
Halo Help!!

I was actually in correct in saying it cost 4200. I looked at our paperwork and it was 3400 for the setting-- still an expensive tag though, which is partly the reason I don't feel bad going back into my jeweler and asking for changes made. It is a bit hard though for you to say that mine was majorly overpriced just looking at it though pictures and not in person though. It definitely is a bit higher in price than some online, but I also get the experience of creating a relationship with a jeweler at a small boutique and not just ordering straight offline, which was important to my fiance. I also want to say, just so people know, the true beauty of my ring is not shown justice through the pictures I posted (Just saying : ) IF I ever get good at posting pictures, I will! : )

You're correct in the fact I should be able to get exactly what I want with a price tag even at 3400$ though. That Brian Gavin is a great example, so thank you for posting that one! I will certainly show my jeweler that specific example and express the price difference when saying that I want the halo on mine redone.

Thanks for the link! : )
store, not boutique**
$3400 is much more in line with the BG. (I only meant that $4200 was overpriced.) I am glad you found that photo helpful! There is nothing at all wrong with a cast halo ring, but you are right to want yours to be the best quality possible. Good luck and let us know what your jeweler says!
you could get from DBL for 3800.

Not trying to be snarky or anything but I have to agree with the last few posts, your setting does not look in line with how much you paid for it. I would be beyond upset if that was the workmanship I received for that much money. I would show them the photos of what you would expect for that kind of money and let them know that if they could not do it I would want a refund.

DBL made my pave halo ring in 2007, mine is a ring made from cast parts, this setting here, It is not the same style as what you are looking at but at least I can attest to their customer service. I have never lost a melee and I have worn this ring for over 4 years everyday. I have cracked the bottom of the shank and David repaired it for me, great CS with him. I'm pretty sure if I had been unhappy with my ring when it was completed, David would have done anything to make sure I was satisfied.

You should expect nothing less from your bench. If they can't deliver what you expect from that kind of price tag I would try to get the money back and start over. I would never sit right with me if Iw as wearing something everyday that gave me a bad feeling. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Okay so a few comments.

First, whoever suggested different sized melee for the halo. That would, personally, drive me bonkers visually. Unless it was done really well and very obviously a design intention it would be a mess. And it is not necessary. None of our vendors.. cast, handmade, hybrid make a Harry Winston style ring with different sized melee in the halo. Different sized melee in the shank than the halo-- sometimes, yes. But in the halo itself, no. I don't think that's a good solution to this issue, as a result.

Second. 3,400 is quite a bit of money, but I don't know what metro area you are in. And you are right, boutique stores can be pricier and you did have the benefit of being able to talk to someone in person while having your ring made. That said, you mentioned earlier that you showed the bench pictures of PS rings for him to work from. Which pictures did you show? Because I am curious to see what you asked for versus what you received (can you take some better macro shots of your ring?).

Why? Because you did say that you asked for a cushion shaped halo. And I TOTALLY agree that them trying to accommodate that request resulted in some extra metal. And if you asked for it-- it's not fair to say: I was wrong, fix my error for free. KWIM? So I honestly want to know what you asked for because there is a POSSIBILITY that your bench CAN do what you want, but didn't because you didn't give them the right information the first time around. And that would explain why you've been so concerned with terminology in this thread-- because there is always a chance with custom work that the problem isn't the bench but the communication with the bench.

In addition, I wanted to give you another question to ask your jeweler-- which MAY help you get what you want locally. You said that they are well respected and long standing. Most jewelers I know of that do not do work in house (and you mentioned that the jeweler did have this sent to an off site bench of some sort) have multiple benches they use for different projects. Like RockDiamond, Wink Jones, Brian Gavin--- and my local jewelry store Joe Escobar. So, I would ask your jeweler if he has other benches that he works with that he might be able to have redo the project, IF the current bench (the CAD vendor he used for your current ring) can't do better than what you have. That would enable you to work with your current vendor AND still get different results. It could be that he THOUGHT your project was best suited for CAD so he sent the project to his CAD vendor. But he might have a non-CAD bench that can produce pave pieces of good quality, or even a different CAD vendor. You never know, and that is a question you might want to ask.

