I guess I am in the mood for posting new threads. This one is about you and your SO/FF/husband/wife: What (if any) challenges have you had to overcome in your life as a (dating, married etc.) couple? More specifically related to expectations/norms/customs that are both general in nature (i.e. widespread societal norms) and/or those from family, friends more specifically? How did/does it affect your relationship with your partner and/or with others?
In my case both my GF and I (OK mostly her) had to tackle the issue of height difference - she is much taller than I am. I think that it kept her initially from considering me as "relationship material" and she has had to get used to it over time (this is to show how engrained societal norms are - despite "rationally" knowing that it should not matter). None of our friends/family seem to have an issue with it (or they don''t tell us) but sometimes when she looks at pictures of us she can''t help but point it out (she really has gotten used to it in evryday life though). Interestingly she has had much less "trouble" with the fact that I was previously married - which can be an issue for some (knowing that a future wedding would not be a "first" for the other person, among other things).
Anyway - keep the stories of "love will conquer all" coming (or something like that).
In my case both my GF and I (OK mostly her) had to tackle the issue of height difference - she is much taller than I am. I think that it kept her initially from considering me as "relationship material" and she has had to get used to it over time (this is to show how engrained societal norms are - despite "rationally" knowing that it should not matter). None of our friends/family seem to have an issue with it (or they don''t tell us) but sometimes when she looks at pictures of us she can''t help but point it out (she really has gotten used to it in evryday life though). Interestingly she has had much less "trouble" with the fact that I was previously married - which can be an issue for some (knowing that a future wedding would not be a "first" for the other person, among other things).
Anyway - keep the stories of "love will conquer all" coming (or something like that).