
I'm frightened and MADD


Feb 2, 2011
Forgive me for this. I veer away from political or heated discourse on PS but this time, I'll risk it.

We lost a beautiful, young and vibrant PS mother of three to impairment, along with 2 beautiful children and a beloved husband. It's frightening to be on the roads and know that people are driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and whatever else can impair you, such as extreme emotional distress or other factors I may not realize.

To lose a beloved child, grandchild, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent etc must be devastating, I can't even imagine. I get frightened and MADD/mad (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) when I read about this crime that kills.

I'm so sad for the loss of one of one of our own (and her young family), I cannot fathom how the family's feel.

I'm also furious.
That is very sad!

Four decades ago, a friend of mine was hit by a drunk driver when she was only in her mid 20s. She was hospitalized with multiple fractures, requiring surgeries, and it has affected her whole life.

Drivers can be impaired by alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, but texting while driving impairs as much as drunk driving, and driving sleep deprived is extremely dangerous. A friend of mine lost his wife who fell asleep at the wheel after working a night shift as a nurse. They were newlyweds.

I imagine many people take Benadryl (generic name Diphenhydramine HCl) to sleep-- and Tylenol PM contains it. Women metabolize this drug more slowly than men. If it is not fully out of your system it can cause you to be impaired when driving.
That is very sad!

Four decades ago, a friend of mine was hit by a drunk driver when she was only in her mid 20s. She was hospitalized with multiple fractures, requiring surgeries, and it has affected her whole life.

Drivers can be impaired by alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, but texting while driving impairs as much as drunk driving, and driving sleep deprived is extremely dangerous. A friend of mine lost his wife who fell asleep at the wheel after working a night shift as a nurse. They were newlyweds.

I imagine many people take Benadryl (generic name Diphenhydramine HCl) to sleep-- and Tylenol PM contains it. Women metabolize this drug more slowly than men. If it is not fully out of your system it can cause you to be impaired when driving.

So many reasons for impairment.
Such a tragedy but in this case I’ve read that drugs and alcohol were not a factor. Still heartbreaking and devastating for all who knew them. My heart breaks for their little boy…

eta I don’t want to add the news link as it invades their privacy on here.
Edited:I didn't not see anything about that. I know there were two accidents around that same time. I probably won't look closer.
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Such a tragedy but in this case I’ve read that drugs and alcohol were not a factor. Still heartbreaking and devastating for all who knew them. My heart breaks for their little boy…

eta I don’t want to add the news link as it invades their privacy on here.

I wasn't going to bring this up in the original thread, but since it has been brought up - the husband was past the legal limit, according to a news article.
Benton County sheriff's office released info that he failed to stop at a stop sign and was impaired. The toxicology report was published. The sheriff's office said there was no indication that the alcohol was a factor in the accident. There are questions for which the answers may never be known. I hope everyone remains respectful of the life and memory of Lex.
That’s the most frightening thing, we can take all the precautions we can, drive as safely as we know how, but it doesn’t stop a careless/drunk/high or texting driver from causing havoc because of their choices.
That’s the most frightening thing, we can take all the precautions we can, drive as safely as we know how, but it doesn’t stop a careless/drunk/high or texting driver from causing havoc because of their choices.

We lost my oldest brother to a drunk driver in 1983. Still fresh., the lights never came back up. Karl, God help you and that family.
So sorry for your loss.
This is an extremely tragic and heartbreaking event. However, at this point I would ask you not to speculate and prejudge the person involved in the other car.
That's really heartbreaking..
This is an extremely tragic and heartbreaking event. However, at this point I would ask you not to speculate and prejudge the person involved in the other car.

The person in the other vehicle was not the cause of the accident.
Many tragic accidents do happen because of people driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol. The one that took our sweet Lexy however was not due to drugs or alcohol.

Last December my college friend's daughter (26) was hit by a drunk driver who was driving the wrong way on the freeway. She and her friend in the passenger seat were both killed. She was a young woman with her whole life ahead of her as was her friend. She had just turned 26 and had just gotten back from Hawaii to celebrate her birthday with her family. My friend and her dh (also a college friend of mine-they met on our dorm floor sophomore year) will never be the same. They will NEVER recover from this tragedy.

And approximately six months ago my good friend's father was hit by a drunk driver on his way to the gym and he was killed.
He was healthy and strong and vibrant

Many tragic accidents do happen because of people driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol. The one that took our sweet Lexy however was not due to drugs or alcohol.

