
Healthy Living Thread

Zoe-your stir fry sounds delicious! I bought ingredients to make stir fry once, but I'm not much of a cook and I never made it. I need to attempt it again.

Dee*Jay-I hate to hear you're so sick. Get some rest and feel better. I agree, being sick isn't a good way to reach a weight loss goal.

Marcy-I'm sorry you hurt your car! Maybe you'll find that it is okay after the muddy snow is cleaned off. I thought for sure we had damage after the interstate/deer incident last year, but when we finally got around to washing the car we discovered it was okay. Matt is having a hard time with the thought of leaving this house. He got seriously stuck in traffic on the way home tonight, which refueled his excitement to move somewhere more convenient. We painted the guest bathroom Tuesday, and it was a weird thought that we were painting it for someone else. The new carpet will be for someone else too. Oh well...I'm okay with that! I hope you're all settled in and enjoying your new place. I'm going to try really hard to cut back on the alcohol too. Darn it that I just developed a taste for red wine!

I ended up calling in sick today. I hope Dee*Jay hasn't passed me her flu! I'm hoping mine is just a sinus infection. I'm concerned that 2 of my employees called in sick too. Someone may need to spray our area with Lysol. Today I had 2 oranges, grapes, an apple, and a pork barbecue sandwich made with the leftover roast from last night. That didn't set well with my stomach at all. I'm getting ready to take a dose of NyQuil (which Matt so thoughtfully picked up for me on his way home) and go to bed. Have a good day tomorrow!
Hi everyone.

Dee Jay, you poor girl. Definitely get some rest and get better soon. That is a rough way to lose weight.

Deegee, I hope you feel better. That was nice of Matt to pick up NyQuil for you. I think I have some sinus thing going on too. It is not fun doing work and putting money in to your house for someone else but it will help sell your place. I hate to hear Matt was stuck in traffic but it is good it helps nudge him towards moving. I m going to try and only have wine on the weekend and have one glass not two.

I keep coughing and have a sinus headache but went to work. 2 people called in sick. Marty must have something too. He keeps getting dizzy when he looks up. Weird. He went to the post office and no one seems to know what is going on with our mail. I filled out a form online and then when I tried to hit submit I got an error message no such address. I called their 800 number and explained my situation. They promised to call me back tomorrow. We will see.

We had leftovers for supper. I wanted chocolate at work all day but I restrained myself. I did spilt a brownie sundae with Marty for dessert tonight though.

Marty is working on the kitchen tonight. He is putting in a filter for the sink and got some handles put on some of the drawers.

Tomorrow is Friday. Yippee.

Take care.
DeeJay, I hope you feel better soon!

Deegee, I hope you feel better, too!

Marcy, I wonder if your husband has vertigo. I get it occasionally and it makes you really dizzy, nauseous, and it's hard to shift focus from one way to another without feeling sick. It's an inner ear issue that can affect balance as well. Whatever it is he has going on, I hope he feels better soon.

I've been writing down everything I ate so far this week. It's now Day #4 and I should track my meals in my husband's nutrition database/program that he developed a number of years ago. It's really helpful but I haven't done it recently. I had stayed away from carbs for two days before having peanut butter toast on whole wheat bread last night. I'm having the same thing for breakfast before leaving for work this morning. Other than the ww toast, I haven't had other carbs like pasta, rice, or other bread. It's hard but now I know I can do it. I hope it lasts...

Have a good day everyone!
Dee*Jay|1357233133|3346361 said:
Well I just tried to have something other than crackers and ginger ale for the first time in four days... and let's just say it did not go well. I may never be able to each Campbell's chicken noodle soup again...

Yes, I was hoping to lose another 10 lbs by February... but this wasn't exactly the plan I had in mind...

Oh poor girl. Health vibes your way.....

How are you feeling today, DeeJay and deegee? I heard on the news this morning that it's one of the worst flu seasons, and it began much earlier in the winter than it usually does.

