
Daily wear cabachon ring?


Apr 28, 2008
What do you think of a cabachon daily wear cabachon ring?

Any security issues I should consider? Stone types to avoid?

I'd love to see any cabachon inspiration pictures as well!
It's not quite for daily wear - but I love this cabachon carnelian. The stone came from Wild Fish and is an untreated Sri Lanka carnelian. The ring was fabricated by GB Heron in Bellingham, Washington. My design.

Spinel, ruby and sapphires could all be daily wear cabs.

daily wear: yes
24/7: no

I'd be curious to know the answers to these questions too. I'm a big fan of cabachon rings. Sorry I can't really help with information.
I don’t see any issues with wearing a cabochon ring everyday but not all types can hold up to all day wear. Sapphires, spinels, jadeite and a few others, possibly including garnets and tourmalines might be safe for 24/7 wear. I’m not sure if cabochon beryls are fine for 24/7 wear though. There are plenty of other types of gems and minerals that even when cabbed, are not suitable for 24/7 wear.
I didn't know jadeite was so sturdy. Guess I'll have to check some of the jadeite threads that have been floating around.

I guess otherwise, it's the usual suspects for daily wear - sapphire, spinel, chrysoberyl, alexandrite?

And then are garnet and tourmaline sturdier as cabs than faceted?

Does anyone know if catseye chrysoberyl/alexandrite and/or star sapphires are good for everyday? Wasn't sure if there was a chance of shearing along the inclusions.
Jadeite is very tough due to its internal microscope interlocking fibers, hence the popularity and durability of jade bangles in Asian countries which are worn on a 24/7 basis. Cabochons are sturdier for daily wear as opposed to faceted stones because there are no sharp points and angles to easily chip or wear down. A cabbed stone may need to be repolished after a few years of wear though to regain that smooth finish. Like all gemstones, so long as the inclusions aren’t open to the surface or too close to the surface, they are probably quite durable for regular wear.
Very pretty ring Empress!!

Chrono, what to do you think of untreated turqoise, or maybe an imperial topaz cab?

Does topaz ever come with cat's eyes?
I do not think there is a cat’s eye topaz. IIRC, there are cat’s eye apatite, beryl, chrysoberyl, kornerupine, tourmaline, quartz, moonstone, opal and zircon. I could be missing a few more but I do not recall a cat’s eye topaz.

The problem with turquoise isn’t only the lack of hardness but is also moderately porous and susceptible to heat and chemical damage. I am not sure if I’ll want to wear it in a ring, unless extreme care is taken. Only turquoise of very fine quality is unheated/untreated and have low porosity and I’m sure those aren’t cheap, so knowing that, it is much too treasured to be worn everyday. I believe it is best as occasional wear items even if untreated, to protect the turquoise from heat and chemicals.

Based on what I know about the durability and toughness of topaz, I think it’ll stand up to everyday 24/7 wear as a cabochon.
I'd love to get a jadeite cab ring to go with my bangle one of these days. Probably not until the winter when I go back to China to visit.
Chrono and MTG, you both have fine jade in your collections; can you make any vendor recommendations? I am assuming no, because if I recall correctly some of the pieces were gifts or family heirlooms, but if you do have any rec's, I'd love to hear them. I've wanted a fine cab for some time, but I just haven't found one yet. I was quite taken with the cab at the Gem Trader, but its already reserved.
You are correct; my jadeite pieces are either gifts or purchased in Asia so I do not know of any US based vendors who carry good quality Type A jadeite. I'm sorry. :((

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