
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


China, Hi!! Thanks for popping in! Glad to hear there is an end to nausea at some point!

Mayerling, welcome back! A couple of friends of mine had low lying placentas and in all cases the placenta ended up moving so that it was not a problem. Try not to worry.

Meg, so sorry about your scare! Has the bleeding subsided now? Honestly, I am kind of scared to DTD. When I met with my OB, I asked him about it and I fully expected his answer to be something like "it's completely safe, go for it" and instead his answer was very cautious. He told me that it is very likely that I may experience spotting after and he said that he was worried that it would cause me too much distress considering our history if that did happen. So DH and I really need to have a discussion about it.

Bright, I did not have good luck with a bella band for my last pregnancy. I found them to not be too comfortable and it bunched up on me. I chose to switch to maternity clothes early as it was more comfortable for me. I mean it's inevitable that the switch to maternity clothes is going to happen so I figured just switch now and be comfy. I belief the screening window is between 11 and 13 weeks. Every office does it differently. Mine is scheduled for 12w5d. Next Wednesday! How is the cramping? Has it subsided?

Missy, it's hard to believe that you would have had to wait till 20 weeks to see baby! That's nuts! Do they offer the screening at around 12 weeks for people interested in doing that? I don't think I could wait that long! Thank God you got an early one done!

PP, wow 15 weeks! That flew!! How are you feeling?

AMC, I definitely agree on the grazing. Sometimes food made me sick just thinking about it. But I knew I HAD to eat or I would feel worse. Lose lose situation! My nausea is starting to break and food is seeming appetizing to me again. So hopefully you'll have relief soon! How is the amoxicillin treating you? I had to take mine three times a day last week when I had the sinus infection. I got about 5 days in and I finally had to call my doctor and asked him if I could stop taking it. The nausea was wayyyy worse taking it! Good luck sister!

Muffdog, glad your 12 week scan looked good! Have the headaches continued? Hope you are feeling better?

PPM, cute belly! So what is your due date? Mine is 7/27! Summer babies!!! I'm excited! My belly just looks well bloated and fat right now. Not quite a true belly you know? I haven't gained any weight yet and actually have lost a pound at this point. But my jeans feel tighter so I may switch to maternity jeans sooner than later. I remember jeans were the first thing I had to switch early on in my first pregnancy too.

Hello to everyone I may have missed!

AFM, the nausea is finally subsiding! Yay! Food is actually appetizing to think about now. Before I couldn't even think about food without feeling gross. It is nice to actually enjoy eating again. I started to order some maternity clothes. Gap had 25% off their sale stuff so I ordered a couple pairs of jeans and two tops. Girls, my best recommendation that I got with my first pregnancy was to not cheap out on maternity jeans! BEST ADVICE! I had bought two pairs of cheap ones and they kept falling down and were not comfortable, so I went out and spent a little more money on A Pea in the Pod jeans and they were amazing! So comfortable and more importantly, they stayed up!!! Has anyone started to transition into some maternity clothes? My jeans are tighter now even though I haven't gained any weight yet, so I think that is going to be the first article of clothing that I make the switch to.


Lizzy - They do offer screening, but we turned it down. We just thought it was unnecessary because if something came up we'd be extremely worried my whole pregnancy and I'd rather be as care-free as possible now and we'll deal with something later if it comes up. As far as I know this OB normally only does the one ultrasound at 20 weeks, but more if they really find it necassary. Like if my blood pressure continues to be a little high, she said there will be more baby monitoring to make sure it's growing appropriately. The first tri screening would have been done in a seperate office.

Hi Missy, I think I am just so used to getting many ultrasounds due to my history unfortunately. The less number of u/s's means things are looking fabulous! How has your blood pressure been recently? Has it been balancing out?

Oh and I totally meant to say I was 11w3d, but I typo'd! Getting ahead of myself there!
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BrightSpot|1325894883|3096901 said:
S&I, Oh my gosh, thanks so much for posting this! That makes me feel so much better. (And the cramps were kind of making me think ectopic too.) I'm glad to hear that as long as there's no spotting or bleeding, it's ok. I asked at my RE's office & the nurse said maybe I should cut back on exercising, so I guess I'll have to do that, somewhat regretfully.

I hope I can see something on the scan by the 18th. (I think your beta numbers were higher than mine, though, so maybe not.)
How are you feeling? How's that sweet little baby boy doing? It's funny...I was so looking forward to catching up with all of my preggo friends on this thread, but kind of forgot that so many have already moved to the big girl thread. Thanks for still checking on me. ::)
I think my beta numbers were pretty comparable to yours, so I'm hoping you'll be able to see something on the 18th. I'm sure your RE would be fine with scheduling another ultrasound if you're still concerned after this one. I'm finally starting to feel like a normal person, and baby boy is happily kicking away. My DH got to feel his first kick on NYE, so that was pretty exciting. Thanks for asking! And hey, you'll be in the big girl thread before you know it! Can't wait for your ultrasound update!

