
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, how's the peel going?! Is Marty surviving the triple digits? I am concerned about you being left alone without adult supervision. :lol: Work on the 4th of July -- holy cow! Are you going for Employee of the Month or something? :cheeky: I WISH we'd had rain roll through last night because it would have put the kibosh on the idiots shooting off fireworks far in to the night. Poor Blue; as soon as he'd settled down from one blast someone else would set off another one. He was pretty much out of his little doggy mind. The Benadryl worked like a charm the other night, but last night was just too much for him.

I got some pictures taken Monday and yesterday and started moving listings onto Shopify. It's not a terrrrible process... but it's definitely not as fast as I'd like. The "bulk import" function gets locked up so I have to move things in one at a time. That would be OK if I didn't have almost six hundred. Ugh. I've currently got about 70 up though and I'll send you a link. I did realize that the contact info is showing my home address, right down to the apartment number, so I definitely want to change that. Driving traffic to my store is something I need to figure out. My initial idea is that I've got email addresses for every person that has ever ordered from my Etsy store so I could do an email that says something like: Noble Estates is Expanding! And then give a link to Shopify. Hopefully I can figure out a way to screen shot the front page of the Shopify store so it's eye catching when they open the email. I could also offer a coupon... but that's another thing I have to figure out LOL and my brain can only handle so much!

Alright, off to do some compliance. There are very few people in the office today do I'm hoping to get a lot done!
Oh! That thing we were looking at yesterday... Wheaton Village! Liam came up with the Village part and I tracked down the rest.

Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center (“WheatonArts”), founded as Wheaton Village in 1968, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to engage artists and audiences in an evolving exploration of creativity. The mission will be advanced through the interpretation of collections and exhibitions; education initiatives and culturally diverse public programs; residencies and other opportunities for artists. With a history spanning five decades, WheatonArts has earned regional, national and international recognition for its unique collections and programs. The Museum of American Glass is at the heart of the Center, housing the most comprehensive collection of glass produced in America. Located in Millville, the center of the nation’s first glass industry, the Museum is one of only 9 museums in New Jersey to be accredited by the American Alliance of Museums.

And I found a bunch of other hand blown pieces signed Wheaton Village, although the signatures are all different, which makes sense since it's the name of the organization and not of the artist.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, my skin is mostly done peeling. Yay. I think I need to just hang out on the couch for a few days so I don't hurt myself anymore. :lol:

Marty said the humidity was worse than the heat. That is a good call worrying about me without supervision. Marty always says the killer rabbits are in charge when I'm gone.

Your poor dogs dealing with all that noise. I bet it continues through the week too.

Ugh to moving your product one at a time. That's a great idea to contact previous customers where to find you and to offer them a coupon. I'll look forward to seeing the new site.

Nice you figured out the mystery. It's an interesting story. Hopefully, it makes the pieces more valuable.

As you know, my day was uneventful until mid-afternoon. Hopefully, Marty finds his debit card. I'm mot convinced he looked everywhere for it, because I know how well that goes here at home. Just saying. After supper, I finished a few tweaks on my newest podcast. And have just been testing how my vision with my new glasses. It seems better.

I cranked on the furnace today. We're in the mid 50's and will get colder tonight.

Curby #Iamsuchaklutz
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, how's the tootsie? Any new and interesting shades of blue and purple? Did the debit card mysteriously turn up? Fortunately we didn't have any noise last night, but I fear people will have leftover fireworks and set them off this weekend. Ugh. You have the furnace on, and I just turned he A/C on in my office to TURBO because it was literally 85 degrees in here. That proved to be a mistake about half way through a teams meeting when I could pretty much see my breath, but I couldn't turn it off at that point so I had to suffer through the last half hour as the temperature continued to drop LOL.

Nothing more got done my the new platform last night. I need big chunks of time to do it effectively, and big chunks of time are at a premium in my life! Tonight I need to wash up a bunch of stuff for pics tomorrow morning.

Two big meetings this afternoon back-to-back. Fortunately the third big meeting got moved to next week or else I'd be totally swamped today!

Alright, off to heat up some chili and make a list. Forever with the list making...!!!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, three of my toes are bruised and a quarter sized spot on the top of my foot by the toes is blue. It hurts a little bit but not much.

