
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the CB is going to get the boat. No point in him paying for it until it comes out of storage for the year and get delivered to the boat house but it's pretty much a done deal. I like the ring setting for your sapphire and your new pendant is GORGEOUS!

Rod, I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling poorly. As for daylight savings time, I am 100% with you! WHY on earth do they still do this to us...? I object!

I had a crazy busy weekend, which carried over to yesterday. Plus I just put a listing on the market and I'm getting absolutely slammed with showing requests. Definitely not a bad thing, but people are not being flexible at all and there is a tenant in the unit currently so I can't just put the place on lockbox and let agents go in whenever they want to. Argh. Hopefully it will sell quickly and then it won't matter any more!

Next Monday I have to go over and appeal my property taxes on the boat house. Based on my sale price they were supposed to go DOWN 20% but instead they are going UP 20%. Um... NO. So I have an appointment with the appeals board to "discuss" this.

More to report but have to bolt off to a meeting. Will be back later!
Hi Kids!

Rod, I am sorry this has been such a slow recovery for you. I hope you feel better and stronger every day. Brr to your cold weather. I was chuckling listening to news going to work today about wind gusts back east 30 or 40 mph. That's a breeze here.

Dee Jay, good luck on your taxes. Good plan to wait on the boat until you can actually use it. Good deal you have a new listing.

Worked an hour late tonight. Had a chat with one of my negative employees. Told her to keep it positive. Quit complaining and being negative. She denied it all and wouldn't talk about it. I also told her at least 1/2 of the time she doesn't have her days done in time and she denied that as well. I am such a liar and unreasonable.

They are showing surfers in NY on the news. That water has got to be frigid.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, negative employees are The Worst! And yes, you are a liar and unreasonable. I've been meaning to tell you that. :lol:

Last night the CB made mini-burgers for dinner. He forgot to turn the on the oven for tater tots, but probably just as well because there was chocolate cake for dessert. :lickout:

This morning I was wide awake at 5:30 so the CB made be coffee. I actually even GOT UP (!) early (which I sometimes don't I just hang out in bed until 8 or so) and went by my real estate office to pick up brochures for my new listing on my way to my financial office, and I was at my desk here by about 7:30. Whew. Hope nobody saw me -- wouldn't want them to think that was my new pattern!

Downtown is still all snowy but it will be a grey and grimy mess of slush soon enough since it's supposed to warm up quite a bit. Ah, the joys of spring snow!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I wish you’d filled me in earlier about me being a liar and unreasonable. Then I wouldn’t have been so mean to my employee. She didn’t talk to me today. Strange. I am sure 2 of her co-workers who had to clean up her mess weren’t thrilled with her either.

Mini burgers sound delicious but so does chocolate cake.

Way to start the day bright and early. I was thinking of setting my alarm 15 minutes earlier so I can get to work a few minutes early but how long that would last is hard to say.

Ugh to dirty, gray snow at least this time of year it melts fast.

The weather was pretty nice when I got off work today; I bet it was near 60 and only breezy instead of windy. Woo hoo!

Have a great evening and Thursday. The weekend is once again in site.

Curby / Marcy
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I bet the days when your problem employees don't speak to you are a real joy, LOL!

Last night I showed the newly listed property to four people in half and hour and we are now under contract at full price! A second person is mad she didn't get to submit at offer but what can I do? We got a good deal put in front of us and the owner went with it. Welcome to the land of real estate. Unfortunately the agent is someone that I've known for many years of out my own office and he's quite pissy about it but it's not about US (the agents) is about the buyer and the seller. Sometimes people forget that.

This morning I was dead asleep when my alarm went off (probably because I had gotten up so early the day before) and it was all I could do to drag myself out of bed at 8 to get here around 9. That's OK though because I'm off tomorrow. NEED to do some serious house cleaning though!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, those quiet days at work are total bliss.

Wow your new listing went FAST! Good deal. I hate to hear that agent is being kind of pissy but he'll get over it or not.

I was watching my clock before the alarm went off; hopefully that won't happen tomorrow morning. Don't clean too much!

I practiced my astronomy program tonight. I love pre-made power points from JPL. Pretty pictures, great notes and questions. I am good to go. Sweet.

It was gorgeous here again today. A bit breezy but nothing like our sustained 50 mph wind with gusts in to the 70's. Marty even grilled our burgers on the deck. They taste better and that means less dishes.

I even got 2 batches of laundry done tonight and we rented "Passengers" to watch. It was pretty good.

Have a great Friday.
Marcy / Curby
Happy St. Pat's kids!