I went food shopping last night and got mostly healthy things at the store. The only questionable thing (and this sounds like an oxymoron to me) was Thin and Trim brand low-sodium bologna. I never eat bologna but as I was waiting for the turkey I had ordered to be ready, I suddenly had a craving. Weird. I ended up buying some to have for lunch this weekend. I also picked up some Asian rice crackers, the kind you get in Chinese restaurants while waiting for your food. I don't think those are necessarily healthy, but they are low in sugar, which is what I'm looking for. I'm proud that I've lasted 5 days so far without having pasta, rice, or potatoes. I've only had a few pieces of whole wheat bread when I made peanut butter toast for breakfast this week. I've exercised a bit but I need to keep going to the gym. We have a clubhouse where we live so there's really no excuse.

I'm going to a jewelry party tonight and there will be food there. I'm a little nervous about going because I don't want to be tempted. I think I'll have a cup or two of chicken broth before leaving to help fill me up. I may have to sit on my hands once I'm there, too. :cheeky:

I hope everyone's having a good weekend.
Happy Saturday!

Zoe, I think Marty does have vertigo. He really feels weird. If he doesn’t get better he will probably go see what is going on with it. It sounds like you get really sick and miserable when you have an attack of vertigo. The database your husband has sounds quite useful. Sounds like you are doing well on food. PB on ww toast is divine. I read a story too about how bad the flu is this year. I’ve had 2 employees out for days this week and they aren’t getting much better. Your groceries sound healthy. It is funny how you get cravings for things you don’t normally eat. Have fun at the jewelry party tonight. Good plan to have some broth before you go.

Hi Sharon.

Last night I cleaned house. During lunch I went and bought a little stick vac, a microfiber mop and assorted other things and cleaned our wood and tile floors. Marty was working on putting on the rest of the handles and so I had to vacuum again. I definitely decided I need to hire someone to help clean the house. I have bad feet and knees and the hard floors are tearing up my feet. The house looks great though.

Marty still doesn’t feel good. He has been in his man cave today playing with his PS3. I am working on laundry today.

I made pancakes for breakfast (Marty got bacon) and we had raw veggies and mac and cheese for lunch.

Dee Jay, I hope you are starting to feel better.

Have a great weekend.
Just reporting in to let everyone know I'm still alive!

Quick fly by, as my "Chicago boyfriend" is going to arrive any minute now. He would have been here already but he took a wrong turn somewhere around Des Moines and ended up going a bit in the wrong direction.

Today I've had 1/2 of a Lean Cuisine and some dark chocolate covered pretzels. I'm sure we'll go out to dinner, but I'm really not hungry...

Laundry in the dryer and dusty floors to swifter! See you all later!!!
Glad to hear you're doing better, DeeJay!

I went to the jewelry party last night. It was fun. I didn't buy anything then but I think I'm going to order a few pairs of earrings I found in the catalog.

There was food at the party and although I did have some chips with onion dip and a few little sweet and spicy meatballs, I didn't do too badly. I stayed away from the desserts, so that's good. Today so far I've only had a yellow pepper, hummus, and taboule. I'm hungry but haven't felt like making anything. I think we're having chicken tacos with stir-fry vegetables tonight. I'll have mine without the taco shell. If we make rice, I'll probably skip it. I haven't gone to the gym yet but I'll do a double session tomorrow to make up for it.

I hope everyone's enjoying their Sunday.
Hi everyone. :wavey:

Dee Jay, I am glad you are feeling better and alive. Darn that your Chicago BF took a wrong turn near Des Moines. That is a good sign you could eat today. :appl:

Zoe, sounds like you did a great job avoiding unhealthy food at the jewelry party last night. Your ww toast with PB sounded so good I had it some for supper. I bet your chicken tacos were good. :lickout:

Marty was awake until 3 am which of course means I didn’t sleep well. He got up about 6:30 to meet a buddy for breakfast. I slept pretty good for a few hours then. I went over to show my mom how to use her PC for emails. She has completely forgot how to do it. I am really considering getting her an iPad mini to see if she can handle it. I know it is a learning curve but in the long run should be easy for her. Maybe my dad would learn to surf the internet? Don’t know if it is a waste of money or not. Maybe i’ll take over my iPad and let them see what they think.

After I visited them I stopped at the grocery store. I bought stuff to make homemade pizza. I used 93% lean hamburger for mine and found some 93% chicken sausage with peppers and spices to make Marty a pizza. They turned out pretty good. A buddy of his came over to play darts so that is why I had PB toast for supper. Marty is having chips and salsa right now for supper.

We got mail again yesterday. Woo hoo! It looks like they still have things confused in that stuff coming to our current address has a sticker to notify them of our new address and they write our old address on it. Weird.

