
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, that is too funny about the wrong time! Can you renew your license in the mail there? We actually can, although I’ve never done it. I think you get something in the mail, if your address hasn’t changed you just fill it out, and then you get a sticker that you put on the back. Seems pretty ripe for fraud to me, but last time I checked no one in Illinois was asking for my opinion.

Deegee, yes, theft during open houses is a problem, although not usually to the level you listed out – wow! And LOL on medicating at lunch! When I worked in the brokerage industry in the mid 90s we would routinely go “downstairs” for a little nip with lunch. Fortunately we traded mostly in the bond market then, which closes early, so there wasn’t too much time for us to do a lot of damage before market close!

Nope, no removal of the cyst. Apparently I have lots of them, I just noticed this one because of where it is right by my ribs. And no surgery at this time on my hand either. I am just avoiding medical procedures right and left!

This morning I Went To The Gym. Yes, you read right! I did an hour of cardio and now I need to clean the bathroom (although not to the level of haz mat that it had to be cleaned last week after being neglected for a long time at the end of my studying!). Then I am going to do a little work from home and get started on the IRS test materials. I actually read the first section (of 12, of the first of three books… ) yesterday in the various waiting rooms so now to really get on it.
Happy Weekend is Finally Here!

Deegee, I have that same worry about medicating at lunch means that I’ll get the rest of the day off and then some. How awful that people would steal things from a house when they are looking at it with a realtor. Pepsi and candy bars are good things to stock a man cave with; except I’d have to stock ours with Coke. Marty has kind of said the same thing to me that putting up with and affording me is more than enough trouble, why would he want to deal with 2 women. Yes, I think there is an insult in there. That is wonderful news the blood transfusions helped your dad. It’s a good sign your mom went home for a shower and to do some laundry. Sorry your stomach is still giving you fits. Feel better.

Dee Jay, we can renew our licenses through the mail every other time but my renewal form never reached me. That is so weird the government in my state never consults me for my opinion either. We are such a wealth of information too. My long time job after college allowed us to drink during lunch but we didn’t all go out too often. When we did the bad part was when you started to sober up about 3:30; of course I was much younger in those days. It’d probably kill me off now. I m glad to hear you didn’t need the haz mat suit to clean your bathroom. The IRS test material probably seems like the cliff notes version compared to your other exams.

Work was somewhat busy today. I met Marty, my dad and nephew for lunch. We went out for supper with some friends. Marty is playing darts and cards in his man cave with a friend of his. They bear-napped one of my teddy bears too but I am still hesitant to walk a lot of stairs so they better bring it back upstairs safe and sound.

It’s not even 10 yet and I am yawning.

Right now I am leaning towards the iPad Air. :bigsmile:

Laters, :wavey:
Curby Marcy
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, did you get a ransom note for the bear-napped bear? When I worked in the first brokerage firm we had pneumatic tubes that we used to send paper tickets up to the wire room (yes, this was a LONG time ago, LOL). One time someone kidnapped the chiapet of another brokerage team and held it for ransom. Chia survived the first trip through the pneumatic tube... but not the second... :wacko: We were picking alfalfa sprouts off our order tickets for months... :o

This morning the CB made poppen-fresh (sp?) cinnamon roles for breakfast. That, along with coffee in bed, :lickout:

For lunch we had cheese, crackers, salami and belinnis. Double :lickout:

I feel a nap coming on! :bigsmile:
marcy-a long time ago at work (before I became a manager) I took breaks. My break buddies and I were sitting in the breakroom of our building at the Capitol Complex when the governor walked in all by himself, came over to our table and asked if we were solving all of the problems. I told him we had some darn good ideas and to pull up a seat, but he just laughed, got a soda and left. Proof that they don't want our ideas! I hope your bear made it back safely and they didn't corrupt him too badly. One corrupted bear will lead all the others astray too... How is your knee doing? I never go upstairs to Matt's man cave, but went up this morning and wow! What a mess! He hasn't run the vacuum cleaner up there since we moved in June. It's so nasty I'm tempted to tell him that I'll sweep it if he'll carry the vacuum cleaner upstairs for me. Yuck.

