
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am so glad you have BR back and it smells good. Yay! Vroom vroom. Was you Audi jealous?

Like you said, is our weather ever safe? I usually plant on June 5 and I'm not sure it's safe then. I'll probably wait.

I know my idea of roughing it in 2023 is probably a day at the luxury spa for those pioneer women.

Nice you won another auction. I can imagine how many glasses you must have in your house.

Good news. I got an email my diamonds cleared verification so my earrings may ship tomorrow. That would be AWESOME! See, I cried and whined for nothing.

I worked as well and put in another 9 hour day. I've mastered quick fixes on videos anyway. Yay. Podcast #3 is posted.

Marty had a strange day - his company is talking to his old company. He met some of them for a meeting and then went on site. He put on real work clothes. I asked if he wanted me to take a picture of him all dressed up for work. :lol: I guess everyone he saw asked about me. He told them I was the worst retired person he knows since I'm working again.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, YAY for earrings being shipped out! (Although I'm still a bit torqued off about that whole "verification" process.) LOL on Marty's old company talking to his new company. You can't make this stuff up! And you ARE the worst retired person I know too, ha!

Yesterday I have no idea what got done... or not. When I got home I was packing up an order when Liam pulled into the driveway and said let's go to dinner. So we hopped in his 944 and we zipped up to Wisconsin and went to a place I'd never been to before. The outdoor patio was great... but the food was only OK. And our waitress didn't have two brain cells to rub together. Whatever--we still had a good time. When we got home I finished packing up the order, put a little laundry away, and went to bed early.

This morning I had to measure the capacity of some glasses for a lady, and I ended here at work well ahead of time since I didn't stop at UPS on the way in.

We've got a five hour meeting with a vendor today. And that's NOT my only meeting. Ugh. These people are killing me!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes, I'm still not inmpressed with this process and I doubt that I'll be shopping with them again. Who knows.

I'd say a ride in the 944 and enjoying time on the patio was worth the trip even though the food was just okay. And I know people like that with the lack of brain cells.

Ugh to a five hour meeting. I had 30 minutes meetings. This job only has one a week and they cut it off at 30 minutes. However, there is one of those guys who hogs the entire conversation.

My earrings are shipped and should be ready to pick up Friday. Yay! Yes, I worked 9 hours again today. What was I thinking? We are getting a thunderstorm right now with some much needed rain. I'm getting a haircut tomorrow. I lifted 80 pounds today. Yay. My wrist / hand / thumb is still calling me names off and on. I wear the brace for a few hours during the night if it starts talking.

Hi Kids!

I started my day as I have been for a few days now, walking through the garage, opening the screen door on the front door, chasing out about 30 miller moths, then coming in the house and getting the rest of them out. In the process, though I stick my right hand through a narrow opening between the storm door and the screen door and I'm bruising the crud out of my forearm. I had on a t-shirt initially today and my arm is bruised so bad, I figured someone would call the police on Marty. :lol: Then later today, I opened a pedestal stand we ordered for my mic and the pedestal fell out of the box and hit my right toe. Luckily it didn't dent the wood floor, but sure agitated my toe. I was hoping I didn't break it. They'd be referring Marty for sure to the police after me showing up at the ER with another broken bone and bruises all over my arm. Such is the life of a klutz.

I had a hair cut this morning, picked up some groceries and only worked six and a half hours. Yay. We have our astronomy club meeting tonight and tomorrow is finally Friday. Yay. A long weekend although, I'll have work to do anyway.

I am anxious to pick up my earrings tomorrow. The pictures do look good.

Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, are you wearing your gorgeous earrings today?! I saw that one of your fab rings was featured in TBT too -- you're like a celebrity! WTF is up with the moths... ??? I hear ya on the bruises! Many years ago I was doing a lot of sailing, and I would invariably throw my but right on the cleats as I was trying to balance on the rail. I had my annual appointment and the doc was like... uh... let me give you the number of a shelter that can help you... ! She thought I was being abused because my lower half was mess of bruises, LOL. How's the toe?

Yesterday I slept in more than I normally do on a work day, and then I did a bunch of washing and listing. The sun is moving around the house earlier now and it's cutting short my good photo time. I used to have until after noon, but yesterday by about 11:30 I had weird glare coming in the side deck door.

Today is the location auction. Fingers crossed -- as always -- that they have nothing interesting and I can come home and work! There are two estate sales I want to run by in any event because they've got some good stuff in the pics.

Liam is down in the basement packing up the stuff he sold yesterday. He asked me to box up something fragile for him since I am The Queen Of Bubble Wrap so I guess I'll head down there and get it done for him.
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, yes I have my new earrings on today. They are sure sparklers. Thanks for the head-up on my ring in the TBT. I really liked that ring but don't have it anymore. I had three rings with about the same color stone so eventually traded it for something else. That and the peach sapphire heart are two rings I wish I'd kept. Not like I lack for rings to wear though.

