
Houseplant thread


Feb 2, 2011
I hesitate to start this as, well...I have a wee problem with addiction. Sigh. I'm addicted to houseplants. Have been since I was 5 and that's damn near 50 years. I almost got it under control pre-covid and then covid struck. There's not much good to be said about this pandemic except it's been the best thing to happen to the tropical plant industry in Canada. We're finally getting varieties of plants that our American cousins can source with little effort. So I've brought a few new ones into the fold lately. May I present Peperomia prostrata (string of turtles) and Raphidophora tetrasperma (mini monstera)20210302_111853.jpg20210302_111816.jpg
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I’ve gone a little house plant crazy during lockdowns too! I love your monstera. My favourite is this Tradescantia because of the pinks and purples - it cheers me up no end. I also love this watermelon peperomia.


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So I bought a spider plant. It's a bit of a sorry looking specimen from B&Q but Covid made me do it.

My best flowering orchid is a B&Q one. It flowers really regularly and with pretty much no care from me! I do not have green fingers...
My best flowering orchid is a B&Q one. It flowers really regularly and with pretty much no care from me! I do not have green fingers...

What is B&Q?
It’s a DIY/homecare shop in the U.K. Not necessarily a place you’d expect great plants to come from, but I’ve had better experiences with them than some garden centres, strangely enough.
I grow a lot of succulents, which like shallow pots. I buy mugs from thrift (these 2 this morning) to use as cache pots for the succulents. Cheaper than buying from a garden centre. These 2 were 3 dollars. 20210302_140847.jpg
I’ve gone a little house plant crazy during lockdowns too! I love your monstera. My favourite is this Tradescantia because of the pinks and purples - it cheers me up no end. I also love this watermelon peperomia.

Wandering willy is so pretty but alas these days its a noxis weed here :(2
You have been warned..... :lol:


I do have a diploma from RHS (royal horticultural society, I earned it while distance learning) however houseplants are not my strong point! (They tend to die on me but with Covid I felt the need for some more greenery.)

I remember those !
I would love one but i want the macrame hanger to put it in
i would love a spider plant again because my house is mid century but with a strong 70s retro vibe !

There is ons around the road growing in someone's garden - i need to go for a walk as its getting dark ! But pinched stuff never grows for me
Thanks for starting this thread @Begonia, I love house plants too. I don’t have many exotic varieties, but I do enjoy caring and looking after the ones I have. I find it so relaxing and quite therapeutic. I’m in Australia and I think we are a bit behind what’s trendy, I love seeing all the rare exotic plants on Insta from around the world.
Here’s my Chinese money plant.677FC55D-6190-480F-9A95-C51A75450B52.jpeg
I grow a lot of succulents, which like shallow pots. I buy mugs from thrift (these 2 this morning) to use as cache pots for the succulents. Cheaper than buying from a garden centre. These 2 were 3 dollars. 20210302_140847.jpg

When we first moved into this house that is exactly what i did with two coffee mugs i felt kinda obliged to not throw out in the move ( a 13th engraved birthday present and one of Gary's)
But the cacti soon got too big for them !
You have been warned..... :lol:


I do have a diploma from RHS (royal horticultural society, I earned it while distance learning) however houseplants are not my strong point! (They tend to die on me but with Covid I felt the need for some more greenery.)

Btw you are gorgouse Mr Spider plant !
I hesitate to start this as, well...I have a wee problem with addiction. Sigh. I'm addicted to houseplants. Have been since I was 5 and that's damn near 50 years. I almost got it under control pre-covid and then covid struck. There's not much good to be said about this pandemic except it's been the best thing to happen to the tropical plant industry in Canada. We're finally getting varieties of plants that our American cousins can source with little effort. So I've brought a few new ones into the fold lately. May I present Peperomia prostrata (string of turtles) and Raphidophora tetrasperma (mini monstera)20210302_111853.jpg20210302_111816.jpg

Oh gosh, I love both plants, but the string of turtles is so cute!
I have the String of hearts cascading down the wall in our bathroom.
Thanks for starting this thread @Begonia, I love house plants too. I don’t have many exotic varieties, but I do enjoy caring and looking after the ones I have. I find it so relaxing and quite therapeutic. I’m in Australia and I think we are a bit behind what’s trendy, I love seeing all the rare exotic plants on Insta from around the world.
Here’s my Chinese money plant.677FC55D-6190-480F-9A95-C51A75450B52.jpeg

I love that plant, Pilea I believe. I just bought one maybe 2 months ago? They've been big in Canada for about 5 years now, and I wasn't interested until one day I saw one that was mature with a trunk. Yours is gorgeous!!! Mine is tiny next to yours LOL.


