
Early pregnancy loss

I think I stopped bleeding yesterday. is that possible 5 days after d&c? I know it could start again any time, but hope this is the start to countdown to AF.

so I''m going to buy some digital and other HPTs today. Thurs 4 Feb is my follow-up appt with the gynae. if my tests are still showing up positive by that time, I will ask them to test my HCG level.

so opinions from you ladies who know all about this: if I get negatives, do you think I still should ask them to test? do you think that retained tissue could be creating such low levels that wouldn''t show up on a HPT but high enough to keep a body from going back into ovulation mode?
negate that. while I was out buying HPTs I had a fresh blood gush, so have now been demoted from panty liners back down to pads.

but would still like your opinions on the last question I had.
Geri, I temped most of that first post-MC cycle (see my chart above), which did help elucidate things a bit. Temping is one reason I know this cycle was anovulatory.

Date: 1/25/2010 5:19:45 AM
Author: noelwr
I think I stopped bleeding yesterday. is that possible 5 days after d&c? I know it could start again any time, but hope this is the start to countdown to AF.

so I''m going to buy some digital and other HPTs today. Thurs 4 Feb is my follow-up appt with the gynae. if my tests are still showing up positive by that time, I will ask them to test my HCG level.

so opinions from you ladies who know all about this: if I get negatives, do you think I still should ask them to test? do you think that retained tissue could be creating such low levels that wouldn''t show up on a HPT but high enough to keep a body from going back into ovulation mode?

Noel, I had spotting/bleeding off and on for 3 weeks...sometimes I thought it was over, then I''d have a fresh gush just like you did. Back and forth between pads and pantiliners. Lots of fun. LOL.

As far as your other question, if you use a FRER and it''s negative, then your HCG ought to be low enough for you to ovulate. I know that my FRER was still faintly positive when my HCG was somewhere between 5 and 10, so they are suuuuuper sensitive! As far as the other brands of tests go, I''m not sure...I DO know that when I first got preggo my FRER was faintly positive before my digi was positive, so I think FRER''s are just about the most sensitive you can get. Also, as far as whether you should ask them to test, again, I think the answer is no IF the test you use and get a negative on is a FRER. My OB said she would stop checking when my HCG was less than 10, which was right around the time my test became suuuuuuuper faint positive.

Does that make sense?

I don''t think they sell FRERs here.
I will google it, but all I can remember seeing in the store is Clear Blue and Predictor. I will have a read tonight what levels they test.
Ohhh, OK. Well, as long as you know roughly what level the test you''re using is sensitive to, then you should be good! :) And of course, if you would feel better knowing what your level is, it doesn''t hurt to ask your doc about it.
cara and HOU, you were both SO smart to chart during/after your m/c! I really wish I had done so because I was totally in the dark for the longest time. This is my first month charting using temps and I already feel empowered. Thank you for sharing! That is so helpful! As I complete my chart, I'll share as well!

noelwr, thank you so much for the great idea of starting a TTC after MC thread. I see we have a second home now where we can talk freely and it's a huge source of comfort and info! Thanks!

geri, thinking of you. So happy for you and your upcoming wedding. What test did you use when you POAS? Hopefully when you get your blood test Wednesday it will be 5 or below! I don't think you have tissue left. (hugs) My HPTs were pretty clear positives in that they were medium to faint but they came up immediately. They'd come down but stay the same for days between blood draws. That was what set my warning bell off and I set up an appointment with a different OB, who immediately found the small clot and suctioned it out. Then, everything dropped nicely. I'm not an OB shopper, but it's hard to find the right OBGYN! They are either awesome but super duper rushed or very nice but not on the ball enough. Whew... I think I've finally found the right one. I'll let you know!

To answer your question, if you are getting negatives - you are probably not retaining any tissue. I was retaining a small clot and that was giving me positives that were medium to faint. But they were as clear as day. As soon as my level dropped significantly, I got AF. And I mean, almost immediately after.

LV, hugs to you.