Well, this was a short weekend. Darn. And we have to work 5 days this week? Oh no!!! :(sad

Take care.
Dee*Jay-glad you're still alive! I was worried about you. I had the flu a few years ago and it knocked me down flat for a week, and then I felt crappy for a few weeks after. That's bad stuff. I was in Des Moines last year for a day. It was very flat.

Zoe-I love PB on toast, but I don't buy peanut butter. I love it too much! I try to keep things that are my weaknesses out of the house. Unfortunately my husband is a total junkaholic ,so it's kind of a challenge. Sounds like you're eating really, really light. I don't think I could handle it!

Marcy-my mom loves her ipad. Before I bought it, she insisted she was too dumb and old to figure it out, but once I set it up she was just fine. Plus any of the grand kids can provide tech support! Your pizza sounds good. I bought ingredients for a homemade pizza to make one night this week. I haven't seen the chicken sausage. I may have to look for that. I hope Marty's vertigo is clearing up. I got extremely dizzy at work Friday, but I think it was related to this sinus headache I can't get rid of.

We worked on home improvement projects this weekend. Matt replaced the 2 faucets in the master bath, which was a chore. The new ones look awesome with the new light fixture we installed a few months ago. While he was working on that, I sanded a cabinet door I had experimented on a few years ago. I got this big idea that I was going to stain the vanity chocolate brown, but ended up hating the one cabinet door. Now I need to get it back to as close to the other doors as possible. We went to KY today to celebrate my niece's 21st birthday. I remember very clearly the day she was born. It was a very difficult delivery because my niece was apparently stuck. I was outside my sis's room and I distinctly remember the baby taking her first gasp of air. I followed the nurse down to the room where they weigh & measure them, among whatever else they do, and then followed her back to my sis's room with the screaming little red squiggly thing that was my niece. Geeezzzz, now she's 21? Where does the time go? I had 2 slices of pizza at her party, a very small piece of cake. My points start over tomorrow and I still have lots of weekly points left, so I'm ending the day with a big glass of wine. Have a great day tomorrow! Marcy-I agree...5 days???

Greeting ya'll. :wavey:

Managed to get tot he pool/gym today and worked it hard. A gal I have met there like to gab so she talked as we ran around the pool....45 minutes later....did the treadmill on highest incline as well.

Hope to get into my old routine with yoga, I always plan to go, then work calls at 0600.....

I hope everyone had a good day. This is my first full week back at work since leaving for Christmas vacation. It's going to be a long week!

I made chicken fajitas (not tacos, as I think I wrote previously) last night and they were gross. I ended up only eating about half of my small portion and then I threw the rest away. Today, I've had a banana and a chef salad with light ranch dressing so far. It's 5:30 and I'm hungry. I need to figure out the veggies thing asap. I need to find others that I like enough to eat regularly. I've been sticking with raw yellow, red, and orange peppers (to have with hummus), and steamed broccoli and cauliflower, but I know I'll get sick of them soon enough. I really like corn but because it's a starch, I'm trying to stay away from it.

Any ideas for veggies, either on their own or in a recipe? I've tried putting balsamic vinegar on them and that's fine but I'd love other ideas.

deegee and Marcy, I measure out the PB to make sure I don't go overboard. I like PB but I'd rather have Nutella, to be honest!

I went to our clubhouse gym today and did 3 miles on the recumbent bike, 26 sit ups, and 36 overhead presses. I was there for about 40 minutes, which was enough for this beginner.
Hi Sharon & Zoe!

