
If you could find out ONE truth about your life...past, present, or future, what would it be?


Jun 8, 2008
That is, if you had a crystal ball and could find out the truth about something in your past, present or future life what would you want to know?
Or would you want to remain blissfully unaware?

I often wish I had that proverbial crystal ball because it could make some decisions easier. I am and always have been a curious kitty. My DH always asks me, "what, am I google" LOL. Because I have tons of questions I am always pondering (and asking Greg too haha).. During my many years in school I have had numerous professors tell me I ask a lot of questions that they couldn't answer. Some enjoyed the thought provoking questions but some probably were more annoyed though I only had one professor tell me (in graduate school) I was giving him a complex because he couldn't answer any of my questions. We both laughed about it. But anyway, I share this because yes I personally would like to know some things I could never know without that crystal ball. There are things I do NOT want to know but many things I wish I did know that I do not.

ONE thing I sometimes think I want to know but right now, I can tell you I do NOT want to know when/how Greg and I will die. That is just not something I care to know at this juncture. I reserve the right to change my mind however in the future and go back and forth on this one

I have nothing of serious consequence I want to know about my past
I am at peace with most everything I can think of and have no burning unanswered questions

I am at (relative) peace with the present
I am sad about a recent death in my family (our sweet Tommy boy) but have no mind bending questions about it
Initially I wanted to know very much why he stopped eating
But now I realize it was just his time
He was old and tired and it was time for peace for him
My heart aches missing him
But I am in the process of coming to terms with his death
Not there quite yet but today marks only 28 days since his death. And from experience I know this process goes on forever. Coming to terms with death and all that we cannot control. It's a sobering fact of life. Things we cannot control.

OK just by writing this all out I guess I have no burning questions at the moment about past, present or future.
If I wasn't a scaredy cat I would want to know how many more (good, healthy) years my dh and I have to share together
But I am not that brave so do not want to know
At this point though I might change my mind at some juncture in the future

How about you? Any burning truths you would love to find out that you don't know now?
Any mysteries you want solved from your past? Your present? Your future?

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OK I just realized YES I have a question !!!

Is there life after death????

If there is (or is not) it might change my actions for/in the future

Yes that is what I want to know
That is my burning question
Is there life after death?

And one up question...

Will I meet up with my sweet soulmate again?
Are we forever connected?

Spoiler..I think I know this answer

No life after death. This is it. Our one and only life here on earth or anywhere...I would love to be wrong about this though
Just the one, in that the company that carried out the custom conversion of my RV ceased trading abruptly without any prior contact.

I only found this out when something went wrong again with an aftermarket part fitted by them.

I could not get hold of them via their contact details provided to me via e-mail and mobile phone calls.

I then discovered their website no longer exist, and they had filed for bankruptcy etc...

I built up a good relationship with the owners of the business and was concerned about their well-being as in life after the business.

Although I was a tad annoyed when I could not get hold of them when I needed to have the said component fixed again, I believe they wound up the business and went incognito for valid reasons, as informed to me by one of their suppliers.

I would like to wish them well, that's all.

DK :))
Definition of death: The end of life.

If you can't accept the only proven truth, then make up or go along with that wildly popular fantasy, eternal life.
Billions have, do, and always will.
Why? Because the
end of one is hard to wrap one's heads around.
Each of us seem sooooooo important, at least to ourselves.
Surely it's not possible we could stop existing!!!!!!
A fluffy pretty fantasy certainly feels better than the harsh reality.

Plus eternal life and being
reunited with gramma will make your little kids smile instead of cry hearing the cold hard truth.
Hey! It can even manipulate them into behaving better than Santa can :dance:, at least till their are brains fully
develop in their late 20s.
But, if you start early enough those brains get programmed into that fantasy being reality. :clap:
And what's the harm? because when they die (aka end) they'll never know they've been duped.
Why won't they know? Because they are dead.

In this case truth certainly sucks more than the fantasy..
But learning what is true from an early age saves us from the tragic
disappointment of having the fantasy yanked away from us later in life.

But hey, knock yourself out embracing what there is no evidence for.
Go ahead, feel better, believing you'll win that eternity lottery. :roll:
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Kenny, I also give you permission to knock yourself out in denying a greater power. That's your prerogative and mine is to believe in our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Some interesting facts... Einstein was an agnostic, he wasn't certain there wasn't a greater power in our lives. Also, internet search Dr. Ebon Alexander III and read the nytimes article:

Readers Join Doctor’s Journey to the Afterworld’s Gates​

He has also written a book and is not a fly-by-night character.

Maybe some think of God as Santa Claus and that is their downfall. Faith needs attention and belief as small as a mustard seed. It gives me support and peace, especially in the most difficult and saddest moments.

Wishing you wellness and peace.
Oh this is easy. I want to know my family’s history on my dad’s side. Like ALL of it.