KimberlyH, you are a true soul sister! I feel like I'm nodding whenever I read your posts. You are so insightful and know exactly how to express the things I have trouble putting into words. Thank you for all of your support from the heart! We're always thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!

ponder, so sorry about what you had to go through. It's true, everyone is different. People also react in such different ways. Some people I did not tell simply because I knew they'd either spread the news like gossip or because they'd get too upset. Some people just don't have the capacity to understand until they've experienced it themselves. There are some friends I would have really liked to lean on because they'd been through it too, but I knew they would go around spreading the news to mutual friends and acquaintances. Why do people do that? It's unfortunate.
It makes me upset for others when someone announces that a mutual friend had a miscarriage. It's not their business to go around telling people. So wrong.
the Clearblue digital test gave me a BFN!

instructions don''t say what level of HCG they test, but I read on the peeonastick website, that it is anywhere between 25 to 50. considering that tomorrow is 1 week since the d&c, I think it''s pretty good that I''m below 50. or am I not understanding this correctly? I''m not as well versed in this as all of you ladies. I''ll keep the rest of the digitals for when we''re TTC again.

some time at the end of this week I''ll take the non-digital Clearblue test which has sensitivity of 25 and if I see a faint line, I''ll do it again before my appointment next Thurs and I''ll make my decision to ask for the blood test or not.
Kimberly H - Thank you for your support. It's comforting to hear from someone who has been here before.

Ponder - Thank you for your support too. I'm not sure if you stated on here already or if you feel comfortable sharing, but I am curious if you were able to get a medical diagnosis. Don't feel compelled to answer if you don't want to.

HMG - Thank you. Regarding ovulation and elevated HCG, I don't know how it would work for me because ovulation would be induced with drugs. My RE is fully supportive of us doing another IUI after AF. We hoped that AF would occur naturally, but it appears that will not be the case. See below.


As of this morning, my HCG has increased again. It is now at 1600. The RE wants me to have a D&C on Friday. I was glad and a bit surprised to learn that my RE will perform the procedure in the surgical suite adjacent to his office. I will likely be out by late morning. The nurse said that I would receive light anesthesia -- she referred to it as twilight anesthesia, I think. I asked if I could have local anesthesia. She did not think so, but said I could ask that morning. I am just glad that I do not have to go to the hospital.
Date: 1/25/2010 1:46:30 PM
Author: noelwr
the Clearblue digital test gave me a BFN!

instructions don''t say what level of HCG they test, but I read on the peeonastick website, that it is anywhere between 25 to 50. considering that tomorrow is 1 week since the d&c, I think it''s pretty good that I''m below 50. or am I not understanding this correctly? I''m not as well versed in this as all of you ladies. I''ll keep the rest of the digitals for when we''re TTC again.

some time at the end of this week I''ll take the non-digital Clearblue test which has sensitivity of 25 and if I see a faint line, I''ll do it again before my appointment next Thurs and I''ll make my decision to ask for the blood test or not.
Noel - That''s great news. Do you know what your HCG level was before the D&C?
LV - I don''t know what my HCG levels were... ever. I took a HPT before the d&c and got a big fat bold positive. however, since I did start to bleed 2-3 days before the d&c maybe they already started to drop then, or maybe weeks ago already. I''ll never know.

good luck with your d&c Friday. we will all send positive energy your way (like luvinlife and everyone did for me). it''s a routine procedure and you aren''t super far along (which unfortunately doesn''t make the experience less worse for you, I know), but I expect all will go well. did you ask WHERE they give you the local anesthesia? if it''s directly in the cervix, I''m sure that would be at the bottom of my list of preferences.
Ahhh, Noel, that is an excellent question, and one that I did not think to ask. Hmmm, I had just assumed it would be in the general area. It did not sound like something they would be willing to do anyway, so I won't insist upon it. Maybe it is better to be "twilighted" anyway.