Stupid moths.

I hear you on the bruises, it's nice people offer to help though. Sounds like you were quite bruised up from sailing. When I broke me wrist the ER generally didn't let Marty go back with me for BP, X-rays, etc. and they kept asking me how it happened. They finally let him stay with me once they put me in a little "room" (the walls were curtains).

Sweet you got more sleep. I've been waking up before 6 recently. WTH? I bet the smoke makes for subdued lighting for your pictures. I had the best angle for backlit jewelry at my old house, I've never been able to duplicate it here.

Did you bring home new treasures from the auction and estate sale? I bet you are quite adept at backing up breakables. Speaking of breakables - you should see the bruise on my right toe. I still say I'm glad it hit me instead of the wood floor. On our way to breakfast this morning, I'd sent Marty a picture of my bruised toe earlier and we were talking about it. He said when it happened, he had his headphones on and had just got off a call. His office is below the kitchen and he heard it hit and he said almost immediately he heard me say "F*** that hurt" so he knew he didn't need to rush upstairs. If it was that loud, I'm glad he was off his conference call. :lol:

After breakfast this morning we spent money like drunken sailers at Sam's Club. I hoarded more paper products, we got two tenderloin roasts / strips whatever you call them and assorted other things. I was hoping to find some long sleeve shirts but it was all short or no sleeve tops. I'm never that hot.

I got some cards ready to mail and made a storage bill - past due of course - for my sister-in-law. She travels around in her RV, but has her mailing address at her parent's house. So I made her a $600 bill for storing her "bedazzled jeep seat" in our basement. Of course, on the envelope I wrote "past due notice" in red. I crack myself up.

We are heading out for a wedding here shortly in Colorado and I hope to get our plants this weekend. Tomorrow we are going back to Colorado for dinner with my sister and some of her family, then Monday we're having the "drinkers" over for tenderloins and baked potatoes. Busy weekend. Plus I have to get some work done and set up my new microphone.

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, you do have a busy weekend planned! LOL on the past due bill. I buy a fair amount of clothes at Costco, especially casual stuff. I wish they had some sort of fitting room though because without one I generally buy every size, take them home to try on, and return the ones that don't fit. Can you imagine if the people on Marty's conference call had heard you?! :lol:

Yesterday I ran by the auction and there was only one set of glasses I was even mildly interested in so I left Liam there to bid for me along with all the things he wanted and I headed out. I managed to get a lot of good stuff -- including something I cannot believe was still there! It is the large cranberry colored pitcher that I listed this morning. I saw it in the estate sale ad but figured someone else would have snapped it up first thing. When I went yesterday everything was half off since it was the last day and I couldn't believe it when I saw it sitting on the back of a bookshelf in the living room. Angel chorus!!! I snagged that thing so fast there were flames shooting off my fingertips! It was sitting on the dining room table right beside where I was wrapping up the other glasses I was buying and three separate people tried to take it from me. I was like, uh -- that is MINE! Finally I wrapped some tissue paper around it and put it in a flat just to get people to stop reaching for it.

Last night we went to dinner with some friends. I ate Way Too Much.

Today was another early morning -- I was downstairs drinking coffee on the couch in the family room by about six. I took pics for a few listings and then came downtown to have lunch with a client. Now I'm lounging around after a nap waiting for the sheets to finish in the dryer. When those are done I'm heading to a neighborhood up north to meet another group of friends for dinner and then I'll go back to The North Estate.

Tomorrow I have to take pics like a mo fo because I've only got two days worth of back-up listings ready. I also need to address Mt. St. Laundry...

Alright, off to see if the sheets are dry!
Happy Memorial Day kids!

Dinner last night with my friends was a lot of fun! I was back at The North Estate by 9:30 and in bed by 9:35!

Liam just left for an auction. I need to motivate in a serious way... It's almost 8:30 and even though I woke up at 6 and did some internettin' I convinced myself to go back to sleep. It was glorious!

OF is at a sleepover with one of his friends. I have to remember to pick him up at noon. Or maybe they'll just keep him. They're a nice family, I'm sure he'd be very happy there. :lol:

Alright... time to stand up...
Happy Tuesday kids!

Yesterday was pretty productive and I've got some glasses queued up on the counter for pics today in between meetings. I also need to do some closet reorg and straighten things out in the bedroom.

There is a big pile of commerce down by the front door ready to go to UPS, Fed Ex and the post office. I only had two boxes but apparently Liam was busy packing things after I went to bed last night.