Dee*Jay-I remember a store where my mom used to shop when I was a kid had those pneumatic tubes for changing out big bills. I always thought they were so cool, and it killed me not knowing where it went with the big bills and who switched them out for little bills. I always wanted mom to pay with a big bill so I could watch it go across the ceiling. I can see a chiapet not lasting too long in one of those though! Mmmm....cinnamon rolls and coffee in bed. I slept so late today that Matt made a pizza and brought me 2 slices in bed. Of course, I also ended up with 2 cats and a dog in bed with me, watching me eat my pizza.

We went to visit dad in the hospital last night. He was in good spirits, although a tad bit grouchy. Can't say that I blame him! He was doing really well when we left last night, but apparently sometime last night his blood pressure bottomed out again and his pulse spiked to some crazy high number. He can't go home until they get that stabilized and make sure the infection is gone. He promised he'd get better if they would let him leave. He has a nice room with a view of the park and beautiful fall foliage at least. I think my stomach is finally calming down. My pizza in bed seemed to do okay. I put out some fall decorations this afternoon - some lovely leaf garland around my door and fall flowers on my new kitchen table (delivered last week). I'm a little late with that stuff, but I REFUSE to put out Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving, so I can enjoy the fall stuff for a few weeks. Have a great weekend!
Hi. :wavey:

Dee Jay, I did not get a ransom note for the bear-napped bear. All of a sudden he was tossed up over the banister after I send Marty a few threatening texts. Too funny about the chiapet kidnapping. The things we’ll do to amuse ourselves. Hot cinnamon rolls for breakfast sound great and your lunch sounds quite tasty. Mmm belinnis. I’d be taking a nap too.

Deegee, that is great to hear your dad is in good spirits and was doing well when you saw him last night. The view from his room sounds pretty. Good news that your stomach is doing better. Too funny the cats and Lily watched you eat pizza. I can honestly say I am not surprised the governor wouldn’t sit down and listen to your ideas. That speaks volumes. The bear doesn’t seem to out of line today so Marty and his friend must not have corrupted him too bad. My knee is about the same. Certainly better than my incident a few months back but not as good as it had been (even though that was bad). Rats that you visited the man cave only to find it in sore need of a cleaning. The lady that cleans for me often comments she can tell if Marty has been gone.

We got up about normal time and headed to Denver. My rose gold sapphire ring was ready to pick up from repair (one of the pink sapphires fell out about a month ago). We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel and met my sister and BIL at the jewelry store. I spent well over an hour looking at every single orange, salmon or peach sapphire they had in the store but didn’t trade in my peach sapphire for a new sapphire. The ring I had it put on about 6 months ago is a thin band and I don’t like how the heart shape looks on it – it is too pointy. The stones they had were either too big, too small, not well cut or I didn’t like the color. I know I’m picky. I could put the sapphire on a wider ring but I didn’t want to afford that today since I have iPad fever.

After boring Marty and my BIL at the jewelry store we all went to Buca de Beppo. Have you guys eaten at one of those? We all had garlic bread, apple gorgonzola salad, green beans, spaghetti & meatballs, cheese cannoli’s, spicy sausage cannoli’s, stuffed shells and stuffed raviolis. Even though we didn’t finish our food we still managed to get down some chocolate chip cannoli’s. I am still full.

On the way out of town we wandered around a new Cabelas they have in Denver. Now we are watching World War Z.

Take care.
marcy-I love Buca, but we don't have one anywhere near us. Matt gets to go every now and then because there is one near his Louisville office, and they go when they can get a bunch of people together. Too bad you didn't find what you wanted for your ring. Matt asked again if I wanted to upgrade my e-ring stone or change my setting. I don't think I need a bigger stone because I don't think it would suit me. I wear so little jewelry it would look out of place. I keep debating on resetting it in a 3-stone ring, but I can't decide between pears or rounds! The last time Matt was in a jewelry store with me, he found an area that must have been designed just for men waiting for their wives to go lounge around and watch tv. Whatever works! I think I'm going to pretend that we don't have an upstairs. I know nothing about a man cave up there. Glad the bear was returned unharmed.

