
I am looking for ideas on an engagement ring that isn''t a diamond...

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Jan 4, 2005
I was hoping to be directed to someone who may specialize in this area, or to get an idea of what stones are great rare replacements
I know there are a lot of threads here and on other jewelry and/or wedding forums that talk about non-diamond engagement rings.

I don''t know of any jewelry that specializes in them, but most would probably be willing to set a colored gem in any setting.

Some gems that make good/rare replacement-
-Sapphire (any color, unheated sapphires are rarer.)
-Emerald (I''ve heard can be a litte brittle for every day use, but then heard that they''re fine)
-Alexandrite (a very rare color-changing gem)
-Spinel (comes in many colors and is never heated)

If you want something unique, you might want to consider a concave cut gem. Just look at what concave cutting does to a sapphire--

Here are some sites that have sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and other gems in their engagement ring collections. Keep in mind, though, that any ring can be an engagement ring!
Date: 1/4/2005 19:51 PM
Author: velouriaL
...any ring can be an engagement ring!
Second that. The ones below have been talked about here recently:
(source: Kashmirblue and the "pad ring" thread here)


I think aquamarines make a great engagement stone. Try for some lovely non-diamond ring ideas.
How about her/your birthstone?

Also, thre''s a stone called Alexandrite thate''s very pretty and mysterious, and rare, i think..
Here''s an idea:

Its the link to the ring I had done as a redo of my original engagement ring. For personal reasons I wanted to highlight a stone that wasnt a diamond- and so I chose a sapphire just because it was a 9 on the Mohr''s scale, and the symbolism of it as well.

Good luck.
That is bautiful, but it looks expensive
I am really considering like a 3 piece stone with either a Sapphire or Red Spinel in the Middle with 2 diamonds on the side. It sucks to look at them on the internet. I can''t wait to venture out into the stores, just so I can get an idea of what the size really entails...
My last question on my other post is; How do I know I am getting a fair deal once I find something? I am not trying to be cheap, I just don''t want to get took! It doesn''t seem like these stones are rated as closley as diamonds...
Try some Australian Reddestone sapphire - more affordable then ceylon and very beautiful. For a piece of jewellery that you hope your wife will wear everyday for the rest of her life - a very durable gem is more practical than something softer which could be damaged or chipped. Diamonds obviously are the hardest gem at 10 but sapphires are close behind at 9 on the hardness scale and are very suitable for this purpose as well as being very attractive. Also, it has been said that sapphires are associated with truth, sincerity and fidelity so the symbolism is very appropriate for an engagement ring as well. You dont have to follow any rules on this - buy something that you both love. Another underrated gem is the range of spinels still quite hard wearing at around 8 and seldom used but very attractive.


If you tell us what is your budget, we will pont you the right direction!
Date: 1/12/2005 44:44 AM
Author: Georg
... Best of show ring.
Oh my! I had no idea that anyone on the Planet still does patterned gem inlays. Thanks for the news :)
that is a little much for me. I am looking for simplicitic elegance.......
Date: 1/18/2005 9:7:28 PM
Author: Georg
Remember the bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price
He, he
simple looks ''cheap'' most of the time, no ?
Date: 1/18/2005 9
7:28 PM
Author: Georg
Remember the bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price
That''s a great shopping motto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Valeria this statement does not apply to your pictures I actually like simple settings as long as they contain a good stones
Here''s 3 more samples, not 3 stone, but simply styled. All are from Peter Indorf. Sorry, I haven''t mastered the art of posting multiple pics in a post.

2nd pic. Can''t get last one to post.

Georg, I love that screamingbluecornflowerindigo stone!
I am not trying to sacrifice quality, I just like simplicity. The pink ring is very nice as well as the Blue sapphire 3 stone ring.
If it''s simple elegance you want in a 3 stone ring, might I suggest a simple setting like one of the Tiffany & Co Classics-



I would DEFINITELY NOT suggest buying from Tiffany''s, unless you like paying a huge mark-up for a few words engraved inside the band. You can get great, almost identical styles elsewhere for much more reasonable prices.

There is another guy on here who recently went crazy trying to find a beautiful, inexpensive, non-diamond ring. Even if your price range isn''t as tight as his, I would suggest going the same route he (I believe) went.