The debit card mystery is now a memory. The coffee shop had it, he left in on the counter. Marty said "I never do that" to which I replied "you can't say that anymore" :lol: I ventured over to the credit union when they opened and they turned his card back on. I should have been mean and left it until he got home.

Yay for no fireworks last night. I agree, they'll probably pick up this weekend again.

Too funny you turned your AC up to turbo and got cold during the meeting in your office. I still have the furnace on, but will probably turn it off. It's warming up again tomorrow.

Good luck getting some free time to move things to the new platform. I moved my new video to the YouTube platform today. Another one done. Yay.

How were the meetings?

I worked most of the day and ordered pizza for supper. And tomorrow is Friday and Marty is coming home, hopefully with his debit card.

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, is this the weekend you get the new site up and running? Good luck with that.

Marty - and hopefully his debit card - are on the way home right now. His plane took off from Dallas late, then there was a mess at DIA and they sat for about 30 minutes before they could pull up to a gate. Then once he gets inside the trains aren't running and the escalators aren't working. Luckily he was in one of the terminals that they can walk through the terminal and get out. He said the security line going in was nuts - 12 people wide and out the door practically. Let's hope it's working by his next trip week after next.

I had pizza for supper last night so was starving today. I Door Dashed lunch and supper. Best eat normal tomorrow before this becomes a habit.

I worked straight through today so had in eight hours by 3:30 so I quit then. My toes do have a bruise across them, you can tell where the edge of the weight is. Luckily it don't dropped about 8 inches instead of several feet.

Have a great weekend.
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, did Marty and his debit card make it home?! That situation in the airport sounds terrible. I wonder if the airlines held the flights because they can see if a bunch of people have checked in and then don't show up and get on the plane. How's the foot? Pizza sounds great to me. The ferals got one at Meijer yesterday for today's lunch, but I'm sure between them and Liam there won't be anything left for me -- which is a good thing! I ate OK yesterday... but then I had two handfuls of Doritos for "dessert." Oops!

I took some pictures yesterday and ran to the post office right before they closed, with a side trip to the Salvation Army. When Liam got home we zipped over to a neighborhood having a big garage sale, but all I got was a rain coat to keep in the car and a grey sweater that I bought solely because I like the zipper in the back. We did stop and talk with some of our auction friends for a while since we were right by their house. The lady had picked up a set of glasses for me about a month ago at an estate sale so I'd been meaning to run by there anyway.

Today I need to take more pics (of course), pack up two orders, and do my nails. Another exciting day here at The North Estate!
Forgot to say, I went on the Lenox site yesterday. I was hoping they had those snowflakes we bought last year (or maybe it was two years ago now) and I got all excited when I saw the set of ten... but then I realized they were mini ones. Oh well, it's only July, maybe they'll have some later on!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty did make it home okay. I haven't checked to see if he brought his debit card with him. I don't see any recent charges for him, so maybe I should check. Darn you missed out on the pizza. Sometimes, we just need to eat a few Doritos. I'm trying to be good today. We went out for breakfast and I had my usual bowl of fruit and a piece of cheese around noon. Marty is only eating two meals a day, so I'll get some taters going soon to go with some grilled filets.

I'd struggled with a bad zipper, short arms here. Nice to get a raincoat for the car. I have a lovely raincoat that fits me again. Yay. That's nice of your auction friends to pick up a batch of glasses for you. Keeping your supply well stocked.

The snowflakes were last year. My second order hasn't shown up yet, but should be here soon.

Marty got home late on Friday after stopping and having dinner with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. He was firmly planted on the couch, watching TV yesterday. We door dashed burgers for supper. Today we went out for breakfast and he goes to the gym on Sunday morning. I got laundry done today and we went over to our camper so Marty could measure how to make a table or something for us to eat on. The table he made so too tall for him. The short toy hauler isn't much for comfort or room inside. Not the floor plan I would have picked, but too late now.

I've been arguing with myself all weekend about whether to get a ultrawide monitor or second monitor but dang, to get 4K resolution is way too much money to save myself a few seconds. Plus, I get paid by the hour. When we were at our friends house where we store the RV, she was going to give me back a Mac monitor we gave them that they could never figure out how to hook up to the window's PC's. It's possible, but never worked for them. Apparently, her husband threw it out a few weeks ago. Oh well.