The crows are having a fit outside. Man, this nature thing can get LOUD! Liam brought me a faux fur coat home from the auction yesterday and I put it outside to air out because it was a little musty. I hope that coat has nothing to do with the crows squawking because they sound like there're right outside the window were the back deck is downstairs LOL.

Off to see what all the excitement is about.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I didn't post most this weekend. I was busy eating. :lol: And then my stomach showed me who was in charge at about 4 a.m. today. It wasn't me.

I did have a busy weekend. I can't wait until my SIL finds out about her bill. Sam's Club doesn't have dressing rooms either. I did order myself a few things on sale from LL Bean this weekend. I don't know what size from them fits me. That would have been pretty funny if Marty's conference call had heard me. That bruise is spreading and is even on the side of my foot. I whacked it good.

That cranberry pitcher is pretty cool. I bet it sells quickly. I bet fire was shooting out of your fingertips when you snatched it up and especially when other people tried to grab it. Smack, that's mine! By the way, "that's mine" was apparently my fiirst words. I did have two older sisters.

Your dinner with friends sounds like a lot of fun.. We had a good time with the drinkers yesterday. Marty grilled two big tenderloin roast and we only ate one of them between six of us. Did you go pick up the OF? How is his driving coming along?

You also had a busy weekend. Yes, nature is loud. Did your coat survive or were the crows thinking it was dinner?

So for my weekend. The wedding was nice but not well organized. It started late, then after the ceremony the entire bridal party was gone for about 90 minutes for pictures. While we sat around at tables with room temperature glasses of water than no one came to fill. By about 4, people were getting restless. They finally brought out food but it was shiskabobs with tiny pieces of meat between vegetables and bite sized cheesecake squares with strawberries. Or in other words, a light snack for Marty. We left before they cut the cake. When we got home we ordered a XL pizza and had it for supper.

Sunday was some work then meeting my sister, BIL and nephew for steaks in Colorado. After we got home, we watched a James Bond movie complete with popcorn.

Yesterday, I was miserable when I got up from eating so much already, but I still wolfed down tenderloin, a baked potato, and a piece of cake. Plus wine was involved in all but the wedding.

The drinkers must have joined AA or something since we didn't even finish four bottles between the six of us. We played gender cribbage, the girls against the guys. The guys won two out of three. Phooey.

I finally got up again about 8 this morning and worked over nine hours today. I ate some things but not much and my stomach is still sore.

I did podcast #4 this afternoon and had problems like you had with crows. The AC kicked on, someone started mowing the lawn, a dog started barking, then several texts or phone calls came in. I should have done it this morning. Then it took me too long to edit and clip things today. Finally got it done though. Hopefully, no edits are required.

Hi Kids!

What a day! I again had to learn new techniques for podcasts at which I am not adequately prepared. Then I had all sorts of files on my desktop which drives me crazy, so in my desire to clean up my desk top, I got in to a folder called "recent files". It was FULL of files and I'm like "what's this?" So I deleted them all except for today and yesterday. And guess what? I deleted 99% of the files on my hard drive. And I'm soooooo efficient, I already emptied my trash. We used to have an external drive where our machines were backed up, but Marty moved things to a online storage. Just the other day, my laptop was whining you haven't back this up for x number of days. And I thought, I need to get Marty to do something about that. Well, too late now. He is at Walmart right now picked up a hard drive for me.

I am finally hungry after my eat-a-thon and subsequent stomach-pays-me-back-athon. :lol:

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, LOL on "that's mine" being your first words! I guess we learn early in life what we need to do to survive! YF said OF has been driving around down by his mom's a bit. I'm sure Liam will be thrilled when he can finally make the drive back and forth, even if he is going to be confined to the back roads rather than the highway in the beginning. I hear ya on the wedding food being a light snack for Marty! One time Bill and I went to a restaurant called the Blue Dolphin and after we had a long drawn out very expensive meal we went to McDonalds' on the way home! Rut ro on deleting everything! That is totally something I would do!

Yesterday I took a long miserable drive downtown first thing for the compliance meeting. Since it was in the same building as my old office I stopped by there after and saw everyone, including my old boss, who I ran into in the lobby. Oops.

I made it back to The North Estate by about three, but I had to take a nap! When Liam go home I logged on to my email and reviewed a couple of marketing pieces. I swear to god I have no idea what is wrong with the marketing person assigned to our group. We're doing a big system conversion so customers will have new log on procedures. The message from the marketing person was that these were materials provided by the vendor and she "already QC'd them" so they were good to go and maybe I didn't even need to look at them. Well, being me, of course I DID look at them. I found two typos, a persistent formatting issue, and inconsistent use of PIN vs Pin. Plus, a phrase used in both pieces going out to customers had a phrase with a hyphen in one piece and it didn't use a hyphen in the other piece. Good QC'ing there lady -- NOT! The worst part is they get mad at ME over this stuff. Seriously.

