Emerald City
- Joined
- Jun 1, 2020
- Messages
- 381
I just received my package from @Emerald City, and everything is as lovely as described. Packed with care, and shipped very quickly. I couldn't be happier with my new bling. Thanks again!!![]()

I just received my package from @Emerald City, and everything is as lovely as described. Packed with care, and shipped very quickly. I couldn't be happier with my new bling. Thanks again!!![]()
Got my earrings from @Emerald City. Everything was thoughtfully packaged and arrived super fast. Thank you! :]![]()
Oh dear @Emerald City
It should be a rule -
nice good people should not get sick !
I hope this quality helps get you through this !
What fun we can have when circumstances are better and you can buy some pretties again
Not the best weather today for action shots, but the rings are both wonderful, and I love the color of the lapis! I'll probably wear it on my right hand, but it's easier to photograph on my left. It makes a statement, for sure!@lala646 I am THRILLED you are happy!!!! Beyond words!!!! Thank you for buying from me, and thank you for coming to PS and sharing this
I am in the midst of having my medications adjusted (for anyone else who has gone through this, you know it is the opposite of fun) and this just made me so happy!!! Thank you so much
I hope you enjoy your new pieces and I am especially to maybe see an action shot of the lapis ring?
Oh dear @Emerald City i want to be sooooo overly excited you found more of your mom's jewlery,
maybe its for the best you have different taste to her
Hopefully this latest batch with help with those bills too
Insurance companies are the scum of the earth
i look forward to seeing mom's pretties as you sell them
And i look forward to a time when NZ can open her boarders and welcome back all our friends again and enjoy a world where we don't have to worry about covid 19
And a pain free world for you too !
@Daisys and Diamonds Insurance companies kind of are the scum of the earth, aren't they? They told me they would foot 50% of the bill for the surgeon. Okay, we scramble & borrow money and have that amount. Then they suddenly tell us, AFTER the surgery is done, oh actually, that guy isn't covered by us at all. Mind you, we had triple and quadruple checked with our insurance company because we got burned that way before. Still got lied to. It is heartbreaking because all the money we had hoped to use to buy a house with is gone, and all because one employee couldn't do her job right. (I was originally injured by a nurse.) Now we're in triple digits of debt and it is SCARY. I just heard that the latest lawyer isn't going to take the case after all; that's pretty much every lawyer in King County that has told us to go pound sand (politely, of course). The nurse didn't report the fall when it happened and now we're in a position where obviously there are injuries & obviously there is a trail leading to a date & time where/when they happened, but because a mandated reporter didn't report her actions, we're up the creek without a paddle legally speaking. I can understand the lawyers' POVs; they want a slam-dunk case. But the situation shouldn't be that I need to find private representation to right a wrong like this. There should be a system like the one in NZ, where hospitals just pay a certain amount and don't assign liability to any one party. Supposedly a Harvard study found that system wouldn't work in the US, but why not? This system is OBVIOUSLY not working. There's a lot of verbiage bandied about regarding the sue-happy US population, but fewer than 10% of people injured by hospitals actually sue. The reality is that very few people can find representation because med mal cases are notoriously hard to prove. So the whole "sue-happy US" ideology with regard to medical cases is based on false premises. No doubt malpractise premiums are high, but the companies who cover doctors hardly ever have to pay out. I will never look at the medical system the same way again. It destroyed me and my family and has done nothing to fix what it did. And of course my husband and I are the ones who pay for the people who try to fix what was damaged.
That was a LOT to read, but I am DEVASTATED. This is the definition of WRONG. I did and do not deserve this, my husband did and does not deserve this, and our entire life's plan has been drastically changed due to this. And there's just silence. No one knows or cares. I am not the only person this has happened to but what voice do people like me have?
