -- my doc told me a week and a half ago that he''d rather us plan on a c-section since I''d had one before unless baby b turned over (and he doubted that it was possible. That way, if Sophie didn''t flip after i delivered Marina, i wouldn''t have to have the section anyway. BUT -- here she was, clear on the other side today, back to transverse, but with her head as the lowest part of her body, so there''s hope! yay! Maybe she somehow *knows* she needs to get head down now instead of waiting til delivery ( i just hope that''s what she''s trying to do!)

OK, as for the rest of it, Marina is weighing 3''13" and Sophie''s 3''7" and those are excellent, heavy weights for them to be (puts them at around the avg 31-weeker) and everything else looks good with them. The bad news is that the contrax are getting worse again and if they get stronger/more frequent, then i will get to try the terbutaline instead. No cervical check since it was ok last week. He made my return appt for 3 weeks from now "unless the babies are born by then" Thanks a lot
And, last but not least, no bedrest for me b/c, according to him, there''s no conclusive evidence to suggest that bedrest will stop the contrax. From a peri. I was a bit thrown off by that, but then i was thinking "yay, i can still work!"

What''s funny is that I live in a place known for being so medically advanced, where people from all over the united states are flown to for various reasons, and i still question some of what my docs do... ugh

ok, gotta run -- boys are stressing me out! (and they know i can''t catch them!)
29w 6d
Kay -- ahhhh, an empty house must be a relief right about now :) Glad everything's going well with the l.o.!

Pave -- so glad you love your doc!!

Jackie -- so what's your mom say? I'm ready for a minute-by-minute update of this labor
DH is closing tonight, so i might as well veg out on the computer vicariously living through you
If we promise to buy your book anyway (and you know we will), will you tell us more about that doc?


eta -- Snlee -- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
First, I have to say - dreamer, Jas12, jen, Kay, lili, Lisa, sbde, jas (I hope I didn''t forget anyone), thank you all for your wonderful comments on my belly! I am getting big (at least I FEEL big) and I had second thoughts about posting a bare belly picture but you all definitely know how to make a pregnant girl feel special! Elegant? Gorgeous? Cutest belly? Phenomenal? I''m flattered! Thank you all for not making me feel big and fat!

Today I am celebrating my 2 year wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband!

I had an appointment to go to so I got to go outside and enjoy the nice warm sunny weather! It''s a beautiful day! We went to eat a quick lunch at Popeyes (I know it''s bad for you but I haven''t had it for many many months!), to a quick appointment, then to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions. Can''t believe I blew through 120 pills of Nif! Also, found out today that I have a yeast infection.
Apparently, it''s more common during pregnancy and can be caused by taking antibiotics or steroids (both of which I had a few weeks ago). At least it''s just one dose of medication!

I''m sad my rings are not fitting. My fingers are swollen.
I haven''t been wearing my ering and RHR for a week or so. I''m still trying to keep my wedding band on during the day!

DH is bringing home dinner for tonight.
Date: 8/26/2008 5:36:52 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
I had no idea that a baby's IQ was related to the length of time it stays in the belly. Hmm. Interesting.

Fisher, it really isn't in most cases. It is ONLY in relation to very premature babies, and again as Indy said, it's just an average. The take home message isn't that your baby's IQ will be less if they are born a bit early. So don't worry honey!
SBDE YAYAYAY! More boys! So glad all''s looking good in there.

JAS, so exciting! Gunkfest! (I can''t believe I just said that!)

LL, yes indeedy, now is the time to embrace your pregnoidness and the fact that there ain''t nothing you can do one way or the other (short of smoking!) to affect what happens next. So face the facts, and then think POSITIVE! You''ve got it exactly. What will be will be, so you may as well ''assume for the moment'' that what will be will be good! Whenever we start to feel a little nervous about the kookiness of this pregnancy, DH and I just visualize holding our healthy squirmy chubby babies in our arms. That helps us be optimistic and happy most of the time.

So, yay! YAY! You''re pregnoid! You''re going to have a Li''l-er Lysser! A squirmy, cuddly, snuggly li''l li''l Lysser! Yaaaay!

DD, you definitely know your workplace best and it sounds like the right thing for you. I am determined to go by the boss''s office tomorrow. DETERMINED! I will do this! I can do this!

Snlee, what are ''gaucho pants''? Sounds comfy AND funny!