Curby, would you please come over today and do some of the laundry piled up in my laundry room? I really don't know how just two people can wear so damn many clothes!!!

My big plan of the day involves cleaning things... have you heard that before from me?! :cheeky: Anyway, I would like to start on the book cases but the CB forbids me to stand on the top of the 10 foot ladder (which I have to do to get the top of the book cases since they are 12 feet tall) unless someone is home to call 911 if I take a header, LOL. There are plenty of other things I can do though... lower to the ground!

I've also got to get my ducks in a row to go over to Michigan on Monday to appeal my property taxes. Their formula is pretty simple there (which is more than I can say for Chicago!) and it's based on market value. Well I bought the place last September, which certainly establishes market value because something is simply worth what someone will pay for it, and I paid a lot less than what it was then appraised at. So in theory all I have to do is show up with my closing statement and my taxes should go down about 25% (as opposed to UP 20%, which is what my most recent statement indicates). We'll see how that goes...

OK, off to make a second cuppa joe and plan my attack on the day!
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I saw your sunrise pic this morning but it apparently got eaten in the forum conversion. Was gorgeous though!

I am SORE from all the cleaning I did this weekend... and I'm only a fraction of the way done. Ugh. Oh well, I guess this is the only way it happens, just get out the bucket and the rags and go to it!

Today I have to go over to Michigan today to appeal my property taxes. I really want to drive over there like I want to slam my left tit in the car door, but my attorney on the deal warned me this would happen and he highly suggested I appeal in person and not just send a letter. So off to Michigan I will go... The CB is hoping to get done with all his stuff early enough to go with me (I would like to leave by 3ish, but certainly by 4ish), but if not I'll me back the drive (over and back) by myself. At least no one will criticize my singing with the radio! ;)
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I’ll post my picture again so I can test the “new” system. Those avatars are HUGE now, huh?

Scrubbing and cleaning is definitely hard work. That is why I avoid it as much as I can. Ha! But it is so worth it when you are done.

I sing with the radio too. Marty always says my singing sounds like some poor cat dying. How rude. I sure hope your appeal on taxes works.

We had a pretty nice day weather wise though the clouds looked “rainy”. Naturally it will rain since my car is clean.

My #1 problem employee texted in sick. I swear she has a 6th sense when I am going to get after them (in this case “her”) for not getting their work done. I am sure her buddies have already relayed info to her that from now on if your days aren’t done when we are ready to go over them, I am going to write you up. Done deal. Ha!

I noticed on our manager’s weekly report that some people have messed up vacation hours so I logged in and checked mine and wow did I hit pay dirt. It says I have 503 hours of vacation. I said I’ll see you in June.

I took tomorrow off to stay here for my rings to be delivered and my sister is coming to town and it’s her birthday. Since I didn’t get a call or tracking number yet I just called the jeweler and they said oh it’s just coming out of the shop now and it won’t be there till Wednesday. Grr. She is checking with the manager to see what she can do for me. I say gift card! But no one asked.


Wow, I just got a call back from the jeweler in Denver who is refunding me my shipping fee plus the $381 they charged me to mount my sapphire.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, that's GREAT! And really pretty AMAZING! Don't tell Marty, LOL, tuck that away somewhere and use it for mad money!:P

So yesterday the CB texted me... from Urgent Care. He's apparently been in pain for 8 days (EIGHT DAYS) and finally went to have it looked it thinking it was a kidney stone. It wasn't. But that part about EIGHT DAYS. WTF. Men. After all that we still went over to Michigan to do the property tax appeal. The "process" involved sitting across a card table from three people (all of whom we're convinced are volunteers) and "making my case." Well my "case" is that the assessed value represented on my tax bill is higher than the market value of the property, as clearly demonstrated by the price paid for the property six months ago (with the closing statement and a slew of comps provided as evidence). So there! The old guy (and I mean like Three Days Older Than God old) said, "Well honey, we can't *promise* you anything, but we'll discuss this amongst ourselves and see if we can't grant you some relief on this bill." God bless small town America. :lol:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea to keep quiet about my refund. More bling money! Oh wait I need to be paying myself back.

OMG about CB. Is he okay?

Your appeal process sounds quite strange. I hope they rule in your favor. How could they not?

I got up at my normal time but went to bed late. Dumb idea!

We dropped off the pickup for a tune-up and oil change. We went out to breakfast then went to Sam’s Club. My linen closet is once again full of paper products.

My sister and BIL got here about 11:30. Today was my sister’s birthday so I picked up a cake for her this morning. We all went to lunch at Olive Garden then came back to our place and had cake.

