
Get Well Wishes for Harleigh

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Oh no! I''m so sorry to hear this. I hope you have a speedy and full recovery! Dogs sure can be strong.
A friend of mine broke her hand once because of her dog. Sending get well wishes your way!
I''m so sorry to hear that poor Harleigh is in such a situation. Here''s hoping for a speedy recovery! (((hug)))
I'm so sorry, too!
I hope you recover soon!

Oh goodness!
Healing vibes your way.....

ouch! take care of yourself through all this, Harleigh!

Hoping for the best possible outcome.Please heal fast we need you here.Best wishes
And hands are such a horrible place to feel pain.
So sorry anyone has to go through that. Any word on the dog though? Was she able to keep it from running away?
Oh no, I''m so sorry to hear this. Best wishes for your recovery, Harleigh!
OUCH!! Harleigh...hoping for a speedy recovery!
Date: 3/26/2009 12:31:30 AM
Author: Kelli
And hands are such a horrible place to feel pain.
So sorry anyone has to go through that. Any word on the dog though? Was she able to keep it from running away?

As I recall she caught up to it about a mile down the road.
Oh no, Harleigh, I hope you feel better soon and have a speedy recovery!
Oh no! Get well soon Harleigh!!!!
OMG! Harleigh honey! I hope you heel up quickly, that you get your hand mobility back, and I applaud you for being such a dedicated dog owner!! Please take care of yourself honey. We''re all thinking of you and wish you best. John says hi and wishes you the best as well.
I''m SO sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident, Harleigh. I''m sure it was quite upsetting both for you and the puppy.

Wishing for a speedy recovery for you!
How painful! Good wishes for her.
To all of the wonderful PS''ers that I have missed so much,

Tonight I spent a lovely evening out with VRBeauty and she showed me this wonderful thread when we returned home. I cannot thank VR enough for taking the time to post about my injury here, and to all of you who sent your well wishes. I feel blessed to have a true family here on nearly made me cry when I read all of your thoughtful are all truly the best for a girl down on her luck.

I started my reply to all of you a little after 10 PM CA time after VR left and have been working furiously to type correctly using only my left hand. I am certain that my husband''s computer hates me, and just when I was near the end of my update for you all, it froze up and needed to be rebooted, so I am back at square one with my reply. Sadly, it is late and I need to be up for another Dr.''s appt. in the morning, so if I''m feeling good when I get home and my hubby is not monopolizing the computer, I will try to sit down and re-write an update for all of you about what''s happened since the accidents, and yes, I said accidents. Only two nights before I got hurt with the leash, I cracked heads with the dog and ended up with a severe concussion. Needless to say, I am VERY careful around her now and my dang head still hurts!

And for those who asked, the new Rottie puppy, aptly named "Taz," is snoozing peacefully at my feet here in the office as I type. She''s doing well and I appreciate your asking. When it happened, she was absolutely my only concern...I really think I was in shock and simply couldn''t fathom that the mangled hand at the end of my arm actually belonged to me and I just kept thinking that I couldn''t lose the puppy, I couldn''t let her get hurt and that I just needed to find a way to get her home after catching up with her about a mile down the road.

Looking back, there are a lot of things that could have gone differently that night, but first and foremost, I have to say that if you have one of those retractable "reel'' leashes, please use them with severe caution and a very small animal if you must use one. I personally will never use one of those again. Okay, that''s my public safety announcement for the day. I am exhausted and need to head to bed after some more pain meds. I hope to "see" much more of all of you again one day soon when I''m better able to post.

Thank you again, VR, for visiting and getting me out of the house for a little while tonight. Dinner was lovely and it was so nice to get to spend more time with you. I hope we can do it again soon...maybe next time you won''t have to cut up my food for me!

Thanks, too, to all of you for your concern. I''ve missed being here on the boards and catching up with everyone. I''ll try to be back tomorrow.


Hi Harleigh, best of luck at your doctors tomorrow. Thinking of you!
Harleigh good to see you around here again :), good luck with the doctors appointment tommorrow.

I don''t know if you looking for another type of lead but when I used to have a big dog who was really powerful (all muscle and heaps of pull) the only thing we could use to walk him safely was a halti it removes the power of their pull so you can control them so much easier - the only downside is you will get people thinking you have a muzzle on your dog
but apart from that they are brilliant.
Harleigh, it''s good to hear from you, take care sweety!

I have only just seen this thread, but I am pleased to see your reply. I hope that you continue to make good progress. I too went chasing after my dog, across 4 lanes of very busy traffic - at 8½ months pregnant! The things we do for our furbabies.

Dust & prayers for a full and speedy recovery.
Harleigh, I know how you feel. On Superbowl Sunday, I tripped over my dog and landed on my right elbow trying to save my ice cream and got a hairline fracture.

Get well soon! Sending lots of healing dust to you.
Nice to see you posting Harleigh. Still wishing you a speedy recovery, so sorry to hear about the concussion too. My friend got a puppy and while people were over for dinner, the puppy decided it wanted to jump up on the table. This was a pretty big puppy, and when my friend leaned over to try and keep her down, she bumped heads with the dog and chipped her front tooth. A pretty sizeable chip. It is funny the things we deal with for the love of our puppies!
Harleigh, thanks so much for checking in! Are you going to have/did you need surgery? If you can get a good hand therapist, that is one of the most important things for regaining your mobility. *hugs*
Oh my, what a dog! Harleigh, more dust and get well wishes headed your way. Hope you''re up to posting again soon.
Thanks for posting, Harleigh, and bringing up up to date on your accidentS. What a think to have to go through. I wish you a speedy recovery and NO MORE ACCIDENTS. Hope to hear from you again soon when you can type 2-handed.
Harleigh, I''m sorry to hear about your puppy-related accidents and hope you''re on the mend soon. You''re a strong and brave woman to have gone through what you did and still be able to chase your dog down after a mile.

And I agree with Harleigh''s caution about retractable leashes/flexi-leads. It is much harder to control a dog with one of those, and it''s much easier for them or someone else to get hurt. I used one for about 3 days with our lab, and then went back to a regular leash. And I got a really serious cable burn on the back of my leg when someone else''s dog got wrapped around me and then started to pull. It was a small dog but skin is no match for one of those cables once it starts to tighten up.
Oh goodness, Harleigh! I''m so sorry about your accidents and I hope you are healing quickly!
Thanks for taking the time to post an update. I am not sue if that hurt to type as much as you did, but I am glad that you are back on. I hope that you heal quickly... and maybe typing on PS would make for good PT?
I just caught this thread. So sorry to hear about what happened to you Harleigh. And I too wish you luck at the doctor''s tomorrow...
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