Off to get my mashed taters going.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, like Marty, I only eat two meals a day. The first one goes from about 8 am to 2 pm, and the second one goes from 2 pm to 8 pm. :lol: Did the rest of your Lenox order show up? That's a bummer your friend's husband threw out the monitor. And isn't that always the way? I mean. stuff sits around And you finally get rid of it... only to need it a week later!

Yesterday was the busiest day I've had since I started this job. Plus it started with me having to drop off my car at the body shop and hour away, so I was behind the eight ball already by the time I logged on.

Today I need to do a few things just to get them off my plate, and then I've GOT to work in some things for our new entity as there is a mandatory filing due to the SEC by Aug. 2. Ugh. I do work well under pressure, but this might be a little more than even I prefer!

Alright, off to get this all rolling!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I have two meals like that some days as well. I'm trying to be good this week. My order did show up. I was tempted to buy that 5 piece set, but I didn't. Did you order anything?

Yes, that is the way it goes. As soon as you throw something out, you want it again.

Phooey to a busy day. Mine was today. Glad you're getting your car fixed. I need to get my door ding fixed. I know I keep saying that. I need my annual oil change, maybe I should have them do that at the same time. I think they said they have a guy that comes in to the Porsche dealer.

Good luck getting things done and work on the upcoming filing due in August. I tend to get more done, if I have a lot to do as well.

I worked on videos today and found another way to delete things that I can't get back. I spent most of day on a video on summer meteors. I decided to rename it and the online app then had two projects, one with the new name. I didn't want anyone editing on the wrong file, so I carefully checked the newer file, it was all there, so I deleted the original file. Guess NOW I know they must just share the file rather than copy all the data to the new file. Once I deleted the original file, the new one was gone as well. Luckily, I downloaded a final video before I did that, so it was easy to recreate in less than an hour. #marcyneedstoquitdeletingthings

Marty texted me about 6:30 to see if I ate yet, and since I hadn't, I was delighted he brought us home Culver's for supper including me a small flavor of the day.

Another lesson I learned today, don't wear my Tiffany band without my diamond ring. After it fell off my hand three times, I put it away.

Hi Kids!

I got two - count 'em - two videos done and posted today. Yay!!! It took me pretty much two days, but hey, it's done,

I ventured to the grocery store this morning, but other than that, I worked until 5 and then lifted.

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on finding new ways to delete things! At my old job I got a new laptop during covid and I would do all sorts of work and save it, but when I would go back and look for it there was nothing there. Due to the magic of technology nothing was saving! I was really starting to things I was crazy LOL. Holy cow -- don't wear that Tiffany band alone! I had ring fly off my finger one time when I took my gloves off. It was terrifying!

These past few days have been crazy busy. The good news is I'm getting stuff done. The bad news is every time I get something cross off of my To Do list two more things get added. Ugh.

At lunch I need to run and pick up some bubble wrap. Liam heard through the grapevine that they are likely going to file for bankruptcy. I've already found other sources for my boxes and bubble wrap, but they are the cheapest place in town for styrofoam peanuts. I think I can order giant bags from OfficeMax and have them delivered right to the house, but they are almost twice as much. Oh well, I guess it is what it is.

I'm about to review a piece of marketing for the fourth time. Any bets on whether they have finally picked up all of my edits... ? I'm putting my money on NO!
Hi Kids.

Dee Jay, don't you love when files just disappear? Technology is great, except at certain times. That would be awful to have a ring go flying when you take your gloves off. I can wear my engagement ring with the Tiffany band so it won't fall off, but definitely not by itself. I could get sizing bumps put in it, or add some gold inside, but then I just changed a Tiffany band. Nope, not going to do that.

Darn your to do list continues to grow after you cross things off. Sounds like me.

Oh no, I hope your source of peanuts, bubble wraps and box might shut down. So many businesses around here closed their doors too. Not good. We have an Office Depot close to us, but they aren't cheap.

Did they catch your edits on the marketing piece?

I got two new videos posted. What a relief to get those out of the way. I thought of another one I could do, but I'm keeping it to myself right now.

We are finally getting warm weather. It's near 90 here today.

Here's Marty's latest picture. It's M16, aka the Eagle nebula. The Hubble image of it is known as the Pillars of Creation.

Off to start my supper.


Hi Kids!

It’s the weekend. Yay! We went to Colorado today and I traded in my iPad Pro 11 (3rd gen) and old iPad mini 2 for a new iPad Pro 11 and got the case with keyboard. I think this will work slick for using with work and just my goof off at night laptop. Yay.