I am just glad to be moving forward at this point. Having the appointment set helps in that respect.
noelwr, YAY FOR YOU!!!! That is DARN GOOD to get a BFN so soon, you lucky!!!! That is really really awesome. Sounds like your body responded well and that you are probably near back to normal again! YAYAYAYAYAAYAY!!!

Loves Vintage, I''m sorry your HCG went up.
On another note, how great that your RE is going to do the D&C. THAT IS AWESOME. He will be very gentle and careful, I am sure. BTW, I am a huge fan of twilight anesthesia. I had it for a dental procedure years ago and I remember getting pleasantly woozy before and feeling groovy falling asleep until it was time to wake up. I didn''t remember a thing and felt better right after the procedure. It was very calming. For the twilight, they just put a little IV in there and put the meds in through my vein. I didn''t feel a thing. So don''t worry, LV! I don''t think you would want local anesthesia - you want to be "asleep" during the procedure, right? D&Cs are usually not performed while you are awake so I can''t imagine them using local anesthesia. Local anesthesia is used to just numb one area while you''re fully awake... but if you''re in twilight "asleep" mode, you won''t feel anything at all pretty much anywhere.
I remembered a website where I ordered the PreSeed from, so I went on there and they sell HPTs that can pick up 10 hCG. I ordered some of those and they''ll come in tomorrow. tonight I''ll do my ClearBlue with sensitivity of 25. if it comes out negative, then I''ll do the ultra sensitive one Friday morning first thing.

I need to join POAS Anonymous.
Bliss - Thanks for telling me about your experience with the twilight anesthesia. They won''t allow a local, so I will be having the twilight anesthesia, which is what I would likely choose at this point, if I were given a choice. I''m not worried or scared at all, though I will be glad on Friday when the procedure is over. The nurse said I should be back to normal the following day. The doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic and may prescribe a medication to tone the uterus.
There was no mention of pain medication.
LV - I''m glad you''re not scared. the pain medication they gave me to take home was just paracetomol, which I already have at home. they gave me some when I left and then I had to take some before I went to bed, but I think since then (it''s been a week and a day), I only had to take some twice. they didn''t even prescribe me antibiotics. I think they''re greatest concern is how your body will react to the anaesthesia. they wanted to make sure I could pee (???) before they let me go home.

another question for everyone. you don''t have to tell me when you did it, but your thoughts and opinions are appreciated. when do you think DH and I can have sex again? they said definitely not the 1st week (which is now over) and I have to have stopped bleeding. is very faint brown spotting still considered bleeding? what would you do? wait until all spotting has stopped as well? we want to get back to normal and DH is very patient (he hasn''t even suggested anything, it''s coming from my side). I also don''t want to get an infection, but I do want to get back to normal asap.
LV, thinking of you.

Hey Noel! I would not BD until all bleeding has stopped, including spotting. My OB told me that there''s a small risk of infection if you''re still bleeding in any form - because you can think you''re just spotting but then bleed on and off again. Uterine infections, I have heard, are really really not fun. I totally understand wanting to get back to normal again and I wondered the very same thing! But the risks really outweigh the benefits in this case and an infection really could set you back even further in getting back to normal. I know it''s not the answer anyone wants to hear! I was in the same boat - spotting and being frustrated because the process was still front and center in our lives. I just wanted to be back to normal so soon. It''s so hard being stuck in limbo so my heart goes out to you. I hope you stop spotting asap! Trust me, it is coming soon! Can you call up your nurse or OB to confirm? Maybe that would help ease your mind. (HUGS)
Noel, my doc said wait 2 weeks, which we did. It''s all in the name of preventing infection while your cervix is still open. We waited the 2 weeks and then got back "to business." Big hugs to you...I TOTALLY understand the wanting to get everyting back to normal. Totally. Just know that it does get better!! I will be thinking about you. *HUGS*
thanks for your opinions. I am so happy I can count on you ladies for advice. I really don''t want anything to set us back, so we will wait. I *think* it will all stop soon. on Tues it will be 2 weeks, so hopefully won''t have to wait for too much longer.

