GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ICY white and so much fire! Love your descriptions of the Celtic symbols on the setting....Caroline, it is going to be AMAZING!!! Hooray
OMG, I am so happy for you. That''s a beauty! Your ring will be so gorgeous. That sparkly looked so beautiful on your hand. I love it! Plus I am so excited for you that the first BM dress for your sister is done. Yeah!!!
Caroline, your invitations are beautiful--romantic and personal!! And that stone is quite the dazzler, isn''t it?? I bet you''re just dying to have it set!
You're so sneaky! I miss everything because I don't check this thread regularly. Your diamond is beautiful. I can't wait to see it in a setting. And the invitations are fabulous. I love the rich colors!
thank you all SO much ! hoooorah !!! I''m so excited. I spent time last night with all the rings I already have, trying to make decisions about the band. I also tried sketching what I want - looks like a lopsided hoola-hoop! hehehe. Anyway, I have a ring already where the sides of the band are polished but the top (the part you see) is not and I actually really like the effect. I also have another ring where the band is uniform the entire way around (same width as depth as thickness) and I like that too. I have both of those (and two others) with me today as I''m going to meet with my jeweler and the designer during lunch-hour. Exciting !
I was also excited to find a review for them on here (though only one, it was a good one so I was pleased). ADCO is the name ( I think an amalgamation of their family names - the woman I''m dealing with is the daughter and her name is Aline). I will let you all know how it goes when I get back. I need to decide and let them do a wax because otherwise I won''t have the ring before I go home to be married !
thanks for all the enthusiasm and compliments ! I''m soooooooooooooooo happy I found you girls. This is just the best group of women around. I DEFINITELY think we should end up on Oprah !
btw, on a funny side note. Peter and I went to a wedding in Vermont this past weekend. Horrendous time getting there, snow, unplowed roads - passed six cars spun-out off the highway. The wedding was great though. The bride is from home and her hubby is from here. About fifteen people travelled from Ireland as well as the ones, like me, from home but living here. The Inn said they''d never had a wedding like it. We drank them dry of Guinness and at one point the poor bartender left the bar he was soooo stressed trying to keep up with demand !!!
The brides sister went behind the bar and helped out ! After the ''official'' wedding ended, we all went back to the downstairs bar and there was a big sing-song until the wee hours. We had a GREAT time and got lots of congrats on our own plans and I felt so great and can''t WAIT for our day !
The wedding was in Stowe and the reception was in The Green Mountain Inn. Everything was lovely. I can get more info. from Helen when she gets back from her honeymoon if you like.
I am so excited - I''ll have a ''prototype'' to look at in two weeks !
I had a really great meeting with Aline. I really like her, easy to talk to, very interested in all my ideas and very knowledgable. We went through more of James'' work (I can''t say, much less spell, his surname - it''s Armenian!) and his work is astounding and though a bit too industrial for me, it is along the lines of the type of style I''m after so I think he will be able to do a good job. In any case I''ll get to see the ring before he goes ahead. She said he usually does the working-model in sterling silver or gold - so it''ll be great to see it ''for real''. The best thing is that if we''re happy and like it and don''t make any changes, I''ll have my ring in about two weeks after that, so just in time for going home really. I''ll probably just have enough time to get over oohing and aaahing over it myself before we go !! heheh.
Croi, the stone is beautiful! As is the design. Better yet is that it''s representative of you & unique! Keep bouncing around! Can''t wait to see the finished product!
Hehe....sounds like the wedding & reception were a night to remember. Did anyone forewarn them about the Irish invasion? hehe.
well, I'm busybusy but I have been reading posts (though not replying - sorry) but I had to send you all the latest from me.
first, the bag of 'everything' my friend brought home finally made it to my Mom's and my sisters LOVELOVELOVE the bridesmaid dress ! hoorah !!!! victory in the sister department !!!
the sister that particular dress was made for says it fits perfect and the others really like the colours and the fabrics so that is great. I'm going to get them jewelry to match as their bridesmaids gifts.
second, we chose our wedding rings at the weekend and I'm VERY excited about it. In the end I went for something I initially had thought I wouldn't feel comfortable with but which I loved once I tried it on. They are big, wide Celtic knotwork rings and on ours, the knotwork will be white gold and the rails on either side of the knot will be yellow gold. Best of all I was allowed 'borrow' the one I tried on (though it was really a half size too small) and bring it to Aline so James is going to make sure my e-ring will sit flush with the wedding ring and that my diamond will be set in low but not so low as to interfere with the point of contact between the two rings. I'm really excited now about both because I know James will make my e-ring a really good match for my wedding band.
btw, I realise folk on here tend to stay with the same tried and true designers/jewelers - has anyone given a newbie a shot before ? (hmm, may start a new thread about this!)
I am happy to be giving this guy a shot because his style is right up my alley and I'm all for giving someone a chance to prove their artistic talent and I tend to be a bit on the 'alternative' side of things so this is all feeling so right to me. Peter dropped the wedding ring to them this morning so I hope to hear something back on my 'test ring' by the end of the week.
This is our wedding ring - well, kinda ! This is the ring we are getting but we are getting it with white gold knotwork in the centre and yellow gold rails at the edges.
I love it ! Not everyone''s cup of tea I know but I totally love it !!
croi - I really really love your wedding band. I love the knot design. You and your FI are both getting the same one? I like that idea. (but FI just would NOT go for a 2mm diamond eternity band. lol).. but I like the idea of matching bands. I always thought when I was a little girl that my husband and I would have almost identical wedding bands...