@Daisys and Diamonds Insurance companies kind of are the scum of the earth, aren't they? They told me they would foot 50% of the bill for the surgeon. Okay, we scramble & borrow money and have that amount. Then they suddenly tell us, AFTER the surgery is done, oh actually, that guy isn't covered by us at all. Mind you, we had triple and quadruple checked with our insurance company because we got burned that way before. Still got lied to. It is heartbreaking because all the money we had hoped to use to buy a house with is gone, and all because one employee couldn't do her job right. (I was originally injured by a nurse.) Now we're in triple digits of debt and it is SCARY. I just heard that the latest lawyer isn't going to take the case after all; that's pretty much every lawyer in King County that has told us to go pound sand (politely, of course). The nurse didn't report the fall when it happened and now we're in a position where obviously there are injuries & obviously there is a trail leading to a date & time where/when they happened, but because a mandated reporter didn't report her actions, we're up the creek without a paddle legally speaking. I can understand the lawyers' POVs; they want a slam-dunk case. But the situation shouldn't be that I need to find private representation to right a wrong like this. There should be a system like the one in NZ, where hospitals just pay a certain amount and don't assign liability to any one party. Supposedly a Harvard study found that system wouldn't work in the US, but why not? This system is OBVIOUSLY not working. There's a lot of verbiage bandied about regarding the sue-happy US population, but fewer than 10% of people injured by hospitals actually sue. The reality is that very few people can find representation because med mal cases are notoriously hard to prove. So the whole "sue-happy US" ideology with regard to medical cases is based on false premises. No doubt malpractise premiums are high, but the companies who cover doctors hardly ever have to pay out. I will never look at the medical system the same way again. It destroyed me and my family and has done nothing to fix what it did. And of course my husband and I are the ones who pay for the people who try to fix what was damaged.
That was a LOT to read, but I am DEVASTATED. This is the definition of WRONG. I did and do not deserve this, my husband did and does not deserve this, and our entire life's plan has been drastically changed due to this. And there's just silence. No one knows or cares. I am not the only person this has happened to but what voice do people like me have?
Dear Emerald City,
I 'lurke' and read much more than posting, but have followed your thread and hope to read that someone can help you. Maybe, going to the media isn't a bad idea; locally, we have a reporter that does the kind of human interest stories where people like yourself have been - through no fault of their own - taken advantage of by the 'system' or 'big business' - I wouldn't think a hospital would like bad publicity.) At the very least maybe the attention would get some personal injury attorney interested (esp. if they like their name in the news. Or, is there a university nearby with a law school that does pro bono work? Best thoughts and prayers to you and your husband.
@Emerald City
I was just thinking of you and followed up on your thread. I'm so sorry to hear what you've experienced with the health system. I guess the nurse didn't want to report something for fear of losing their job? Over here you, all health professionals are registered with a health professional board and you could complain to them which can lead to investigation into their practice and suspending them from practising as well.
I hope that you are recovering as much as you can!
@maryjane04 Thank you for your well wishes; they are greatly appreciated.
We did try to complain to the nursing board & the state dept. of health, but as we were not given a name, they came back to us and said there was nothing they could do. We only recently got her name & are attempting to amend the complaints.
This whole issue highlights that when a "medical professional" breaks the law, there is just about nothing you can do. I advocate that there be cameras in areas where patients are unconscious because what happened to me should never have happened, and should not happen to anyone else.
@AnastasiaBeaverhausen So true. The reality of it is really surprising. We're all a dollar amount in the eyes of lawyers, insurers, and hospitals. It sounds dreadful but given my situation - and unfortunately I am not alone - it is clearly the case. Thank you for your kind wishes. *hug*
I am going to reply to this and then probably take a long break from Pricescope. I'm sorry you got hurt and have pain. I'm sorry a mistake was made. A lot of people are sorry for this.
But, that doesn't mean that if someone is a hospital worker or administrator, an insurance company employee or administrator, or a lawyer, that we just look at dollar signs for people. Perhaps you didn't mean that but, but it was sweeping. Not every lawyer, person that has a job in insurance or hospitals is a person that only cares about money or looks at people as dollar signs.
Are there people that care and have empathy? Yes. Does it mean they don't have empathy if they point out something in an individual situation that is inconsistent, apply existing law to a set of facts or adress mitigating factors they don't care or look at you as a dollar amount versus a person? No.
I get it. You are upset, hurt, tired, and a lot of other things, but that was just so sweeping.
I hope you can sell the rest of your items and raise the money you would like.
Signed, a lawyer
@elizat Perhaps I was unclear and could have expressed myself better. I never said explicitly that people in those positions lack empathy. Clearly the nurse who injured me does, but she is hopefully an exception rather than the rule. I met some lovely nurses as I saw doctor after doctor following all of these injuries. But no lawyer will take my case because it is not easily won. A few of the lawyers I spoke to clearly felt bad, but most of them sounded bored. And all of them saw me ultimately as a means to an end, that end being money.
I don't know how they sleep at night. I am an adult and I know that they need to pay rent and so forth. And really, the system isn't their fault. They ultimately benefit from it because to "press charges" against a hospital, if you will, you need a lawyer and lawyers can pick and choose their clients. I am advocating that the whole system needs to change so that patients are not at the whims of lawyers in terms of receiving settlements. New Zealand has such a system and in my opinion - and I'm oh-so-slightly biased here - it works better than this. I have received nothing. Not one cent.
