Wow! After being a LIW for close to 4 years if not more ( I am still in shock that I get to write this)... I don''t even know when I joined right now. My wonderful manfriend of 6 years proposed yesterday.. he is now my FIANCE (I am taking great joy in saying that)
Little did I know he knew all about the LIW dust, he somehow recognized my log in name and has been doing some extensive research on this lady forum of ours (the wealth of information is awesome) and I got the most beautiful Gelin Abaci ring EVER! I am so happy and over the moon! I have some pictures, but I am at work right now. I will post pictures and the very "us" story of the proposal later. I will have to have him remind me because I don’t remember much but the words "will you marry me?", which i guess is the most important part!
Seriously I have waited so long for this, but would have waited forever for him. The wait really is well worth every minute of it ladies. If you know your significant other has good intentions... just have patience. It will come!!!!