They released dad from the hospital today. Thank goodness! My poor mom hasn't slept in a bed in 2 weeks. I hope they can finally get some rest. We felt bad leaving poor Lily all by herself so much last week and over the weekend, so we took her for a day at the park today. We found a nice walking trail that wound through the park and down by the river. We walked for about 2 hours. She met lots of kids, adults and other dogs, and got to chase ducks (as far as she could with Matt holding her leash). I had a banana for breakfast, roast beef from an Arby's roast beef sandwich for lunch, and we haven't had dinner yet. We're on our way out to get groceries for the week. Good night, and have a great Monday!
Happy Sunday.

Deegee, I am so happy to hear your dad went home. I am sure both he and your mom are delighted to be home. I am glad Matt gets to enjoy Buca on some of his trips to Louisville. What size and shape is your center diamond? If memory serves me right it's about 2 carats and a round but I do drink so who knows how accurate my memory might be. I'd probably have redone it 3 times by now. I am sometimes too impulsive then want to redo it again. I remember you mentioned the jewelry store that has an area for men. That is great idea. Good plan to ignore the man cave. Once it bugs Matt he'll clean it. Marty keeps trying to take one of my bears today. It's going to be a long winter until golf rolls around again. Your afternoon in the park with Lily sounds fun.

Marty got up about 4. I was glad since he was awake for about 20 minutes and he was doing a lot of sighing and yawning from him. He is not good at being quiet. I slept till about 7. We had breakfast then I went grocery shopping. I ran in to a friend of mine there and we suggested a grocery shop club. We could meet at the bar. Drink enough we wouldn't mind shopping and all go shopping together. Of course we'd have to have someone drive us but that's a minor detail. Ha ha.

We had steak, asparagus and potatoes for lunch. Marty opened some Malbec to go with it. We had chips and salsa for a snack watching football.

Snow, that cold, icy 4 letter word is back in our forecast. Boo.

Take care.
Happy end of the weekend kids!

Deegee, I'm glad your dad got to go home and I hope your poor mom gets some decent rest! I told the CB about the man cave not being vacuumed since June and he cringed. CB is a very tidy person; maybe he could come to visit Matt and straighten up a few things. A funny story about vacuuming: Last week on Tuesday or Wednesday I managed to spill coffee (un-made, so dry, not actual wet coffee) all over the kitchen. I got out the vacuum, cleaned it up, and immediately went back to studying. Well the CB got to my place while I was still taking the test on Friday and he saw the vacuum... sitting in the middle of the kitchen... still plugged in with the attachment strewn across the floor. He said he knew I must have cleaned something up and just abandoned it in my study frenzy, LOL.

Curby, does Marty play any winter sports? Skiing? Anything that will keep him out of your hair until spring?!? How far are you from Tahoe? My friend who I spent Christmas with moved to Tahoe a couple of weeks ago and I am going out for the holidays. Because of the way the dates fall I will likely be there for about two weeks, so if you're close enough I could pop over and visit. And Malbec is my favorite red wine of late. The CB was never a wine drinker (and still HATES all white wine) but I introduced him to the magic of malbec and he took to it like a fish to water--or an Irishman on the way to Betty Ford!

Today the CB went to the small gym in my building (because guest passes for my gym at twenty five bucks a pop--really?!?), I went there, and then a friend of mine came and met us and the three of us had the omelet bar for breakfast. Since them I've been doing pretty much nothing. Seriously, I have to get my act in gear for this IRS exam. It's almost November and I have to get all three parts done by the end of the year. My brain was just fried from all the other studying, but I've had my little break now so it's right back at it. And I really really really hope my (passing, please!!!) grade comes out next weekend.
Dee Jay, too funny CB thought you abandoned your cleaning project since the vacuum was still in the kitchen. Marty plays poker in the winter usually on Friday nights. They rotate between a few houses (ours included) but other than that he is at home more in the winter on weekends. He doesn’t get on my nerves or anything but he gets bored which means my teddy bears will be getting a lot of his attention. We are pretty far from Tahoe – at least a day’s drive (or less in Billy Ray). Glad to hear CB likes Malbec. It is quite tasty. Speaking of Irishman reminds me of a funny story. One of the guys Marty worked with is Irish. When they were in Hong Kong one day he disappeared (he is pretty small and short for a guy and yes he gets teased about being a leprechaun) when the group of them were out at the shopping market. Marty was just going to start looking for him and he shows up with a beer and French fries. Marty ask him where the heck did he find beer and French fries in an outdoor market in Hong Kong – and his answer was “I’m Irish”. :lol: You deserve a break from studying after all the hours you’ve put in this year. Friday is the big day for your grades, right? :appl:

I emptied the dish washer (woo hoo one less chore to do tomorrow) and was going to make mini meat loafs for Marty to bake for dinner tomorrow and I had froze the hamburger for that. Rats. Hopefully it will be thawed out enough for tomorrow I can make them tomorrow night.

