
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Tuesday kids!

Today is another crazy warm day in Chi-town and if the forecast holds true tomorrow is supposed to be the warmest day on record in February (at 70 degrees!) ever!

I am debating between progresso minestrone soup or a flatbread sub from Potbelly for lunch... I *should* eat the soup, but the sammich sounds so good! Spicy Italian with some hot giardiniera! :lickout:
Hi Kids!

Rod, I agree; sadly whiners are everywhere. She is always the victim and picked on. You can say 100 nice things to her; tell her to fix on problem and all she’ll hear is the one problem. I am worn out with her. The movie sounds really good. I’ll watch for it when it comes out on PPV.

Dee Jay, lol to Curvy! Auto correct – stupid piece of shut. Your necklace looks great and is a perfect size on you. I think my mounting with be a little bit longer; the only reason I’m not going for something like yours is that my WG pendant is so similar. I like the color of your nail polish. I have on cupcake today; it’s a light mauve. Way to be prepared with a phone number on your arm. I bet scrubbing sharpie off took some work and probably some skin with it. As long as you didn’t turn in to a rioter I am sure you were fine. Leftover short ribs are almost better than the first time they were served. That sauce soaks in more. Your lunch options sound better than mine. I made an easy Mac.

This morning my whiney employee kept talking while the team was verifying so I went in there and said I don’t want to hear any talking while people are verifying. Of course, she argued with me and I said no talking; if you have questions you are to ask me. She didn’t talk to me the rest of the day and that office was quiet the rest of the day. I must have scared them. Good! I chuckled to myself quite a bit about it.

We are having another one of those super windy days today. Snow is moving in tomorrow night with 6-12 inches expected through Friday.

We had homemade tacos for supper. I finally have a few leftovers for lunch. Woo hoo!

Hopefully I get to see a video of that f CBI diamond tomorrow and find out the answer to my burning question – do those feathers reach the surface? Based on the AGS certificate they don’t because they aren’t marked in green but I want an expert’s opinion. As Marty pointed out the only time the diamond might break now is when they mount it so if the diamond broke then they’d have to replace it anyway. At least I think that is how it works. I’d hope so. I am way okay with a Si1 diamond for a pendant as long as it’s eye clean. Here is a collage of the photos off the website of that diamond. The top clarity chart has minimal feathers and one cloud.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy


Such a long day at work. Having a day off is great. But then I had to accomplish two days in one to get caught up.

DeeJay, I'm happy to hear your tax bill isn't as bad as you thought it might be. We owe $2700, which doesn't make me very happy.

Marcy, the diamond looks like to should be beautiful. I'll look forward to hearing how the video presentation went. I'm glad you felt better after telling oh-whiny-one to just do her work.

Tomorrow night one of my watch forum buddies is coming to have dinner with us from Virginia. He's here on business in Orlando and is driving 1.5 hours to see us. I always have a great time when we get to see him.

I'll chime in tomorrow night if time permits.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, your stone looks great (on paper) -- I hope you love it!

Rod, I feel like I'm in constant catch-up mode since I only work three days a week and Private Equity certainly doesn't stop on the days when I'm not in, ha ha!

Yesterday I got a false sense of spring which caused me to under-dress and by the time I walked to work this morning I was a little chilly! Note to self: It's only FEBRUARY, put a damn coat on! :cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Rod, sorry you had a long day. I hate those days where you have to make up for a day off; but I remind myself it is worth it to have a day off. Sorry to hear you and Dee Jay both owe tax money. We always had big tax bills when I had my teaching job. We got back about $1400 this year but that was mostly because the taxes on my new car helped our deductions. I do feel better telling my whiny employee to quit talking and get to work. She has always allowed herself to be distracted – texting, instant messaging, talking and posting on Facebook. But according to her she works really hard, she isn’t appreciated and she is a victim of everything. Have a great time with your watch forum buddies. Marty would enjoy joining in on the watch conversation.