We had dinner at out favorite steak how down there and then drove through intense rain and a hail storm on the way home. I didn’t check the car much when we got out of the car. If memory serves me right the Mayan is mostly galvanized steel so it should be okay.

It took a while getting my new iPad set up, but I think I’m logged in to everything now. Yay.

Any auctions or estate sale treasures this weekend? How is your new site coming along?

Off to finish my next video.

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I have a non-permanent hack for sizing the inside of a ring where you don't want to add sizing beads or anything like that. I take moleskin (the stuff that hikers use to prevent blisters), cut a tiny slice that will fit inside the ring without showing around the edges, and put it in there with tweezers. You can use a couple of layers if you want to take up more space. And since the moleskin is soft it shouldn't bug you. Hopefully that makes sense! I've done it several times and it works like a charm. If you ever want to take it out, just peel it off. LOL on keep in the new video idea to yourself! I think about getting a new ipad, but honestly I don't know what I'd use it for that I don't already use my tiny laptop for. Plus, it's got the screen that you can flip the whole way back and use it like a tablet so I can keep it out when I fly during take off and landing. Of course now that I've said that I'll probably get a bumpy runway next time I fly and the thing will pop up and smack me in the face!

Friday I worked part of the day but also got a bunch of pictures taken. Liam came home early and we ran to an estate sale where I picked up a gorgeous set of pink depression glass wine glasses with a really cool shape, so I'll be taking pictures of those today.

Yesterday we took the kids from BBBS to Six Flags. I was EXHAUSTED when we were done! Two ladies from my old company were there with their littles so we paired up. One of the women things she's pregnant so she didn't want to go on anything too rough, and with my back I figured if I rode a roller coaster I'd be walking like Quasimodo for a month so we hung out together and the other lady took the kids and did all the rides. We totally owe her flowers or something! It was still a very long day, and by the time we left there I felt like I'd been beaten with a stick!

Today I'm taking pictures and I've got two orders to pack. Not really anything to move the excit-o-meter today that I know of.
Happy Monday kids!

Yesterday was never-ending! I popped out of bed around seven to answer some questions for a lady on a set of glasses and just started taking pictures from there. At about 5:30 I thought, ok, it's still early and I only have two orders to pack. Welllll... by the time I made it downstairs I had three orders to pack... and by the time I was done with those three I had two more -- one of which was a set of dishes. At about 10:30 I sat down at the kitchen table with my first glass of prosecco! I didn't go to bed until after midnight. Ack!

Today I need to work work work. Tonight we're going to meet friends about 45 minutes south of here for dinner at a steak place. I just foolishly invited them over to grill out on Saturday, which means we have to clean up the house. I also need to go downtown tomorrow night for a dinner and work in the Chicago office on Wednesday. It's going to be a busy week!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Nothing exciting to report. One sale yesterday -- a set of salt and pepper shakers that are going about 20 miles away. That seems to be the latest in Etsy fvckery BTW -- there is a theory going around the forums that sales are being promoted by geography. I actually had that thought a week or so ago (before I ever read about it on the blogs) because so many of my items lately have gone to bordering states. I was packing up something for Michigan and thought to myself, wow, another close by sale -- lots going to Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and within Illinois lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the less expensive shipping, but the bulk of my stuff is usually bought by people on either coast. Whatever. And the Shopify adventure is not dead, I've just got so many other things in line ahead of it right now... !

Alright, off to do some actual WORK!
Hi Kids!

Oh no. I’m three posts behind.

Dee Jay, I will pick up some mule skin. That’s cheap. I am OCD and clean my rings everyday, but who cares if I just throw it out after wearing it once? I have 4 bands that I rotate. Thanks for the idea. I worse one of my favorite bracelets today. It won’t fall off, but I can put it on and pull it off without opening the clasp. Yay. That’s good too because the clasp is a tricky one.

I like the iPad case with keyboard. I didn’t honk I would. It’s kind of nice. Sounds like your laptop works like a tablet anyway. Sweeet.

The day at Six Flags sounds really fun. I get the kids enjoyed it. I didn’t know you had one in your area. I know they have one in Texas.

The new pink glasses sound great. I’d have pink stuff if Marty wouldn’t roll his eyes at it. Ha Ha. Sounds like the orders were rolling in this weekend. I totally would suspect Etsy is restricting orders to your area. That is so rotten. All progress is not forward, things like that kind of irritate me. I hope the new site is better.

