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5X per week??? give him a break, no wonder he's tired...pomjuice963|1291317733|2785324 said:We moved in together after we had been dating for about a year & a half, & that's when things started to get iffy for me. DH works very long hours & gets up at 5 am every day,. So, when he started falling asleep on the couch instead of initiating sex, I could understand that he was tired.Code:so of course he is tired when he gets home at 7:30 pm
, to 2 or 3 times per week, and then eventually to once every week or two - it just seemed like his libido wasn't that high. He never turned me down if I initiated, but he would only initiate every week or two. I know that there was no **** issue, because I am fine with ****/erotica & have a collection, but he had none. He never looked at **** online, ever. I know that he isn't/wasn't having an affair, because whenever he wasn't at work he was with me, and he works in an all-male environment. He really just was one of those people who didn't have a high sex drive.Code:But we went from having sex 5 times per week
pomjuice963|1291317733|2785324 said:... The sex had gotten really bad - it came out in therapy that he felt that he was being judged on his performance, which made him nervous & upset, and made sex worse. I could sense his hesitancy, which turned me off, because I like men to be dominant in the bedroom. So, we were only having sex about once or twice a month. The therapist is one of the best in the country & specializes in premature ejaculation, so I think he did about as well as he could with us. He told us that the problem was intimacy, and that because I came off as the "sex expert" to my husband he was afraid that he could never live up to my standards. Also, I'm into some light kink, and he just wasn't into it & it felt unnatural & forced to him, so he didn't want to do it anymore. DH had never told me any of this - we did a lot of exercises to work on our intimacy & closeness, which DH needed to feel turned on. Things did get better, DH was initiating sex, we were having it once a week, so I was much happier than before. However, I had to give up on the things that were turn-ons for me, and just be glad that at least I was getting vanilla sex...
lucyandroger|1291319552|2785343 said:Hi pomjuice, Maybe it would be easier to talk to your DH about sex if you boosted his confidence first. I could be completely off base but it sounds like maybe you only talk about sex when there is an issue to discuss so he immediately anticipates criticism. I would suggest after having sex that you tell your DH how amazing he was in bed (even if it's a little lie) and let him know all the things he did that you liked. After a few weeks of that, perhaps he will feel more confident and open to discussion about trying new things.
TooPatient|1291321415|2785363 said:lucyandroger|1291319552|2785343 said:Hi pomjuice, Maybe it would be easier to talk to your DH about sex if you boosted his confidence first. I could be completely off base but it sounds like maybe you only talk about sex when there is an issue to discuss so he immediately anticipates criticism. I would suggest after having sex that you tell your DH how amazing he was in bed (even if it's a little lie) and let him know all the things he did that you liked. After a few weeks of that, perhaps he will feel more confident and open to discussion about trying new things.
Gah!!!! -- Never highlight and then hit Backspace... deletes the post!
Great suggestion!
Build his confidence. Let him know what he does that you like. Maybe he'll even start doing those things more often to make you happier.... he might even start trying some new things to find more of what you like. (worked for me)
This isn't going to fix it magically overnight, but with time he might gain enough confidence to do some of what you've been looking for.
This. I was under the impression you two were getting it on twice a year in the dark. But 2-3 times a week, with 2 kids and intimacy sounds reasonable. I don't think talking about it more or suggesting new things is going to change anything because you already tried that. You know what he wants to do and he knows what you want to do. I think you are at a good middle ground. Plus you went into the relationship knowing that you liked kinky and he does not. That is one thing I doubt he can change about himself and your interest in it probably turns him off.decodelighted|1291341180|2785707 said:With the new information I'm a little bit more puzzled. And what I mean by that is: LADY, YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!Not really ... but 2x a week? With intimacy? W/o having to "talk" about it? Um: you're all good. Well ... by national standards at least. It doesn't mean its enough for you or the TYPE you'd prefer ... but C'MON COOKIE. Get real!
What % of folks do you figure are swinging from the chandeliers out there -- with two kids & jobs & real lives etc. I'm starting to think this is more of an "adjustment of expectations" issue than a "he was abused as a child" issue ... or a "he's boring" issue. Its partly habit at this point to label him as the "faulty sexual partner". Even though he's come A LONG WAY. And been willing to TRY! You may be able to cultivate this over time to get more of what you want (recreation, novelty, openness) ... and give more of what HE wants (affection, attention, intimacy, non-judgment, flattery) ... but I'd get busy being happy with what you H.A.V.E. I don't think you realize how "good" it is in the big scheme of things.
crasru|1291358617|2786035 said:Premature ejaculation is a common thing. However, most antidepressants (SSRI's like Paxil for example) work well because they delay orgasm. Usually it is an undesirable side effect but it becomes a benefit in cases of premature ejaculation. I might have missed it in your post, but just in case, has it ever been tried to help your husband?
rosetta|1291404279|2786492 said:Two x a week sounds absolutely standard with two young kids.
rosetta|1291404279|2786492 said:Two x a week sounds absolutely standard with two young kids.
I'm sure there are loads of mothers reading this right now who think it's more than enough.
You obviously have lots of energy and time to still invest, most mums I know are completely exhausted most of the time.
I think your libido is on the high end of normal, while your husbands is on the low end. That's unfortunate but that's life. Your husband has made moves to meet you halfway. Maybe it's time for you to accept a little more of what he naturally is., but he knows that's just not gonna happen on a daily basis. We have reached a compromise that still lets me eat and sleepCode:My FI is 3x a day kinda guy
Can you talk to him about reaching a compromise?
Dreamer_D|1291405111|2786509 said:rosetta|1291404279|2786492 said:Two x a week sounds absolutely standard with two young kids.