Today I had cottage cheese & blueberries for breakfast, roast beef from an Arby's roast beef sandwich (no bun-I'm not a bread person) and an orange for lunch, and grilled chicken & green beans for dinner. We walked 2 miles after dinner. I did 2 loads of laundry and cleaned out a file cabinet this evening. We're trying to make it a point to get rid of a bunch of useless junk each half of the stuff in the file cabinet. Seriously, I found Walmart receipts from 1997. We also disposed of a few electronic items at the recycling center, and dropped a load of clothes to a donation center. Work was super busy with the project starting back up. I am supposed to work on it 9-4 each day, and get my regular, full-time work and management stuff done from 8:15-9 and 4-4:30. I am required to leave my office and work with the other team members, so I can't cheat and do my actual work. Matt was home sick today, which is totally unlike him. He usually refuses to take a sick day. He has flu symptoms, but hopefully he's just tired and sore from overdoing it with the home improving over the weekend. Have a great day tomorrow!
Deegee, I am glad to hear your mom loves her iPad. I compared mine to a mini at work today; I like it but think the regular iPad would work best. I told Marty to think about options this morning. I love homemade pizza too. Good and not nearly as greasy or unhealthy as delivery. Marty liked the hot chicken sausage. Marty isn’t much better. I hope you and Matt get better soon. The crud around here is hanging on when someone gets it. How neat you remember your niece’s birth so clearly. And now she’s 21? It is amazing how quickly they grow. Yes, 5 days. Boo. That is great you guys some some home improvements done this weekend.

Sharon, that is nice to have someone to gab with at the gym. It makes the time pass more quickly.

Zoe, you did quite a workout for a beginner. Woo hoo! What is Nutella? Not that I need to find more things to eat that I like. Marty likes to bake veggies with a little olive oil and season salt. They turn out really good. I am hoping he makes some for supper tomorrow. Sorry your faijitas didn’t turn out like you hoped. I hate when that happens. You had a longer vacation than I did. It is rough going back after a vacation.

So day 1 of 5 of work was long and boring. I have one person out sick but I didn’t need to do any of his work. I had a few meetings to attend and not much else was going on for me.

Marty is exploring doorbell / intercom options. His office is in the one corner of the basement and he shuts the door. If he hears our doorbell at all he has to get up from behind his desk and get out of his office, walk through the family room, run up the stairs and by the time he gets to the front door most people will be driving away. He must be able to hear the doorbell this week when my Tumi shows up. If he knows what is good for him anyway.

Food today was bad, bad, bad. I was starving for some reason so I had some chex mix and some cinnamon gum drops. Meals were normal though. We “share” food in our office so we don’t eat it all ourselves but I didn’t need either of those snacks.

I had cheerios for BF, lunch was leftover pizza and I made ham, potatoes and corn for supper. My parents get a honey ham for Christmas every year so they gave us a few pieces which I froze for an easy dinner. I bought some of the boxed potatoes au gratin and made those then threw it all in the oven to bake.

I didn’t sleep well last night so I am going to get ready for bed and go to bed early tonight. Quit laughing! I will truly try to accomplish this fantasy. Really!

Just a fly by to say that I seem to have completely surprived the flu... and now the Chicago boyfriend has it. Poor thing started to feel bad yesterday while he was taking my car yesterday in to get some sort of BS inspection thing so I can get it registered in this state. Hopefully it passes faster for him than it did for me!

I've been pretty good foodwise becuase I haven't really been hungry, and no work outs lately.


You, too, Deegee--receipts from l997? Same story here last weekend when I FORCED the DH to clean out his drawers. I got him a recycle box, a nice drink, and planted him by the TV. Hockey or football was on....and the drawers were clean when I got home!! I tell ya :rolleyes: ......

At any rate, I did the yin/yang program at yoga today--I have not done any inversions since I had shingles in my face in June--due to neuralgia. So far so good, but I did need Advil. My wrists are sore from so many "planks". I think the bourbon is helping. :bigsmile:

If they do not call for work, I intend to go to the pool/gym tomorrow. Gotta make hay while the sun shines, or some such addage...

Hope everyone is well.

Hi. :wavey:

Dee Jay, I am glad you survived the flu. Sorry to hear about your Chicago BF getting sick. Poor guy. I hope he gets over it quickly. Did junior pass the inspection?

Sharon, I honestly need to throw out some stuff that we moved. I like the idea of having a drink while I work on it though. Glad the bourbon is helping you but I hate to hear you are sore from yoga today. We had lots of sunshine here today but that wind was biting cold. We have snow moving in again this weekend. Boo.

Zoe and Deegee, how are you doing?

Work was one again slow and boring. The highlight of my day was reporting to IT that external email was not coming in or getting out. Now that Marty isn't the IT manager they don't pay as much attention to me as they did when he worked there. Go figure.

I met Marty for lunch today. I had a taco. For supper Marty cooked steak and potatoes on the grill. I fixed us a plate of veggies. They potatoes were pretty big but I cut them in quarters, wrapped them all separately in foil and then Marty grilled them. I love them off the grill. The skin is crunchy and the inside is all soft.