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You have been warned..... :lol:


I do have a diploma from RHS (royal horticultural society, I earned it while distance learning) however houseplants are not my strong point! (They tend to die on me but with Covid I felt the need for some more greenery.)

It's a beauty! I adore spider plants, trusty little steeds LOL
Roger that D!

My score of 3 months ago, 20210302_155116.jpg20210302_155058.jpgnever seen it available before in Canada. My Begonia carolineifolia. It's semi succulent and grows a trunk :)

Wow! That is absolutely stunning! I’ve never seen anything quite like this before.
Your Pilea is lovely, when I bought mine a year ago it was similar size to yours, it won’t take long before it takes off.
My Pilea has had heaps of babies, I’ve given away quite a few already.
Some of my pothos collection, these were given to me as cuttings.
Snow drop and Marble Queen? Sorry I can’t remember the names.


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My Calathea white fusion, very temperamental as it requires lots of humidity and it’s leaves show signs of browning when it’s not sufficient. It was in bad shape and only had a few leaves left but I managed to revive it my putting it in a plastic bag to increase humidity.


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When we first moved into this house that is exactly what i did with two coffee mugs i felt kinda obliged to not throw out in the move ( a 13th engraved birthday present and one of Gary's)
But the cacti soon got too big for them !

Time to get 2 small plants D!
Wow! That is absolutely stunning! I’ve never seen anything quite like this before.
Your Pilea is lovely, when I bought mine a year ago it was similar size to yours, it won’t take long before it takes off.
My Pilea has had heaps of babies, I’ve given away quite a few already.

Good to know it grows well. Yours is looking sooooo good. Babies would be most welcome :)
My Calathea white fusion, very temperamental as it requires lots of humidity and it’s leaves show signs of browning when it’s not sufficient. It was in bad shape and only had a few leaves left but I managed to revive it my putting it in a plastic bag to increase humidity.

Good for you to be able to grow Calatheas! I just can't. They're so beautiful. We heat our house with gas fireplaces and it dries them out yours is lovely with the white.
Good for you to be able to grow Calatheas! I just can't. They're so beautiful. We heat our house with gas fireplaces and it dries them out yours is lovely with the white.
I found out the hard way. My Calathea was dropping leaves and basically crisping up in front of my eyes. I had to remove most of its leaves, by then I decided I had better read up about what they need to thrive.
I used to use a plastic bag to increase humidity but it outgrew it pretty quick. So I ended up converting an old fish tank to a mini greenhouse which
worked for a while. It’s outgrown it again!
Here’s a pic when it was half dead and another one in the fish tank, I was amazed how quickly it turned around. BB9C94AE-EF44-4325-880B-B089EC0DB650.jpeg


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I found out the hard way. My Calathea was dropping leaves and basically crisping up in front of my eyes. I had to remove most of its leaves, by then I decided I had better read up about what they need to thrive.
I used to use a plastic bag to increase humidity but it outgrew it pretty quick. So I ended up converting an old fish tank to a mini greenhouse which
worked for a while. It’s outgrown it again!
Here’s a pic when it was half dead and another one in the fish tank, I was amazed how quickly it turned around. BB9C94AE-EF44-4325-880B-B089EC0DB650.jpeg

Well done !
I found out the hard way. My Calathea was dropping leaves and basically crisping up in front of my eyes. I had to remove most of its leaves, by then I decided I had better read up about what they need to thrive.
I used to use a plastic bag to increase humidity but it outgrew it pretty quick. So I ended up converting an old fish tank to a mini greenhouse which
worked for a while. It’s outgrown it again!
Here’s a pic when it was half dead and another one in the fish tank, I was amazed how quickly it turned around. BB9C94AE-EF44-4325-880B-B089EC0DB650.jpeg

Wow, that is an amazing come back!
I remember those !
I would love one but i want the macrame hanger to put it in
i would love a spider plant again because my house is mid century but with a strong 70s retro vibe !

There is ons around the road growing in someone's garden - i need to go for a walk as its getting dark ! But pinched stuff never grows for me

I'm ashamed to say pinched stuff grows well for me. Karma must be taking her time. I'm shameless.