
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Monday. :wavey:

Deegee, my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family. I hope your dad’s surgery goes well and they quickly determine a treatment for him. That is great you and your sister will drive together part of the way there. Keep us posted. I think I need to learn a lesson from you on shopping. I am an impulsive shopper then regret spending the money. I didn’t have that problem today though, my new EC is so much nicer than the one I traded in. That is very cute that Matt put on a fashion show to pick out what to wear for interviews. It’s nice he wants to make a good impression on the graduating students. We did not have Columbus Day off.

Dee Jay, ear plugs are essential around our house. When Marty used to get so many night time calls and texts from his old job I got up and moved so I rarely made it through the night in our bed. Once we moved I decided I just needed to adjust to sleeping all night in our room but then I quickly remembered how much Marty tosses and turns plus snores. The ear plugs work really well. I sleep through most of the night now. You should get an EC stone as a reward after you pass your last test. I am an enabler you know. I think they are so classic looking. This new one definitely isn’t yellow and is big enough I can see all the step cuts. I admit it got a lot of attention from me today. Tax preparation classes? Oh no! That must mean tax season is on the way soon.

I sure didn’t want to get up this morning. We had a thunderstorm going on about 3:30 to 4 that I heard through my ear plugs. Marty slept right through it. I drifted in and out of sleep after then.

Work was busy and I had a new EC to stare at so my day was quite pleasant.

Marty made beef stroganoff for supper. I don’t think he skimped on the things to make it low fat but it was quite delicious. It took me a while to clean the kitchen and do the dishes but you can’t complain about having a home cooked meal ready for you after work.

Well, I’d best start getting ready for bed. Marty is downstairs working but I want to get to bed before 11. He’s gone Wednesday through Friday this week. Boo.

I am sad we can’t have more than 4 letters for personalized plates in our state. I wanted to do Curby. I can go with CRBY or RUBY. Of course Marty added suggestions like DING, CRSH, PUTZ, SCRP and THUD. Decisions, decisions.

Really, I am off to get ready for bed. :bigsmile:

Take care.
Howdy. Dad's surgery went really well. The surgeon thinks she got it all, and they'll know on Thursday what other treatment is required. He has a lot of scar tissue from his other cancer, so this surgeon had to call in a specialist in his other type of cancer to clean up the scar tissue before the operation was finished yesterday. The surgeon joked to my mom that dad got a 2 for 1 deal - 1 surgery scheduled, but 2 surgeries performed. I got home at 2 am this morning so I went to work late. The hospital is 4 hours away, so my furloughed sister is staying there with mom for week. I hit my snooze button a few times too many yesterday morning and got a late start, which was incredibly fortunate for me. There was a massive rock slide which caused a 7 car pileup on the interstate at 6:30 am, which was the time I should have been on the road. There was a mess all over the interstate, and there is a boulder bigger than a tractor-trailer sitting almost on the interstate. The state doesn't have big enough equipment to move it. Can you imagine how terrifying that would have been? No one was hurt, thankfully. I was pretty freaked out just driving through all of the debris. The only light was from headlights and emergency vehicles.

marcy-I really like your new ring. My boss has an EC stone in her ering, and I just love to look at the steps. I need a little more impulsiveness in my life! My ipad was an impulsive buy, and look how I love that thing! For years I have been trying to decide how to reset my ering, and I've gotten nowhere. Blah.

dee*jay-I may have to refer Matt to Brooks Brothers. For his office, the typical engineer uniform is khaki cargo pants and a nice shirt with a coordinating undershirt. He normally dresses up one time a year for the company Christmas party at the country club. Come to think of it, that's the one time a year I dress up too! I have a little tub of those cheapie earplugs. Matt sounds like a lawnmower some nights.

I'm going to take Lily for a quick walk and head to bed. Goodnight!
Hi everyone!