How was the steak dinner? Sounds fun.

I’ve been busy. It took me 2 days but I got out a new video on cool things about stars. I figured up how much I get paid for a video, not bad. Ha Ha. My boss is pleased with the results, so that’s good. I feel like I am beating a dead horse though. Like my former job. They bought me a nice big monitor that I use an app on my laptop to record audio. It sounds great. My boss and a guy making Tik Tok videos are using earbuds, AirPods or clip on mics and keep saying it doesn’t sound as good as mine. Well, there’s a reason. My analogy to them was any diamond looks great, but you put a bunch side by side to compare them, and some are going to stand out as the best. But I got no where, they are still thinking those things will work for them. Not my monkeys, not my zoo.

Marty is in Kansas this week. His trip to DIA was uneventful this time. He took a state highway that was clear sailing. TSA pre was walk right through, the trains were running at DIA and his flight took off on time. I told him to go buy a lottery ticket.

I met a friend for supper at Olive Garden. I cut my meal in half and we split a dessert. I had to come home and take Alia Seltzer. Too much food for my stomach. I brought the other half home and froze it. Of course, I did manage to down two glasses of wine.

Take care.
I forgot to tell you, I got my hours cut a little bit. Well, not really cut but got rid of a task that takes me 5-7 hours a week and requires I check on things on the weekend. I took over proofing for a lady two days a week when her mom wasn’t doing well and she was taking care of her. She wants more hours again so asked if she could take over one of those days since I’m busy with videos. I said sure. Then thought why not see if she wants both days back. She readily accepted and I readily said thanks.
Hi Kids. I slept surprisingly well for having a full stomach and two glasses of wine. Shocker.

I was up early today. Ran to the grocery store to get more fruit and other than that just worked. I have a "fan" who wrote in specifically to me thanking me for my latest video. My head is swelling. :lol:

Marty ordered a battery for our RV that weighs more than I want to lift. I watched for the UPS guy all day. He used a dolly to bring it to the house. I had the garage door open and asked him if he'd put it there. That worked. I could see my sliding that sucker along to get it in the house. He always orders heavy crap before he leaves town. Once one of those 75 pounds bars showed up and the tube probably weighed 20 pounds. That was before I lifted weights too. I picked up the one end and slid it over the thresh hold of the front door, then picked up the other end and pushed it in the house. Then I had to angle it out of the way down the hall. Glad there's no video of that around to entertain people.

He had another astro camera show up today as well. I was going to ask him how many cameras do you need? But I didn't want to risk getting the response of how many rings and earrings do you need?

Speaking of lifting, I'm off to do that now.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, putting the moleskin off and on every time might be more trouble than it's worth. It's too bad you don't like the plastic spiral thingys because they are a much easier option and readily removable. It was nice of your UPS guy to put the RV battery in the garage. Whenever I come home and find the giant Chewy box of dogfood on the front porch I feel back for the person who had to put it there! Good for you for getting rid of a task! If that lady is interested in some more things I'll happy offload a few from my list LOL. So Marty hasn't lost anything yet on this trip? Just give him time. :lol:

This week is going by way too quickly for all the things I need to do. Tuesday after work I went downtown and had dinner with my friend. Yesterday I went into the Chicago office for the first part of the day, had lunch with two of my old colleagues, and then zipped back to The North Estate in time for the last meeting of the day.

My friends cancelled on us for dinner the other night, but we met up with them last night at a place close to us. I never need to go there again. During dinner I was bidding on an auction and I got all four lots I wanted. Of course the one I wanted the most was the last one but I figured if I have to drive over the Wisconsin line to get the stuff I might as well buy more. Now I kind of regret bidding on any of it because I don't really have three extra hours right now to be making this round trip, but too late to have any logical thoughts, ha ha.

Alright, off to get some stuff done. I NEED to review FOUR major documents, and it has to happen TODAY.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I will still look in to the moleskin. I take my rings off anything I am going to wash my hand, or cook, or do dishes. I'm rather OCD about that. Those spiral things drove me crazy (crazier?)

Marty did not lose anything on his trip. That I know of, anyway.

You did have a busy week. Darn that dinner wasn't good the other night, but you know it's not a place to go again. I'll forget and then when we go back, it's like - oh yeah, I remember now.