I finally got a call from the jeweler with my tracking number this afternoon. I asked what the delay had been so she put a manager on the phone. Apparently the pink sapphire / diamond band took them a long time to go through and tighten all the stones. They were very apologetic they hadn’t notified me of anything. I guess after checking my account they decided they want to keep me as a customer.

Do I have to go back to work tomorrow?
Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I guess you never know what the outcome will be in an appeal, but I would truly be surprised if I didn't get some sort of relief!

Last night I visited with a client to pick up the balance of the earnest money on the place he's buying and to look at the unit he'll be selling since I haven't been in there for 11 yeas when I originally bought it! Super super nice guy and I'm lucky to have him as a client. Then I should have cleaned a bit when I got home, but it was almost 8 o'clock by then. The CB had chicken tikka masala ready, and after we ate I did my nails and went to bed. This morning I was NOT excited about getting up either. I think all this staying up late reading crime novels might have to come to an end a little earlier because I'll happily lie there in bed with a story about a serial killer only to have to drag myself up and into the shower the next morning, LOL. Tomorrow I WILL clean the house though. Have to. No if, ands, ors, or buts about it!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am crossing my fingers and toes you get some tax relief. Do you want me to send them cookies?

That's great you have a nice client who is a repeat client. I hope his current place sells quickly.

I am equally as bad about staying up reading; it's always just one more chapter. I am the same way with jigsaw puzzles. One more piece.

I guess my boss told one of my problem employees to shut up yesterday and told the other one to quit complaining. They didn't talk to him the rest of the day. Of course 2 of them are barely talking to me. Our new company sent out one of those work surveys and my boss got the results. 6 of the 12 of us filled it out and they complained about lack of empathy, empowerment and something else. I told my boss I was really worn out of dealing with my children.

My rings showed up today and at first I thought my rose gold pink sapphire band looked funny - it seemed like the sapphires and diamonds were a bit more smashed in that before. One of the store managers called me and asked if I got my rings okay and if they looked okay. I told him my band looked different and told him I'd send a picture tonight of before and after. After I looked at it when I got home though I saw it from the side and I realized they had to reshape the band to size it down so that is why the ones on the end look a bit more smashed in now. I called him and told him what it was and it was fine. I get now why it took them so much work to size it. If they'd only called me on Saturday and explained it to me they wouldn't have had to refund about $400 to me. Oh well. The ring I had made with the sapphire my sister gave me looks nice. The stone is definitely dark and looks better is low lighting; you see the flashes of teal out of it then.

Snow is coming back tomorrow night. Phooey.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby

Hi Kids!

Rod, I hope you are feeling a lot better.

Dee Jay, it's windy and going to rain / snow tonight. I hope this isn't heading your way.

Not much exciting going on here. I met a friend for lunch, picked up cookies to take back to work and got through my reports by 3. Woo hoo!

Take care.
P.S. Marty did inspect my car tonight and came back saying just checking for new road rash on your car. The BRAT!
Hi Kids! Happy Friday.

It seemed like a long day at work; I didn't sleep well. I started watching the clock about 3 am and drifted in and out of sleep. Phooey.

Our snow came but it stayed above freezing so the ground was just wet. It quit sleeting about 10 this morning.

Marty is having his squat training session tomorrow afternoon. I hope he gets a full house - which won't be hard in a 300 plus square foot gym.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Hi Kids!

I am so funny. I found a pink rabbit at the store the same size as the killer rabbits. I wonder how long it will take Marty to notice it on the banister. I am setting here chuckling to myself. I know I am so easily amused.

I slept in until about 8. I have most of our laundry done. Marty's squats class had 3 people come. His sister and a friend of ours came and then a friend of Marty's came but he was in jeans and just watched. I left about 4 to get food for supper. I hope he gets some clients soon.

Decent weather here today. High 50's and only breezy. I'll take it for March in Wyoming.

Hopefully Marty can cook supper on the grill. He and his sister are having chicken and asparagus and I am having a burger and raw veggies.

Take care
Note the tug-of-war the rabbits are having on the left with poor Snacks.

Good morning Kids! Quit ignoring me. :wavey::lol:

Hope your weekend is going well. Marty heads to California this afternoon for a class (work). He's lost his status on United - now he is listed as "member". Good thing he still has TSA pre-screen.

I have absolutely nothing for lunches this week. I am thinking about cooking a little roast in the crock pot so I have some leftovers but that would require I go to the store.