Holy crap. I cannot WAIT for the 2nd trimester. Every day I feel slightly worse than the day before. I *think* part of this may be a side effect of the antibiotic I'm on (since nausea is listed as one of the top 3). I've increased the Zofran but it hasn't helped. The GIANT diet coke I got from McDonalds helped for about 3.7 seconds (um, sorry baby for the artificial sugar and caff boost).

How is everyone else feeling?

amc, sorry you're still feeling badly. I'm sure the antibiotic on top of morning sickness isn't fun. :nono: I'm glad the diet coke helped a bit, though. Do you drink them regularly? I'm a diet coke girl too, but I've cut back significantly. Hope baby appreciates this!

S&I, good, I'm glad our numbers were similar. I hope I see something next Wednesday too. I should be just over 6 weeks at that point. I'm really hoping to see the heartbeat, if that's not too soon?
Btw, a friend just sent me a study on hcg numbers in early pregnancy & gender. Apparently girl babies tend to produce higher levels of hcg than boys. Perhaps you've just proved that theory? :wink2: I wonder if that means I'm having a boy too...
I'm so glad you're feeling great & enjoying lots of baby boy kicks. Perhaps he's in soccer practice already? How exciting..and so special that your DH felt the first kick on NYE!

Missy, maybe that's good that you're not getting so much early monitoring. Less to worry about. :wink2:

Lizzy, thanks for the info about the bella bands. That's true that you need to switch to maternity clothes eventually, so why not sooner rather than later? It's not like you're really saving money. Also, thanks for the info on the jeans. I would totally be inclined to cheap out on mat jeans, but if it makes a difference, better to spend a bit more & be comfortable. You say the pea in the pod ones are good? Let us know if you like the gap jeans.
I'm so glad your nausea is finally subsiding! Yay! It's really hard not to want to eat, especially for a foodie! I had a rough couple of weeks when I started the metformin & it was really confusing not to have food cravings. Fortunately, I'm eating up a storm again!
Thanks for the info on screenings! Looks like we both have ultrasounds next Wednesday! Hope it's good news!

mayerling, welcome back! I'm a newbie & don't know about the placenta issues, but I'm so glad you heard the heartbeat over the holidays! :appl: I'm sorry the nausea is still there, though. I hope you're feeling better soon!

China, thanks for the info on the target bella band. That's awesome that it's working so well! I'm so glad the nausea is gone & hope you're feeling happy & well. ::)

meg, I'm so glad the bleeding has stopped & that you weren't at risk. I've also heard that the cervix can be really tender in PG, so perhaps that could cause some problems with DTD too?
Thanks for the info on bella & target faux bella bands.

Hi to anyone I missed! :wavey:

afm, not much to report here. I'm starting to get a little tired & starting to get sore bbs, but no other major symptoms. The cramping is getting better. No nausea yet, but perhaps I have another week or 2 before that starts? Also no appointments this week--nothing until my ultrasound next Wednesday. Just trying to stay calm & optimistic. :tongue:
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BrightSpot|1326238150|3099896 said:
amc, sorry you're still feeling badly. I'm sure the antibiotic on top of morning sickness isn't fun. :nono: I'm glad the diet coke helped a bit, though. Do you drink them regularly? I'm a diet coke girl too, but I've cut back significantly. Hope baby appreciates this!

Thanks. Before I got preggo I was a one Diet Coke a day girl (more if we went out to eat and free refills were involved). I'm really trying to cut down on fake sugar. I'll probably have one soda every 2-3 days, half of which are Diet Coke. I'm not in it for the caffeine (caffeine free is fine with me), I just love the taste.

Oh, this is weird- I love Starbucks. Mmmm. I've altered my drink to make it baby friendly (I get a decaf nonfat vanilla latte...before I got a skinny but changed it to nonfat to avoid the fake sugar in the sugar-free syrup). I would stop on most days on my way to work and get one. I hadn't gone for a while, maybe a couple of weeks. Yesterday I got one and had mybe 3-4 sips. It just didn't taste good. It made me sad because it's such a part of my ritual. But also a little happy, since it will save me $4.36 a day.
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amc80|1326239116|3099913 said:
Thanks. Before I got preggo I was a one Diet Coke a day girl (more if we went out to eat and free refills were involved). I'm really trying to cut down on fake sugar. I'll probably have one soda every 2-3 days, half of which are Diet Coke. I'm not in it for the caffeine (caffeine free is fine with me), I just love the taste.