Love your bands Croi! I like the look of having the metal cut away instead of just engraved. VERY COOL!!! My brother and sister-in-law have Celtic Weave rings. This isnt exactly theirs, but close. Theirs are all gold and are burnished(?)( have black behind the design). This one is yellow and white gold like you are getting though! I also think its is cool they let you borrow one to make sure your ering will sit flush! I cant wait for May and hear all the great details!!!
Okay, I am sooo excited right now. Everything is coming together almost better than I ever dared hope ! This week has just been one good thing after another.
First, we are now nearly certain that one of his sons will be able to make the wedding (both are military boys) and that is going to make the whole event all the more wonderful for my honey which makes me superduper happy !!
We also have had to do a lot of red tape on both sides of the Atlantic, both with the church and the state and we got a phonecall from the church on Monday evening and then an e-mail from the state on Tuesday morning, both saying everything is in order, we are free to marry !!!! WHOOPEDEEDODAAADAY !!!!!
As well as this, one of my beau''s best pals is trying to organise to be there, but we aren''t telling himself !!! We are going to surprise him ! I am thinking of organising golf for the boyos the morning of the wedding (get them out of our hair !
) and if his friend can make it, we''re going to just have him be the ''other guy'' making up the crew for golf and totally catch my honey off guard ! Won''t that be the best ?!?!?!
also got an phonecall from my marquee guy and an e-mail from the owner of the pub and both are nearly as excited as we are about our upcoming event !! heheh
AND, to top it all off - remember how I wasn''t planning on having any video ? - well, a friend who is coming to the wedding has an old home movie 8mm camera and has offered to do an "old-style" home movie of the ceremony and then take some footage on the following day at the reception and put it all together. I''m so excited because the idea of an old home movie sounds terrific to me.
Here is how I am feeling right now !
and now all we need is a sunshinyday
and my-oh-my am I going to have the wedding of my dreams !!!
thanks Apple ! I swear that any day now I''ll need to be tethered to something to keep me from bouncing or floating skyward with happiness and excitement !!
I always dreamed it would feel this amazing but I never thought it really WOULD BE this incredible. I am beyond happy - I''m bloomin'' ecstatic !!
Croi, I am so happy and so excited for you. Everything will work out just fine. You and fiance will have your dream wedding! Big hugs sweetie! Thinking of you and sending you all my love and lots of sunshine and great weather from the Philippines!
I know I haven''t posted on this thread before, but I''ve been following your thread. WHAT''S GOING ON???? You''ve been so quiet the past few days and I truly enjoy reading your enthusiasm!
P.S. I really like your invitations. The happiness in the picture of the two of you warms my heart.
Hi Croi....I haven''t been around the last week & a half. Just read your threads....my how far your plans have come! The wedding band is very unique! Love it & find it very fitting given your history. As others have already said, your attitude is truly heart warming & infectious! Hope everything else is going well! Can''t wait to hear a happiness update! hehe.
hello ladies
I knew a dose of PS was just what I needed today. I''ve been a bit homesick and out of sorts, wish my sisters weren''t so far away etc.
I kind of logged on here to vent about someone''s behaviour at the weekend (I am not chipper and singing The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music every moment you know, I do get cheesed off too !) but I just read what you all said and you are SO SWEET and it is true that things are coming together WONDERFULLY so I think I''ll write about that instead !
Well - here is the latest ........
it''s only four weeks !!! four weeks from today we arrive at home to get MARRIED !!! ohmyohmy!
to follow-up on my last posts - here is where things stand now, thirty-one days to go !
No wedding dress (haven''t done a thing about it since I last wrote - next week!)
No shoes (waiting so they''ll match the dress !)
Can''t decide on a veil ......... any thoughts ??
No e-ring - but it''s in the process, designer started on it last week.
No wedding rings - but they will be here before we fly home.
No idea what the guys are wearing - not sure if this bugs me or if I don''t really care !
Do have - MAN OF MY DREAMS !!!
His son as his best man (definite now, flights booked and all !)
One of his best pals to surprise him and stand with him too (also definite now & booked!)
Ball rolling and more or less in place re: photos, location, church, flowers, food, music.
basically I''ve been really good at organising other people''s stuff but haven''t even begun to look at my own yet. I really NEED to ! I think I''m going to try to go to the mall tonight and do a shoe-scout. I need shoes for me AND for the girls too. To be honest I think I''ve been subconsciously putting it off because it''s something I always felt I''d share with my sisters (who are too far away) and my once-best-friend (who took ex''s side after we split) and I think I''m putting it off because I''m going to feel ''girl-pal-lonely'' to be off doing it by myself. I know some folk much prefer not to have others'' opinions interfering but I love do girl-stuff with girl company. Still, it''s getting down to the wire now, I really need to get my arse in gear and start being proactive about my own bits and pieces.
So, any ideas on the veil thing ?? And any ideas where to get one that isn''t white or ivory but cream ???
Love you girls, you just brought me up SEVERAL notches ..... and you haven''t even replied yet !
THIRTY-ONE DAYS !!!!! good lord in heaven ! eeek !
As I hyperactively wrote on the above thread, my wonderful Mom is arriving out on this coming Thursday to share the last few weeks of wedding shopping and mayhem with me ! hoorah !
I got my dress fabric on Saturday. It''s a plain simple cream colour that is not satin but looks a bit like it, shiny on one side. We are putting the shiny side IN because I don''t want a shiny dress, but when the outer skirt flairs out as I walk you''ll see that shine, which doesn''t sound good as I write it but does look nice !
We did our pre-marriage course at the weekend and it went fine. Thank goodness !
My sisters have been on the phone about my flowers and the food. Everyone is getting very excited now as we inch ever closer.
Three weeks from tomorrow we fly - 25 days from tomorrow we get married !!
wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo !
Clock is tick-tick-ticking !!
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