After that I packed up an order of thirteen glasses going to Washington state (UPS stock goes up every damn time I get a big order... grrrrr... ) and went to bed relatively early.

Today I'm working from home. I don't have any glasses queued up to take pictures of, so I better get a move on!
Happy Sunday kids!

It's been a full 24+ hours since Liam and the ferals went on their trip... and I have to say... IT'S GLORIOUS!

Yesterday Morning I put out my two big suitcases and headed to a couple of estate sales to avoid the packing sh!t show. By the time I came back pretty much everything the three of them own was in luggage LOL. I dropped the travelers at the local airport around 1:30, came back and got my own car (we had to take Liam's truck to the airport because there's no way all those humongous bags would have fit in my SUV) and headed downtown. There I picked up my best friend and went to my place. I can't remember if I told you this, but Jane has MS and she's staying at my condo for a few weeks while she has her bathroom redone to include an handicap accessible walk in shower since climbing in and out of the tub is dangerous for her now. I left my car in the garage, got her situated, and headed out to meet friends for dinner who are in town from California. We went to a really great place with a cool outdoor patio. I didn't make it back to The North Estate until almost midnight.

This morning I was awake early, thinking I should get up and start taking pics, but I went back to sleep until around seven. The dogs were interested in breakfast and back yard squirrels at that point so you can imagine how that unfolded.

I'm on a mission to eat up a lot of the food that's just sitting around. I had frozen taquitos for lunch and bacon wrapped cheese stuff jalapenos for dinner. And wine. Plenty of wine! The kitchen has been cleaned within an inch of its life and I'm working on the third load of laundry. This living alone thing is really very nice!

Alright, off to do some folding of towels and such and queue up a few more audio books. As you can see, even with the others gone, the excit-o-meter doesn't move much. :lol:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I'm sure my older sisters were always taking my stuff, it's only natural I learned to stick up for myself. That will be nice when the OF can drive back and forth between houses.

Thanks kind of funny you and Bill stopped at McDonald's after a wedding. I like the old days when they just had cake, nuts, mints and you were out of there.

How strange you went to a compliance meeting as your old office. Oh no the marketing person assigned to your group isn't doing their job. Good thing you QC'd it.

Nice you had the house to yourself for a while. I did too. Marty was camping until this morning. Of course, I was bored out of my mind yesterday after I quit working. I watched most of the eight episodes of 1923, went out to eat at Olive Garden and ate too much. I did start the day at Lowe's picking up flowers for our flower pots. It was raining when I got home, so put them on the floor of the garage and decided to plant them today. This morning, I ate breakfast then went out and started planting flowers. I was almost done when Marty pulled up in the trailer.

You have mentioned your friend has MS, I am glad she is getting her bathroom safer for her to use. That's nice of you to let her stay at your condo for a few weeks. Sounds like you have fun catching up with friends from California. I thought of calling some friends to meet for lunch yesterday, but decided to go so late they probably already ate.

Good idea to eat up the food sitting around the house.

This afternoon we got the trailer cleaned out and returned it to our RV park at the drinker's house. Then we ate at Outback, there wasn't a hostess in sight when we went in and I didn't think it mattered if you just sit in the bar. Apparently not, since the bar tender ignored us and finally about 15 minutes later the hostess asked if we'd been helped yet. Good thing we weren't in a hurry.

Marty spent hours on the phone tonight with his mom. She bought a new iPad and all of her email is hosed up. She has no idea what she did or how to set things up. Funny thing, she is always losing files. I told my SIL - I at least know HOW I deleted all my files. :lol:

Last two nights I woke up about 3 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I hope that trend doesn't continue tonight.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, where did Marty go camping? Was this his first time out in the new RV? How did the short bed work LOL? Every time you mention Olive Garden I remember that there's one right here by my new office... but I never seem to get there. I can't believe the bartender just ignored you that whole time. I would have "ignored" the tip when the time came! I haven't lost any files lately, but I did find out after I'd done a ton of work on a big project that the file wasn't auto saving. There was some swearing! Did you sleep through the night?

Just as I was putting the dinner dishes in the dishwasher last night our friends pulled into the driveway. Liam had arranged to have a big boulder put in the yard to replace a pine tree that had died and our friends decided that was the right time to bring it over and roll it out off the trailer. I, of course, knew nothing about this plan so I stood by in mute amusement as it unfolded. The new big rock actually looks pretty good where it is now, but I honestly had no idea that we were even missing a tree ha ha. So Liam is happy he'll have that to come home to.