Dee Jay, I hate to be in catch up mode but then I get bored when I don’t have a ton of things to do. I’m weird. Darn that warm weather tricking you in to thinking it was spring. Winter is rearing its ugly head here tonight so this storm may be coming your way. I’ll have to get my winter coat back out tomorrow.

I had another very quiet day at work. That one lady refused to talk to me at all today. The rest of the team isn’t saying much of anything. I did tell the guy that works for me “you know you guys can talk when you are done verifying” and all he said was “I know but I have nothing to say”. He’s the only guy in a group of 5 so I am sure he is quite relieved to not have to listen to that lady complaining all the time.

Work was really busy too. March and April are out busiest months and I can tell already the work load is building up. It makes the days go by really fast though.

I met a friend for lunch so it was nice getting out of the office.

My diamond video was in my inbox after I was done with dishes so I watched it several times on my laptop, my iPad and my phone. I am going with the F diamond.

The snow has started but it hasn’t done much yet. It was funny coming home tonight it looked really foggy ahead and all of a sudden I drove in to a cloud of snow. It was kind of strange and cool at the same time.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Thursday kids!

This is so weird -- I SWEAR I posted in this thread after I watched your video last night Curby, but now I don't see it... :confused: I hope I didn't type the message in some OTHER thread, which would leave everyone reading it totally scratching their heads (or maybe thinking I was hitting the hooch a little too hard...again! :lol: )

Last night I took a bunch of pics for the cowhide bag thread that I started in Hangout. I didn't realize what a mess my house was until I saw it posted on line. Oy -- must clean up tomorrow!!!

Today I'm going to work on the pile of "stuff" accumulated on my desk. WHERE does all this come from?!
Curby, forgot to say, your rock looks like a STUNNER! How long 'til you have that baby on your neck?!
Just a really quick post. DeeJay, I think you had something like this a week or two ago.

I went to bed at my normal time last night. I woke up about an hour later, with major chills and every muscle in my body ached. I didn't sleep and the aches and chills just kept on going all night. I got up at 7:00 and texted my boss to let him know I was sick and wasn't coming in today. I don't ache right now, but I'm completely wiped out.

Is this similar to what you experienced?
Oh Rod... your poor thing! Yes, that sounds pretty much exactly like what I had. BOOM at noon, and by 8 am the next day I was fine. Short lived but totally baffling. Take care of yourself friend -- and don't let Charlie get too close!
Thanks DeeJay. The aches and pains are back and my head feels like it could explode. I'm really weak. If I'm not feeling better in the morning, I'll stay home from work another day.
Rod|1487897332|4132793 said:
Thanks DeeJay. The aches and pains are back and my head feels like it could explode. I'm really weak. If I'm not feeling better in the morning, I'll stay home from work another day.

Take care Rod. And I enjoyed reading your thoughtful post in hangout! I hope it helped the OP!

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, LOL to “hitting the hooch – again”. I checked out your handbag thread and didn’t notice anything but those cool bags. Your friend does an amazing job on them.

Thank you; I don’t know when I’ll get my pendant but I am guessing next week sometime. I am going to send payment by wire transfer Saturday but they ordered in my setting already and said they’d work on it tomorrow. I will get photos and another video. Sweet.

Rod, I am sorry to hear you got so sick. I hope you are doing better tonight. It sounds like you really got a nasty bug.

Hi Sharon.

We are more iced in than snowed in from this storm. It rained first then turned to snow. I am guessing we had 4 to 5 inches but it’s pretty windy so it’s hard to tell. My chauffeur got me to work and back okay though.

I really did a number on a mole on my chest this morning – the nail on my thumb went right in to it; it was bleeding like crazy. All of our regular bandages are in our guest bath so I am running around the house trying to get a bandage. I think I’d best go get that sucker cut off. Phooey. I keep the waterproof bandages in our bathroom because that’s what I have to wear when I have a knife incident.