Finally, and this is the last time I'm going to mention it, but again; an appraiser really can help you. My first halo with Ocean was kicked back by Neil because he knew what I had asked for, verbatim, and knew that the ring he was seeing didn't match that description. AND BECAUSE (this is key) Ocean was NOT A PRICESCOPE VENDOR and didn't use our terminology THE SAME WAY WE DO, part of the problem with my first halo was that she understood what I said differently. We were both communicating-- but we were misunderstanding each other (while thinking we were in complete agreement) because although we were using the same words we defined them differently. Neil was able to step in for me and BECAUSE he is in the trade, explain to Ocean in HER terminology what I wanted. So again, since you aren't going to the jeweler till January, you might want to consider having hiring an appraiser, having them look at your ring, see what the ring looks like in real life and what the metal work looks like, show the appraiser pictures of what you WANT the ring to look like and then have him talk to your jeweler. Most appraisers have an hourly rate (85 an hour or so) so-- this is a MUCH CHEAPER way to find out what you need than to start from scratch. I do think it is worth the investment in THIS case.

Best to you.
Gypsy|1324001158|3082590 said:
kels0054|1323959034|3082135 said:
And yes Laila!
That's a great question you brought about how, if she's a master goldsmith at ocean how would anyone know that it wouldn't last?? How did you guys know that Leon and SK would last? It's great that they are, I just mean in general, how does one know if they're really getting a ring that wont loose stones-- so scary haha

Gold smith. Operative word is GOLD. Gold is not diamonds and platinum and pave. It was my mistake in not understanding that. And as for how would I know--- Neil told me, at my appraisal that the pave was not Leon quality and he also told me he was surprised at the quality given her reputation. I just didn't clarify that with him to understand that what that meant for me was-- tons of lose stones. Granted I do wish he had been more blunt and just said... look this pave isn't going to last. But I also should have asked that question if it was important to me.

As for your question: how can you tell. My answer: That's what appraisals are for. YOU probably can't tell. But a good appraiser who evaluates high end stuff CAN tell.

ETA: Kels, I would pay attention to RD's post. I have no idea if he is right. But if I were you I would start a new thread asking for vendors to comment on pave and see if other's agree with RD.

CAD pave rings aren't going to look like hand forged. I don't think there's anything to disagree with, kwim?

I've wanted to use "kwim" in a post forever, kwim? :saint:
Danny I think it depends on the skill of the CAD and the skill of the hand forged. According to Frankie Steven and Leon use some cast pieces in their work some times (this has not been substantiated, IMO) -- whether they were cast from a hand carved mold (like Hunt Country) or CAD (like ERD) molding is irrelevant. Leon and Steven's pave is considered some of the best in class.

Hand forged can be REALLY REALLY awful. Just wonky and asymmetrical and bad. And CAD, if used for a solid frame and then finished hand set pave (hand drilled holes, hand made prongs, the whole nine yards) can be lovely and might be mistaken for a full (well done) hand forged piece (which is Frankie's contention about Steven and Leon).

Also, some pieces are hybrids having elements of both. Mine is and always has been. My halo and gallery wires (both by Steven and by Ocean) are hand forged and handmade and hand set. My shank was done with CAD and then cast.

One isn't better than the other, they are both tools. As with any tool, your skill at applying it and making sure to use it for the correct applications and in the correct manner are the key to success.

And I do kwym. 8)
diamondseeker2006|1324214936|3083938 said:
Danny, go back a few posts and look at the BG cast piece (I assume) I linked. A cast piece needs to look that good. I don't expect it to look like Victor's, but it should at least look like a BG ring that costs $700 less.

Here it is:

Oh no, I agree.

I was just saying based on reading the posts on page 1 the OP seemed to want a HW type look or a LM/ Charmypoo, SK/ Gypsy type look.

I personally believe she should be comparing her ring to WF's/ BG's rings instead. However, she would have to be open to doing this and nothing I've read would lead me to believe this is the case.
Wow your comments were EXACTLY PINNED with exactly what I think the problem was with communication with my jeweler!! That, I feel, is the exact reason that I landed where I did with my ring, miss communication for sure! Your questions about the out of house benches or vendors too is a GREAT question to ask! I'm so glad you said that because I was very unaware of that! And I bet you're completely right that he does have a few different ones because the store does a lot of custom work, so I'm sure that's the case! I'm going to copy and paste that whole paragraph that you said-so I remember to use exact names of vendors and such, so thank you!! That was so helpful!!

