
ever embarrassed?

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Jun 28, 2005
It was my first day on my first "real" job out of college. I was introduced to a woman, and noticed she was pregnant. I asked, "Oh, when are you due?"
Her reply - "What? I'm not pregnant!"

I could have just died! And I could only imagine her horror!

Next one...
A horrible, embarrassing moment happened the first time DH and I were intimate...
It was early in the morning, I was half asleep and out of no where - I let out the loudest toot in the whole wide world! I felt a hot flash of embarrassment rush over my body. I was still and stopped breathing just to see if I could sense if he heard. He wasn't snoring...He must have heard! I wanted to climb out the window and never come back again.
About 2 years later - the subject of most embarrassing came up and I told DH this story. Yes, he heard. And he swears it was the loudest toot he's ever heard in his entire life. He said he didn't laugh or say anything because he didn't want to embarrass me further. In looking back, it would have made it easier had he laughed. It was hard to look at him for several days.


Mar 13, 2004
Most embarrassing thing was when I went to the restroom in a hole-in-the wall Chinese restaurant. The restroom was a coed one-room affair with the toilet facing the door. Well, I forgot to lock the door, and a guy walked in on me while I was wiping (thankfully after #1) and I totally flashed him a full frontal. The worst part was that when I walked back to my table, the guy had already told his friends, and they were all pointing and laughing….I wanted to DIE!
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