Deegee, I am glad to hear your dad's surgery went well. It was fortunate you hit your snooze alarm and did not got caught in a big rock slide. That is very, very scary. I am constantly thinking about my next upgrade or new piece of jewelry. If only I could win the lotto to fund all those projects. I am very anxious for the iPad announcement next Tuesday. I hope my mini retina is on the list. :bigsmile: The news today said invitations were sent out today to those invited to the Apple event. Weird I didn't get mine. :lol: Aren't those little jars of earplugs a wonderful way to get a night's sleep. :snore:

Dee Jay, how is the studying going? What time is your test on Friday?

We had a hard freeze last night. There was ice on the ground this morning. Boo. I hate ice. The wind felt like it was coming off a glacier. I believe winter is on the way.

Marty is leaving for a few days in the morning. He should probably be on the road by at least 5. Short night ahead!

He cooked steaks on the grill for supper and made veggies and a crusty roll for each of us. I will miss having my dinner ready when I get off work.

Take care. :wavey:
Happy Wednesday kids!

Deegee, I'm really glad your dad's surgery went well, and WOW on that rockslide! When I lived in Idaho we would have mudslides more than rockslides, but entire parts of roads would just be obliterated. Nature is an awe-inspiring thing!

Curby, I can't believe you didn't get your invitation to the Apple event. It must be lost in the mail or something! My test is at 12:30 on Friday. Ack.

So I took the first four-hour mock exam last night... and let's just say it didn't go well... Today I am reviewing some notes and then I'll do the second practice exam, which will hopefully come out with a better score. I am in deep cram mode these next 48 hours. Rut ro...
Things have reached a critical moment here in the Dee household...

I have just made the last Lean Cuisine. And I saved half of it in Tupperware just in case I need it later. I'm down to two bags of popcorn. And I think there may be an egg in the carton from the last time the CB made breakfast (although I have nothing to eat it with).

There is really no plan to go to the grocery store any time soon, and I have an weird aversion to ordering in (I don't think I have ever in 43 years ordered in while I was alone). If you don't hear from me from this point forward it's because I starved to death.

Please remember me in future posts fondly... "Ah, yes, Dee. She had a lovely sense of humor but no food. Too bad she couldn't traded a few laughs for a peanut butter sandwich... "
Happy Wednesday! :wavey:

I am watching Gem Hunt on TV. It’s pretty interesting. They are looking for rubies in Vietnam.

Dee Jay, I hope you get some food soon. Maybe your CB will stop by with an assortment of things to eat. Or go in to the office and stuff your pockets and purse with the bounty they put out for everyone in the break room. You need some substance for all your studies. Your test is less than 48 hours away and I am sure you’ll be relieved to have your tests behind you. I continue to be puzzled and saddened that my invitation from Apple has not arrived. They must have sent it to our old address. Do you want me to put a PB sandwich in an envelope and send it to you?

I was very bored at work today. Marty got up at 4 to get ready for his trip to the airport. I got back to sleep about 5:45 and 30 minutes later my alarm had to start annoying me. I hit the snooze button 3 times.

We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow night. Boo.

Take care.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, rubies in Vietnam? Interesting! And sadly, the CB did not show up with a bunch of food. Even more sadly, that other half a lean cuisine I was saving from yesterday... I forgot to put the damn thing in the fridge!!! ;( So this morning I headed over to CVS for necessary supplies. Soup, yogurt, mac 'n' cheese, and granola bars. That will surely get me through until I can send the CB to the store this weekend. Did you get more snow BTW?

So I have been studying non-stop for the past day and a half... and I am just amazing at what I still don't know. No option now but to sit tomorrow since my testing window runs out, but seriously I am CONCERNED. I guess at this point it just is what it is...
Happy Thursday.

Dee Jay, I am so glad you got some food. You'll make it to the weekend now. Yes I did mention snow. We've got some of that pretty, cold, icy stuff on the ground right now. They are calling for 2-6 inches by morning. I am sure you know plenty for your test. I have faith. I'll be sending mega PS dust your way tomorrow. The show about rubies was okay, they sadly are making it more like a reality show. Next week they are going to Tanzania for tanzanite.