As far as pictures of the rings I gave him, I had been searching and googling halo rings for a while, but I found a few on Ring Envy too that I showed him, my favorite was one from Diamonds by Lauren that I saw on Ring Envy. Let me find it-- The problem was the photos weren't great in quality so they were a little fuzzy (to his defense) What I should have done was gone on Diamonds by Lauren or BG and found an exact ring and took that to him. I'll try to find some of the photo's I showed him, but basically they were halo styles like on DBL.

I didn't want cut corners. I still have the original cad drawing he gave me, that we altered a TON. It was more of a channel setting with cut corners and a 2 mm band, which I DID NOT WANT. I wanted a very thin band.

I think I should have worded what I wanted a bit differently from the beginning of this thread though, because I think I was a little misleading to PSers in exactly what I showed my jeweler. (I wrote my first post quickly and probably didn't give enough specifics) because I DID NOT hand my jeweler a picture of the HW ring and say "MAKE THIS". I definitely brought in a few different photos and kind of said, I want this from this picture and this from that. There were some changes I wanted to make to some of the photos like:

-I didn't want the doughnut (I think that's what its called) because I wanted my ring to sit flush with my two wedding bands,
- I didn't want cut corners( I never showed him photos with cut corners though)
- I didn't want sharp straight edges (I felt like it looks a little harsh or something, I just personally like the more curved edge. I actually don't think I told him that I wanted the halo to be "cushioned" but I just said I dont want sharp corners, so that's how we ended with this..(which totally makes sense for excess metal, so that is partly my fault..)
-I wanted my ring to sit lower on my finger (just personal preference) and not so high up

BUT the entire time, I was very adamant about having it look like the least amount of metal as possible. I think he thought I was insane, but I know for a fact he knew that I wanted it to look like that, so that's why I'm not concerned about going back in there, because when he showed us the cad (and I'm obviously not as informed about pave or halo as any of you) but when I saw the last cad that we agreed too, it's obviously magnified so the scoops on the halo looked quite deep, but of course they don't look as deep on my actual ring. I'm fairly certain if at that last cad meeting if I had said a little less metal that I would be completely 100% happy with the metal on my ring, I Just thought that from the CAD it looked like exactly what I had seen. I remember thinking to myself to look for u cut grooves that were partially deep and that's what the cad showed me, so when I ok'd it I guess I didn't think about how magnified the cad was. And the thing is looking down at my ring, you really can't see a lot of metal, but I do think when I look at BG and WF and DBL I still feel that there is still a little less metal because of the pave style. Or that the melee look more individual- so all of the examples that everyone's posted are GREAT! THanks : )

Even Verragio halo rings seem to have less metal. ( I personally don't like verragio AT ALL, (sorry if that offends anyone) but their halo's seem to have less metal as well.)

I'll try to post some more macro images of my ring this week! I need to find my camera first :confused:
Yes you're right, I was a bit misleading in my original post about the HW. I am definitely comparing my ring to BG, WF and DBL. I wrote that first post really quickly, and I do LOVE the HW rings, but I didn't show him a photo of one and say make this, so you're definitely right that when I go in in January, or I may email him prior links to a lot of the BG, DBL, or WF halo examples.
Kels, I'm pretty sure Knox does CAD (I've seen CADs from them). Also their prices are really good. So I would call for a quote to see what they charge-- just so you can have that in your research as well. You CAN also ask them to email you an extreme close up of their pave so you can see exactly what it looks like in detail. And then compare it to yours (with a loupe).

I think your current post is much clearer, and explains your concerns much better than your original posts. I can see better where you are coming from.

That said, I REALLY THINK you should still share the image of the Steven Halo with them to illustrate how even the pave is (yours isn't as much), how little metal is needed to hold a stone (4 secure prongs, but they don't have to be bulky and bump-tastic), and what you mean by the V-cuts.


And make sure the image is clear, and not blurry. Details matter, as you are discovering.

