

I hope and pray everyone over there will be safe. This storm sounds scary :errrr:
iLander|1351544457|3295051 said:
VapidLapid|1351544066|3295044 said:
kenny|1351543819|3295040 said:
missy|1351541452|3295005 said:
kenny|1351541214|3295004 said:
Y'all be safe and careful.

Hope nobody minds a bit of humor right now . . .

LOL that's a good one Kenny. :D
I know how she feels! But how is her hair in perfect shape with that darn wind??

If you get your hair copper plated it too will stay perfect in a hurricane. :D
Plus it will patina into a fabulous blue-green.

And it will stop aliens from reading your thoughts and controlling your mind!!

Oh, Vapid, you know it's not the aliens that read your thoughts! :lol:

It's the government. :

qu'est que c'est la difference


Thanks for the levity, Kenny! :wavey: :wavey: We need it!
Power won't be back up until 4 pm they say. Thank goodness for the generator. Strong winds right now, rain but not heavy in se Pa.
Loves Vintage|1351538843|3294984 said:
AGBF|1351536090|3294954 said:
Loves Vintage|1351520467|3294794 said:
Already outages in CT, and winds are just picking up. State highways closing at 1 pm. Stay safe everyone!

Are you still on line, LV? It's getting pretty noisy down here. I wonder if you have power where you are!


Power was out for a little over an hour. I had just loaded the dishwasher, just started the washing machine and just finished hearing my husband say "Power isn't going out for a whi . . . . Oh!"

Sounds like your generator is hard-wired. Where is kept? Does it have some sort of shed over it? Apparently, we should have some sort of covering for it? :confused:

I've heard some branches falling on the roof. Small branches. Watching the swaying trees is quite worrisome.

Are you still on-line?

I'm on-line, but it's only a matter of time. Governor Malloy just said that the Bridgeport substations are going to be closed down. It doesn't affect me, but that will automatically throw many thousands of Connecticut Light & Power customers off the grid. Many in Bridgeport; Stratford; Shelton; and Trumbull, if I remember correctly. The alternative would be worse: flooding with salt water while the substations were active. The Governor said that that would be catastrophic. No one is happy with CL&P because they took weeks to restore power last winter, but at heart the people in Connecticut (except for Fairfield County where I live) are still Yankees...and they will suck it up. My family lived in Stratford for generations; I know the type!

Everyone in the storm's path: stay safe.

We have a niece in Manhattan, and family in MA. Praying for everyone.
Praying for all you guys in the eye of the storm. We're getting the "fringe of the storm" in the Michigan thumb-sustained winds at 40 mph coming off Lake Huron, and we may get gusts up to 60 mph before tomorrow morning.. The sound of the wind becomes very unnerving and I can't imagine 80 mph winds.
Stay safe, everyone.. :wavey:
We have lost power twice. Luckily, it came back. I hope everyone is ok. Praying it ends quickly and nobody gets hurt.
Be glad you're not these people!

This is, supposedly, a building in Chelsea,NYC, as reported by WPIX news, but I'm skeptical since they got it off Twitter. Could be someone's photoshop trick. If it's real, that's a terrible way to end the day. :nono:

Wow, I hope it's fake, but if it is somebody has too much time on their hands.
That's 15th street, I go by there all the time
VapidLapid|1351553290|3295185 said:
That's 15th street, I go by there all the time
Well stay inside VL. Don't go and check!!!
I'm sorry to say, but it is real. It has been confirmed on CNN by NYC Chief of Police. Thankfully, no one was injured.
Update: My mom called me- there's 6 feet of water in their finished basement and garage and my 80 year old dad was down there trying to stop it but gave up thank goodness.

My neighbors at the beach called- the water went all the way up to our homes and around to the front. Our new deck is partially uprooted and the stone part gone. Not sure about the bulkhead. Not sure about the inside of our home but they said as far as they can tell the windows and roof held up- at least the ones they could see from their backyard. They didn't go to the house but sent a "very smart" (their description not mine!) contractor friend to look at our homes. Crazy I know and the storm is far from over but that's the update so far. I am relieved I guess because if all we lost was part of our deck (cost us a fortune though but I don't care because it could still be so much worse), our lawns. plantings, etc I will be thrilled. Really hope our bulkhead held up because that was crazy expensive but again still relieved. Just want this storm to be over so we can get to the house and survey the damage. Irene seems like such a baby storm right now and we had some damage from that. I really am scared to check out the house even after our neighbor's update because it is pitch dark and not really sure how accurate their "guy's" assessment is....

Power keeps flickering on and off in Brooklyn so not sure how much longer I will be online. The wind is fierce here and I am still pretty scared. Please stay safe everyone!!!

Stay inside VL!!!
The building facade collapse is across the street from my niece! My son is on 16 th st and Ave B the East River is up to Ave C. Very close.
The crane in Times Square is still hanging! The water breached Battery Park City and is at 12 feet. My in laws are in Point Pleasant NJ and they are missing fences and have water very close to the house.
Now we worry about my moms house in Southampton, they are next!
Elisateach|1351554393|3295214 said:
The building facade collapse is across the street from my niece! My son is on 16 th st and Ave B the East River is up to Ave C. Very close.
The crane in Times Square is still hanging! The water breached Battery Park City and is at 12 feet. My in laws are in Point Pleasant NJ and they are missing fences and have water very close to the house.
Now we worry about my moms house in Southampton, they are next!

Praying for their safety Elisateach. According to my neighbors all fences in our area were destroyed. Not a fence left.