This morning I found a black widow spider just walking across the floor of the garage singing la la la. I used the shop broom to push it out of e garage and it started walking right back towards the garage. Then I did it again with the same results so I l used the handle to smack it with and squished it with a Lowes receipt I found on Marty's workbench. Ewe. I put the dead demon in a plastic bag and tied it all up before dumping it in the trash. Take that sucker!

Work was okay. I met a friend for lunch and had leftovers for supper.

Off to check under the furniture and in my bed for little black crawly things.

No wine drinking on the deck today.

marcy-that's a lot of snow! Can you get out and about? I'm dreading snow this year because I'm not sure how we'll do at getting down the hill from our neighborhood to the main road. Eeek! I hate spiders almost as bad as snakes. I threw a book at a spider in the garage last week, and it happened to land just right to squish spidey nice & flat. Your spider story cracked me up. We don't have too many waltzing around because we have lots of little salamanders who feast on them. Yeah, I've had to get used to the salamanders since we moved here - but they're better than spiders.

Dee*Jay-I hope all went well! I've got my fingers crossed for you.

Dad didn't do too well this week. He had some complications and ended up needing a blood transfusion. We found out he has stage III colon cancer, which is not what we wanted to hear. He will have to have chemo, if he can tolerate it. Poor mom hasn't left the hospital since Monday. I didn't have a ton of meetings this week so I got a lot done at work. The projected date for me to be out of my job has been pushed to mid-November, which gives me about a month. Food was just okay this week, and we have been taking a walk every night. Matt has lost 3 pounds since last week. He eats like a pig, and loses 3 pounds. No fair. Have a great weekend!
Happy Saturday.

Deegee, I was able to get to work yesterday. The roads were really icy in the morning but they were okay by lunchtime. The spot I park in at work was really icy but some guys came over and helped me get out safely. That was very, very nice of them. I hope you don't have trouble getting in or out of your new house during snowstorms this winter. Hills can be a challenge when it's icy. That is too funny about throwing a book at a spider but it sounds like you took him out just fine. I'd take salamanders over spiders too. I am very sorry to hear your dad's diagnosis. I hope he can tolerate the chemo okay. Hugs to you and your parents. Are they letting your mom stay in the same room with him at the hospital? Yay that Matt lost 3 pounds. I think Marty can drop 5 pounds just thinking he "should". Sigh.

Dee Jay, I hope all went well with your test yesterday. I was thinking of you yesterday during your test.

Marty got home about 7:30. We had our astronomy meeting last night so he just showed up at the meeting which of course brightened my night. We went out with friends after the meeting and the guys all ate breakfasts and I had a little muffin.

We slept in until almost 8 today. I am so stiff and sore today I am thinking that wasn't a good call. I made us traditional breakfast today - potatoes, toast, eggs and bacon. I have been soup cooking now for lunch. I am getting hungry too. Then we are heading to Home Depot to look at lamps for the kitchen and dining room (or whatever they are called). The globes that cover the lights over the table and island?

Tomorrow my sister and BIL are coming for a visit. They do craft shows but aren't handy with a computer so I make up their stickers, brochures, cards, etc for their craft shows.

Last night at the restaurant I must have got my EC diamond in to something because I all of a sudden noticed a "spot" on my ring. It was near a prong and I was just SURE I either chipped my diamond or one of the million inclusions spread and cracked my diamond. It wouldn't just rub off either so when we got home and looked at it with my loop we decided to clean it and luckily that took care of it. I am so careful with my jewelry but maybe I dipped it in butter or something. Weird.

Have a great weekend!
Marcy aka Curby
Happy Saturday kids!

Deegee, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's condition. I hope the chemo is tolerable and it goes well for him. Modern medicine is miraculous. Big hugs to your mom too; I'm sure she's going through a lot.