We went to the golf course bar last night for a few hours. They had a live band so it was noisy and you couldn't talk but it was fun. I tried a margarita but it didn't seem like it wanted to stay down so I switched to water and sipped on a Pepsi. My SIL sucked down quite a few margaritas and Marty had some Gray Goose and Soda - since I wasn't drinking I was the DD. :D

Marty discovered the pink bunny when I was in our bedroom. Darn it. But I did hear a "what the hell?" I bet it would have taken him days to spot it if I'd picked up the white rabbit instead of the pink.

Have a fabulous Sunday!
Curby / Marcy
Happy Monday kids!!!!!

Sorry for disappearing for several days! I actually typed all this out in an email to someone this morning so I figured I might as well use the info to explain my MIA status since last week.

Thursday I cleaned for 12 solid hours... Ugh.

Friday I picked up PintoBean and her hubs from the airport. We had lunch and went to the cowhide bag place (she got some more to add to her herd, LOL!). After I dropped them at the hotel I then went to Pat's uncle's funeral visitation (can't remember if I told you guys that Pat's uncle had passed away or not... ?), then put my car back at home and went to dinner with PB, hubs, Monnie and her boyfriend.

BUT while I was just getting to the airport on Friday the delivery people called me and they were at my Chicago house with my flooring for the Michigan place. It wasn't supposed to arrive until the 29th! Plus, they were supposed to call me the day before delivery to make sure I would be home... well they did call, but it was the wrong area code, so they left a message for SOMEONE but they certainly didn't leave a message for ME! I had to get one of my neighbors to open the gate and they put the big pallet of flooring in one of my parking spots. And then it rained all day... Fortunately the material itself was fine (it's vinyl) but the boxes were soaked. Pat came home while I was at dinner, undid the pallet, and put all the cases of flooring in the back of my car.

Saturday we were at the church at 10 am for the funeral mass, and then we went to the cemetery... all in the pouring rain. I skipped the luncheon and went home to finish cleaning. I no sooner pulled up my pantyhose and fluffed my hair and Andrey and Linh arrived with the food. I finally went to bed about 1 am after the party, which was a TON of fun!

Sunday CallieCake and I went to brunch with Tacori E-ring (Sarah) and her sister. AND THEN when I got home Pat and I drove to Michigan and unloaded all the cases of flooring so we could open them and let everything dry. The material is supposed to acclimate for a few days before you put it down and we figured this way we could get it in the space, open it up to dry it, and then when we go over on Saturday it will be ready to lay. In a perfect universe we plan on doing that and also installing the toilet on Saturday so we can actually stay there for the night. We'll see if that actually happens...

So that's where Dee has been. OMG, I'm so tired, LOL. Come 9 o'clock tonight I am going to be IN BED. ZZZzzzzzzz... !!!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, what a PITA about your flooring for the beach house. Glad it wasn't ruined in the rain.

The GTG sounds fabulous! Wish I'd been there. I recognized your rings and Callie's pear ring in the pictures online. Of course the EC caught my eyes right away.

Sorry to hear about CB's uncle. That is always a difficult time.

Marty made it to California okay. It was foggy here this morning so I told him we were trying to be like the Bay area here.

Work was annoying me tonight. We are waiting for the April stuff to get released so we can work on it. Hurry up and wait.

Have a fabulous evening and Tuesday.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, if the flooring itself had been ruined trust me there would have been some screaming. The poor guy doing the painting in the boat house is going to have to work around all the boxes but it is what it is. Has Marty had any more interest in his classes? If I were there I would let him train me!

Last night the CB picked me up and we had friend chicken for dinner. (And I wonder why I'm fat, LOL!) Then we went to bed early. Not very exciting, but the weekend wore me out!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, hopefully the painter doesn't have problems with the flooring setting around in the boat house. It will be nice to get all of that finished.

So far Marty has no clients with his strength training. Also I am quite concerned about his real job. His CEO sent out an email this morning about changing their methods and directions. They had an employee meeting and Marty and others are pretty sure their department is up for sale. More to worry about.

I am meeting a friend for supper tonight. She has to get home to babysit so we won't be out for more than an hour or so. Should be fun.

I watched all 6 episodes of Big Little Liars. What a soap opera and tangled web. I am hooked now tho - who was murdered? I guess we'll find out in the last episode this weekend.

Have a great day.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, is Big Little Lies based on the book by Moriarty? If so, it was a pretty good book so I hope it translated well to a series!

Last night the CB picked me up and we had dinner. After a while we looked at each other and said, OK, we need a hobby! Maybe we'll finally get around to joining a gym... someday...