I hope everyone had a great and healthy day.

Sharon-that's a good idea about the junk drawers! I did that once with his sock drawer while he was watching football. It works! I hope you didn't overdo it today with your workout. I don't have bourbon, but I do have a few bottles of KY bourbon beer left from Matt's last trip to Louisville. It's dark beer aged in bourbon barrels. Smooth.

Dee*Jay-oh no for Chicago boyfriend. I hope he gets over it quickly. Men canbe such whiners when they're sick.

Marcy-I have never looked at the ipad mini. After I bought my Galaxy Note II, I stopped carrying my ipad everywhere. I leave it at home and use it in the evenings. I think mom likes the size of her regular ipad. I'm picturing Marty running,trying to get to the door before people leave. That's really annoying! If you're in the room over the garage in our house and the doorbell rings, whoever rang it is on the way to their car by the time we get downstairs. I'm always afraid we'll miss the pizza delivery guy. Can't let that happen. My group at work has been really sick with either a stomach thing or the flu, and we havent been fully staffed since the week before Christmas. The guy in our groupcame back to work today after being out sick, and we put Lysol, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, a trash can, paper towels, tums, Advil...anything like that we could think of on his desk to welcome him back. We're thoughtful like that.

I had intended to go to bed early tonight, but we ended up walking really late. I had a hair appointment after work, so we got home late to begin with. I had cottage cheese & blueberries for breakfast and made tacos for dinner. I have gone out for lunch the past two days because I'm cooped up in a windowless room all day working on the project, and I just need to get out of the office at lunch. Today I had intended to go to Wendy's for a hamburger and side salad, but my car turned the wrong way and I ended up at Arby's. I must have been on autopilot. I had the same thing as yesterday-the roast beef from a sandwich. I need to mix up my breakfast and lunch a little. I have a lot of points left today, so I'm going to have a glass of wine before bed. It's probably bad that I'm thinking of ways to scrimp on food during the day so I can have a bigger glass of wine at night. I'm within my points, I swear! Have a great day tomorrow!
Happy hump day kids!

Marcy, I am now a legal driver in this state! It took two phone calls with interminable waits, a trip to the Lexus dealer, a visit to the tax assessor, and then a trip to the DMV, but I am all squared away now. Of course when the Chicago Boyfriend went to remove the old license plate off my Lexus last night both of the bolts sheared right off. Today he had to go to Home Depot and get the right drill bit to extract the pieces, but all seems to be OK now. Everyone once in a while it’s nice to have a man around. (Don’t tell him I said that!)

Deegee, there is NOTHING wrong with saving your points for wine! And LOL on the Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, etc.; my colleagues wouldn’t even come NEAR me last week when I was in the throws of death! Of course now anyone in this office who gets the flu for the next month will blame it on me too!

Sharon, I’m sorry you’re sore from your yoga, but I agree that burbon helps! Are you a fan of rye? I bought someone a bottle of Templeton small batch rye for Christmas and it is QUITE tasty! A bit softer than some of the others, and with a hint of vanilla.

Zoe, I must be the only person on the planet who doesn’t like Nutella for some reason. I do love peanut butter though, but I kind of get peanut buttered out during the school term because I bring PB sandwiches for dinner during the break a lot of evenings.

I have been really very good foodwise these past few days. Today we were supposed to have our monthly company lunch (a pasta bar this time), but they forgot out order. ??? The admin called after it was a bit late being delivered and they were like, oops! I always have a couple of extra cans of soup in my filing cabinet, so it’s Progresso for me. I have a friend coming to KC for work and we’re going to go out tonight. The Chicago Boyfriend seems to be recovered, so he will go too. No progress on the working out front these past several days, but hopefully next week once the CB is gone and I am back on a regular school schedule I’ll head to the gym again.

The gym/swim makes me feel better--I need to move cuz of my Osteoarthritis in my neck. My wrists are sore from the weightbearing and balancing poses yoga puts you thru, but Advil is my bestfriend anyway. I will do the relaxation class tomorrow--no poses or muscle workout, just stretching and back strengthening.

We Canadians generally do like rye. In my specific case, I prefer Bourbon (Woodford Reserve is heavenly), then Scotch, then Rye.