Curby, I just told the CB about your back widow. He is just horrified on your behalf, LOL, because he hates spiders. I'm glad the spot on your diamond turned out to be nothing. I once wacked mine on the dryer door taking laundry out and I was convinced I chipped it but it turned out to be a bit of lint under the prong.

Today the CB and I went out for a rather disappointing brunch, and then we tried to go to a Mexican place we like for dinner but the wait was outrageous so we just hopped a few doors down and went to Epic Burger. Do you guys have those where you are? I really love them!

The test went OK yesterday. I don't dare jinx myself, but I am really hopeful I passed. One November 1(ish) when scores come out I'll either be drinking in happiness or drinking in sadness, but either way I'll be drinking!

Reality set I when I took all my notes that were strewn around the apartment and organized them to put them away. A foot high pile of paper -- really! The day seemed empty without being on a study mission so I guess I better find something new to learn soon!
Dee Jay, I am sure CB didn't like my spider story if he doesn't care for them. I suggested to Marty today he should do the perimeter bug spray again. Since he hates spiders he didn't ask me why. I hate when I whack my rings on something. I swear I should carry a loop with me. Sorry to hear your brunch was disappointing. They are usually pricey too; hopefully you at least got some decent champagne with it. We don't have an Epic Burger but if we ever see one somewhere we'll have to try it. It is so hard to truly gage how you did on a test; I am confident you'll be out celebrating at the beginning of the month. I am kind of surprised your stack of notes isn't higher than 12 inches. You have been a studying machine for months now. I doubt it will take you long to find a new project.

Marty got me to wander around 3 hardware stores this afternoon. We wanted to replace the globes on the lights over our kitchen island and over the dining room table. We got red long ones for over the island and fluted smaller ones with kind of a stained glass tile look with yellows, oranges and gold for over the table. I like them both but don't think they match real well. Marty is going to wrap up the old white ones and put them downstairs. I am going "NO" that is how our old basement became overloaded in our old house.

After the 3 hardware stores we stopped for a dish of ice cream. :lickout: It was my reward for walking 3 hardware stores.

I did enjoy checking out all the Christmas stuff out in the hardware stores though. I love the sparkly lights. Ooh there is a surprise.

Happy Sunday! :wavey:

I slept in until 8 again. Holy Sleep A Lot! It is so darn quite here and I had earplugs in anyway. I made Marty pancakes and bacon, me a pancake and his Killer Rabbit was hungry so I made him a little bite sized pancake. I caught Marty eating it though. Ha Ha.

My sister and BIL came to town about 11. I printed their labels for them for their upcoming craft shows. We all met my dad for lunch and now I am watching football and working on laundry.

I got my paperwork to go pay for the taxes and plates on my car. I will have to do that this week. That will be a bit painful.

I hope you are having a great weekend.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, paying the taxes and plate fee on Billy Ray was pretty distressing so I totally know where you're coming from! There is snow in our forecast for later this week and I really hope they are wrong...!

This weekend was so strange! I spent two days going, OK, NOW WHAT?!? If I said "Honey, I'm borrrrrred" one more time I think the CB would have strangled me, LOL. Hopefully the materials for my tax exam will show up soon and I can get started on that. And this morning I poked around a little looking for part time jobs and there are a couple that are interesting so I think I'll apply for those over the next few days. I just wish I knew the results of Friday's test so I can better word my cover letters.

I may (or may not!) head to the gym tonight after work. I got on the scale this morning thinking it would be motiviating to see that terrible number but the battery is low so I got no readout. I may take it as a sign, LOL.
Happy Monday!