Work was crazy busy again and my employee finally had to talk to me this afternoon. There goes our peace and quiet.

Tomorrow is Friday. Sweet.

Curby / Marcy
Happy Friday kids!

Rod, hope you're feeling better! And also hope that Charlie avoided the crud!

Curby, I have a mole on my chin that I sometimes manage to get too and it's a real mess. Ugh.

I am sitting in bed with the light streaming in the glass done looking at the dirty floor and I'm tempted to get up and mop it right now but I know if I just wait long enough the light will shift and I won't see the dust and dirt in all it's glory so maybe that is the way to go, ha ha! Also, a friend is coming over tonight with her dog, or maybe dogS, and it will just get all paw'd up anyway. (See how I can rationalize not cleaning the house?! :cheeky: )

There is a *possibility* I may go join a gym today. I'd rather wait until tomorrow because then the CB can come with me to look at it but the special on their website says it expires today. I'm going to call and see if that's For Real or if the same deal will exist tomorrow.

OK, off to make a second cuppa Joe and see what the day brings!
Thanks for the well wishes. I still feel like poop, so I didn't go to work. Maybe not quite as achy, but weak and achy none-the-less. We were supposed to go to dinner with friends tonight. We rescheduled to next weekend.

Sharon, I don't know if my post in hangout helped the OP or not. He never commented on it.

I'll check in tomorrow. Have a good Friday.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, darn that you have a pesky mole you get sometimes too. I hate that when you see sunlight streaming in and you see dust everywhere. The streaming particles makes me think our house is filthy. No wonder I always got stuff in my contacts. I definitely think cleaning after you get paw prints on the floor makes more sense to me. Did you go check out the deal at the gym?

Rod, I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow. It sounds like you had some improvement today. Rest up this weekend.

I got up way early so Marty could get me to work and get back home by 8 this morning. The roads were still really icy. Marty slid right by where we turn to go in to work; it sounded like a lot of people slid right through that spot. By the time we came home though most of the sidewalks and street were melted. That was from the sun not temperature since we were still in the 20’s.

I had another busy day at work. I did a lot of things but never got through all of my reports.

I don’t know what we are doing tomorrow. We are meeting my sister, BIL and one of my nephews for dinner Sunday. She is bringing her latest batch of sapphires for me to see.

Have a great weekend.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Saturday kids!

Rod, are you better yet? Whatever you have is more long lived than what I had unfortunately, but I hope you're over it!

Curby, I didn't make it to the gym yesterday but I called and they said to look at the website today because there's always some sort of member ship special. Well the one posted today is the one that expired yesterday, and it's good through the 28th, so I'm going to try to get there tomorrow!

Last night my friends came over for dinner and stayed LATE (after midnight -- late for US!). Then this morning the neighbors called me early because the back gate wouldn't open to get out of the parking lot. We've got two ways out, why they couldn't use the OTHER one and then call me at a more reasonable hour I have no idea... But by then we were UP so we went out there in the cold (it was snowing!) and futzed with it for a while, to no avail. Ultimately I put out orange cones and a sign and the property manage will have to send someone out on Monday.

Tonight we're going to a Mardi Gras party. We have to stop at the liquor store on the way and pick up a bottle of Old New Orleans rum. This will NOT be a late night for us!
Hello from the land of the almost living. Yes DeeJay, this has lasted longer than what you had. It pretty much completely wiped me out. I did get up and have stayed up since this morning. Even went to get groceries for dinner tonight. My brother and SIL were coming over, so I had to get out and help. We fixed jumbo scallop, jumbo shrimp, sauteed onion, garlic, mushroom and I made a butter and olive oil sauce with just enough flour to give it some stick. It was a terrific meal, but my appetite isn't too great yet.
Happy Sunday kids!

Rod, glad to hear you are (almost) living! It's amazing how much being sick takes out of you. Ugh.