Hope your house is coming along Marcy.
Shout out to the rest of the gangarooni :wavey:

Hi everyone!

Deegee, bourbon beer does sound quite interesting. That would be tragic to miss your pizza delivery guy. That is very funny the assorted items you left on that guy’s desk. I like it. My team picks on each other too. It makes it kind of fun. I don’t blame you for getting out of the office at lunch. I need to get my hair cut too; maybe I’ll do that next weekend. Marty is going to be gone.

Dee Jay, what a pain your bolts had to be drilled off your plates but glad to hear you are legally registered with your vehicles there. I bet some people were upset the company lunch didn’t materialize. Glad you didn’t go hungry since you had a can of soup there. I keep soup and easy mac in my desk for those emergency days. I hope you had fun at dinner tonight.

Sharon, I smiled when you said Advil is your best friend. The week we were moving, unpacking and taking care of things I sure took a lot of it and I started singing “Me and my Advil” (to the old me and my arrow song). Our house is coming along. How is your bathroom reno coming along?

I would sure like a redo for today! Pppffffftttzzzz.

I got to work early since Wednesday is my lunch day with a friend of mine. She texted me about 11 she couldn’t make it because her little girl got sick at day care and she had to pick her up and go home. So I decided to go get gas and the wander around Walgreens. When I got there I thought “wow they are busy and this parking lot is a zoo”. But I ventured in anyway. When I was leaving I was almost in the the road when I saw a guy backing up towards me. I start honking and he keeps coming. He hit me. We get out; my car has a ding from his hitch but his car is fine. We are blocking traffic so I say let’s move back out of the way and I’ll get my papers. I get back in my car, pull up in my spot and get back out of my car and he is taking off. I got his license number and the police say they called his house but his wife claims that vehicle is in South Dakota with their son. Yes, I could have got the number wrong but since those plates match the car (a small, dark SUV) that is kind of strange. My collision deductible is $500. Boo.

I get back to work finally and IT is installing a new printer. Of course for the hour or so they are removing our printer and getting the new one going I get 20 some schedules I need to print and take care of; I send them out to the main printer and keep running back and forth trying to get them done. In the middle of that Marty calls me and says “I’m not getting paid” which of course makes me about hyperventilate but then he continues about his travel expenses got kicked back from our bank. He needed the routing number to the bank. Thank goodness.

We went to Olive Garden for supper to finish using our gift card then picked up some food. I told Marty I like Wednesday night grocery shopping - the store was dead compared to Saturday or Sunday morning.
I am working on a batch of laundry and then need to get to bed.

Our realtor called us white we were at supper and told us our old house sold and they are closing February 8th. Woo hoo! That didn’t take long. An IT guy bought it and he liked all the extra wiring Marty had in our house.

Take care.

I needed Celebrex today--gosh my shoulder is sore. Guess that is why it needs surgical intervention--which I refuse. I didn't get to yoga today--tons of snow that required my attention. Got my exercise shovelling/snow blowing, but my shoulder and wrist are suffering. Oh well.

Marcy--our reno's are almost done and has turned out well, again. We will start the powder room sometime soon and then take a break. I find it wears on my nerves and I hate decorating at the best of times...and I always fret something will go "wrong".

Take care ya'll :wavey:

Hi everyone.

Sharon, I hope you are less sore tomorrow. I bet the shoveling didn't help with that. That is great your renovation is going well and almost done. I know what you mean about it wears on your nerves. I think the mess and inconvenience is what bothers me. It is always nice to see the end results though.

Today was going well until about 4:45. The roofing company who shingled our roof put a lien on our old property saying we didn't pay them the second half of our bill to them. Boy did I drive home fast. I got copies of the checks, saved them as PDF and emailed them off. I would love to drive over there and smack those guys. If we've owed them about $4700 since October why weren't they calling us or sending us a bill? Grr.

We met for lunch today after signing a few more documents for our loan. I fixed leftovers for supper.

Take care. I sure hope tomorrow doesn't bring any more surprises.

Sharon – shoveling snow is HARD WORK. Kudos to you! I’m sorry you are paying the price though. As for these alleged renovations… Dee taps foot impatiently waiting for photos!