Dee Jay, I am sure your fees on Billy Ray were quite distressing. I might go pay my fees tomorrow. Just get it over with! Then I think I'll order my "CRBY" plates. I did see a headline that Chicago is expecting snow Tuesday. No!!!!! Too funny you kept saying you were bored this weekend. I remember when I first quit teaching I had so much time on my hands I didn't know what to do. Studying for your tax test should be a breeze after the other tests you've taken in the last few months. Are you planning on working through tax season as a part time job? I like the "no battery" in the scale trick. I'll have to remember that one. :lol:

We both had a restless night of sleep. Marty got up for a while but I tried to sleep. It was futile. Of course I was out like a light starting at about 5:30 just in time to be rudely annoyed some my silly alarm saying "Get up, Curby!"

I decided to go do my grocery shopping during lunch and run things home. It took me a little bit longer than an hour but not too bad. I never made it to the store this weekend. I keep hoping if I whine enough about it Marty will volunteer to go. So far that isn't working. At least he is cooking supper for us.

The floor matts for my car arrived today. The ones we had in our last 2 Audi's didn't fit this year's model so we had to order new ones. They are really heavy duty rubber so they hold up really well and they snap in to the floor of the car so they never slide. Marty got them put in my car tonight while I was doing dishes and cleaning up veggies.

I can't wait until 11 our time tomorrow. The Apple iPad event starts then. I will be excited to hear about their "new" products.

Take care!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, do you have any idea if your car fees will be as high as they are in Colorado? I remember someone in KC telling me about registering their car in Colorado when they moved out there and it was pretty outrageous.

So last night I went home and finished cleaning the rest of my apartment. It is truly as clean right now as it has ever been! I also cruised the job boards looking for part time openings. There is one for an internal auditor at the Museum of Science and Industry--how cool would that be?!? I read it a dozen times making sure it really was a part time position because most of what I find is not nearly at that level or that interesting. I wrote a cover letter last night and modified my resume a bit for the role and fired it all off this morning. How strange that they haven't called me yet to offer me the job... :confused: I think the same person calling me must be the one who is supposed to call you Curby about your invite to the Apple reveal! :cheeky:

I need some purfume advice. I've been wearing Angel since my first semester of law school... 20 years ago... but I would like to find something new. I don't like floral stuff at all, and I tried some Bond No. 9 New Haarlem over the weekend (which is unisex) but after a few hours I thought it just smelled like baby powder. (The CB said it didn't though, so who knows.) I have also worn Shalimar and Poison at different points in my life, but I'm out of ideas at this point... Any suggestions?
Happy Tuesday :wavey:

Dee Jay, I had to pay 6% sales tax on the purchase price (original price less trade) and then usual fees for title, processing, and then for the plates which are state and county fees which is the manufacturer's price x 60% x .03. So yes, I did leave behind a nice check at the county clerk office today. Yay for having a clean apartment. The job at the Museum sounds really interesting. Can I send them a reference? Does "she can drink with the best of us" count as a highly desired job skill? :lol: I agree the same person who failed to deliver my invitation to Cupterino didn't get the job offer to you. Some people just aren't reliable and they interfere with our lives. I have absolutely no perfume advice. I threw all of mine away when me moved and I can't think of what I used. It was from Dillards in a rectangle bottle. Does that help?

As for the Apple event (that I had to watch online GEEZ) - Marty is considering a new MacBook Pro and I am probably going to get the new iPad Air. For $100 more it is only about a 1/3 pound heavier than the mini and definitely will be easier for me to see.

I ventured down to the county clerk's office at 11 and it was my lucky day. I found a parking spot out front and was next in line. Then I realized I left my insurance card in the car. I went back to the car to get it and then had to wait in line all of 30 seconds. I should have gone and bought a lotto ticket.

I had leftover soup for lunch and Marty made one of those mix lasagna dinners for supper. Tomorrow I am going to leave supper in the crock pot.

Of to dream of new iPads.

Deegee, how are you doing?
Zoe, are you out there?