Oh, this is weird- I love Starbucks. Mmmm. I've altered my drink to make it baby friendly (I get a decaf nonfat vanilla latte...before I got a skinny but changed it to nonfat to avoid the fake sugar in the sugar-free syrup). I would stop on most days on my way to work and get one. I hadn't gone for a while, maybe a couple of weeks. Yesterday I got one and had mybe 3-4 sips. It just didn't taste good. It made me sad because it's such a part of my ritual. But also a little happy, since it will save me $4.36 a day.

That's so funny about the taste change. BP (before pregnancy) I used to drink 2-3 diet cokes a day. Now, I haven't had a full one (I've split a couple with DH & had a few sips of his). It's funny, I miss it, but sometimes when I taste it, it tastes different to me too. My grandmother used to be a big coke drinker & she said while she was pregnant, it just never sounded good to her. After she delivered my mom, the first thing she asked for in the delivery room was a coke!

Funny you guys are talking about drinks you usually like but aren't into While preg. I M so turned off By both coffee and wine, both of which I drink on an almost daily basis! I literally haven't touched coffee which I think is really just funny. But seems to be a common thread!

Hi Ladies :wavey:

It's been awhile since I've had a minute to post. Ever since the 1st of the year, work (and life) has been non-stop! I have been reading through everyone's posts and hope to post something more in-depth later.

Just wanted to congratulate all the newbies! So happy to see you all over here and looking forward to seeing you all on the big girl thread in the near future!

Chugging along over here at 15w4d. Still feeling blah, but nausea is finally gone, THANKFULLY. I'm officially in maternity clothes and just waiting for that pregnancy "glow" I experienced during my first pregnancy....ha! :lol: Everything about this pregnany has been different than the first - including my overall appearance. ugh :knockout:

Hope everyone is well and will check back again soon!

PS- hope no one minds that I hang over on this thread for a bit more. This feels like "home" right now ;))

It's hump day bump day! Still lacking a bump. Well, there is one, but it's right below where my pants hit...


Sugarpie - I still post :P I kinda like it here! I'll be a follower and completely move to the big thread when everyone else does! haha. Yay for maternity clothes! I'm still wearing pre-pregnancy shirts at this point, but fully in maternity jeans which I LOVE! I haven't really had much trouble with them staying up. One of the upper management guys at work didn't know I was pregnant, I just told the people that I wanted to know and I figured the gossip would spread it around to everyone else. He told me last week "I thought I noticed a glow going on, but didn't want to say anything!" Ha, why thank you...glad you didn't notice the nice breakout on my chin that keeps popping up!

AMC - Yay you remembered! Here's my 18w2d bump from last night!


Sugarpie- :wavey: Same same same with me. Totally different pregnancies and appearance. My bump this time is lower and more lumpy/lopsided? Glad you are feeling better, or at least less nauseated. I feel *fine* at 21 weeks- tired, but not crazy tired. But I've had some sort of sickness or cold for about two months now, so yeah, not feeling great. Are you finding out the sex?

Coffee- Weirdly I totally didn't really crave it or want it with #1, but this one I totally want coffee. Real coffee. I force myself to drink decaf most of the time. But I have way more headaches this time, so I think it's that. Want nothing to do with wine, or beer- last time I CRAVED beer. No cravings, in fact I am indifferent to food which SUCKS. I want to demand ice cream, hamburgers, weird things with pickles on it!

And taste changes, yes!!! I feel like I'm an overtaster all of a sudden. Things are REALLY salty, or REALLY sweet, etc. Things that tasted great before, are meh now. So annoying. AMC, we ran out of real sugar the other day and all we had was Splenda so I put a tiny bit in my coffee. Had to spit it out, that weird chemical aftertaste overwhelmed me.

Mat jeans- Yes invest in a good and SOFT denim pair. I had COH last time which were good. I do have some from Old Navy this time that are actually decent. The thing about mat clothes is you will wear everything all the time, so even though it sucks to spend $$, if you are wearing your jeans 5x a week, at least you are getting your $ worth, right?

My big scan is tomorrow. Felt like the first 14 weeks crawled by and the last 7 have flown by. Can't believe I'm halfway through.

ETA: Bright, I just love seeing you over here. :love:
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ChinaCat|1326306180|3100493 said:
Mat jeans- Yes invest in a good and SOFT denim pair. I had COH last time which were good. I do have some from Old Navy this time that are actually decent. The thing about mat clothes is you will wear everything all the time, so even though it sucks to spend $$, if you are wearing your jeans 5x a week, at least you are getting your $ worth, right?

I just bought some used ones on Ebay. They are Citizens and normally run for anywhere between $120-180, and I got them for $50. I have no problem spending a lot on jeans because my office allows jeans, so I wear them 7 days a week.

Hello, hello, lovely mamas! 13 weeks and counting...