Last night the Mardi Gras party as fun and for the second night in a row we were up until after midnight. Unheard of for us! Today the CB had to go up to his mother's to fix her kitchen sink. It's super convenient for her having three sons that are plumbers by trade... except the CB seems to be the only one who ever does anything for her... hmmm... ?!?

One of my best friends is coming over for dinner. I have to clean up the house *a bit* but not TOO much, LOL. And I've got Joining The Gym on my To Do list today... except I can't find my workout pants. Do you think anyone would object if I showed up pant-less? HA!

OK, off to swap clothes from the washer to the dryer and start the next load.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, maybe the gym always has that offer out there – I notice lots of places do that; just keep changing the expiration date. The issue with the gate doesn’t sound like much fun for you; the joys of being responsible. Glad to hear the Mardi Gras party was fun. It is nice of CB to help out his mother. When Marty’s grandmother was alive she would call me to ask me to have Marty do something for her. It was quite funny because if he didn’t go do it within the next day his folks would call and ask him to go do it. Marty never learned to just go do it as soon as she asked; she had no patience at all. Enjoy your company today.

Rod, I am glad you feel like you are among the almost living again. Your crud sounds awful. I hope you get in plenty of rest today and continue to feel better.

I dialed in to work 3 times yesterday. Fun!

I ran to the bank and sent my payment to Wink. One step closer to getting my diamond pendant. Sweet.

We watched the second episode of Planet Earth II last night then rented Hacksaw Ridge to watch. That was an amazing story but definitely a realistic war story.

Have a great day!
Curby / Marcy
A quick check-in. I think I really over did it yesterday and paid for it today. It's as if the flu or whatever I have came back and I spent the day back in bed, with chills, but not the aches. After sleeping for 4 hours this afternoon, I feel a bit more human tonight. Whatever this is, it's really been awful. I have no appetite. Charlie fixed me some chicken noodle soup and toast. I ate the two pieces of toast and about half of the soup. I'm going to go to work tomorrow, but don't have a clue how that will go.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, LOL on just going to do whatever she needed when she asked! Pat's mom isn't quite that way, but she also won't wait forever!

Rod, sorry to hear you spent so much of the weekend still under the weather. Did you go to work today?

Last night I ended up going to dinner with my friend who makes the cowhide purses (we were supposed to have dinner with a different friend but the plans changed). I like here so much and we had a really good time! I also resisted buying anything more (!) and she showed me some new things she's doing for spring, which I think are very cool.

There are a bunch of real estate things popping all the sudden, which is good! It makes me nervous to get this far into spring and not have a big pipeline going...

Oh. And about joining that gym. Um. Yeah. NO. Didn't happen yet... :cheeky:
DeeJay, yes I'm at work, but barely doing anything. This is all tied my prostate (I won't go into details). I can't get in to see my urologist till Wednesday, which sucks, to be honest. I did sleep a little better last night. So that was good. Getting old sucks. Yes it does.
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hope you are feeling a little better tonight and that’s good you slept last night. Hang in there until you see the doctor on Wednesday. Big get well hugs to you!!!

Dee Jay, it seems like the older people get the less patient they are at things. I know retired people quickly forget what it’s like to work. Glad to hear you had a nice time with your friend last night and good deal you resisted buying some more cowhide purses. She’d make a killing at Cheyenne Frontier Days! Good luck with the real estate deals popping up.

Wow is about all I can say about work today. My carrot (or should I say carat?) is holding on until mid-May when I won’t have so much work to do. I did blurt out loud “that would have been nice to know yesterday” once. The curse words were uttered in my head. I did get a 3% merit increase. Considering we are getting transferred to another company on Wednesday I was pleasantly surprised with that.

I had a bowl of leftover soup for supper. It hit the spot on this chilly night.