Marcy-I'm dreaming of new iPads too! I'll definitely be checking them out once they hit stores. Maybe if I start thinking about it now, I'll be ready to get one around Christmas. There was a big, nasty, hairy spider on the ceiling over my coworker's desk today (not a Halloween decoration) and the guy actually left it alone! He wouldn't let me throw a book at it either. Watch it be in my office tomorrow. Yikes! And yes, you really should have bought a lottery ticket with that kind of luck at the DMV.

Dee*Jay-I have a part-time job for you and your mad cleaning skills. Drive Billy Ray to WV once every 2 weeks and clean my house for me. It shouldn't take you any more than 8-9 hours to get here, clean for a few hours, take a nap and then head home. There you go - part time! Good luck with the museum thing-that does sound cool. And we have to wait until November for results? AHHH!

Work is nuts and I'm exhausted. Dad was released from the hospital on Sunday, but was admitted to the ICU tonight at their local hospital. They will transport him back to Lexington tomorrow to the ICU at University of KY hospital. He is having complications from his surgery. I hate that I am so far away. I didn't find out anything was wrong until this evening by a weird text from mom, and then I couldn't get in touch with anyone for a few hours. I had no idea where anybody was...and I called everybody. Please keep my mom & dad in your thoughts. I didn't have much to eat today. I finally made myself take lunch, and I my frozen weight watchers meal did not sit well with my stomach. Matt sweetly made me a bowl of soup for dinner, but that didn't sit well either. I hope I'm not getting sick! I had my flu shot-that wards off everything, right? Have a good day tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday kids!

I gotta say, you guys seriously crack me up!

Curby, yes, I think "she can drink with the best of us" IS a highly desireable job skill! One of my best friends is continually amazed at my capacity. He always says, "The little one, she's a good drinker!" You should definitely get a lottery ticked based on your fantastic parking luck! I should get one today too becuase I had an elevator in my building this morning that went straight from my floor (40) to the ground without the usual 10 stops in between, and then one of my neighbors was right out front hailing a cab and gave me ride to work. Luck all around!

Deegee, you shoulda seen me this weekend! I pulled all the furniture away from the walls and vacuumed the baseboards and everything! The CB was like, um, WTF's going on here?!? I'm sending tons of good thoughts for you and your parents!!! And I LOL'd when you said WE have to wait so long for our scores. I feel like you guys have been with me so much on this journey that we should all be CPAs at the end!

Last night I tried to do the state-mandated ethics exam but the CD wasn't working very quickly and the materials were about 85 pages long and I didn't feel like printing them out at home... so I fell asleep on the couch instead. Not that I don't do that all the time, but unfortunately I had all the lights on in the living room and I didn't really sleep well until I got up and turned them off around 2:30. Blah.

No word yet on my application at the Museum of Science and Industry but someone else I put an ap into yesterday called me in the afternoon and we had a good chat. Not sure that one will lead to anything, but he gave me some points on my LinkedIn page.
Thinking of you and your family Deegee. Big hugs coming your way.
Curby, I was looking up someone on LinkedIn with the same name as your husband (the husband of an old colleague of mine from G0ldman Sach$) and so I sent you an invitation to connect too. The more the merrier!
Happy Wednesday! :wavey:

Deegee, I’ve been thinking of you and your parents all day and hoping things are going well. How scary for all of you. I hope your stomach is doing better tonight. I will probably be trying to get the new iPad on the 1st. Our local Target usually has the 32g in white in stock. Marty is giving me a hard time “how long before you’ll want the mini”. I am very indecisive on this one. I hope that stupid spider at work didn’t migrate towards your desk today. I know people that won’t kill spiders either – if a spider crosses my path they are HISTORY. I love your part time job suggestion for Dee Jay – she gets to take Billy Ray for a nice long drive too. :bigsmile:

Dee Jay, of course if you drive over to see Deegee you’ll have to drift this way as well. I’ll stock up on some wine. I like your friends comment on you being a good drinker. You did have a lucky day with the elevator and taxi ride home. I just finished our mandated ethics course as well. It’s a snoozer on elearn. Rats that you fell asleep on the couch. That is wonderful you got a call from someone else concerning another job. What a small world that you know someone that has the same name as Marty. I’ll give him a hard time “see I knew your name was fake”. My linkedin page needs serious work. I have hardly done anything to it but I often intend too. I guess when I get more serious about looking for a new job I’ll work on it. Or at least look in to it on some cold and snowy night. Did you get snow yesterday? And yes, we've been here for you through all of your studies and worrying about your tests.