Fishy, I wonder if the reason for IQ issues is that it''s in the third trimester that the brain develops myelin. That continues after birth, but maybe the IQ issue is related to whether the brain was ready to be out in the world at that early stage of myelin coating. Another possibility: prematurity can often come along with various accidental oxygen deprivations, and those can cause all kinds of brain damage, which may account for incidences of retardation that could ''skew'' the averages. I''m not sure which it is... or maybe some third thing? Or a combination?

Interesting! I''m going to ask my new doctor next week.

Jen, YAY for big fat babies with their heads down (double yay!) That''s fab-o! You guys really set a high bar for beefing up healthy twins. A good inspiration for me.
Yay, Jas, I hope this is it for you! Please keep us updated.

Dreamer, that really looks like a baby bump now – no one should mistake that for pudge. Your skirts are so cute.

LL, lots of nutters round here – you are in good company.

LL and Peony, sorry I can’t give advice on early pregnancy tests, as I was so oblivious it didn’t occur to me I might be PG until week 7 when I started feeling like crap (thought it was the flu at first).

Tacori, love your new avatar – T is such a cutie.

Lisa, thanks for sharing your L&D story. I keep going back and forth between a vag birth and a C section – sounds like there are pros and cons with each. Either way, I know I’m getting that epi.

Indy, you are probably feeling the stretching earlier because of the twins. I started feeling it quite a bit at mid 2nd tri, and now it is ridiculous. I am going through lots of moisturizer on my tummy, sides and hips to try to prevent stretchmarks and help with the itchy feeling.

Pave, glad you had a good appt and love your Dr. – that makes it so much easier.

Jas, sounds like you are “cursed” with a charming, sexy husband.

I was asked to help with the guest list for my shower, and I know when and where it is being held, but that’s about it.

Sbde, yay for a boy!

(And for everything being on track.) It can be so hard to keep up with everything around here, but do not be shy about popping in and telling us how you are doing. We all love to read each other’s updates and milestones. I just happened to be catching up on 10 pages of posts yesterday and noticed it was the day of your u/s.

Snlee, I did go home last night and sat on my couch naked and watched TV. It was a great feeling. I agree, the weekly changes are amazing. Some days I look down and see weird movements under my shirt – it’s still kind of surreal. Congrats on your anniversary!

I had to give up wearing my w-ring 2 weeks ago because of the swelling (and my e-ring a few weeks before that) – I feel funny walking around with my huge belly and no ring.

Jen, yay for Sophie moving and good weights!
I hope your contractions stop soon.
Date: 8/26/2008 6:42:41 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 8/26/2008 5:36:52 PM

Author: fisherofmengirly

I had no idea that a baby''s IQ was related to the length of time it stays in the belly. Hmm. Interesting.

Fisher, it really isn''t in most cases. It is ONLY in relation to very premature babies, and again as Indy said, it''s just an average. The take home message isn''t that your baby''s IQ will be less if they are born a bit early. So don''t worry honey!

Yes!!! Let''s keep in mind that prior to 32 weeks is in the 7th month. That is WAY super early. Very, very few babies, even very few twins are born that early. VERY few! So unless you end up with triplets, there''s no reason to worry about this.

It''s funny. I think my brain is wired weird. For some people, if they hear a scary story or about a risk to their baby that''s really remote, like SIDS, they get very scared and take great care over it. Or, if something scary is happening, and they hear an anecdote about someone whose baby did OK despite the odds, then they feel better.

For me, I have to have the stats. Once I know the stats, then I feel better regardless because I know what I''m dealing with. Anecdotes never help (or hurt) for me. I never get scared because X happened to SOMEONE. And I don''t get scared about, say, the 1% risk that my child will end up having to live with schizophrenia, or something like that. A remote risk is just too remote for me to worry about. But even if a risk is quite substantial, for some reason, knowing what that risk is makes me relax a little, whereas hearing a story about someone who is fine after having faced that risk and beat the odds, that never makes me feel better because I always think ''Well, of course some people make it! Otherwise, the risk would be 100%!"

So when I cite a stat, it makes me feel better, not worry more. Weird?

Are any of the rest of you like that or am I a psycho-stats-freak?!

I guess the upside is that I do tend to relax when I feel I understand a risk, whatever that risk is. And any relaxation is good relaxation, right?

Kay, does the moisturizer help? Should I try that? I just feel so...full. And heavy. All the time.
Indy I am with you in the sense that I like more information rather than less, but I think for that non-stats nerds out there, this information can be just overwhelming, especially when complicated stats things are discussed, so it makes it sound like it''s MUCH more usual than it really is KWIM?