We are watching the latest Batman. I plan to go to bed early tonight.

Take care.
Happy Monday! :wavey:

We woke up to heavy fog and frizzing drizzle. Joy! I sent Marty a note when I got to work and said Curby 1 & 2 made it safely to work. It was really icy when I came home. There was about a 10 car accident on the bridge where i turn to go home. It looks pretty bad.

Marty fell on our deck and hurt his knee. He went out to cover up our grill (he left the cover off yesterday). It didn't look like there was any ice on it but he said it was like walking on marble. He couldn't even get up it was so slick so he slid over to the door and got in the house that way. His knee is popping. Oh oh.

Marty made beef parmesan for us for supper. It was really good. I can't eat chicken so we got some tenderized round beef and it worked really well. I cut mine in 1/2 so I'll have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

Marty might be going on some overseas trips in a few weeks. Nooooooooooo!

I hope you had a great day.
Marcy aka Curby
Dee*Jay-I wish Matt had the tiniest bit of neat in him. He's a total slob. I lost control of our bedroom at our old house, but I told him he's not doing to this one what he did to the last one. I'm afraid it's heading that way, so we're going to have a little lesson on putting things away this weekend. Your vacuum story is a hoot! I'll have to try this that a type of red wine or a brand? You can see how wine savvy I am! I was behind a Billy Ray today on the way home, and was getting really irritated with how freaking SLOW the guy was driving. I mean, come on. If I can take the curves in my SUV at a pretty good rate of speed, surely that car can do a zillion times better! (did I mention I live out a curvy narrow road in the mountains?)

Marcy-My ring has a 1.32 ct rb stone with about .5ct side stones. I almost upgraded a few years ago to around a 2 ct, so maybe that's what you're thinking. Honestly, my hands swell a lot and I don't wear it that much so resetting it hasn't been too much of a priority. I always feel like I have ugly hands and I don't want to call extra attention to them! Matt kept me up half the night last night and I got up before my alarm went off. The sighing and rolling around drives me insane. He's going to be sleeping in the floor in the man cave if he does it too many more times. That stinks that Marty may have out of the country travel. I was telling Matt about his trip to South America and the protestors just last night.

I worked a couple extra hours this evening and came home and zonked out on the couch for a good 3 hours. Here it is almost 1:30 am and I'm wide awake. What a surprise! I made ham, potatoes and broccoli for dinner and had yogurt for breakfast. I had fully intended to have lunch today, but forgot to take it and didn't feel like going out. Oh well. Have a good day tomorrow!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby*, oh no to Marty's knee! I hope he's feeling better soon. The ice you can't see is much more dangerous than the ice you can. When I lived in Idaho we called ice on the road you can't see "black ice." Do you use that phrase?

Deegee, malbec is a type of wine. Argentina is a primary region, and you can find a GREAT malbec for under $20, often about $12 or so. Do you like merlot? If so, you will likely like malbec too.

Last night I had the leftover rotisserie chicken from Sunday's dinner and then I powered through the largest chapter in the individual tax book. I had to set the test date for this Saturday since there wasn't much availability so I better hop to it!

*Marcy - I just went back and looked at my post (because spell check only shows up sometimes on my screen with the red squiggly line) and I called you Cruby the first time -- HA! When I was in PT for my torn ACL one of the therapists was named Kirby and I just LOVED that name. So snappy and strong--Like "don't fvck with me, I'm Kirby." So I hope you don't mind that I call you that now, but if you do just tell me!
Happy Tuesday! :wavey:

Deegee, good luck on lessons this weekend on putting things away. If it works you’ll have to give me some pointers. So you already have a 3 stone ring, sweet. You should get a complete new ring in the other size so no matter what you can wear a ring. My fingers are about a size difference between summer and winter. If Matt has to sleep on the floor of the man cave, maybe he’ll vacuum. Tee hee. I can’t get ear plugs to stay in they kind of hang out so they cut the noise but don’t block it all the way. I can definitely hear the sighing and yawning. It makes for a long night, huh? I hope you sleep well tonight.

