
Get Well Wishes for Harleigh

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Oh Harleigh...I was lurking over here and saw this thread! My dear old PS friend is hurt

I hope you get better soon!!!!!!....The things we do for the "puppies"!!!!.
Take care of yourself!!!

As a side note, love the new avatar!!!!

Oh, my - what a story! I am so sorry for your injury and certainly send best wishes for speedy healing!

Your dog is one lucky pup - tell him that everyday!
oh no! sorry to hear this news, Harleigh.

here''s wishing you a speedy recovery and many incident-free future doggie walks!
I hope your hand and head are feeling better, Harleigh! Ouch...glad the puppy''s okay, too.
Oh Harleigh, I am sooo sorry to learn about this accident. It must have been really scary! I hope you will recover completely and this will all just be a memory. Thanks for the advice about caution with the long reel style leashes.

Please, please get well soon - I wish you all the best for a quick recovery.
Thank you ladies, again, for your warm and kind wishes. So sorry I haven't been in touch, but when your fingers don't work so well, typing gets kind of tough!

To update you, I am healing much faster than the dr.'s expected. I was in an edema glove a week earlier than they thought I would be and graduated to a pressure glove last Friday. It amazes me that so much skin was burned off/shredded in the accident, and barely a month later, it appears to be all new skin. I swear that if you didn't know I had had the accident, you might not know there was anything wrong with my hand just looking at it. That is the good news.

For the somewhat bad news (which I simply refuse to believe), it seems I have quite a bit of scar tissue building up and even though I continue my hand exercises non-stop, my mobility is about 50% less than it was 2 weeks ago, and the mean hand specialist treats me like a 2-year old, I swear. As my husband says, he'd rather I have a mean therapist who knows what in the heck she's doing opposed to some outgoing chick who doesn't have a clue, so I guess he has a valid point there.

I should be in the new pressure glove for at least a month, but I am hoping it is able to come off for the GTG in May. I have been holding out on all of you due to the accident, but I have 5, yes, I did say 5, gorgeous new sapphire rings that I had commissioned to be done for me in January. I received them on the 18th, which is the night I got the concussion from the dog, so I wore them on the 19th and then played around with them while home sick with the concussion on the 20th. Luckily, 3 of them are eternity bands and I had the foresight to take the new rings off of my right hand before taking Taz for that doomed walk that day...the doctors say that if I hadn't, I very well might have degloved my right hand ring finger or at the very least had to have them cut off. Unfortunately, they don't really fit any finger anymore since my fingers are so swollen, so I may just have to have some more made.

As I mentioned to AmberGretchen in my email to her, I've wanted so badly to share them with you all, but since I can't put them on my right hand and can't really take any pictures with my right hand yet, I figure you all may just have to settle for candid shots of the rings just hanging out on their own. I promise I'll try to get them posted on the Colored Stones thread one day soon for all of you jewelry fiends to enjoy!

Hope to see many of you at the PS GTG in May...I've really missed you ladies!
Hi Harleigh! I''m so glad you checked in. I was wondering how you''ve been. I''m glad to hear that things seem to be going well, and I continue to hope for a speedy recovery for you.

I''m also looking forward to seeing your rings!
It''s nice to hear from you Harleigh!
Harleigh, thanks for updating us, I''ve been thinking about you!

Will they consider removing the scar tissue, or will you just work around it? I know sometimes the invasiveness of surgery to remove scar tissue can in fact cause more....

At least you have some pretty bling to look at!
Do you not think they''ll ever fit again, once your fingers go down?

Keep us posted, k?
Harleigh, what a terrible accident! It''s good to see you posting, I hope your hand heals up nicely and there is no lasting damage!
Sorry to hear about the accident. I wish you a speedy recovery!
Gosh Harleigh it sounds like you''ve had quite a time! I am so sorry to read about your hand and the recovery issues. I wish you well.
So good to hear from you Harleigh. Glad your hand is healing well. I look forward to your pics this May!!
So sorry about your accident! Glad you hear you''re healing well!!
Hi sweetheart, I am so glad your hand is healing well. I have been thinking about you a lot.

Can''t wait to see your beautiful rings.

Love, Linda
OMG, I just saw this for the first time--how terrible! I''m so glad to hear you''re making a swell recovery, and kudos to you for being such a devoted doggie mama! I wish you all the best, Harleigh!
oh that is so sad
,,, Hugs... please get better... soon
Get better soon, Harleigh!!!!! Thinking of you and sending you get well vibes!!!!!
I''m late but I wanted to echo what others are saying. So sorry to hear about your injury and I hope for a speedy recovery!
Hope you recover soon and well, Harleigh...
Heal fast Harleigh!
You gals are just so sweet, thank you! All of your posts make me smile and I feel so blessed to have you as my online buddies. Many of my friends IRL do not live near me anymore, so poor DH has had to work so hard to take up the slack for me these past several weeks, and I know that if my ability to accomplish nothing is frustrating me, it''s got to be frustrating him, as well. I seriously think that man deserves a medal for putting up with me these past 5 weeks!

I see the hand specialist every Friday, so I went in to be tormented by her again yesterday. I seriously think that woman is a masochist...she was so mean and the therapy was so painful it literally brought me to tears. She said the scar tissue build-up in my ring finger is the worst-it has a sort of "bump" getting bigger right underneath the bottom joint. My index finger also has a bit of scar tissue, but she thinks that one is going to be fairly manageable as it is just above the second joint, and my middle finger is doing really well, thank goodness. We will have to wait and see if water therapy will help with the scar tissue, but if it doesn''t get better, they will consider surgically removing it later on down the road.

So, I will continue my stretches and water therapy and pray for the best. When I exercise them, it seriously feels like flame is shooting through them and I can tell they''re tightening up even after water therapy and stretching, so I hope that goes away soon.

As for the pretty new rings, it looks like today might be a bit sunny so I''ll see if I can take them outside and find some flowers to put them on to take pictures for all of you. Since they don''t fit now and may never fit, I''m thinking about having some new ones made...I saw that the jeweler I got them from has two new "shaped" rings and I''m thinking that hey, I might just need those, too! Woo hoo! I''ll post the link here when I get them into the colored stones thread.

Love to you all, and thank you for taking the time to wish me well. I sure do miss chatting with you all the time! Have a wonderful day!
Hey Harley!

I''m glad you''re doing well enough to post again!

Now if you''d be so kind as to dig out your cell phone... I''d like to chat about the Faberge show!
LOL...was that you that just tried to call with a withheld number? I don''t usually answer unless the number is unblocked! I''ll call you in a few minutes!
Sorry you''re still having pain Harleigh!!
I hope you recover quickly and start feeling better, sending dust and prayers!
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