Also, there are just too many poorly worded discussions including stats that scare people into thinking things are really common when they aren''t. Or conversely, that there is a relationship for everyone when really it only exists for a small group (like with the IQ thing). I think it''s just confusing for many people, so that''s even scarier when the stats are complex and it''s simplified incorrectly.

Just my .02 though!
jen, yay for healthy babies and for Sophie turning over! I'm sorry your contractions are getting worse. How often are they? At least he didn't put you on bed rest. Isn't it odd that even though there's no conclusive evidence to suggest that bed rest will stop PTL, most docs still put you on bed rest? I guess they just want to error on the side of caution. Even though you're not on bed rest, I hope you can take an easy. I know it must be hard when your boys are driving you up the wall! LOL at your "they know i can't catch them!" comment!

Indy, I think gaucho pants sounds so funny. Dumb name for them if you ask me! Here are some pictures.

Kay, yay for nekkidness!
Date: 8/26/2008 5:30:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

I guess this means I will have a girl, after all the boys here its time for some pink...
That's what I said when we were about to find out the baby's sex. There was a pink fest going on and I thought, that means I'm having a boy. Ok, so I am having a boy. I ended up breaking the girl streak. But that doesn't mean you'll have a girl. Your chances are 50/50 like everyone else here!
I'm thinking boy for you.
Date: 8/26/2008 7:09:03 PM
Author: neatfreak
Indy I am with you in the sense that I like more information rather than less, but I think for that non-stats nerds out there, this information can be just overwhelming, especially when complicated stats things are discussed, so it makes it sound like it''s MUCH more usual than it really is KWIM?

Also, there are just too many poorly worded discussions including stats that scare people into thinking things are really common when they aren''t. Or conversely, that there is a relationship for everyone when really it only exists for a small group (like with the IQ thing). I think it''s just confusing for many people, so that''s even scarier when the stats are complex and it''s simplified incorrectly.

Just my .02 though!

I totally see what you mean (but did I simplify the stats incorrectly?). To me a ''stats story'' says "See? Not much risk! (or manageable risk!)" but to someone less nerdy and more inclined toward anecdotes, a ''stats story'' is like an anecdote that prompts a response of "OMG!! That could happen to my baby?!" Plus, sometimes I just get really curious and interested in things which may be a concern or worry for others. So I''m all "Blah blah isn''t this myelin thing interesting?" and someone else thinks it''s less interesting than SCARY!

So perhaps I better keep my stats to myself. Naughty stats nerd! Naughty naughty stats nerd!

I wonder what made Fishy ask about this. Fishster were you worried or just curious?
Date: 8/26/2008 7:22:54 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Date: 8/26/2008 7:09:03 PM

Author: neatfreak

Indy I am with you in the sense that I like more information rather than less, but I think for that non-stats nerds out there, this information can be just overwhelming, especially when complicated stats things are discussed, so it makes it sound like it''s MUCH more usual than it really is KWIM?

Also, there are just too many poorly worded discussions including stats that scare people into thinking things are really common when they aren''t. Or conversely, that there is a relationship for everyone when really it only exists for a small group (like with the IQ thing). I think it''s just confusing for many people, so that''s even scarier when the stats are complex and it''s simplified incorrectly.

Just my .02 though!

I totally see what you mean (but did I simplify the stats incorrectly?). To me a ''stats story'' says ''See? Not much risk! (or manageable risk!)'' but to someone less nerdy and more inclined toward anecdotes, a ''stats story'' is like an anecdote that prompts a response of ''OMG!! That could happen to my baby?!'' Plus, sometimes I just get really curious and interested in things which may be a concern or worry for others. So I''m all ''Blah blah isn''t this myelin thing interesting?'' and someone else thinks it''s less interesting than SCARY!

So perhaps I better keep my stats to myself. Naughty stats nerd! Naughty naughty stats nerd!

I wonder what made Fishy ask about this. Fishster were you worried or just curious?

No you didn''t to me, but I think it might have been easily misinterpret-able by someone not so familiar with stats. Or someone reading it quickly.
Indy and NF, I like to research and know stats too. Although sometimes, ignorance is bliss! I guess we all just need to find the balance, which is different for everyone.
I am a stats nerd for sure and there are times I like to look them up, but generally I like to NOT know what the odds are of A, B, or C. It doesn''t help predict your individual odds, KWIM? So I find it adds anxiety to think too much about all the possible bad things that could happen, and it also doesn''t relieve any anxiety because it doesn''t even let you know what will happen to YOU! Funny how we are all so different.