I took the ultra sensitive HPT this morning which measures 10 mlU/ml, and it came out negative!
so I don''t think there''s much chance of retained tissue.

Loves Vintage - thinking of you today. hope it all goes smoothly and quickly.
LV - I hope everything went as well as possible today and that you have a speedy recovery.

Noelwr- congrats on another BFN.

I got my latest blood test results today and am still at 18 , more than 4 weeks post miscarriage. It was 65 a week ago so is taking forever to go down.
I have had bleeding for the last 5 days (mostly spotting now but heavier at the beginning) and even the doctor doesn't know if it is retained tissue or AF. My hcg levels would suggest retained tissue but she thought the amount of bleeding meant it may have been AF. Who knows?! So we will late at least till AF comes before we TTC which will hopefully happen in 3-4 weeks. In the meantime I will temp again to see if I can work out if I ovulate this cycle.

I don't know whether it is the hormones but I'm still having times when I am unexpectedly emotional. My secretary's grand father died yesterday and I had tears in my eyes when when I saw her today (which didn't help her much when she was trying not to cry!). While this is really sad, I wouldn't normally cry, especially in the office. Hopefully I will get it under control soon or people will think I've gone soft!
Hey geri. 18 is good! You're in the home stretch for sure! When I was on day 2 of my period, I had an HCG reading of 12. I had an ultrasound during my period so that the doctor could confirm it was a AF. So maybe your bleeding was AF, too? I think your HCG would be higher if you had retained tissue - if you're truly curious, I would get an ultrasound to confirm. Did you chart that month? I wish I had charted during my m/c because I wouldn't have worried so much wondering what was going on with my body. I was just taking a HPT every day, sometimes 2 or 3 a day for my own peace of mind. It didn't really illuminate anything further except it did alert me to HCG not changing before my next blood draw. Sure enough, they found a small clot in the ultrasound and quickly suctioned it out. Since then, it was smooth sailing.

I felt like I was waiting forever for AF so I got another ultrasound a couple of weeks later and they saw what looked like future AF building up in there. Then when AF arrived, they were able to confirm it because the uterus was completely empty and the walls made a clean line up from the cervix. Whew, long story!

Oh geri, I am sorry about the emotional ups and downs. I had and have the same issue. I tear up very easily these days, too. My doctor told me women who go through m/c can also have a form of postpartum depression and of course there are lots of hormones circulating and dropping off. It's a really tough time. Here I am about 10 weeks since the m/c and I am much better, but at times I get very emotional about what happened. In a way, I am grateful for it because it really did make me a softer person and to experience this is an honor. It's part of the journey in becoming a parent and I think that is one of the greatest miracles in the world. Hugs and dust to you, geri!
geri - regardless if it''s hormonal or not, it''s ok to feel sad. having experienced this, it can tend to make you think of things in a different perspective or just remind you what it''s like to be sad.

I hope all is going well with LV.

ok, you must all be getting really tired of all my questions, but I''ve got another one. is there a difference between spotting and discharge with brown color? or as long as there''s brown I should just considering it bleeding/spotting? I''m guessing the latter, but you know how I just want the bleeding/spotting to be over...
Hey Noel! I would consider discharge with brown color to be spotting. Sounds like old blood/scant tissue? I had that, too. I feel like that stage lasted a long time. There was also a time after BD (weeks after the m/c) I would have a little bright red spotting, which my doctor told me is normal. Things can be sensitive down there for a while! Hope that helps! No one's getting tired of your questions, I promise! hugs
I just popped in to tell you all that you''re still in my thoughts. It seems like that first cycle takes forever to work itself out.
Hey Mama Bear! Somethingshiny, thank you so much! That means so much!!!

Just wanted stop by to report that I am back and well. Everyone in the office was very nice. A nurse met with me when I arrived and was with me for the morning. I met with the doctor and anesthesiologist before the procedure. I didn't really have any questions. I wanted to talk to the RE about our next steps going forward, but he told me we would discuss everything at our appointment in 2 weeks. I did not realize that they would, but they will send tissue to a lab for analysis to see if they could determine the cause of the m/c. I was VERY pleased to hear this. He wants to see the results before committing to a plan for my next cycle.