My husband and I have paid in the six figures out of pocket to try and fix the damage and we're still not done. We're still in six figures of debt. The hospital should have paid for this. How to get the hospital to pay? Lawyers. Where are the lawyers? Fighting cases that, in layman's terms, are the low-hanging fruit. Lawyers have clearly done some stellar work in this field (no sarcasm) but what about the 90% of patients who cannot sue after being injured by hospitals?
When fewer than 10% of injured patients can find representation, how can it not be viewed as a numbers game? A med mal lawyer may feel sorry all day long for patients but when s/he won't represent them because the case is murky, as it usually is in med mal, what is the motivation there? Money. Why do we all go to work? Money. Why are most hospitals in business? Money.
Let me be clear: I have suffered massively. I don't want to sound like I'm whining but imagine how much pain you would be in if: your abdominal muscles were 95% detached from the bones that hold them; two discs had just bulged and torn; both SIJs were loose, causing the spine to move too much and severe muscle spasms to travel along up to your shoulder blades (that lasted 2 years, btw); your coccyx was fractured; your pubic bone was fractured; the bursa in your hips and sitz bones were badly inflamed; the facet joints were badly damaged; and, immediately following the injury that caused all of this, every single muscle in your body spasmed as tightly as it would go and refused to loosen for six weeks. THEN imagine that when you go to the ER, you're accused of drug-seeking because you already went there twice to see why your abdomen wouldn't stop hurting. Even though your heart rate is in the 200s and you are in so much pain you can't stop screaming nor can you even understand or answer basic questions such as "What is your name?" So imagine all those injuries and NO PAIN MEDS for three months. I have no idea how I survived it, I really don't. I am actively trying to block it out. But the cherry on all of this is being financially destroyed when it is the hospital's responsibility to pay for the damage. I won't even go into the pain and misery of two hip surgeries and a spinal surgery to repair the damage the nurse did specifically, never mind the surgery to fix the original abdominal injury.
When I tell lawyers this and they still - politely - tell me to pound sand, obviously the motivation is money. Even though some of them clearly felt terribly for me. And the hospital's motivation is money, too. It took two+ years to get the name of the nurse, and that was only because the one lawyer who agreed to take the case (he backed out, but at least he was there for a while) asked for it. I wasn't even able to file a complaint because I didn't have a name. I tried but I got back the message "Sorry, but we don't even know who it was, so we can't do anything." To even argue that hospitals aren't profit driven is absurd. The way they charge for things that are cheap, the way they offload bills they know the uninsured won't pay onto people they are confident will pay, etc. Hospitals are not anyone's friend and to argue that they are in business for the love of helping people is ridiculous. Yes, I am saying outright that hospitals are profit-driven. Not everyone who works at them is but those who own them are. And many individual doctors, nurses, and lawyers ARE profit-driven, just like anybody else. Making money is the only way to survive. And that's fine. The best surgeons are those who would score high on psychopathic traits but they are highly driven and that is who I want to work on me. They are the best because they are driven - to be the best, to make money, to make a difference. And they do all of these things.
But when being profit-driven comes at the expense of someone's life, then it is a problem. Make no mistake, my life as I knew it is over. That sounds dramatic but I STILL spend 99% of my time lying down in bed because I cannot walk or sit or stand without severe pain. I am not giving up hope but it is hard facing year #3 being half over and I am still like this. My husband and I had plans to move and buy a house, travel, and enjoy the life we had. Those dreams are gone.
When lawyers look at someone whose life has been destroyed like this and still say they can't help, then motivations do come into question. I can't sue the hospital because of profit, period. This is my hill to die on and I have suffered more than many people can imagine. And my poor husband. I imagine watching me writhing on the bed, screaming and begging him to shoot me in the head wasn't fun. There has been not just physical damage, but psychological damage as well. This has all been highly traumatising. And I say that as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. This makes that seem like a walk in the park. And surviving such abuse was hell. It is still hell. But there are ways to cope and ways to distract yourself that don't apply to something like this. There is no distraction from physical pain. There is no "coping" with it when it crosses a certain threshold. There is a reason why we all view torture as so despicable. That is what the nurse has effectively done to me; placed me in a situation where I am physically tortured every day. I had to claw my way to learn how to feel joy after growing up the way I did. And then this all happened. I can sense that some spark within me has died. I will never be the same mentally after this. A study found that people with chronic pain showed highly similar psychological damage to people who had been held and tortured by authorities. Living with all this I can understand it as I see myself going through it.
But sure, go ahead and say it wasn't about money. I disagree with you and I will always disagree with you. I pray you are never in my shoes because nobody deserves this but if you are, you will see from the other side how cold lawyers and hospitals can be.