Dee Jay, Marty’s knee isn’t bothering him much today. He says it still doesn’t feel right. Yes, we have black ice today and lots of black ice warnings around here. It was bad when I went to work by dry when I came home. We are expecting a little snow and more freezing rain tonight. We really like Malbec, Shiraz and merlot. We actually need to go get some more wine we are down to the rest of the malbec, and 2 bottles that I think is a red zin but I am too lazy to walk over and look. I like Cruby. That is pretty funny. You can call me that – no problem. Yay for starting to study for your tax test.

Work was okay. I had a couple of meeting and caught up my note typing (which has been sorely lacking since August).

I made mini meatloafs for supper and Marty made veggies and a box of potato au gratin for supper.

Tomorrow my cleaning lady will be here so I need to go pick up a few things. Most of them are size 14 shoes and associated socks plus XLT sweaters – all of the above which aren’t mine.

Take care.
Marcy aka Curby
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm glad Marty's knee is feeling somewhat better, but tell him to be really careful until he's 100% again. About the wine; I am trying not to accumulate too much "stuff" (although I generally don't think of wine as "stuff"--if you'll recall I had that trauma/drama over the four cases of red wine that didn't make the trip to KC!) but my annual holiday party is coming up so I will likely end up with a bunch of wine left over after that. Of all the problems available in this world, I'll take THAT one!

Last night I powered through another chapter of tax, but I'm only on five of 13 and the test is on Saturday. Yikes! Tomorrow and Friday will be All Tax, All The Time! And I likely won't get to the gym now until Sunday, but we'll see.
Happy Clean House Wednesday! :wavey:

I love coming home to a clean house. We went out for supper; I didn't want to mess up the kitchen.

Dee Jay, I saw a news story today there may be a shortage of wine because the European vineyards are not producing as much and this year's stock has been depleted more than expected. Okay, I will take the blame for some of it but I certainly didn't drink that much! Have fun studying tax codes for the next 2 days. You can do it!

I was rather busy at work but was still anxious for 5 to roll around. We went out for supper. Marty is in the man cave reading. I am washing a batch of towels and reset my iPad mini. I believe I have it sold. Hopefully the lady buys it so I won't have to mess with selling it online.

We had about 3" of snow this morning. It got near 45 today so most of it melted.

Take care.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, first of all, I refuse to even acknowledge your statement about 3" of snow, so we'll just put that out of our minds right now -- K? K! I also saw that story about the wine shortage. Damn near made me weep! The good news is I'm rather partial to South American Reds, and I can get by with a California or two if necessary, so I think I'll muddle through... but still... :eek: How did you find someone to buy your ipad? Did you advertise locally or was it someone that you know? It would be great If you could get it sold that way and didn't have to mess with it any more.

Today I am going to study study study. The weather here is utter Crap with a capital "C" today, mid-40s, totally grey, and raining since yesterday. Ick. So I think I'll just stay inside!

I noticed a very odd thing with my study materials... This test is on tax return preparation (well the first two parts anyway, and the last part is one actual practice before the IRS) and there is not one single tax form example included in the materials. They say things like, "blah blah blah is an XYZ deduction and appears on line XX of the Form 1040." But they don't actually give you a form 1040 to look at. No big deal for me because I have both the CPA materials and also the materials from that failed Jackson Hewitt tax class adventure, but if you weren't sitting around with piles of tax forms littering your house like I am this would be a real PITA!

OK, off to produce some coffee and do some "book learnin'" as the CB likes to say!
Happy Halloween! :wavey:

Dee Jay, okay we’ll pretend like that 3” of snow never happened. At least it melted already. We drink a lot of wine from Chile, Australia and California. I was quite relieved to see a story refuting the wine shortage. You know you can believe everything you read online. I sold my iPad to the admin of a friend of mine. I have no idea how the lady found out I had one for sale but it worked out good for me. We will probably sell Marty’s old MacBook Pro laptop at Gazelle. That is kind of crappy your tax book doesn’t include the tax forms. I am sure you can find them online but that would be a pain especially if you have to print them out. What time are grades posted tomorrow? Good luck with your book learning.