The Great West Travelers had a big day yesterday! The saw a couple of elk walk across a busy street by a Home Depot (the ferals had never seen anything like that before!) and they visited both the meteor crater and the Grand Canyon. Two giant deep holes in one day! I talked to Liam on way in to the office this morning and he was up but the ferals were not yet. They really don't have far to go today since their next destination is only about 2-1/2 away so his plan is to just meander there and see what there is to see along the trip.

I've got a package tor un to the post office at lunch and some more laundry to deal with when I get home tonight. The excitement abounds! And at some point I should go to the grocery store and get stuff to make chili... but I'm not super motivated so we'll see if that actually happens.

Alright, off to draft a message that will make a whole bunch of people mad. Happpppppy Monnnnnnnday!
Argh. I need to have an etsy rant. In the general fvckery of etsy they keep doing "tests" and "pilots"... but they don't always tell US -- the damn SELLERS. Now they are apparently testing having all of the photos be square instead of 4:3 horizontal. My photos are taken specifically with the 4:3 ratio in mind! When I look at my page all of the pics are cut off on both sides. This appears to be the case on both the app and on my computer. Seriously! I am an absolute lunatic about taking good pictures, especially the first thumbnail image that people see. And now they are all screwed up. But since it's just a "test" I can't even go forward putting new listings up with a square first image because if they decided NOT to keep it that way then those new listings will be wrong. I'm so annoyed I could just spit.
Hi Kids,

Marty went camping in the mountains about 30 miles from here. He enjoyed it thoroughly. Hiking, taking pictures and napping. I'm sure he either slept diagonal or sideways with bent knees. His feet are pretty much over the end of a California King mattress. He did find a few issues - the roof over the shower leaks and the propane hookup outside the RV for a gas grill is clogged or doesn't work properly. He find the wiring issues already for the backup cameras. I do like OG and wisely told the waitress to only bring me one bread stick so I wouldn't eat two of them.

Oh no to the file not being auto-saved on your project. I keep finding every day things I'm missing.

Surprise to your friends dropping off a big boulder. Hopefully it wasn't blocking your cars so you would be "stuck" at home. It sounds like the guys are having a nice time on their trip. Too funny about the surprise elk sighting. Heck, we've even had mountain lions here in town. My SIL was just at the Grand Canyon. She ventured on to the Arches in Utah, but it's been raining the entire time she's been there.

Did you pick up groceries? I ventured out this morning to stock up on necessities as well. I was out of fruit.

OMG that sucks at different format pictures on your site. Let me go look and see if the test is maybe just showing up on your login. No such luck. They are cut off. That is rotten of them to do that. Grr.

I had a bit of a meltdown this afternoon. The boss (as I think I mentioned before) is obsessed with these videos and using some online platform to make them. It generates AI videos based on your script. Even thought I've got 80% of this video ready to go in Powerpoint, she insisted I got try the program. I get stressed easily when I don't feel like I know what I'm doing. I'm trying to get other work done and she's texting me like crazy, do this, do that . . . I could feel my BP spiking and I'm thinking stress is exactly why I quit my last job. Then, she gets in there and starts changing out things on the file I'm working on. All of a sudden half my stuff is gone. We both log off and I go back in and it's fine. So she asks me if I'm having fun or cussing her out. I immediately responded both. She apologized. After I played with the app I can see why she thinks it's great. It does look professional but will loose that personal touch. She is going to "edit" what I did in the morning, then I'm going to learn how to do voice overs and record the audio, then figure out how to add the ending and hopefully export it for YouTube. I again worked 9 hours today and barely got anything done.

It was chilly hear today so I didn't go pick off flowers, but will try to do that tomorrow. My mom who had a green thumb, always dead-headed all her plants when she first planted them.

Off to paint my nails and watch some TV.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, is Marty mad about the issues he's finding with the RV or just taking it in stride as part of having something new? I haven't gotten any groceries yet, but my current plan involves a trip to Costco on the way home today. (We'll see how that pans out!) I hear ya on being stressed at your "retirement job!" I get stressed over my damn Etsy store and then I'm like WTF -- this is supposed to be FUN! Hopefully the new app really does make your life easier. My nails are the current favorite color that I have, but it's still a little pinker than I prefer. Unfortunately I can't find the mauve I really like any more and attempts to replace it have been close but not quite right.

Yesterday I got quite a bit of work done! Today I have a meeting with my boss and I'm going to tell him to put his seat belt on when I walk in the door of his office LOL because we've got A LOT to go over.