Marcy – a lien?!? Seriously, what a bunch of idiots. I’m glad you had everything handy and were able to PDF them copies. I've deal with a lot of tradesman in my career and they can truly be the bain of one's existence.

Last night the CB made salmon, green beans, and potatoes for dinner. Delish! I’m getting rather used to having a wife around! I’m not sure whether we’ll do left overs tonight or go to this steak place near me that I have a gift certificate for. And tomorrow I start the CPA review class at 8 o’dark hundred. Ack. Dee is not a morning person…
Dee Jay, very nice of CB to cook a great dinner for you. Good luck with your studies.

We had about 5 inches or more of snow with lots of wind and bitter wind chill. Ugh. It is very icy out there. I left work a little early and am warming up with my Snoopy slippers on now. I need to start supper though.

So the roofing company sent the realtor the wrong paper. They "said" they put a contractor lien on every roof they do then release it when the bill is paid. So apparently there was never an issue. Sigh.

Off to cook supper. I is going to be an easy one. I think I will do hamburger patties, rice and veggies.

Marcy-I can't believe how fast your old house sold. You must have left it in awesome condition! Did you take a look at the staging? Too funny about the buyer liking the wiring. That's the kind of thing Matt would notice. I also can't believe the guy who hit you took off. Does the store have a security camera view of the street? Accidents happen a lot in front of my building at work, and police always seem to be asking for our street footage. And I also can't believe about the lien! That's kind of a big error on their part. Geez!

Dee*Jay-the CB sounds like a pretty good deal...he cooks! Have fun with that CPA review class. Sounds like a hot topic for so early in the morning. I don't start functioning until around 10. And you reminded me that I ate my emergency can of soup at work before Christmas, so I need to stock back up. I've got nothing but tea bags in my office right now.

Sharon-I hope your shoulder and wrist feel better. Advil and me...we go back a long way!

Food the past few days has been great. I haven't been able to keep anything down since Wednesday's breakfast. I knew something had been trying to get me since last week, and it ended up being a severe migraine. I stayed in bed with my head covered all day yesterday. I started feeling better this evening so I had a piece of carrot cake. So far, so good. I was holding my head at work today and happened to get an up-close view of my ering. I noticed that I have somehow sheared the top of a prong completely off, and my stone has shifted and it sitting on top of the broken prong. It is completely loose in there, and I'm darn lucky it didn't fall out. Grrr me. I got this setting in 2008, and this is the third time I have damaged it to the point is has to be repaired. I'm seriously thinking of setting it in a sturdy platinum solitaire mounting. Marcy-do you still like your solitaire? We have great plans to paint the master bathroom tomorrow. I hope we don't fizzle and end up on the couch watching tv all day. I prepped the walls after work and taped the woodwork, so hopefully that will get us moving. I just hope the paint fumes don't reactivate my migraine. Have a great day tomorrow!
I'm here! Hi Sharon, Marcy, DeeJay, and Deegee! :wavey:

Deegee, I hope you feel better asap!

Marcy, Nutella is a chocolate and hazelnut spread that you put on well, anything you want, crepes, bread, fruit, etc. I love it on toast. It's very sweet but I love it. DeeJay, you don't like it?! Although I don't love anything too sweet, I do love Nutella. I haven't had it in forever though, which is a very good thing! I'm glad you're okay after your accident and yay to your house selling!

DeeJay, I hope your boyfriend feels better soon. I know you said a while back in another thread that you're not crazy about KC. Are you looking into relocating again or stay in that area? You're taking classes to be a CFP, right?

Sharon, I've been curious, what's your weekly exercise regimen, if you don't mind me asking?

It was a crazy busy week last week and I stayed at my parents' house a few nights to cut my commute to work drastically because I had night meetings. It's so convenient and I love seeing them whenever I can. It helps that they live so close to where I work. My dad had the flu so I was a bit nervous, but all seems to be okay now. He went to work yesterday after missing work (which he never does) for a few days.

Anyway, I'm back home and it's been nice to actually see my husband again. We've had kind of a lazy day at home today, but we did go to the gym this afternoon. I did 40 minutes/6.15 miles on the recumbent bike. Earlier in the week, before going to my parents', I had done 30 minutes on the bike/5.15 miles and 10 minutes on the treadmill. I wanted to see if I could do more and I did. Yay me! :cheeky: I have to say, I felt pretty proud of myself! I had recently heard that it takes 20 minutes of exercise before your body begins to burn fat, so 40 minutes is my magic number for now. I've never been much of an exerciser unless working with a trainer, and I want to do it on my own this time around.