ETA: Just spoke with my they smell smoke and cannot get out of the house. She cannot get through to 911 (big surprise) and this is just what we were all worried about. I called their police precinct and they asked if I had called 911. They are going to see what they can do but according to my parents the streets are un-passable and their car is also gone. I spoke with my dad and asked him (I know at this point it was useless to ask but I just had to) why they didn't evacuate like we had begged them too and he said they had no idea this could/would happen. OMG, this is exactly the reason everyone should have evacuated who was asked to evacuate. Please everyone pray for their safety.
EAST VILLAGE, NY under water!

Per the Weather Channel, the East Village is completely overrun by the East River and it is under water! Holy CATS! :shock:

There is a fire department there, and the Firemen are being evacuated. By BOAT!

Holy Colossal maniacs!

Missy, so glad things are okay for now. I've got my finger crossed for your parents! Dust to them!
iLander|1351555290|3295226 said:
EAST VILLAGE, NY under water!

Per the Weather Channel, the East Village is completely overrun by the East River and it is under water! Holy CATS! :shock:

There is a fire department there, and the Firemen are being evacuated. By BOAT!

Holy Colossal maniacs!

Missy, so glad things are okay for now. I've got my finger crossed for your parents! Dust to them!

iLander- I edited my post above with an update. Not a good one I am afraid. Why why why are some people so stubborn! ;(
Still praying for all of you! Thanks for the updates Missy and everyone!
missy|1351555627|3295228 said:
iLander- I edited my post above with an update. Not a good one I am afraid. Why why why are some people so stubborn! ;(

Honestly, next time (hope there won't be one!), I would get them drunk or something and drag them out. They are just burdening you with this juvenile behavior! I'm kinda mad at them on your behalf! :| What exactly did they gain by staying? What? Ugh, I can understand your frustration!

I've got my fingers crossed that the worst is over for them, Missy. :((
stay safe everyone! that dangling crane gives me the creeps.......
missy said:
ETA: Just spoke with my they smell smoke and cannot get out of the house. She cannot get through to 911 (big surprise) and this is just what we were all worried about. I called their police precinct and they asked if I had called 911. They are going to see what they can do but according to my parents the streets are un-passable and their car is also gone. I spoke with my dad and asked him (I know at this point it was useless to ask but I just had to) why they didn't evacuate like we had begged them too and he said they had no idea this could/would happen. OMG, this is exactly the reason everyone should have evacuated who was asked to evacuate. Please everyone pray for their safety.
Oh missy... :(( Unfortunately people think it won't be them ...we see this all the time with bushfires in OZ.

Constant prayers for you, your parents and everyone affected by this. If you go offline because of power be assured we still have you close and look forward to hearing from you when you are able.

Oh horrors! Unreal. Awful. Safe vibes across the miles....

kind regards

iLander|1351555980|3295235 said:
missy|1351555627|3295228 said:
iLander- I edited my post above with an update. Not a good one I am afraid. Why why why are some people so stubborn! ;(

Honestly, next time (hope there won't be one!), I would get them drunk or something and drag them out. They are just burdening you with this juvenile behavior! I'm kinda mad at them on your behalf! :| What exactly did they gain by staying? What? Ugh, I can understand your frustration!

I've got my fingers crossed that the worst is over for them, Missy. :((

OMG, you won't believe what just happened. I finally got through to the fire dept and I told them the situation and they said they were on their way. Then I made the mistake of calling my parents and they said they will not leave. Are you freakin kidding me? I want someone to shoot me and out me out of my misery if I ever become as stupidly stubborn as my mother. Seriously. She used to be such an intelligent woman. What the heck happened?? She wanted me to get help and when I finally get through and get the help she tells me she won't leave. And then she tells me that the fire dept won't be able to get to them anyway because the streets are inundated with 5 feet of water. Please wake me up from this nightmare. Please.

ETA: Thank you Starzin, DS, Sharon and all the rest of the amazing PS'ers who are thinking good thoughts for my parents and everyone else affected by this storm. So worried. It is surreal.
Missy, I'm so sorry. My prayers are with you and your friends and family.

Wishing everybody stays safe and sound.
missy|1351556448|3295244 said:
iLander|1351555980|3295235 said:
missy|1351555627|3295228 said:
iLander- I edited my post above with an update. Not a good one I am afraid. Why why why are some people so stubborn! ;(

Honestly, next time (hope there won't be one!), I would get them drunk or something and drag them out. They are just burdening you with this juvenile behavior! I'm kinda mad at them on your behalf! :| What exactly did they gain by staying? What? Ugh, I can understand your frustration!

I've got my fingers crossed that the worst is over for them, Missy. :((

OMG, you won't believe what just happened. I finally got through to the fire dept and I told them the situation and they said they were on their way. Then I made the mistake of calling my parents and they said they will not leave. Are you freakin kidding me? I want someone to shoot me and out me out of my misery if I ever become as stupidly stubborn as my mother. Seriously. She used to be such an intelligent woman. What the heck happened?? She wanted me to get help and when I finally get through and get the help she tells me she won't leave. And then she tells me that the fire dept won't be able to get to them anyway because the streets are inundated with 5 feet of water. Please wake me up from this nightmare. Please.

ETA: Thank you Starzin, DS, Sharon and all the rest of the amazing PS'ers who are thinking good thoughts for my parents and everyone else affected by this storm. So worried. It is surreal.

I just saw what was happening with your parents, missy. Keep us updated. I am with you guys every step of the way!!!

A fireman was killed here, in Easton, Connecticut, in the line of duty. The details haven't come out, but I think his firetruck was hit by a tree while he was in it. If you believe in God, you might say a prayer for him.

I'm in CT too. Still have power against the odds. Someone was killed in Mansfield as well. We have many limbs down and one took out a car 2 houses down. Winds are terrifying.