Best of luck to you.
Thank you for telling me that Knox sends magnified images, I just sent them an email asking for a few settings pave halo work magnified! I had emailed them earlier asking about their policy and they said that:
"We have a lifetime warranty on missing diamonds as long as the problem comes from normal wear and tear. If the ring by chance was in an accident or the missing diamonds were due to lifting weights(which has happened), then the warranty would not be valid"

which is an awesome policy!
Thank you for your help! Now, let the waiting begin until I see my jeweler in January :snore:
Atleast now I'll have a lot of information to back up my case when I go in, and some great examples to show! (and a lot more knowledge from PSers!)
Thanks everyone! :wavey:
kels0054|1324235897|3084067 said:
Does anyone know if KNOX JEWELERS uses CAST/CAD settings (I would assume they do? but don't know for sure) and does anyone have any experience or know anything about their quality and durability?
I like these settings as well:

This ring's shape looks SOO similar to mine in person and still has a less metal look in the halo! ( so glad I found this example) :tongue:

Great find! More stuff to print off and bring to your jeweler.
Good luck! Kels and keep us posted how it's going. I did contact SK already and will send out my ring to him after holiday!!! :appl: I am so happy even not start or finish yet LOL... Thank you so very much specially you Kels for start this post, Charmypoo and Gypsy for such informative response. Happy haolidays to you all!
decodelighted|1324321080|3084668 said:
CharmyPoo|1324172742|3083758 said:
The truth is ... your ring doesn't look too different from a LOGR ring. This is why some of us feel you overpaid.
This is perhaps the rudest thing I've ever seen posted on PS. And I've seen doozies.

Oh Deco, how can you say that? You've posted comments that make this one look like a fairytale. :eek:
Kels- one thing to keep in mind regarding pricing: A walk inn "Brick and Mortar" jewelry store offers a lot of costly services an internet seller generally does not- certainly than the more competitive priced internet sellers.
Basically consumers must pay for the rent, and other services a local jewelry store provides- for a lot of folks, it's worth it, as many people will not be comfortable dealing with an internet merchant for such a substantial purchase.
Unfortunately for B&M jewelers, more and more people do buy from internet sellers- but this does not negate the additional value offered by a local jeweler store.
Basically, you can't ask them to compete with sellers offering a totally different type of service- I mean, you can ask- but it's quite likely they have to work on a different structure of costs- which will affect the price.

In terms of the style and how your ring looks: I'm afraid you've opened a sort of "Pandora's box" here.
It's a fairly common event- people come to PS after they've purchased, and learn things they might have wanted to know before they purchased.
Then you have all the opinions- which in this case, may not be helping you.
It may very well be that you bought a relatively good quality ring, at a relatively fair price, given the circumstances - and now, if we hold that style and price up to possible alternatives you could have had made, it makes the purchae seem not as good by comparison.
But in a certain sense, what's done is done- it may not be realistic to expect the store who made this ring to arrive at a result such as rings being discussed here.

I wish you all the best!
isaku5|1324322659|3084691 said:
decodelighted|1324321080|3084668 said:
CharmyPoo|1324172742|3083758 said:
The truth is ... your ring doesn't look too different from a LOGR ring. This is why some of us feel you overpaid.
This is perhaps the rudest thing I've ever seen posted on PS. And I've seen doozies.
Oh Deco, how can you say that? You've posted comments that make this one look like a fairytale. :eek:
Really? Ruder than "the *truth* is your $3K ring looks like a $200 ebay special?" There's a real undercurrent of snobbery amidst all this "help" offered on this thread. I'm sure the folks to blame for that wouldn't want anyone digging up their old posts as they learned all these "lessons" to the tune of thousands and thousands of wasted dollars. :eek: for sure.
decodelighted said:
isaku5|1324322659|3084691 said:
decodelighted|1324321080|3084668 said:
CharmyPoo|1324172742|3083758 said:
The truth is ... your ring doesn't look too different from a LOGR ring. This is why some of us feel you overpaid.
This is perhaps the rudest thing I've ever seen posted on PS. And I've seen doozies.
Oh Deco, how can you say that? You've posted comments that make this one look like a fairytale. :eek:
Really? Ruder than "the *truth* is your $3K ring looks like a $200 ebay special?" There's a real undercurrent of snobbery amidst all this "help" offered on this thread. I'm sure the folks to blame for that wouldn't want anyone digging up their old posts as they learned all these "lessons" to the tune of thousands and thousands of wasted dollars. :eek: for sure.