Did you venture to Wisconsin and get your latest treasures? It sounds like a nice drive for Billy Ray. Did I tell you I scheduled my 20K maintenance of the Curbymobile and they can't get me in until mid-September? They did send me "fianance" options for my upcoming visit. That always makes me nervous. I then wonder how much is this going to cost? A ring and a pair of earrings?

Did you get your four documents reviewed?

I had my two small cavities filled on Thursday morning. He couldn't even find one of them and had to call the periodontist. One was right by the crown on my tooth that has a root canal and one was in a wisdom tooth that has a large filling in it already. He started drilling without numbing me, I start waving my hands. He stops and ask if it's hurting, I said not but you didn't numb me. I guess since they were so small he figured it wouldn't hurt. It wasn't bad and nice not to get numbed.

My next stop was to get peaches and grab bars for the bathroom. My in-laws are arriving for a few days tomorrow and both of our guest bathrooms have tub-showers so I told Marty he needed to get grab bars put up in both of them since they both tend to fall - even more than me.

Then, I ventured on to my haircut and came home to start work for the day.

Today, I'm washed up the sheets, blankets and towels for both guest bedrooms so we'll be ready for company. Maybe, I should go stock up on liquor too.

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, LOL on financing options for the upcoming maintenance! Liam actually took his 944 to the local Porsche dealer on Friday and they solved his lack of turn signals problem. It was a $20 fix, and they didn't have it in stock so they told him to go to O'Reilly's and get the fuse. Voila! They weren't even going to charge him for the assessment, but he insisted because the guy spent over 30 minutes making sure it was the right fix. It's always a good idea to stock up on liquor before company! Even if THEY don't drink it, YOU can once they're gone! :lol: Good job Marty for not losing anything!

We'll you've heard this before... Yesterday didn't turn out like I'd planned! I was in the middle of taking pictures when Liam called from the auction he'd gone to and said, "You better get over here." I spent $122.50 and came home with a car full of stuff, most of of which I don't even know what it is! The tubs were full of things wrapped in newspaper and If I opened one thing up an it was "good" I'd just buy the tub and hope for the best. I got most of them for $2.50 and a "mystery tub" is always good fun anyway so just the joy of digging though those will be worth the price of admission. The most expensive tub I bought was $22.50 but it's got at least $300 worth of glasses in it (including a set of 8 Fred Press), so I was happy to pay it. The most I spent at one time was $37.50 on five big stacks of reference books... Fostoria... Heisey... Cambridge... all of the patterns represented. Plus the Fostoria book is a work of art--it's has all about the history and pictures of the old original factory. The things I love most in life (besides jewelry): glass, rugs, scarves, and BOOKS!

One the way home I stopped at Costco and picked up lobster tails, NY strips, salad stuff, and a big chocolate cake because my friends that we had dinner with the other night were coming over. We ate until we were ready to burst! I insisted that cake go home with them because there was no way I wanted it left here!!!

Today the picture taking must continue... And I've got two orders to pack, one easy one with seven small juice glasses, and one with THIRTY of my biggest, heaviest wine goblets going to Washington state. Ugh. UPS is going to demand a kidney when I calculate the shipping on that.

Alright, nothing's getting photographed or packed while I sit here in bed, time to get rolling!
Hi Kids!

My in-laws have been here about 5 hours and I haven't had a single drink yet. Yay, me! And, the in-laws qualify as "the drinkers". Last time they were in town, we tried to keep up with them and were both smashed by noon. :lol:

Liam lucked out on a $20 fix for his 944. I hope I do as well.

Sounds like you did well at the auction. That book sounds great. Our auction does that too, just sells buckets of stuff. We thought of doing that to clean out my parents house.

Dinner sounds great and good call to send the cake home with them. I was going to make cookies today, but thought it was too warm to bake.

I hope UPS doesn't demand a kidney to ship those glasses. I am sure our UPS guy HATES delivering Marty's equipment for the gym. And it's never when Marty is in town.

I got another video done this weekend. Yay. It's supposed to be a minute though and it's 1 minute and 14 seconds. Phooey.

Happy Monday kids1

Curby, LOL on being smashed by noon! Definitely been there... done that!!! UPS did indeed demand a kidney... $55 to ship to boxes. Oh well, it is what it is, and now those 30 glasses have left my life! Do you have to cut down the video or is the one minute timeframe just a "recommendation"?