My day was boring and definitely not as lucky as yesterday. I was actually trying to remember my password to linkedin to accept Dee Jay’s request and I couldn’t find the password in my ewallet so I decided to look in under my personal info card and noticed it said my driver’s license expired in May 2013. Oh oh! I got my real DL out and you guessed it; it is expired. I printed out the forms online and filled them out. Tonight I had to round up everything since my original pacifier and proof I’m not an alien from Alpha Centauri so I can hopefully get a new license tomorrow. I’ll be on the floor if I have to take a written test or driving test since my license expired. When we moved I did send the department of transportation a change of address but obviously my renewal notice went to our old address.

I left pizza steak and baked potatoes cooking in the crock pot today. I made us some veggies when I got home and supper was ready.

I have a dentist appointment in the morning then I’ll drift over to the highway department. That will break up the monotony of the day.

Take care.
Dee*Jay-Actually pulling furniture away from walls is big time. I broke down and vacuumed yesterday because I couldn't take the cat hair tumbleweeds blowing around everywhere anymore! A "good drinker" is a high complement. Men are always surprised that I'm a dark beer drinker. I've bonded with lots of people over discussions about beer.

Marcy-D'oh on the license thing! I had every possible document and still waited for an hour and a half at the DMV to get my license renewed. And then 6 months later I had to go through it all again to get a new license after we moved. I'm not a fan on the DMV!! I'm thinking might choose the new ipad mini. It might be a good size for my ipad thumb. Dee*Jay can pick me up and we can head to your house. You stock up on wine, and I'll bring my own beer. I'll share with Marty.

Thanks for your good thoughts for dad & mom. He is still in the ICU at the local hospital and is getting really good care. If he continues to improve over night, they won't have to transport him to Lexington. I didn't go visit because my stomach is still pretty queasy and although I'm pretty sure it is because of my nasty lunch yesterday, I don't want to take dad a stomach bug. Matt made a grilled cheese sandwich for me for dinner, and it tasted really good. I am afraid to eat anything else though. It's sleeting outside so we didn't take a walk this evening. I have a busy day tomorrow, so I'm off to bed. Good night!
Deegee, Marty usually has his man cave stocked up with beer so we should all be good to go for a day or two. :appl: Yay for doing some heavy duty vacuuming. That stinks that you had to spend time at the DMV twice this year. Ugh. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. I was going over the list of papers to bring and most of our utilities are in Marty's name - luckily the phone is in my name. I dug out my W2 but it has my old address so that could be a problem, printed out a pay stub, got my car registration out, my passport and a tax form from my bank. Hopefully that will be enough. I am relieved to hear your dad is improving and I will keep good thoughts coming his way. That is great your grilled cheese sandwich tasted good and that it set well with your stomach. Good job, Matt - fixing you a tasty and easy to eat supper. I am leaning towards the mini now as well. I might wait until they are both out and I can compare them at the same time. Plus my Tumi cover should fit it.

Happy Thursday kids!

Deegee, I love dark beer too. Becks dark was my "go to" for a long time, and there is also an Italian dark made by either Moretti or Peroni (I can't remember now) that is good. Being Irish Guinness goes without saying, but that can be a meal in itself so I really have to be in a mood for that.

Curby, Since we're connected now I think you can see my contacts on LinkedIn. Make sure that Marty isn't your Marty LOL, because if so he's got a wife and two daughters in NY! Too funny about that travel agency, ha ha!

