
Do you think we should allow those who are suffering in pain with a terminal illness the right to a peaceful death?

Of course.
Your body, your choice, always.

I have kind of a complex history with this due to my dad being ill off and on for so many years. He had no directives when he was initially diagnosed with colon cancer and went through a long period of surgeries and two stints of dying on the table. We (his family) nor his oncology/surgical team knew the extent of brain damage--if there was any, nor how much--and my mother who was mostly exhausted tried to convince everyone one morning to just pull the plug. Nobody else was ready to give up just yet and thankfully my father lived another 15 years.

I think every human should have the right to decide what's best for themselves or appoint a caretaker to do so on their behalf. My dad just did not ever become comfortable with either making a will or a DNR, etc. Thankfully he was meticulous about finances and his estate was squared away very quickly. I think somehow he was superstitious or had gotten the idea somewhere along the way that admitting to his mortality would be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Vietnam could've had that effect on him, his own dad's death from the same cancer could've influenced him, among other things. As tumultuous as my parents' marriage was, I'm glad he had my mother to advocate for him for 53 years.
Yes. My god. How does anyone with any emotional capacity whatsoever disagree with this?
I think somehow he was superstitious or had gotten the idea somewhere along the way that admitting to his mortality would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I’m sorry you and your went through that and I totally get it. My grandfather, who by all accounts was a very intelligent individual refused to make a will. And I think what you wrote above hits the nail on the proverbial head

Yes. My god. How does anyone with any emotional capacity whatsoever disagree with this?

Unfortunately there are plenty of people who seems to have no compassion whatsoever. And don’t get me started on our rights being taken away little by little. How can anyone think that’s ok? In a word.
Maybe not the only reason. But a significant one for those against allowing one to die at their own hand with dignity and compassion
Yes! Of course! This is particularly difficult with dementia patients because they no longer can sign on the spot if they wish to go ahead with medically assisted euthanasia. Canada is currently working on passing an "advance directive" to be able to have patients sign in advance to have this done, but the thing is it's hard to gauge consent in this because the patient would also have the right to cancel this directive at any time, even when their condition has deteroriated. I hope we figure out a way to navigate this safely.
I did not asked to be born and was created without my consent.

I believe I should have a choice to decide for myself when I should leave this earth when I have the mental capacity to do so.

DK :roll2:
Yes. It’s shameful that terminally Ill people who decide to end their life must use methods that are painful to accomplish this.

I know of a very young man with a brain tumor who used a gun to leave life on his terms. It could have been a much more peaceful death if he had been presented with help and medications to assist him to the next life. His death was classified as a suicide.
Yes. It’s shameful that terminally Ill people who decide to end their life must use methods that are painful to accomplish this.

I know of a very young man with a brain tumor who used a gun to leave life on his terms. It could have been a much more peaceful death if he had been presented with help and medications to assist him to the next life. His death was classified as a suicide.

That is awful :(
That poor man. And his poor family.
It is a tragedy on so many levels that he had to go through that.
Back in the UK, we had living wills, which although weren’t legal, it clarified our intent that we did not wish to be kept alive artificially to suffer more. It also removes the burden from your next of kin from having to make the decision to turn off life support.

I had a friend who was Dutch, and when her FIL was seriously ill with no hope of recovery, they went over to say goodbye, then his life ended, as it was legal there. I always thought that’s exactly how it should be.
I haven’t read all the responses and generally speaking I am in favour of people having autonomy over end of life decisions. However, I firmly believe in the concept of a “good death” which should be based in excellent and compassionate and appropriately applied palliative care.
Back in the UK, we had living wills, which although weren’t legal, it clarified our intent that we did not wish to be kept alive artificially to suffer more. It also removes the burden from your next of kin from having to make the decision to turn off life support.

I had a friend who was Dutch, and when her FIL was seriously ill with no hope of recovery, they went over to say goodbye, then his life ended, as it was legal there. I always thought that’s exactly how it should be.

We have living wills here in the US as well. That prevents anyone from putting you on any form of life support. We do not, however, have the right to choose to die upon getting a diagnosis of a terminal illness. Most people think that you should have the right to end your life if you choose rather than suffering through treatment and misery.