When I got home yesterday I ate way too much random crap, printed out a shipping label for Liam, packed up and easy order for myself, did a load of whites, took some more laundry upstairs, and contemplated the reorganization of a certain part of my closet (although I didn't actually DO it, I just thought it through).

Alright, off to see what havoc I can wreak today!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty takes things in stride far better than I do. He rarely gets agitated. He has already said he'll fix the issues in the trailer himself. I'd be out at Camping World raising heck - fix this NOW!!!

I think I've got a basic understanding of what that video app can and can't do. One of them is a big can't do, but it'll eventually save me a lot of time, because it does a lot of automation for you. I sent you a link to my latest podcast. I did the voice overs in the app per scene but it recorded the click of my mouse as well. So, I downloaded the audio only and cut out the sound. Then I imported the audio to the app and it smartly lined everything up. However, it automatically shortens the scene to last only as long as the attached audio and there's not way to change it. Guess I can talk slower in the future and just make the audio file myself and import it.

Yes, your Etsy store is supposed to be fun. Are the pictures still hosed up?

Did you stop at Costco and get food? I made tacos for us for supper.

Mauve is usually my favorite shade of nail polish too, but I'm sure you know that. We've had this discussion before.

Did you have that meeting with your boss? I hope it went well.

I did make it outside to pick off my dead or dying flowers today. We had a lovely rainstorm tonight with a giant rainbow. I took this picture with my fish-eye lens. It's not the greatest photo, but it caught the huge rainbow.

Off to get ready for bed, clean my jewelry and watch a bit of TV.


Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I only worked eight hours today. Yay. And I worked through lunch so I could sneak off to the park and take some pictures. I got a new lens for Christmas that hasn't gone further than my deck yet. I was pleased with the results.

The local botanic gardens was rather disappointing though, there was hardly any flowers planted yet and the inside was closed already. It used to be run by two local guys who really cared about it and it showed. Now it’s city run and sadly it shows.

I dead lifted 100 pounds - 15 times today! Yippee!!!! Rows and presses aren’t coming along as fast, but they are still progressing.
And apparently, I'm the expert on making videos today. Now, that's funny!


My favorite picture from today:

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, how long are the guys on vacation?

I worked nine hours today. Again. I'm going to be rolling in the dough. :lol: I even willingly started on my next podcast.

We had an intense rain storm this afternoon. Including a little bit of hail.

Marty is picking up Culver's for us for supper. The flavor of the day is caramel chocolate swirl, how could I resist? Yay, frozen custard.

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I forgot to thank you for what you sent -- I'm sure YF will love it when he gets back! WOW, that rainbow pic is AMAZING! I did go to Costco mid-week, but didn't even break the hundred dollar mark. That's a new record! Really all I got was a chicken and prosecco (and maybe one or two other things), but to get out of there without having to donate an organ is fantastic! It sounds like you've got this whole podcast thing figured out. I'll never be good friends with technology like that LOL. The random hailstorms are what make me reluctant to drive Billy Ray to work and leave him in an open parking lot. One hail ding on that car and I'd Loose My Sh!t -- ha!

Well my chaos free life comes to an end tomorrow. I gotta say, I've quite enjoyed this! I didn't get quite as much visible cleaning done as I'd hoped, but I did really make some headway.

This has been a strange sales week. I've only had two sales over the past several days (although one was a two listing sale, and one was a three listing sale) and then today I had four sales come through in two hours. Uhhhh... OK. I just roll with it now.

Tomorrow is the local auction and, as usual, I'm hoping there's nothing I want so I can come home and list. Currently I've got six sets of glasses on the counter all washed up and ready to go.

At 2:30 I have to pick the guys up from the airport. Party's over...

Alright, off to drink some more prosecco and enjoy these last few quite hours.
Happy Sunday kids!

Yesterday was a whole lotta "wait and hurry up" as opposed to "hurry up and wait"! I went to the local auction and there were two things I really wanted. One was a set of pretty rare glasses, and the other was the balance of a set of glasses I'd bought a few auctions ago. No idea how they got separated, but regardless, I'm thrilled to find some more. Now I'll have a set of 8 tall ones and 6 short ones, and those are very saleable numbers. Of course the glasses were on the same table... and many rows into the process. So I ended up standing around for hours, and when I finally go to them I won the bids, packed everything up, paid, bolted to an estate sale where a friend of mine was holding three other set of glasses for me, ran home and unpacked the car, jumped in Liam's truck and went to the airport to retrieve the travelers. Many road trip tales ensued, and we ordered pizza for dinner. I went to bed so early it was still light out LOL.