I ran to Walgreens to pick up some big bandages tonight. Marty’s incision is about 2” with about 10 stitches. I had him pick up more large bandages but they are way too small to cover that spot. It’s not a bad idea to have assorted bandage sizes on hand. I looked at all the cute Easter bunnies while I was in the store. I should pick up some peeps and replace all the Killer Rabbits with little marshmallows. Ha Ha.

Marty’s debit card has been getting denied for the last few days so he called our credit union today and it’s because he’s been charging so much on it. I said “ha ha, you got put on a budget”.

Have a fabulous evening and day tomorrow.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, I'm glad to hear you're getting in to see the doc... but UGH for having to wait until tomorrow...

Curby, a 3% increase is better than a sharp stick in the eye, to quote my great grandmother!

Last night I did 90% of the CB's taxes. At the end the program kept locking up so I will try to finish it tonight. What a PITA -- to get so close and then have it freeze. Oh well, at least the majority of it's done. I was up a little late then trading messages with the cow bag lady. There are a couple of people I've sent in her direction and she often copies me on the choices she sends them. I love that -- seeing all the gorgeous bags! Plus she's doing some new things for spring and it's really interesting for me to see the line as it develops.
Quick update. I got sicker last night. I called the doctor's office and literally screamed the appointment person, that she needed to tell my doctor what I was experiencing and get me in today. She called back within minutes and said to come in immediately. Again not getting graphic, but I have a massive prostate infection that has other very painful consequences. I'm not on three antibiotics, one in shot form. And for the pain a controlled substance as I can't relax enough to sleep. I have to go in in the morning for another shot. I'll likely be out of work for a few more days. My doctor said I was so close to needing to be hospitalized.

That's all my news.
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hate to hear you are so sick. I hope the meds and the shot tomorrow clear up your infection right away. I feel bad that you are in so much pain too. Big Hugs and feel better dust coming your way. I hope you get some sleep tonight. Let us know how you are doing when you can.

Dee Jay, I am with your grandma - 3% is way better than a sharp stick in the eye. How frustrating to almost have CB's taxes done and have the program freeze up on you. Sounds like my luck. That is way cool you are have the inside scoop on the new bags. I see lots of new bags in your future.

Today was insanely crazy and busy at work today. I worked through lunch and I ate jelly beans this afternoon since I couldn't drink. Then I worked 40 minutes late. Sounds like I need tomorrow off. Ha!

Got home at 6 and Marty had a guy over here working out so we didn't eat until about 7.

Marty signed his 6 month lease today for his office space.

Not much else new here.
Curby / Marcy
Happy hump day kids!

Rod, that is just TERRIBLE! I'm glad you were able to get in to the doc but I am so sorry about the pain and the infection...

Curby, congrats to Marty on his new business venture! And don't worry my friend, it will all be fine!

Last night the CB and I went to dinner at Ruth's Chris. It was :lickout: . I should have worked on his taxes some more when we got home but I was in such a good mood after a big steak and some nice wine that I didn't want to ruin it thinking about the IRS, LOL.

Today I have three big things that I want to get done. Wish me luck -- I've been interrupted about a dozen times already!
Just got back from the doctor and shot. It's a very painful shot, with a HUGE needle. But the doctor seemed to think there was more color in my face today. He said when he saw me yesterday, he could see how horribly sick I was. When I was out last week on Thursday and Friday, I had no clue this was all related to my prostate. I have to go in twice a day through Friday for a shot, plus take additional antibiotics and some anti inflammatory thing to boot. My boss is not exactly sympathetic and seemed annoyed this morning when I said I couldn't call someone. I finally just wrote a message that went like this. XXXX, I'm sorry, but for some reason you aren't grasping how massively sick I am. I can only hope you never have to experience anything even remotely close to this, but right now, I need you to understand I'm not on vacation. I'm sick. And sicker than I have perhaps ever been in my life. Sometimes, life sucks.
Rod, that just sucks! I am so sorry your boss is such a d!ck. Big hugs my friend.
Rod that really sucks. I hope he realizes he is being a jerk. Take care and feel better soon.