Today is my last day in the office this week. Tomorrow I need to mop the floor and I'm probably going to take my car in to get the timing belt changed (although I'm planning on talking to my dad tonight before I actually do that). Friday is wide open, and we're still waiting to hear from the painter at the boat house to see what the status is there. Things move slower in Michigan...
Hi Kids!

I believe Big Little Lies is based on that book. I am curious enough to watch the last episode but I doubt I'd read the book. Once I get involved in a series I have to see it through.

Too funny you and CB decided you need a hobby. I still enjoy my lazy time; I guess 21 years of working 80 plus hours a week made me enjoy doing nothing. I keep thinking I am going to get my knitting out again. I think I'll start doing some stretches and exercises on MWF while Marty is down at his gym.

Oh no on the timing belt might need changed on your car. Mine broke on my Tracer at about 68,000 miles. I got a canned email today from our Porcshe dealer saying it's time for our 6 month maintenance. I thought it was 1 year and 10,000 miles.

Enjoy Friday since you have no plans. Sometimes those turn out to be the busiest days. I hope the painter is coming along fine at the boat house.

It was a crazy busy day at work and I stayed about 30 minutes late. I stopped to eat supper and ran in to a friend and her 2 young kids. I helped her babysit the baby while she kept chasing after the toddler. She was glad I showed up and sat with her.

I kind of freaked out last night - the motion light in the utility room came on by itself. I thought it might be coats moving from the furnace vent on the floor but it never happened again. Now I am convinced it was a mouse or something. These things always happen when Marty is gone.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you get your mopping done? It sounds more fun than working today. I stayed about 45 minutes late again.

I left a note in Killer's mouth that says "Marcy was a perfect angel". Do you think Marty will believe it?

Not much else going on here. Work, rain and maybe snow tomorrow.

Have a fabulous evening and tomorrow is finally FRIDAY!

Marcy / Curby
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, have Rod and I not told you enough times over the years that the S word is forbidden?! ESPECIALLY this late in the year?

I did finish my mopping in that I did three quarters of the space and decided no one else walked in the areas I hadn't already done so I declared myself finished!

Just got back from meeting an appraiser at a listing I have under contract and then stopping at my office to do some paperwork. The fun never ends!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, but the S word is a frequent visitor to my neck of the woods. It's pretty white out there right now. It is just starting to stick tho; it's rained most of the day and turned to the white stuff about 2 pm.

I am sure you mopped more than enough; why mop clean spots, right?

I hope the appraisal went well for your client. I bet this time of year is busy for you with real estate.

I woke up with an upset stomach. I did go to work since my boss was out today and we have so much to do. I felt a little better by lunch so ate my lunch and that was a BAD idea. I came home about 3:30. I had a little bit of Sprite and might have a roll or English muffin for supper if I decide to try food. I don't have any bread to toast. I think I'll make some homemade soup tomorrow.

Marty made it to Omaha a little while ago. His strength competition is tomorrow.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Happy Saturday Kids!

Not much going on here today. I went to the bank - the "walk" in part was insanely busy (weird it's like it was the first Saturday of the month or something) so I went through the drive up and escaped without any wheel damage. Woo hoo!!!

I am working on laundry, made homemade soup and got the April newsletter done and posted.

Marty did well at his competition. I guess all 3 areas he reached a new personal best. Sweet.

The 4 letter white stuff is all melted by now.

Happy weekend kids!

Curby, I would imagine (hope!) that any of the evil white stuff you get by this time in the year would melt pretty quickly.

Today we did something that most people (probably include the CB but he's to smart to say anything!) would consider crazy... For the boathouse I want a bunch of old mismatched dishes that are fun to use and that I won't be upset if one gets broken. So we went to SIX second hand stores (Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc.) and I got four plates, two salad plates and two small bowls (along with a few other things). My original limit was a buck per piece but in the stores in the tony neighborhoods things cost more so I think I paid up to $2.50 for one thing, although most of them were 97 cents or $1.47. I can tell this is going to become a mission (kind of like the many many... many!... depression glass wine glasses I've collected). Oh well, it will give ma something to look for a all those yard sales I'm sure are going to take up our weekends in Michigan. We also had sushi for lunch at a place in the 'burbs we like since we were right there and then we had ice cream too. So today was shop, eat, shop, eat, shop... !

Not sure what we're going to do tomorrow since there's no point in going over to the boathouse. I'm really annoyed at the guy for not getting the painting done, but what can I do?

I'm fascinated right now by this whole thing about April the giraffe. Do you know about this? I've had the stupid live web cam up on my computer for ages now. Even the CB is like, had she had that damn baby giraffe yet?!

So between that and PSing and internet shopping I think I'm in for the night.