It's raining here all day so I made the executive decision not to take pictures since they'll all be grey and dreary. I had a big order to pack anyway, which actually came in yesterday but there was no way I could get to it then. It' s a giant punch bowl and twelve. cups. What a monster -- I have to confess when I saw the order on my phone yesterday morning I said CRAP! But now it's out of my life, and I made some decent money on it, so it's all good. And hopefully it will make some lovely lady in South Dakota very happy! Let's just pray I've learned the punch bowl lesson and can resist buying any more, even when they're sitting right in front of me at an auction and I can have them for a dollar!

Liam and the ferals are currently eating orange chicken for lunch and I just had a piece of left over pizza from last night. Next up, a trip to UPS, a Costco run, and then I'm going to do my nails and drink prosecco for the rest of the day!
Happy Monday kids!

The balance of yesterday was pretty chill! We dropped stuff off at UPS, made a quick Costco trip (note to self: Do not ever go to Costco on the weekend!), nails are now a color I'll likely never use again (think fuschia...), another easy order came in and was packed right up, and I spent some time sitting in the big brown chair with my feet up drinking a whole lotta prosecco. Ahhhhh.... !

Today I'm back at the grind. My boss sent a message that we're probably moving up one floor. He seems to think it's a big deal. In my last job we restacked every July, so I'm used to being shuffled. Plus, I haven't been here long enough to accumulate much.

Alright, off to work on a spreadsheet. The excitement never ends!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I'm alive but have been either working or binge watching Picard on Paramount +. You know working and goofing off.

Wow to getting out of Costco without donating a kidney or something. I doubt I've even made it out of Sam's under $100 before.

Darn that the week of peace and quiet is over. I enjoy when Marty is gone, but I am happy when he gets back too. I guess he is going to Kansas twice in the coming months for work.

That's great you found more glasses to get your set up to a very sell able number. Sweet to selling the punch bowl set. I totally remember my mom had one of those and it was pulled out for many parties over the years. I'm sure you can sell more of them if you find a set at a decent price. See, what an enabler I am?

So fuchsia nails, eh? I need to throw away my bright pink that I don't like, but I forget and then I'm not sure which one it is until I use it again. I currently have on one of our favorites - lucky lavender. Probably have to do them again tomorrow.

That's great you've been enjoying some prosecco. I had a glass of wine on Saturday night. I savored every sip.

So my weekend was either working of watching TV. Marty and two of his clients competed in a state power lifting competition. All three of them set new state records (for their age and weight) and the 81 year-old-lady set a national record for dead lifting. She was so excited. The crowd really cheers her on; it's so awesome. She just lights up - but gets embarassed - when they start hollering and clapping for her. We all went out to supper Saturday after the meet, but I'd just finished my supper when Marty sent me a text to go get up a table for 8 at a local restaurant. They were about 40 minute away from town at the time.

It's been raining now for hours. They have flood warnings out for the area. It's been so chilly at night that I have to turn on our furnace when I get up in the morning. I liked our gas and light bill though, it's been running around $500 since Christmas and it was below $200. Not hot enough to run the AC much and not cold enough to kick on the heater. Yay.

Off to find something for supper so I can eat and have a reason to eat some ice cream.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, Don't enable me! I'm already enough of a danger to myself without your encouragement! :lol: I love hearing about Marty's 81 year old client! Gives me hope some day I'll be in shape too LOL. Will he fly to Kansas for his work trips or will he make an RV adventure out of it? Liam's utility bills have improved too for the moment. But once the A/C kicks on the electric will go sky high like it always does in the summer. Ack.

This morning I ran by UPS on the way to the office. Normally they see me and open the doors early so I can scoot in, get my packages scanned, and head off to work. But today they didn't open the door until right at eight, and they couldn't give me a receipt because there was some sort of tech issue. The lady who runs the place was like, no problem, I'll just text you the receipt. When it came through I was confused for a second -- she took a pic of the receipt holding it down flat and she has the exact same color of nail polish I've got on. At first I thought it was my hand. I was like... how on earth is this happening... ? See, I'm not good with figuring things out first thing in the mroning!

I ate pretty good yesterday, not even giving in to the donuts in the office kitchen or the ice cream temptation after dinner -- but it was tough! Let's see how today goes ha ha.

There are several long documents on my desk that need to be reviewed. This is going to require at least one more cup of coffee. Uhhhhh...
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, but I like to enable people. It makes me feel better when I enable myself. :lol:

There's always hope for me to be in shape. My right knee sure hasn't improved after the 3 months of no lifting. It's better than it was, but not as strong as before I broke my wrist. I may have to suck it up sometime and visit a doctor about it. Phooey.

Marty will fly to Kansas. Party at chez Curbyhouse.