I left a roast cooking for us in the crock pot today. Marty started the mashed potatoes (steam and mash in the microwave) and made gravy when I got home. We haven’t had one trick or treater yet but we’ve sampled a fun sized candy bar or two. Since we are an “island” I guess neighborhood kids aren’t going to walk over here.

I have tomorrow off. We are hopefully getting my iPad first thing, drop off the trucklet for an oil change then I have some errands to do. My mom’s birthday would have been Sunday so I was going to get some flowers and take them to the cemetery. I need to get with my dad on some paperwork and I should definitely do laundry.

Take care.
Happy Friday kids!

I am typing on my new iPad. We had to go to Colorado to get what I wanted but luckily Marty wasn't really busy this morning. Target had the white ones in 16g, Walmart had the 32g in black but I wanted white so on a road trip we went. We had breakfast, got gas then headed home. We had lunch this afternoon at Olive Garden. I am stuffed. We got Marty's MacBook Pro in the mail to sell to Nextworth.

Deegee, this new iPad is pretty light but I am not really holding it.

Dee Jay, how is your book learning coming today? Good luck on your test tomorrow!

Have a great weekend.
Marcy-how awesome you already sold your ipad! I read a review of the ipad air today that said if you play around with the air and then picked up your old ipad you'd say, "ow! my arm!" I'm trying to decide if I want the mini, the air, or the samsung galaxy 8. With that many choices, I'll never decide! So did you have any trick or treaters in your new neighborhood? Our neighbor told us to expect lots, but I wasn't sure if his definition of lots was the same as what we were used to in our old neighborhood. We had 95 here, but usually had between 200-300 at our old place. We have lots of extra candy! Ooohhh...get this. Matt vacuumed the man cave. It would have been nice had he continued down the hall and stairs, but I'll take what I can get! How is Marty's knee? I sure hope he hasn't done anything bad to it.

Dee*Jay-mercy lady, are you always studying? I think I have already told you, but my sis is an IRS agent. She audits corporations, and she hates her job. When I buy wine, I mostly buy merlot. I'll have to look for Malbec next trip to the wine shop. I remember your trama/drama when you moved, and the crazy number of wine glasses is your possession! I had 4, broke 1, now have 3. And they're walmart cheapies at that.

My life this week was work late, home, dinner, walk, beer, bed, repeat. I brought work home this weekend, but can't bring myself to look at it. I've been parked on the couch, wrapped up in a quilt in front of the fire all day. Food wasn't bad last week, but Matt really has to take the leftover candy to work. It's killing me! I think he's heading to his Louisville office next week if he can get a hotel room. He tried to go last week but there were no rooms available in the entire city. We're going to head out in a little while to eat and make a Target run. We're full of excitement on a Saturday evening! Happy weekend!
Happy Sunday!

Degree, I like the iPad air so far. I don't like the apple Smart Cover though. It weighs nothing on my lap and seems so thin compared to the other iPads I've had. Wow a couple of hundred kids is a lot of candy to hand out. We had 2 trick or treaters and they were kids of some of our friends. We have way too much candy left around here too. Yay that Matt vacuumed the man cave. :appl: Marty said his knee is better and it doesn't hurt just sometimes seems to twist on him. On your next wine shopping trip you might try a Shiraz too. How is your dad doing?

We went to the bar at the golf course last night for a birthday party. About 30 people were there so we had fun and I had more wine than normal. I feel fine today though. I picked up breakfast for us at McDonalds and made homemade mac and cheese for lunch. I tore up leftover roast for BBQ beef sandwiches. I took some of the leftovers to my dad and visited with him for awhile. Today is my moms birthday so I wanted to see if he was okay.

Now I am working on laundry and goofing off.

