
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 5/23/2010 5:06:01 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 5/23/2010 4:48:38 PM
Author: ksinger

Date: 5/23/2010 2:28:19 PM
Author: Haven
I'm glad she's okay, Trill. That must have been terrifying!

Our pup doesn't chew anything up anymore, but when we first adopted her we quickly learned that she dislikes Ayn Rand, Jeffrey Eugenides, and (gasp!) Margaret Mitchell. She's lucky she didn't get at any of my first editions.

Oh, and she also chewed up the cover to my most recent edition of Miss Manner's big etiquette guide. DH had a good laugh at that--he asked me if I was going to expect her to hand write an apology letter. Ha. Ha.
Well, you can forgive her Margaret Mitchell (we all have our little quirks after all), since she had the discernment to chew up Ayn Rand. GOOD DOG!!!! BISCUIT!!!
How did I know that was coming?
Date: 5/23/2010 5:06:01 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 5/23/2010 4:48:38 PM
Author: ksinger

Date: 5/23/2010 2:28:19 PM
Author: Haven
I''m glad she''s okay, Trill. That must have been terrifying!

Our pup doesn''t chew anything up anymore, but when we first adopted her we quickly learned that she dislikes Ayn Rand, Jeffrey Eugenides, and (gasp!) Margaret Mitchell. She''s lucky she didn''t get at any of my first editions.

Oh, and she also chewed up the cover to my most recent edition of Miss Manner''s big etiquette guide. DH had a good laugh at that--he asked me if I was going to expect her to hand write an apology letter. Ha. Ha.
Well, you can forgive her Margaret Mitchell (we all have our little quirks after all), since she had the discernment to chew up Ayn Rand. GOOD DOG!!!! BISCUIT!!!
How did I know that was coming?
Dang. And here I thought my cleverly crafted online persona as an uber-objectivist was so convincing.

I had a very long, drawn out online battle one year with a self-proclaimed objectivist, and that''s what got me up to speed on Rand and her "philosophy". For the record I''ve not read "The Fountainhead", but have read her book "Philosophy - Who Needs It", and a bio of her that was a very disturbing account of a narcissist with almost hypnotic control over her whirly-eyed devotees, one of whom was of Alan Greenspan. So yeah, no surprise, I guess.
ksinger--Ha! That online battle sounds very interesting. And long! And "narcissist" sounds about right.

I like to think of Ayn Rand as an old friend with whom I would not get along if I met her today, yet we went through a profound experience together way back when and that bond has proven to be quite strong. I found The Fountainhead when I was very young and that book solidified my passion for reading. I've since read more and better literature, but Ms. Rand still holds a special place in my heart.
By the way, my husband left for out of town business this afternoon. SO, I've been sitting around for hours posting on PS, watching Girl Meets Gown, eating popcorn for dinner, and oh yeah--wearing my wedding gown and veil.
Date: 5/23/2010 10:21:40 PM
Author: Haven
By the way, my husband left for out of town business this afternoon. SO, I''ve been sitting around for hours posting on PS, watching Girl Meets Gown, eating popcorn for dinner, and oh yeah--wearing my wedding gown and veil.

So fun!!! I want to do that!
I just need to vent...

My niece graduated today and had her party yesterday. She has worked very hard, earned many scholarships and is a very good kid. Her parents divorced last year but both attended her party as they are civil at this point, there is no animosity. Apparently, my dad is not over the divorce yet because he refused to attend the party, stayed holed up in his hotel room the whole time. He then left with my mom the next day without saying goodbye to anyone, and completely skipped the ceremony altogether. My niece then posted on her facebook today before her ceremony about how her grandfather's behavior really disappointed her. He then responded that her and her father were a disappointment to him. So then her mother (my sister) wrote that what he said was really uncalled for and I agreed. He emailed his 3 daughters to say he was ending his relationship with them and not to contact him ever again and only to call our mom when he is not around. I mean REALLY??? Who does THAT!! Needless to say the ENTIRE family is pissed off at him and we are concerned about our mother's safety if he is flipping out like this for something so irrational! I think if I type anymore I will put holes through my computer keys. Thanks for listening.