My DH was with me the whole time, except during the procedure. It was as easy as I think it could have been for me. I didn't even know when the anesthesiologist put in the medication to make me fall asleep. When I woke up in the recovery room, I was just amazed when they told me that it was all over already.

There was an embryo. Because the m/c was diagnosed so early and because my HCG remained low, I do not think they expected to be able to see an embryo, but they were able to see him on the ultrasound. I was already out by that point, though. Somehow, I am comforted by knowing this now.

I've been trying to be tough throughout all of this. I had a little meltdown last night. I feel a lot better today and will spend the rest of the day resting.
Aww LV. I am so glad you have such a supportive DH, and such a good doctor too! Take it easy this weekend and treat yourself to something nice if you can. I admire you so much!
LV-Just wanted to say I''m glad the proceedure went well (or as well as they can go) and that they are doing testing. it''s ok to have a meltdown and I am glad you are able to take some time for yourself. You don''t have to be tough all the time

(((BIG HUGS)))
LV- glad to hear the proceedure went as well as it could have and they are doing further testing. It seems like you have wonderful Dr. and a very supportive DH- I also admire your strength. Take care of yourself *hugs*
LV, I''m so glad everything went well!! I have been thinking about you a lot today. Now hopefully you will have some closure and can start the healing process. And btw, meltdowns are perfectly acceptable around here!

RE: the healing process...Bliss, you mentioned a form of PPD that happens post-miscarriage...I wondered if I wasn''t experiencing a bit of that at one point. After the miscarriage, for the first 4 weeks or so, I definitely felt "off" and not my usual self. I put on about 5 lbs, drank more than I should have been drinking, and was generally weepy a lot of the time. It wasn''t fun. But the good news is, it was relatively short-lived, and I feel a lot better now. I still have my moments, of course, but they are becoming increasingly less frequent and the "lows" don''t feel quite so low anymore. Getting AF back made me feel a lot better.

Oh, and btw Bliss, she decided to pop back in and powder her nose this morning, during my workout, when I had no pad or anything on. Lovely. I hadn''t had any bleeding for a good 48 hrs so I thought she was gone, but when I took off my undies to shower post-workout, I was like wtf?! But it was brief and now she''s gone again. I''ve decided that the 1st post-MC AF is just supposed to be weird!

Noel, congrats on the negative HPT!! Woohooo!!!!
I only got my first negative FRER 2 days ago, so you''re weeks ahead of me!! :) I had the brownish discharge for awhile, and I called it spotting. Waiting for that stuff to completely stop was definitely frustrating...I got so darn tired of pantiliners!!! But it did go away eventually!! Hang in there!!

Geri, your HCG''s sound so similar to mine...I was at 23 at 4 weeks post-MC, and then 9 a week and a few days after that. And I totally hear ya on the rollercoaster of emotions.


Asking for dust and healthy vibes for one of my dear friends from college...she found out she was preggo a month and a half or so before me, and last week had premature rupture of membranes between 22 and 23 weeks. She was, of course, hospitalized and monitored, and never went into labor, so that''s good. She has now been moved to the "stable antepartum" unit for the long haul....bedrest, steroids for her son''s lung maturity, etc etc etc. I just spoke with her and she''s hanging in there....she''s at 24 weeks 1 day today, no contractions, and the little guy''s heartbeat looks great on the monitor. So far so good, and she seems to be in good spirits.

I just cannot imagine what it must be like to lose a baby in the second or third''s hard enough to experience a loss before you''ve even gotten used to the idea of being pregnant, but after you''ve seen several good ultrasounds, felt the baby move, found out the sex, named him/her....ugh. I can''t even imagine, and I have so much respect for people who have survived such losses. OR on the other hand, how hard it must be to have a NICU baby, born too soon, fighting against all odds to survive and to come out without too many complications. Sooooo so hard.