Today was my "day of medical stuff." I had my first mammogram, precipitated by this weird "thing." (I dare not say "lump" because people hear LUMP and start gathering wood for a funeral pyre... ) Anyway, it is just a cyst, but it's in an odd place right at my ribcage where there's really no fat to cushion it or else the doc said I probably wouldn't have even noticed. I have plenty of fat on my a$$ and thighs, maybe some of that could get moved up to my ribs! Anyway, then I saw the hand surgeon. I think I'm just going to tough that one out for a while and see if they make any advances in the relatively near term. Of course now my hand is killing me from being manipulated like crazy, but being that it's already 5:16 here I think I may start "medicating." :cheeky:

There is a gym calling my name... but I keep ignoring it... Soon though!
Happy Thursday!

Dee Jay, oh I’ll be checking out the other Marty all right. I’ve always been suspicious of him. :bigsmile: Ha Ha. We were both highly amused by the traveling stuff animals. Do they want to remove the cyst? Sorry your hand is sore – I hate when they probe, poke and push on sore spots you leave in more pain than when you arrived. Did you go to the gym or did you start “medicating”?

I curled my hair this morning since I was getting my picture taken for my driver’s license. The dentist appointment went fine then I headed over to renew my license. About 10 people were ahead of me, I signed in and started to write down my time and I notice about 5 or 6 people had signed in at the wrong time – an hour later. They had the basic old black clock on the wall but it clearly said 9:55. So that is what I wrote down. Yes – you guessed it, they called me ahead of the people who were signing in starting at 10:51. I was called up there as the 3rd person after I signed in. Woo hoo! She didn’t give me any hassle and she confirmed both Marty and my addresses were in their computers right. Weird I never got the renewal notice in the mail. Both Marty and I made calendar reminders for the next round. He has to renew his license next fall.

I was starving by then so picked up a burger and fries on the way to work. Then decided I didn’t want to eat in the car so went in and sat down at the restaurant. I got to work a little after 11.

Marty made garlic bread, beans and raviolis for supper.

Deegee, I’ve been thinking about you and your family today.

Take care.
Dee Jay, I checked out the other Marty - that is so darn funny! :lol:
Dee*Jay-medical stuff is no fun. Glad to hear your weird thing is just a cyst. You have my permission to start "medicating" any time of the day you feel like it! I often have visions of doing just that at lunch time, but then I have visions of being escorted out of the building permanently and I straighten up. On your realtor note, there was a article I the paper today about a couple who attended 2 open houses over the weekend, and stole jewelry, a gun and a laptop from the homes they were looking at. How low is that? And the guy is a teacher. I was happy we had a contract on our house before we could even think about having an open house.

Marcy-glad the DMV wasn't too bad. I knew the ID requirements were getting more strict, so I had 2 utility bills put in my name before I went to the DMV. I feel bad for my coworker who has been married 3 times. She has to show proof of every name change since her birth certificate, which includes all of her marriage and divorce papers. She's scrambling to get it all together. Matt doesn't drink alcohol at all, so his man cave is stocked with Pepsi and candy bars. I have a nice variety of beer, and I've been trying some different wines too. I'll have to go check that link you posted. Matt goes to his Louisville office so often that I asked him if he had a woman there. He told me a man would have to be nuts to want to put up with more than one woman. I think there's an insult in there...

They were able to get dad stabilized today, thank goodness. The poor man has had 3 blood transfusions since Tuesday. My mom called my sister today and asked her to stay with dad at he hospital while she went home and showered and washed some clothes. She is so exhausted-that's the first time she has left his side since his surgery last Monday. Thanks for sending good thoughts their way. I was afraid to eat much today. I had a cup of yogurt and an apple during the day, and Matt made me another grilled cheese sandwich for dinner since it worked last night. I got all cocky though and made a bag of popcorn, which turned out to be not such a good idea. We took a long walk. It's awfully cold outside already! Have a good day tomorrow.