I must admit I thought the same thing (that the OP's ring looks like a LOGR setting). I didn't think that as an insult, though -- more like "she spent so much more than she needed to in order to end up with what looks like a stock setting." Maybe that's what Charmypoo meant?

I'm looking at several LOGR settings myself, so certainly wouldn't insult anyone with one. ;)
decodelighted|1324323158|3084701 said:
isaku5|1324322659|3084691 said:
decodelighted|1324321080|3084668 said:
CharmyPoo|1324172742|3083758 said:
The truth is ... your ring doesn't look too different from a LOGR ring. This is why some of us feel you overpaid.
This is perhaps the rudest thing I've ever seen posted on PS. And I've seen doozies.
Oh Deco, how can you say that? You've posted comments that make this one look like a fairytale. :eek:
Really? Ruder than "the *truth* is your $3K ring looks like a $200 ebay special?" There's a real undercurrent of snobbery amidst all this "help" offered on this thread. I'm sure the folks to blame for that wouldn't want anyone digging up their old posts as they learned all these "lessons" to the tune of thousands and thousands of wasted dollars. :eek: for sure.

Deco, I know you like to be indirect in your aggression at other PSers, but can we be adults for a moment and actually name the people whom you are criticising? This thread is meant to help the OP, and if she does not know whom you are attacking, then how will your comments help her at all to decide how to take the advice being offered?

I will do it, in the interest of being direct, and because I think your comment is factually incorrect. Charmy has not to my knowledge wasted any money learning her lessons. Her ring remakes were done at the cost of the vendors because the vendors made mistakes and stood behind their goods. Her advice reflects this: She is telling the OP to have her jeweler remake the ring to the OPs satisfaction.

Gypsy has also been up front in this very thread about the money she spent to remake a ring that was not up to standard, and I don't think it was thousands and thousands, I believe it was a very moderate amount all things considered. Her advice reflects this, she is suggesting the OP get a refund and use a vendor who can meet her vision.

Frankie has spent a lot of money on her rigs, no doubt about that, but she has never hidden from that fact and would doubtless want the OP to avoid her mistakes. Her advice reflects her own approach to her remakes by presenting one's jewler with a list of things the jeweler needs to correct.

Are there others in this thread who have been "rude" in your estimate and have also wasted thousands and thousands on resets, whom the OP should be warned about? If so, name them, please, don't allude to some vast conspiracy.

The OP spent a considerable amount on her ring. She is not happy, and I think the information in this thread will help her and is no different than the information we post every day in RT helping consumers try to achieve their goals. If it was a diamond in question, and not a setting, people would be saying the same thing using different examples. For example, "Your diamond is poorly cut and likely to be similar to those sold at a mall jewlery store. Please get a refund!" We say these things every day in RT.

ETA: I also believe that Kels has done an excellent job of *directly* confronting people whom she believed were being rude, showing her maturity on this issue. I am not sure she needs your interference.... err... help on this one.
Surely, you should understand that we are here to help others by sharing what we have learnt so that they do not have the make the mistakes we have. Personally, I find LOGR to be great value and they are extremly underpriced. I have tons of settings from them and don't feel like I am too good for them - perhaps you are looking down on LOGR rings?

I much rather my bluntness than your passive aggressiveness. In my mind, what is truly rude is to start numerous discussion threads with the intention to mock others without explicitly calling them out. I rather just have the discussion with the person in openess which I feel is much more beneficial. I dare not take the rudeness crown from you - I haven't done nearly enough to deserve such honor.

Hypocrite much?
deco, I've never had a pave setting so maybe I can be the neutral one here? We were confused at first because kels said she was interested in a HW style setting. We then basically said, you need handmade for that and suggested the usual makers. She then said she was fine with a cast setting but hers just had too much metal. We showed her ones like Brian Gavin (which was $700 less) and she found one from Knox that also had better workmanship than hers. I sincerely and honestly think the comment about the LOGR was just a workmanship comparison. I didn't see it as an insult. I think most of us were just trying to say that maybe her jeweler's bench just can't do the quality of work of BG or Knox. And for the quality she actually got, she could have paid a lot less. All to try to help her get her ring remade better!