Last December my college friend's daughter (26) was hit by a drunk driver who was driving the wrong way on the freeway. She and her friend in the passenger seat were both killed. She was a young woman with her whole life ahead of her as was her friend. She had just turned 26 and had just gotten back from Hawaii to celebrate her birthday with her family. My friend and her dh (also a college friend of mine-they met on our dorm floor sophomore year) will never be the same. They will NEVER recover from this tragedy.

And approximately six months ago my good friend's father was hit by a drunk driver on his way to the gym and he was killed.
He was healthy and strong and vibrant


I'm sorry to say the accident was very likely due to her husband being legally intoxicated missy. Later reports show he was over the legal BAC when a stop sign was run.

The consequence of his decision to drink and drive was very dear indeed.
Alcohol or not, running a stop sign points to being distracted, whatever the cause. Maybe this is why the obituaries were on two different websites and not together.
I'm sorry to say the accident was very likely due to her husband being legally intoxicated missy. Later reports show he was over the legal BAC when a stop sign was run.

The consequence of his decision to drink and drive was very dear indeed.

Aww I am so sorry to read this :(

In one second life is changed forever. One second. Heartbreaking :(

ETA: I want to add one comment just in case it could help anyone. PLEASE PLEASE PUT your phone away when driving. Even if mounted and hands free it is a distraction. And cell phone use during driving (including "just" reading) is the new drunk driving. Just as dangerous. PLEASE do not keep your phone out if you are driving. I beg you
Aww I am so sorry to read this :(

In one second life is changed forever. One second. Heartbreaking :(

ETA: I want to add one comment just in case it could help anyone. PLEASE PLEASE PUT your phone away when driving. Even if mounted and hands free it is a distraction. And cell phone use during driving (including "just" reading) is the new drunk driving. Just as dangerous. PLEASE do not keep your phone out if you are driving. I beg you

She has a son who one day will grow up and may read the comments his mother posted to this forum -- I can imagine hanging onto the last parts of her if it was me.

This is pure speculation fueled by posts from news papers and instagram. And I wouldn't want him to read it.

@Ella I ask this thread is removed.
She has a son who one day will grow up and may read the comments his mother posted to this forum -- I can imagine hanging onto the last parts of her if it was me.

This is pure speculation fueled by posts from news papers and instagram. And I wouldn't want him to read it.

@Ella I ask this thread is removed.

I agree with this as well. I would not want her son to see this.
@Ella, I equally ask that this post remain. No one has been disrespectful here, quite the opposite. Should the young lad choose to see what his Mother liked to talk about, he'll see plenty of posts showing her gracious character here, and love of jewelry. Lastly he'll see that people are so sad that she left us in a tragic way too soon, far too soon.

We need to talk about the crime of impaired driving causing death and you cannot reference that with the loss of lives close to us. Others have shared their loss bravely as in Karl_K and ibrakeforpossums.

If the brief mention of impaired driving in a few posts here is too upsetting, I can only imagine the 6 or 7 articles (some from the sheriff's office) are more likely to be upsetting.
I think we need to discuss drunk driving from time to time.
Yes it makes me sad and sadly I have more stories I could tell.
It hurts to think about it and talk about it but if it prompts one person to say give me your keys your not driving then it is worth it. (someone has said that talking about it gave them the courage to grab someones keys.)
I'm fine with another thread with no reference to anything involving anyone on PS but it needs to be discussed from time to time.
I absolutely agree it should be discussed. I was hit my an impaired driver when I was driving with 2 of my babies in car. I needed to be cut out of the car while my babies creid and were also injured. It was terrible. I am huge on not mixing drinking and driving. Something I have nailed into my kids. They know I will pick them up if needed. Day or night. They know not even one drink is a driveable situation. I grew up with alcoholics and am extremely careful. It isn't worth the consequences. It is hard no for me when it comes to even having one drink and driving. There is no indication that being just over the limit caused the crash. One drink would put me there. I understand why everyone is sad and upset. I talked with her outside of PS and she loved her family deeply. I still would hate her some to come here to read her words and also see this discussion. Imagine how heartbreaking this already is for him and their family. Rehashing the who said why won't change anything. Driving with kids is very distracting and we will never know what was happening in the vehicle when this occurred.

I am truly sorry to everyone that lost people to this. I have also lost family and friends this way. It is always senseless.