Yesterday I took the pics I didn't get to on Saturday, packed up the big order and a also a smaller one, and cleaned the kitchen up again because it looked so nice from when we had our friends over on Saturday night I was inspired to keep it that way -- for one more day at least!

Liam brought me a few treasures home from the auction and we ordered pizza for dinner. Not much else to report. Things were boring up here at The North Estate yesterday!

This week at work though... it's going to be a sh!t show. Wish me luck!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I’m not drinking yet. Dinner tomorrow night will change that. My FIL sure thinks he’s running the TV though. He keeps breaking it too by pushing the wrong buttons. Little does he know I could deactivate it for 48 hours. My SIL just told me via text he passed his cognitive test.

Darn you had to give up a kidney to mail all those glasses. And sweet to enjoying a clean kitchen. I had one for 9 hours, but Marty is cooking now which means no more clean kitchen.

Luck at work this week.

Nice the Liam brought your some treasures. I was happy to get my Snoopy sticker to put on my iPad case. Small treasures. We ordered pizza for lunch today as well.

I worked eight hours again today. Worked on the video and some Saturn articles. Took the in-laws to Culver’s for supper. Root beer dripped on my yellow sapphire ring too filling my cup. My FIL has taken over the TV. I put on music in the den so I could concentrate.

I have to change four scenes in my video and then record the audio again. I could do just the new segments, but the audio never sounds quite the same.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I think the remote for the TV should get mysteriously "lost" for the duration of your FIL's visit, LOL. Our clean kitchen didn't last long either. Oh well, I guess that's just the nature of the beast. It's too bad you have to redo the video, but I do understand that things wouldn't sound right if you didn't.

I sold two cake stands and two cake plates to a lady in Virginia yesterday, all completely different. I wonder what she's going to use them for! With the looming UPS strike I send them USPS, and I'm going to keep doing that with all of my orders (or use Fed Ex if I absolutely have to) until that's all sorted out. I wonder how much UPS's $$$ is being impacted already with this potential shut down since I'm certainly not the only one going to other shipping means. They are really shooting themselves in the foot.

Yesterday I got quite a bit of work done. But not enough, ha ha! Today will be more of the same. Better get to it!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I’m not drinking yet, but there is wine in my future with supper. Is it Thursday morning, yet?

My FIL is definitely running the TV. Glad I’m adept at tuning out TV in general anyway.

Yes, kitchens do not stay clean long. Just like bathrooms. We can only try.

Maybe that lady makes cakes for parties and weddings. The problem with cake plates is they need cake and I’d have to eat them. LOL. I think FedEx rejected some offer too, that would be awful if UPS and FedEx went on strike at the same time.

Did you get lots of work done today? I did. I worked seven hours. I updated the scenes in my video and recorded the audio again. I’ll trim the clips for the audio tomorrow and get that finished. I finished several articles I need to link to things at the beginning of August. We are hopefully going out for dinner tonight at the steak house that has those “bear balls” - the vanilla ice cream ball rolled in Oreos. I totally plan on eating some of that.

The in-laws left at about 9:;30 this morning to go to a friends house then were meeting more friends at noon for lunch. I envisioned freedom until about 3 or 4. They were home after 1. WTH? Oh well. Marty quit work early and came up to keep them company and I worked until about 4.

My MIL and I ran down to a small farmer’s market at the mall and picked up peaches. I swear I was either invisible or the guy didn’t want to wait on me. If I hadn’t wanted peaches, I would have left. Oh well.

I’m looking forward to wine and Oreo encrusted ice cream.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, doncha hate it when people come home earlier than expected? I'm always like, "what are you doing here?!" How are the peaches? I haven't had any yet this year. Did you hid the remote yet?!

I sold ten glasses yesterday that I really wanted to get into a 12" square box instead of having to go to the next size up, which would have been super expensive. I realized after wrapping six of the ten that I wasn't going to make it, so I had to unwrap those six and take off one piece of bubble wrap from each one LOL to make them a little smaller. Liam was like, what on earth is taking you so long to pack up one order?!

We are having quite a storm right now. It is as black as midnight out there and the wind, rain, thunder and lightening are pretty epic. I'm kind of surprised they haven't had us go down in the basement yet.

Today I continue down the document path. I'm getting there!