Oh no that UPS didn't let you in early and phooey to no receipt. That is kind of funny about the picture they sent you had someone with nail polish the same as yours. I did a double take myself today. I was cc'd on an email from work to "Marcella" which is my given name. I'm going, why is she writing me for permission to use my picture? LOL.

Yay for eating good. I have been trying too. These videos stressed me a bit and I ate more chocolate than I've been eating, but not too bad. I are normal-ish today. I do often have ice cream but not much and I really like to get mini bars. They are nice controlled portions.

Did coffee help you get through the stack of documents? I was a bit sleepy so had a 1/2 cup of cocoa this morning.

Marty is optimistic the sky will be clear tonight so has his scope-camera-thingy set up in the back yard for a photo tonight.

However, I can see clouds to the west. Oh oh. Hope it doesn't get rained on.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm the last person in the world you'd expect to hear this from... but... yes, go see a doctor about your knee! Who knows; maybe it's something easy to fix and they you'll be glad you did it. Parrrrrrrtttttttaaaaay! I'll bring the wine. :lol: Those little mini candy bars are great in theory... until unwrap the dozenth one LOL. Did Marty get rained out or was he able to get his pictures?

Yesterday was a slog. I did end the day with a productive meeting with my boss and got answers to some questions that have been lingering, so that was nice. On the food front, I was good for a second day in the row. When I got home Liam said let's have a date night so we went to an Italian restaurant where I get this chicken thing that has mozzarella cheese and mushrooms and it's on top of pureed cauliflower with asparagus. I started with a caesear salad, which kept me from eating any bread. There was some more wine when I got home, as well as dark chocolate, but I'm good with all of that!

Today I have no meetings on my calendar -- it's a miracle! I've got photos to take, and I plan on a big walk in the middle of the day, which I haven't done for ages. It's funny, on the days that I go in to work I have to drag myself out of bed around seven, but on the days that I'm at home I'm raring to go well before that. Ready... set... GO!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I was about ready to agree with you at about 4 a.m. when I could barely walk on that knee. Right now it's better. Slightly, sorta . . .

Sweet you'll bring the wine. Speaking of which, I met a friend for lunch today and spilled over half a glass of wine in her direction. I got her arm and shirt. Oops. Then we talked for four hours and I just got home. I had one more glass of wine and didn't spill it. Yay. Needless to say, I didn't work nine hours today.

Marty did get a picture but he couldn't correct the coma on the stars so they are a bit blobby, not pinpoint, but the nebula looks good. I guess his latest astro camera can't correct for coma from a lens?

I get mini ice cream bars. Dove has some for 60 calories and I found some Blue Bunny for 130 calories. Not bad for a quick and guilt free dessert.

Your date night sounds like a lovely time and I'd say your food and wine was perfect for a date night. I didn't do badly at lunch today. I have half of a french dip sandwich, a few fries and we split a brownie a la mode.

That's great you cleared up some things with your boss.

Did you go for a walk? It's finally nice here and in the 70's. I think I'll go dead head my flowers finally.

That's kind of funny about getting around earlier at home than going to the office. I used to be able to get ready and online within 30 minutes when I was working from home on my old job. Now, I read stuff on my cell phone, some of it is over 100 chats for work though, so they count for some of my time. Plus, I'm chasing darn millers out of my front door every morning. I hate those things.

So I worked a bit this morning, met a friend at 12:30 for lunch at a bar - and we ended up in the bar and talked for a long, long time. I was going to get groceries and gas while I was out. Skipped the groceries but did get gas on the way home. Her daughter is thinking of buying an Audi so naturally I told me friend to bring her to lunch in a few weeks so I can enable her decision. :lol:

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, you spilled wine? Party foul!!! I love the idea of mini ice cream bars... but there is no doubt in my mind Liam and the ferals would gobble them up. The thing about my dark chocolate stash is that it's totally hidden. I have it in the dining room behind a bunch of stuff so I know they'll never come across it. Well... my idea of a walk never came to fruition because I had four orders come in and I had to pack them up so I could get to the post office before it closed. (See--I can always come up with an excuse. :lol: )

Last night Liam and I went to the local BBQ place for Wednesday night dinner and old car show. I avoided bread, even though my usual go-to is the pulled pork sandwich, and got the grilled chicken. I had it once before and didn't love it, but last night it was pretty good so think that will be my go-to for now. That marks Day Three of not screwing up my diet, LOL!

A bunch of people in my office are moving up one floor. We just took a field trip up there and I'm getting a corner office, which is triangular, but I like it anyway. That's barring anyone else with more seniority bumping me for it. I've been here five months, it's about time they make me move offices, right? At my old firm we restacked every July when the new class of associates came in so I'm not stranger to the shuffle.

Alright, time to get ready for a big meeting with my boss and outside counsel. Better be prepared!