I daresay he is reading this right now as he likes to cyber stalk me, so if you are dad, please know that I am flipping you the bird through my computer screen.
SI: Is your dad always this ornery, or is there a chance that there''s something medically wrong with him?
VR: I think it might be a combination of both because I know when I get upset I have a bit of a temper too (damn genetics) but it takes a LOT to get me upset. I remember my grandma used to react this way too before she was diagnosed with Alzheimer''s and he is 68, so it could be possible :-\
Date: 5/23/2010 10:49:56 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I just need to vent...

My niece graduated today and had her party yesterday. She has worked very hard, earned many scholarships and is a very good kid. Her parents divorced last year but both attended her party as they are civil at this point, there is no animosity. Apparently, my dad is not over the divorce yet because he refused to attend the party, stayed holed up in his hotel room the whole time. He then left with my mom the next day without saying goodbye to anyone, and completely skipped the ceremony altogether. My niece then posted on her facebook today before her ceremony about how her grandfather''s behavior really disappointed her. He then responded that her and her father were a disappointment to him. So then her mother (my sister) wrote that what he said was really uncalled for and I agreed. He emailed his 3 daughters to say he was ending his relationship with them and not to contact him ever again and only to call our mom when he is not around. I mean REALLY??? Who does THAT!! Needless to say the ENTIRE family is pissed off at him and we are concerned about our mother''s safety if he is flipping out like this for something so irrational! I think if I type anymore I will put holes through my computer keys. Thanks for listening.

I daresay he is reading this right now as he likes to cyber stalk me, so if you are dad, please know that I am flipping you the bird through my computer screen.
Smurfy, I find your very personal, and rather crass comments, not fit to be shared on PS. Don''t you have anyone/anywhere else you can discuss such intimate family issues with? Seriously, flipping your father the bird through your computer screen? Are you throwing a teenage tantrum over the internet?! Who talks to their parents like that???
Date: 5/23/2010 9:46:02 PM
Author: Haven
ksinger--Ha! That online battle sounds very interesting. And long! And ''narcissist'' sounds about right.

I like to think of Ayn Rand as an old friend with whom I would not get along if I met her today, yet we went through a profound experience together way back when and that bond has proven to be quite strong. I found The Fountainhead when I was very young and that book solidified my passion for reading. I''ve since read more and better literature, but Ms. Rand still holds a special place in my heart.
Ahh, Haven, as usual - a woman after my own heart. I, too, read The Fountainhead when I was very young, I think at around age 12? I didn''t fully understand the book the first time I read it, but I did know I wanted Howard Roark to be a constant presence in my life!

I have read some of her other books, and like Ksinger mentioned, there are HUGE elements of narcissism and (dare I say!) egoism in her later writings. But The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged have both influenced me significantly, and are thus very close to my heart as well.
Date: 5/24/2010 12:18:27 AM
Author: Smurfyimproved
VR: I think it might be a combination of both because I know when I get upset I have a bit of a temper too (damn genetics) but it takes a LOT to get me upset. I remember my grandma used to react this way too before she was diagnosed with Alzheimer''s and he is 68, so it could be possible :-

Either way, I''m sorry you and your family are dealing with this. It''s hard when someone you love acts so irrationally.
Date: 5/24/2010 1:14:49 AM
Author: kama_s
Date: 5/23/2010 10:49:56 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

I just need to vent...

My niece graduated today and had her party yesterday. She has worked very hard, earned many scholarships and is a very good kid. Her parents divorced last year but both attended her party as they are civil at this point, there is no animosity. Apparently, my dad is not over the divorce yet because he refused to attend the party, stayed holed up in his hotel room the whole time. He then left with my mom the next day without saying goodbye to anyone, and completely skipped the ceremony altogether. My niece then posted on her facebook today before her ceremony about how her grandfather''s behavior really disappointed her. He then responded that her and her father were a disappointment to him. So then her mother (my sister) wrote that what he said was really uncalled for and I agreed. He emailed his 3 daughters to say he was ending his relationship with them and not to contact him ever again and only to call our mom when he is not around. I mean REALLY??? Who does THAT!! Needless to say the ENTIRE family is pissed off at him and we are concerned about our mother''s safety if he is flipping out like this for something so irrational! I think if I type anymore I will put holes through my computer keys. Thanks for listening.