I have a theory about this. Some people are prevention focused (accross many/all domains in their lives) and they like to search out as much information as possible so the KNOW and so they can be prepared when something bad happens. For someone who is prevention focused, the WORST thing that could ever happen would be to not be prepared, emotionally or otherwise, for some negative event that occurrs in their life. Other people are promotion focused (again accross many/all domains in their life) and they like to focus on the potenitally good things that could happen. For these people, they don''t want to know all the bad things, because they cope with uncertainty and anxiety by thinkig positively! So learning about all kinds of bad things could actually undermine that coping skill. Anyways, needless to say these two approaches to life would shape responses to the uncertainty of pregnancy! (they shape just about every aspect of human behavior, they are fundamental drives with their own parts of the brain and everything. For the nerds, they are continuous dichotomous variables, the parts of the brain are the BIS --behavioral inhibition system-- and the BAS--behavioral activation system)...

Anyhoo, I am ridiculously promotion focused. What about you?

Hey ladies! I''m feeling really good today. No fatigue, no morning sickness. I had some crazy cravings earlier though. DH and I went on a nice, long walk and he''s currently making me a yummy, healthy dinner.

I got really excited this morning when I found a pair of dress pants that I forgot they had. They''re 2 sizes larger than most of my pants, so I almost got rid of them a while ago, but then I decided that I''d keep them for early pregancy and post partum. Well, they fit now PERFECTLY. I want to wear them every day. I''ve been getting really frustrated with my clothing lately. I''m so bloated it''s hard to find things that fit, but I feel like it''s too early to start wearing maternity clothing. I lived in dresses with empire waists (too casual to wear to work) and DH''s shorts (also not appropriate for work) when I was on vacation. I''m doing okay with skirts that used to fit on my hipbone, only I now have to wear them at my natural waist, which feels constraining to me. When did the rest of you start to wear maternity clothing? And does anyone have a good source for maternity pants with long inseams? (I''m 5''11".)

Jas, how exciting! Let us know how it''s progressing!

SBDE, yay for your boy!! (I just figured out how to use color - another yay!)

LL, I''m still having watery CM. It makes me feel ewwww too. I want to change my undies constantly.

Jen, I''ve heard that as well about the bedrest. Glad to hear that your girls are good and heavy.

Sorry to everyone I haven''t responded to, but DH just got here with dinner and baby wants food.
Pregnancy Related Guilty Admission for the Day

I, Dreamer, did knowingly and willfully eat nothing all day until dinner except a large McDonald''s fries. And I feel great. So if my baby is born with a 15-points-lower IQ, we will all know the real reason.
Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:03 PM
Author: Blenheim
When did the rest of you start to wear maternity clothing? And does anyone have a good source for maternity pants with long inseams? (I'm 5'11'.)
I have no shame. I broke them out full time at 10 weeks. And it felt great
I too suffered the bloat a lot. And the extra 5 lbs.

ETA Jen yippee for head down baby! Woo hoo!
Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pregnancy Related Guilty Admission for the Day

I, Dreamer, did knowingly and willfully eat nothing all day until dinner except a large McDonald''s fries. And I feel great. So if my baby is born with a 15-points-lower IQ, we will all know the real reason.

LOL. Been there, done that, especially during my horrendous morning sickness days when greasy food was the only thing that would stay down! As long as you don''t make a habit of it, I am sure your little bean will be just fine!
Date: 8/26/2008 8:49:48 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pregnancy Related Guilty Admission for the Day

I, Dreamer, did knowingly and willfully eat nothing all day until dinner except a large McDonald''s fries. And I feel great. So if my baby is born with a 15-points-lower IQ, we will all know the real reason.

LOL. Been there, done that, especially during my horrendous morning sickness days when greasy food was the only thing that would stay down! As long as you don''t make a habit of it, I am sure your little bean will be just fine!
But I really WANT to eat french fries every day for breakfast... I can''t??
Date: 8/26/2008 8:25:03 PM
Author: Blenheim

When did the rest of you start to wear maternity clothing?
I''m glad you''re feeling good today and hope it lasts! I started wearing maternity pants at 13 weeks. My regular pants got very uncomfy early on. The maternity pants were so much more comfortable!