It is actually much much much more than standard with two young kids![]()
pomjuice963|1291399092|2786400 said:crasru|1291358617|2786035 said:Premature ejaculation is a common thing. However, most antidepressants (SSRI's like Paxil for example) work well because they delay orgasm. Usually it is an undesirable side effect but it becomes a benefit in cases of premature ejaculation. I might have missed it in your post, but just in case, has it ever been tried to help your husband?
Hi everyone, thanks for your continued responses.
It really is helping me put everything in perspective. ILander, that was a good point about 7 year itch - I hadn't considered that. Monarch mentioned something about innate compatibility - I guess that I like more of a "take-charge" type guy, but those relationships always ended disastrously for me in the past. Everyone always comments on how well DH and I complement each other - my friends and family have raved about how he calms down my fiery side (but sometimes I miss being fiery!). I add spice to his staid life, so I guess we are a case of opposites attract, but sometimes it's bumpy, and this is one of the bumps.
Crasru, the reason that I chose the sex therapist that we went to was because he literally wrote the book on PE, and he recommends SSRIs for physical cases. He thought that it would help us, but DH did not want to try medication, even though he's had this problem all of his life, which is part of what upset me. My body has been through hell & back bearing his children, and he wouldn't even consider trying a proven remedy, so I felt that was unfair. But, it's his body, so it's his decision.
Just so you know, I did have a talk with DH last night - you have all emboldened me to try to talk to him. I didn't bring up sex at all, but I did talk about wanting more intimacy & emotional connection with him. We're both introverts, so it's easy for us to not be expressive, and part of the reason that we never fight is because we both avoid confrontation. He is very much the old school strong, silent type - not big on love talk or compliments. I told him that I wanted us to feel like we can share things with each other in order to really get to discover each other again & be more connected, and he was really excited and happy to talk and have some intimacy, which suprised me. I didn't mention anything about sex or my idea of wanting to chat with other people, because we have been having pretty good "vanilla" sex and I didn't want to put a crimp in that. I think that maybe in a few months if things are still swimming along I will write him an erotic story for our wedding anniversary or something and see how he responds - I'll be sure not to make it too scary![]()
Thanks again for all of your advice - I appreciate everyone's honesty.
canuk-gal|1291404347|2786493 said:HI:
Allow your husband to be your erotic "penpal". Ya never know, he might surprise you!
This. Who is that a present FOR anyway? The more you say ... the more I wonder about your level of *selfishness* and seeming obliviousness to his needs/desires. I cannot think of a husband who would be MORE UPSET by what you were suggesting (re: you having a secret erotic pen pal). And you're like "yeah maybe he'd be upset". That man would be DESTROYED by that and it would DESTROY the progress you've made so far in the vanilla sex dept.heraanderson|1291406095|2786531 said:I cannot imagine why you would want to write him erotica for your wedding anniversary. This day is to celebrate what your union is, instead of pushing upon him more of his inadequacies and what YOU want the marriage to be.
MonkeyPie|1291407028|2786557 said:canuk-gal|1291404347|2786493 said:HI:
Allow your husband to be your erotic "penpal". Ya never know, he might surprise you!
I love this idea. Most guys aren't into this - I have tried so many times with DH! - but it's worth a try. And it could be fun!
decodelighted|1291407491|2786566 said:This. Who is that a present FOR anyway? The more you say ... the more I wonder about your level of *selfishness* and seeming obliviousness to his needs/desires. I cannot think of a husband who would be MORE UPSET by what you were suggesting (re: you having a secret erotic pen pal). And you're like "yeah maybe he'd be upset". That man would be DESTROYED by that and it would DESTROY the progress you've made so far in the vanilla sex dept.heraanderson|1291406095|2786531 said:I cannot imagine why you would want to write him erotica for your wedding anniversary. This day is to celebrate what your union is, instead of pushing upon him more of his inadequacies and what YOU want the marriage to be.
I'm really starting to think you may be self-sabotaging here. Like a secret desire to blow things up because of something inside of YOU. Agree with the idea above that INDIVIDUAL counseling might help you sort out which of your expectations are realistic & which are outrageous. Give you coping skills to help YOURSELF through the erotic drought. AND -- encourage the development of more EMPATHY.
Geez. Writing him an "erotic story" is about the last thing this guy wants. More reminders of what you want. Of what he lacks. Why I mentioned the DREAM idea was because it doesn't but the pressure on anyone. Its a *subconcious* desire on your part (not a request) and he doesn't even have to hear about it unless he *asks*. An erotic story is something you'd sit down and cook up with the intent of enticing him into doing things you want to do ... behind his back ... intentionally. For days. I just really feel like that is so off base from what the man you describe would be able to take any pleasure from whatsoever. It seems FAR more likely that it would have negative consequences and set you both back considerably. Maybe you just meant it as a flippant joke and I'm taking it too seriously.
Dancing Fire|1291405656|2786517 said:rosetta|1291404279|2786492 said:Two x a week sounds absolutely standard with two young kids.
I'm sure there are loads of mothers reading this right now who think it's more than enough.
You obviously have lots of energy and time to still invest, most mums I know are completely exhausted most of the time.
I think your libido is on the high end of normal, while your husbands is on the low end. That's unfortunate but that's life. Your husband has made moves to meet you halfway. Maybe it's time for you to accept a little more of what he naturally is., but he knows that's just not gonna happen on a daily basis. We have reached a compromise that still lets me eat and sleepCode:My FI is 3x a day kinda guy
Can you talk to him about reaching a compromise?.. 3 X a day X 365 days a yr = 1095 "a world record"...
. congrats to your FI...