I think he picked out a setting from and then had Michael E find stones to fit it. I would contact some online jewelers-- like Michael E. or Wink or other trusted folks and begin working out the details.
I like the 3 stone setting, I am still deciding on my budget. It keeps growing.
Date: 1/19/2005 47:37 PM
Author: drag1320ft
I like the 3 stone setting, I am still deciding on my budget. It keeps growing.
Perhaps you shouldn''t let it grow ? This is not supposed to be painful... I think
That was me that Velourial was posting about, and that is what I am doing, I just have to give the word "Go" and I will have a very beautiful 3 stone ring for my future wife.

I don''t know if you''ve read my threads, but I was imposed by the lovely lady with a VERY tight budget. She didn''t want a diamond, she wanted something kinda'' big for her size 7.25 fingers, she liked antique-y style, and she didn''t want me to pay over $500 for it! I''ve since talked her up to $600.

I am going through Micheal E., who is ordering a setting I picked out from they have THOUSANDS of settings, in all styles, many of which are very close to popular designer styles. They are high quality but not super pricey. I''m getting a sapphire-- not a super sapphire, but probably a very nice-looking one, and then using white sapphires for the sidestones. They are not super- blingy like diamonds, but they look nice and are MUCH less expensive.

My point is, you can get a beautiful non-diamond ring in just about any style no matter your budget, whether it''s $600 or $60,000. You just have to start deciding how much you can and want to spend, what styles/colors/etc. you like, and then start figuring out how you can get what you want for your budget. Don''t let it "grow" too much. Be willing to make sacrifices, but not too many.

Just my two cents...
Date: 1/19/2005 12:46:15 AM
Author: Georg
Pink is hot today This one is gorgeous!

That''s the "tickle me pink" crayola colour from the Cornflower blue thread.

P.S. I also love the as Matata reffered to it screamingbluecornflowerindigo ring as well
Oh,.. Yea,.. Right !,.. Tickle me pink crayola!,.. You like that ha !?,..

The pink stone is actually very beautiful !,.. In real life it is perfect bubblegum pink ,.. Now too bad they didn''t have a crayola of ths color,..
my guess is we should stay with the tickle me pink! I like that better than Bubble gum anyway,..

Date: 1/19/2005 11:39:34 PM
Author: Georg
... for example a 5 carat gem quality Goubelin and AGL certed Natural Burmeese ruby will cost approx.
$600 000.00 if you can get it...
Hm... a bit back someone posted one inquiry for one 7 carat D/IF diamond
Aside that, well..

I do not believe -- and niether does my fiance-- that you have to spend a bundle for somethign that looks nice to the layman. I used to... but, if you see the evolution of my post on the threads about my search, you will see that I came around. I would have gladly spent about much more on her ring, as I have been well-trained by DeBeers in the two-month salary mantra and as I am adult with more than a few years behind me during which I battened-down my financial hatches, two months my salary keeps me fairly warm at night.

At my girlfriend's insistance, I search high and low for a bargain, and I think I found something she will like. Our definition of "very nice" is different from someone who is a gem dealer, such as yourself. And very different from someone who stands to make a profit from selling me what is, in his opinion, a "very nice" sapphire.

Our $600 ring is every bit as nice or nicer than many $1,000 pieces in mid-range mall stores. I know that that does not mean it's WORTH $1,000, but that it could be sold to the uneducated for that much. I know I'm not getting the gem gourmet's choice, but I am not getting ripped off. The purpose of this forum is to inform people-- that you don't HAVE TO spend $1,000 for a less-than-perfect sapphire.... you can spend $600 for a less-than-perfect sapphire! Or, if you prefer, you can spend $2,500 on a more-perfect sapphire and with the help of this forum, know exactly what to look for!

I am not a gem gourmet. I am more of one than I was a few months ago, but I do not intend to become any more of one. I like dark stones, I like pale stones. I like deeply blue "cornflower" stone but I don't care enough to get something like that... I understand that some people do, and I think that's great for them.

One word of advice to Drag-- I suggest you learn as much as you can from the people on this site, especially those who ARE NOT IT TO SELL YOU ANYTHING, and make a decision based on your tastes and budget, no matter what that may be. You have many options, learn what they are. Be aware that I suggested that you decide what YOUR budget will be and work with a trusted vendor. I did not intend to advocate any of my decisions.

George - Also, I think you're being rude and that you're posting here is no so much about education, although you have some very pretty pictures of stones, but about self promotion, and I am offended by it.
I would probably go with a sapphire a ruby or a spinel because you want the stine to be durable.
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