.....ITA!!! It''s like the cliffhanger before the commercial break!
Can''t wait for..........
the EXCITING CONCLUSION of the season finale of..."a very special Irish Wedding" (Brought to you by Lifetime Television, Guinnes Stout, and Tigger, --whose top is made out of stuffing, and bottom''s made out of springs)
you lot are totally off your trolleys ! the whole lot of you loonies !!! must show himself the Croi-bie ......... bonkers, I''m telling you !!
I tried to get on yesterday but work was a bear. Thankfully it''s only 2:00PM and things are quiet so will try to get a bit said today.
I still don''t have pics up but my own family are screaming nearly as much as you ladies so I am going to have to get some uploaded this weekend. will post a link ........
just reduced this one especially for you all though ........ our hands, and rings ....
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the lads check into their place and we go back to our place and I leave himself there with his son Nick so they have some time. They both end up just going to sleep for a few hours ! I go to my mothers, more cousins arriving and whatnot ... chaos is the order of the day !
Friday evening I''m in town and I haven''t eaten anything all day and I''ve been up now since 4:30AM with only three hours sleep (half-sleep!) .... and I am getting about ten texts a minute on my phone. My bro-in-law has organised a stag (bachelor party) for P. He has called in all my cousins husbands and boyfriends aswell and there''s about eighteen of them. He has hired a bus to take them on a pub crawl ....... so the girls decide they are taking me out too and I''m not to leave town .... (you all can tell where this is going to end up) so I''m in a pub (alone) and order a pint of the black stuff. It''s actually lovely, my first few minutes totally to myself in days.
Then it was funny because I was in the bar directly across the street from the stag so all the lads were together and I was by myself so I went over to them ! Course I got roared at when I went in the door but it was fine, early hours yet .......... long story short, the pints were joined by champagne - sisters, cousins, aunts, friends & even my Mom joined me on my ''hen'' and I wore this mad wig and kept texting my bro-in-law to be sure they weren''t doing any unmentionable things to my poor honey !!!!
here''s me after a while
finally the guys came back to town (did a crawl round countryside pubs in the middle of nowhere!) and we all met up - everyone merry and then some at this point, dancing and getting VERY jiggy with it !!!
great fun - off for burgers and chips but now I''m feeling
say goodbye to my honey, will see him tomorrow at the church .........
now - I have to interject here that I (despite being Irish) am not the worlds biggest consumer of alcoholic beverages, I think I was on such a total natural high, so sleep deprived, hungry etc. and I just was having a bloomin'' great time !!!!!!
yours truly (ashamed to say) wakes up decidedly feeling ''under the weather'' ....
incidentally, the day begins grey and overcast with drizzley showers - not the wedding day a girl hopes for.
last thing on my (now pounding) brain is the weather. the phone rings, another arrival from the U.S. (all, of course, chipper and high-spirited and alive and awake and excited) so I have to go to town and meet him. I just about wanted to KICK MYSELF for the night before.
I go to town, meet him, show him where he''s staying etc. He finds my state HIGHLY amusing. I go home and crawl back into bed.
the hairdresser arrives at 11:00AM. I am being consulted from my bed about various bits and pieces for later in the day. I wonder what state my honey is in. I tell them all to get their hairs done first. I finally get up again at 1:00PM.
now I just TAKE CHARGE ......... I just totally mentally take charge and point blank REFUSE to feel hungover any longer. dammit !
and, miracle of miracles, it worked
Had a shower and felt like myself for the first time all day ! hooorah !!
Got my hair done, was feeling rather like a princess once I got my headdress on. yikes !!
time is a-tickin''
going to the chapel and we''re gonna get ma, aa, aa, ried
going to the chapel and we''re gonna get ma, aa, aa, ried
oh this is great. I LOVE STORIES. Feel like I should be curled up by the fire with slippers on and a mug of something. But I''m at work so this presents a challenge.
hey, it''s not on purpose ..... I get rudely interrupted by work !
so, things then got a bit "whoa!" for me ........ and I had to ring my sweetie and hear his voice tell me that when I got the church he WAS going to be there ! He promised he would be !
so then I was fine. From that point on I was on a little cloud, just floating around the house - no stress, no panic, nothing but a silly grin on my face and LITERALLY a song in my heart !
Two of my four sisters were there by now and dressed and ready and my two nephews (SO ADORABLE, wait till ye see !) and then third sis arrived and then bro-in-law left to take the groom and bestman/groomsmen to the church ......... IT''S ALL HAPPENING !!!
I was ready to get into my dress !!! DEEP BREATH !!!!
I''m telling you ladies, no matter how much you dream of it, imagine it, picture it - you just look at yourself and can''t believe your eyes ......... I just couldn''t believe it was me, really me, and it was really REAL and REALLY HAPPENING ... I was IN MY WEDDING DRESS !
I was about to marry this amazing, wonderful, incredible man who wanted to spend the rest of his life with me - and I was going to do it with all my family around me, and now, I look outside and THE SUN WAS SHINING AND THE SKIES WERE BLUE !!!!!!!
It''s totally overwhelming ........... in the BEST, most amazing way !
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