I daresay he is reading this right now as he likes to cyber stalk me, so if you are dad, please know that I am flipping you the bird through my computer screen.

Smurfy, I find your very personal, and rather crass comments, not fit to be shared on PS. Don''t you have anyone/anywhere else you can discuss such intimate family issues with? Seriously, flipping your father the bird through your computer screen? Are you throwing a teenage tantrum over the internet?! Who talks to their parents like that???

Wow... This is a "say anything" thread.
I wish I could update more but I can''t in case this is being read. Things have escalated quickly and today is not a very good day at all
I''ll post more when I can...
kama- you''d be doing the same if you were in this situation, you''ll understand in a couple days...although I agree it''s not fit for PS and I won''t do it again, was just a heat of a moment thing and DEFINITELY not a tantrum.
I got 5 hours of sleep last night, had to clean dog poop from the carpet while BF cleaned vomit, and then got in a fight (at 5:30 in the morning) with him over whether steam cleaning the carpet or fixing the annoying door is more important. Gee, honey - potentially permanently ruined carpet or annoying door with a lock that sticks? It''s not like I''ve been saying "Hey, we need to rent a steam cleaner" for a few weeks now.
Noooo...the door being stuck is somewhat inconvenient. Nevermind the freaking nasty, smelly, unsanitary carpet RIGHT NEXT TO OUR KITCHEN. That clearly doesn''t matter as much.

So I go back to sleep, wake up, let the dogs out, and one dog runs away. I get her cornered in the neighbours yard and she tried to bite me! Little brat. But in a battle of wills, a 10 year old Basset hound is NOT going to win. I''m bigger, I''m smarter, and I''m stronger and she is eventually going to bow to my will.

Thank God for coffee.
Princess - it sounds like the dogs need a talking to.

I got to go to Disney and it made me happy for the day yesterday.
Oh, they got one. The one puking I will forgive. He''s sick. He can''t help it. But the other one? Oh, she''s in a world of trouble. I was in my neighbour''s yard trying to get her, and they''ve got two young kids so I had to keep the language PG, which resulted in some hilarious lectures being given to the dog. "That is NOT polite!" being whisper-yelled is not very intimidating to a stubborn dog, I guess.
Puking yes... and even poo if it''s accidental. I''d yell at the one that tried to bite me though lol. Kids or no.

My mom has a bassett... they are stubborn... and opinionated... and HE is annoying! He ate the packaging on my Mary Kay stuff this weekend. He''ll knock food off the counter unless it''s against the wall.... and he rolls in clean towels.
I have anxiety for a training class I have today. I don''t like the idea of sitting in a learning environment with adults, not knowing anyone. I still feel young.
It is really beautiful here today. All I want to do is go ride my bike.
I'm sitting in the social security office bored out of my mind and the only thing on tv is maury blaaaaaaah zZzZzZz
Today is hard.
I just got news that my parents are getting divorced...I don''t know how to feel, I''m at such a loss for words
Smurfy ((((((HUG))))))
Date: 5/24/2010 3:00:00 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I just got news that my parents are getting divorced...I don''t know how to feel, I''m at such a loss for words
Smurfy, I''m so sorry. My parents split up shortly after my wedding. Even as an adult, it was hard. It is hard. When you''re ready, I''d be happy to share some of my own experiences dealing with it if you''d like to hear them.

Big hugs.
Date: 5/24/2010 3:00:00 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I just got news that my parents are getting divorced...I don''t know how to feel, I''m at such a loss for words
Smurfy, I''m sorry. It''s never easy no matter how old you are- a child or an adult.
Date: 5/24/2010 3:00:00 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I just got news that my parents are getting divorced...I don''t know how to feel, I''m at such a loss for words
I''m sorry, smurfy
I''ve just re-learned the importance of hitting save periodically......
I''m sorry Smurfy, even if it''s for the best it''s a difficult thing to deal with

Thank you for all the hugs guys, I really needed them today