Take care.
Marcy aka Curby
Marcy-I saw Shiraz last night while I was looking for Malbec. I'll have try a bottle. I bought a Malbec and intended to have a glass tonight, but I have Newcastle in the fridge, and it's awfully hard for me to pass up a cold Newcastle! I hope Marty's knee stops with the wobbling. It seems like mine did that for a while after I fell last year walking to the lighthouse. Dad is having problems with his backside after being in the hospital for 2 weeks. I'm wondering if he is having sciatic nerve pain. He went in for a follow up visit, but still has a while to heal before discussing treatment options. That was nice of you to visit with your dad today. I sure it was a hard day for you both.

I got lots done around the house today. I did several loads of laundry, and had a somewhat successful lesson with Matt on putting things away. We also had a refresher course on loading the dishwasher. However, we have had several refresher courses on that topic and it never seems to take. I changed out my summer/winter clothes today and discovered I must have not wanted to move a bunch of my winter clothes. I do recall giving away a bunch of stuff, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm going to have to go shopping and I hate shopping! It got dark so early that I've been thinking about bed for hours now. We stayed home all day, and Matt fixed soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and I have unfortunately been munching on candy this evening. Oh, good news for undecisive me! The thread in the SMTB forum with the RB and pear sidestones has pushed me in that direction. Now I just need to get it in gear and call a vendor before I change my mind. Have a good Monday!
Deegee, Marty probably won't be traveling for a few weeks so hopefully his knee heals up pretty well by then. Some international flights will probably get it irritated. I hate to hear your dad is having some problems with his backside. I hope that settles down for him soon. My dad mentioned going to the cemetery today but he couldn't find the grave since her marker isn't in place yet. I told him I'd taken some flowers out yesterday and put them on her grave and he seemed to like that I'd been out there. I think Christmas will be very hard on him. I notice he moved a picture of him and my mom in front of the TV. Too funny about having refresher courses with Matt; good luck with that. That is awesome you have decided on a 3 stone ring with pears on the side. Good plan. :appl:
Yay! My furniture gets delivered tomorrow! Woo-hoo!!! I'm a little excited. I have waited patiently for 8 weeks. My room is nowhere near complete as I still need a rug, accent chair, curtains, pictures and other accessories, but at least I'll have some furniture. It's a little less embarrassing. Food was good all day until dinner. I had a pretty big flare up over the weekend so we stayed home and didn't grocery shop. We had to go tonight because we have no food. We ate at a local restaurant that is mostly a bar that serves beer and sandwiches. I love this place, and I didn't eat too much pizza but they have one of my favorite beers on tap,so.... They were playing 70's dance music, and "I will survive" came on, and a big group of big tough looking electric company workers started singing along. Total entertainment for the evening!

Marcy-glad Marty doesn't have to travel for a while. Matt will be heading out tomorrow for a few days and then again next week. Boo. It's been nice having him home for a while. I bet it was a comfort for your dad to know you had visited your mom's grave. When will the marker be placed? I'm sure he will need lots of extra support at Christmas. We're planning a leaf raking and yard cleanup party at mom & dad's this weekend. They have way too much yard and far too many trees. They could use a full time caretaker!

Good night!
Happy Monday.

Deegee, I bet you are very excited to get your furniture. It will look like a totally new place. Your outing to the bar sounds kind of fun. It's nice to have a place to go where you like the food, beer and can have fun. Boo that Matt has to travel this week and next. Raking all those leaves sounds like a great workout. Take some Advil with you. I think the holidays will be very difficult on my dad.

My day wasn't bad. I took our Halloween candy to work and gave it to some people on a different floor than where I work. I didn't figure it would be smart to just take it in to my office.

That nasty 4 letter word is back in our forecast tonight. More snow.

Take care.
Happy Monday kids.

Deegee, I am as excited about your furniture as you are! (Alright, maybe not entirely, but I am right there with you sister!) I think a round with pears is great design! I had that *momentarily* in the upgrade process... Let us know when you try the malbec because I am really curious if you like it!

Curby, it's interesting you commented on the weight (or lack) on your new ipad. I read somewhere that when the iphone 5S was first released people didn't like it because it was so light that they thought it felt "cheap." I am all about the-lighter-the-better!

Before I forget (in the rant that is to come!) that I did pass part 1 of the IRS exam over the weekend, so I was pretty happy about that!

So now...