(The previous two posts were posted while I had my posting window open and I didn't see their replies before I posted. It may be redundant but I am leaving it in case it might explain something further.)
Hmmm. I quoted the main post I found over the line. Not much to interpret about that!

If there are people on this thread that the original poster finds "snobby" (as I mentioned) ... or hostile ... or unduly frustrated -- I suggest she consult THEIR old posts & determine FOR HERSELF how much credence she wants to give them. Or how HURT to be by their repeated, worsening, bordering on cruel IMHO criticisms of her ring.

With regard to "naming names" etc -- it's my understanding that personal attacks on other members are not permitted. If you think that's "childish" or "immature" ... take it up with the moderators. Believe me, I'd be happy to describe AT GREAT LENGTH my personal feeling about many PS posters ... were it allowed. I do not believe there's some vast conspiracy at work here in regards to the OP?? :confused: And never alluded to any such thing. :rolleyes:
CharmyPoo|1324328719|3084766 said:

Riiiight. You're "here to help" and *I* have "the intention to mock". What XRAY vision you have to people's intentions! I am DELIGHTED for anyone to explore those threads intently for evidence of my "rudeness". Here's a thought -- skip my threads and posts if they bother you so! :wavey: And please do report them if they violate PS policy. As I'll do for yours.
decodelighted|1324323158|3084701 said:
isaku5|1324322659|3084691 said:
decodelighted|1324321080|3084668 said:
CharmyPoo|1324172742|3083758 said:
The truth is ... your ring doesn't look too different from a LOGR ring. This is why some of us feel you overpaid.
This is perhaps the rudest thing I've ever seen posted on PS. And I've seen doozies.
Oh Deco, how can you say that? You've posted comments that make this one look like a fairytale. :eek:
Really? Ruder than "the *truth* is your $3K ring looks like a $200 ebay special?" There's a real undercurrent of snobbery amidst all this "help" offered on this thread. I'm sure the folks to blame for that wouldn't want anyone digging up their old posts as they learned all these "lessons" to the tune of thousands and thousands of wasted dollars. :eek: for sure.

I agree with you, Deco. Here's the thing we all need to remember--not everyone wants the exact same cookie cutter 1.7mm thin micropave Leon style halo with donut. It's refreshing to see different style halos by different jewelers.
decodelighted|1324330188|3084783 said:
Hmmm. I quoted the main post I found over the line. Not much to interpret about that!

If there are people on this thread that the original poster finds "snobby" (as I mentioned) ... or hostile ... or unduly frustrated -- I suggest she consult THEIR old posts & determine FOR HERSELF how much credence she wants to give them. Or how HURT to be by their repeated, worsening, bordering on cruel IMHO criticisms of her ring.
With regard to "naming names" etc -- it's my understanding that personal attacks on other members are not permitted. If you think that's "childish" or "immature" ... take it up with the moderators. Believe me, I'd be happy to describe AT GREAT LENGTH my personal feeling about many PS posters ... were it allowed. I do not believe there's some vast conspiracy at work here in regards to the OP?? :confused: And never alluded to any such thing. :rolleyes:

By no means do I want to hear a long diatribe of your complaints about PSers. But when you say things like the bolded, which is clearly about Gypsy, I believe, but do not name the person whom you believe to be offering poor advice, then it leaves a new poster like the OP looking for snarks amongst those offering help here, and puts the OP in a position where they might need to search through every posters threads to find the person to whom you allude. It also has the effect of dismissing the advice of *all* posters in a thread, because by not making clear whom you are critiquing, you actually critique us all. That is the problem with passive aggression. Is taints many mpore people than the one(s) you mean to criticise, and thus is not helpful at all. If you cannot think of a way to make your point that does not break PS rules, then it is not a point that needs to be made here on PS.

If you want to help the OP, then saying something direct like you did with Charmy is helpful, if misdirected in my opinion. Then the OP can make up her own mind. It is also not a character attack, or need not be. Going beyond that is not helpful to the OP, it simply brings up your own baggage where it does not belong -- this is RT after all, not Hangout -- and as I said, casts all the helpers in this thread in an ill light.

Once again, I believe the OP has done a good job of directly confronting the people whom she believes have treated her badly. Ella has also weighed in. I do not see why your "help" is required?