I've been writing down everything I eat and it's going on 2 weeks now. I don't know if I've lost any weight but I'm trying to focus on exercise and eating well and not pay too much attention to the scale. I don't know how many calories I'm consuming daily but again, I don't want to focus on the numbers right now. I'm going to see a nutritionist within the next few weeks so I'll probably tweak things after my initial appointment.
Howdy! We got the master bath painted today. Bathrooms are a giant PITA to paint. It looks great though and fresh paint was really needed. We are going to paint our bedroom and the study, and the professional painter will get the rest. My migaine seems to be totally gone today (knock on wood). It took a week to come on and lasted 3 full days. I've had worse. I had a few bites of spaghetti and a skinny cow heavenly crisp bar. I'm counting painting for 5 hours as exercise. We're heading out to eat in a few minutes, but I'm not sure where yet. Probably something kind of mild since my stomach has been ugly, but I'm absolutely starving tonight. We're heading to my mom & dad's for our weekly dinner and family time. Lily Pie loves going to grandma's. As a matter of fact, we never say the word grandma until we're actually headed there because she gets so excited! She immediately goes outside and runs circles around the car and doesn't stop until we come out. Goofball.

Zoe-good job with the exercise & writing everything you eat down. Writing things down helps me more than anything, I think. I was the only one in my ww group who lost significant weight during the 9 months our group was together, and I was the only one who tracked every single day. You're doing great!
Hi everyone.

Deegee, I didn’t think our house would be on the market long but they barely put out the listing and staged it before it sold. Our realtor did send links to the virtual tour and photos and it really looked great the way they staged it. It is funny how different it looked. Yes, the store where I was when I had my fender bender does have a camera but you can only see near the doors not out in the parking lot. Yes, the lien was a major error and pain. Sorry you were down with a migraine this week. How awful your prong broke but what a relief you didn’t lose your diamond. I really like my solitaire. I didn’t get my rings put together and sometimes I just wear it by itself. Yay for getting the bathroom painted. That is too cute Lily gets so excited to go see grandma.

Zoe, Nutella sounds good. I will have to try it sometime. I am glad my accident was very minor but it sure was aggravating that the other guy took off. I am glad our house sold so quickly. I am sure your parents enjoyed having you come visit. Glad to hear your dad is okay now. The flu going around is sure a nasty one. It sounds to me like you are doing wonderful on eating well, exercising and not focusing on what a scale says. I’ll be anxious to hear what your nutritionist says. You are right on top of things. Good job. :appl:

I am not really “girly” so I usually don’t watch the lifetime movie channel. Marty was playing poker last night and I started watching Liz and Dick. I turned in for 2 reasons. I heard Lindsey wasn’t great in the role and of course to see the imitation jewelry. Marty came home and busted me watching lifetime so he has been teasing me today. My teddy bears keep trying to “run away” because I made them watch lifetime. Marty to too funny. I watched football today so hopefully they won’t feel it necessary to run away tomorrow. Besides it is way too cold outside for little teddy bears.

I made homemade soup for lunch and worked on laundry and cleaning the house today. Marty ironed the drapes for our sliding glass door and hung up some photos. It looks more like our home now. It is funny that pictures that seemed large in our other house seem small. 9 foot ceilings really dwarf things.

I watched the Broncos lose. Rats.

Marty is at a concert tonight. I am recording the new Ice Age and will watch it after I get ready for bed.

It feels like -9 right now. Tomorrow and Monday’s weather is expected to be the same. Weird. It is like January around here.

Take care.
Hi Deegee! It sounds like the house is coming along. I'm glad your migraine has gone away.

Hi Marcy! I haven't seen Liz and Dick. I'm not a fan of LL and I hardly watch anything on Lifetime, either. Was the movie good?

I've done laundry, dishes, some straightening, and I'll go to the gym at some point today before the Patriots game later. My husband likes to order in during games, and it will be hard not to give in and eat whatever he gets. Speaking of food, I wish cravings would go away. I know no food is "bad" but all I want is sugar (and I don't mean fruit) and that IS a no-no for me. It's hard.

Have a good Sunday!