I'm writing this from the bar of the Holiday Inn Express in a suburb of Pittsburgh where I was summoned by My Grandmother's Neighbor when she called last night to tell me my grandmother had been in the ICU for six days and things "did not look good." She was curious as to why I had never returned my brother's phone call about this matter... um... BECAUSE MY BROTHER NEVER CALLED ME. Yes, that's right, the woman who raised me is the verge of death and my brother (who lives with her) did not call to tell me (even though he said he did). Someone apparently called my mother but she is on a cruise... in either Alaska or Panama, no one knows for sure. (Alaska or Panama -- WTF?). So of course I bent over this morning, took it right up the ol' wallet from United, and booked the first flight I could get.

CPA scores were posted over the weekend and 40 people who took their tests on October 18 were "lost in the black hole." Ironically I finally got my last passing score as I stood at the admittance desk at the hospital refreshing my score page as the attendant looked up what room my grandmother was in.

Oh, and I'm going to be an aunt. There is no way in the world to explain how utterly absurd that is (so the man who can't be bothered to call me and tell me the woman who raised me is in dire condition is about to become responsible for another human being?!?!?). I really just can't even go there.

OK, enough. I am sorry for all that. I am heading to my room soon and tomorrow will be a new day. That's all folks.
Dee Jay, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you. That is pretty rotten about your brother not calling you. I am glad her neighbor got ahold of you. You'll be a terrific aunt. Congratulations on passing your last CPA test and your first IRS test.

Happy Tuesday kids.

Curby, I saw a license place today that said PALMY. I have no idea what that means... Maybe they came from Florida and they hit a palm tree???

So I am still in Pittsburgh. Last night I had one of the grimmest meals of my life. Surf and turf for $14.99. And I had a 1/2 off cupon. WTF was I thinking? I didn't even finish the second glass of wine (for which I also had a coupon). And my brother just arrived for his evening visit. He told me that his boss is in jail right now. For tax evasion. I asked if HIS taxes were OK and he said "Yah, pretty much." I immediately put my fingers in my ears and started singing lalalalalalalalala. Perhaps I'm adopted.

Must go now and make nice with the family.

God help me.
Dee Jay, your lalala made me laugh. Good luck with the family.
Happy Tuesday.

Dee Jay, I've been worrying about you and your grandma all day. Sorry your dinner and wine wasn't the best last night.

Work was not fun. 2 of my employees created some problems today. The one error was a whopper so I am sure I haven't heard the last about that one. Marty says he doesn't miss those kind of days.

Marty made homemade tacos for supper. We have plenty left for supper tomorrow. We are meeting for lunch tomorrow at the mall. I am returning the cover to my iPad. I don't like it very well. I have a case that will work until someone makes a case that I like. Plus this case has Snoopy on it.

Our snow was only ground cover. Woo hoo.

Take care.
Dee*Jay-I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hugs to you. Good luck in dealing with family. Matt comes from a seriously dysfunctional family, and everytime we visit his parents, or even if it's just a phone call, he mentions that he hopes the crazy gene skipped him. (Good heavens, so do I. Those people are nuts.) So glad your grandmother's neighbor called you! I can tell you stories about my idiot brother in law...his kids turned out okay. Congrats on passing your tests.

Marcy- Bummer for having a bad day at work. Hopefully things got straightened out and you don't hear about it for too long. I bought the Smart Cover for my ipad when it was new, and I remember not liking it at all. Seems like a good idea, but it just didn't impress me too much. I was at the AT&T store today to get a new phone charger, and was disappointed that they didn't have a single ipad air for me to look at. How am I supposed to decide what I want when I can't find one anywhere? Argh!

I feel like Ms. Fancy Pants tonight, having furniture to sit on and everything! I was beginning to second guess our decision to give everything away when we moved and start over. Totally worth it. I'll post a pic from my phone. I had yogurt for breakfast, 1/2 roast beef sandwich for lunch, and I left a pork roast in the crock pot today so we had pork roast, couscous and veggies for dinner. We walked 3 miles and now I"m relaxing on my new sofa by the fire. Marcy, the sky was so clear and beautiful tonight. We are away from the ambient city light and the stars are so bright! Have a good day tomorrow. Dee*Jay-I'll be thinking of you.

My picture won't post on tapatalk. You'll have to take my word for it that I have furniture!