Thanks for helping procrastinate and avoid grading/cleaning/cooking :cheeky:

Your aversions/lack of are quite entertaining. I've done some reading about the "meaning" of cravings and aversions, and there are differences of opinion when it comes to their significance. The only thing I can't stomach is sushi, and (for now) that's a GOOD thing. Admittedly, I have about 1/2 cup of regular coffee each day. I stopped cold-turkey and was fine, but around 11 weeks I started to slip into the half-a-mug-a-day habit. I know a little is supposed to be okay, but lots of granola-y/crunchy mom sites say that preggos have NO business consuming caffeine b/c. Psh. I'm going to screw up plenty of times as a mama, so I might as well get used to my nurturing/motherly shortcomings now ;))

I purchased a doppler off of Craigslist (Sonoline B) and DH wants me to get it He is freaked out by it and is convinced my use of the doppler will result in our child having brain damage and three legs. OY. I know the waves are more consistent/intense than those of an ultrasound, and dopplers shouldn't be used for extended periods of time, but hearing the heartbeat is so coooool. Right now it is hidden in my sock drawer and I try to listen to Doxy's heartbeat about every three days :Up_to_something: If this child comes out all screwy, I take FULL blame. Gosh... how will I ever explain to him/her that I drank coffee AND used a doppler? What a bad mom, I am! I'm destined to have a mutant child.

In other news (Can this post get any more me-centric?!), DH and I toured our birth center/midwifery center last night. I'm in love! We're really excited to transfer care to this group. They have three birthing rooms, all with tubs, beds, stools, and various supports that hang from the ceiling. The midwives were all so POSITIVE. "Your labor and delivery will be great! You will feel supported. You'll be free to walk around, eat, drink, and do whatever feels right for you and your baby." They are a bit hippy-dippy, but so am I, so it's a stellar fit. Three of the five midwives have had one (or more) labors/deliveries at the birth center. Pretty cool. And, to calm the nerves of family, it's a two minute walk to the nearest hospital.

Sex question: Do any of you have sneaking suspicions about your baby's sex? I have no way to prove it, but I feel 98% positive we're having a girl. High heart rate, placenta was on the left side of the uterus, craving sweet foods. These "tests" are not base in science, and yet, I am convinced this LO is female. Less than 7 weeks 'til we'll know for sure!

All of your bumps (or lack of!) are cute! AMC- you're still so skinny! Are you noticing that your jeans fit a bit differently, since your lower abdomen is expanding? Missy- adorable bump, as always!

Re: Re:

PilsnPinkysMom|1326328185|3100797 said:
All of your bumps (or lack of!) are cute! AMC- you're still so skinny! Are you noticing that your jeans fit a bit differently, since your lower abdomen is expanding? Missy- adorable bump, as always!

Your bump is so cute!

And yes, the jeans are tight. I really noticed it today. The waist hits RIGHT where baby is. I'm going to wear a bella band tomorrow, it's just too uncomfortable now. Funny the difference a day can make!

I think I missed humpday bumpday but here is mine at 17w4d (I think).

Had the second part of my genetic testing done and was told that everything looks good. Of course the researcher in me wants all of the numbers etc so I can research the crap out of it, but I figure less stress is better. They say "all good" and I should listen :-)


Tiniest bump ever muff! I hope I am that tiny. I already feel like I am sucking my gut in at 9 weeks!

Meg - the tiny bump actually makes me stress out that something is wrong. Ugh.

20 week scan is in two weeks so I guess I'll know then.

How tall are you? Sometimes height plays a roll in the bump. I have a friend who is on the taller side and she didn't show until almost 7 months!

I'm 5'6".

You look fine, MD!!!! No worries, girlie!!!!! ;))

Thanks Dani - I feel silly stressing about it but I think it comes with the territory.

It is funny because I was talking with a friend just yesterday saying how you can't win with pregnant woman.

"Oh you are so tiny!" (must mean my baby is undernourished or something is gravely wrong)

"Oh you are so big!" (must mean I'm a huge cow)

" (silence)" (must mean I'm a huge cow)

I think most preggos are just so self conscious about the external changes AND being a good mom that we are bound to freak about everything.

Believe me I understand, I work with pregnant women all day!!! But try to keep the faith - just try to enjoy your healthy pregnancy!!! :))

Lizzy - My blood pressure is okay at home...highest has been 130/70, not too bad. It just jumps when I'm at the doctor I've noticed. I have to take my blood pressure monitor in at my next appointment so they can see if my machine matches theirs.

Muffdog - Don't you worry, everyone is different! You can definitely see a little bump starting. Cute!! Some women don't show until 20 weeks+! I've had a couple people recently say "Wow you really do have a bump" and I'm totally okay with it because I'm used to seeing just flab hanging out around my belly :lol: Anyway, glad your testing came back good...just settle for the "good" answer, you don't want the numbers!!

AFM, I felt for sure flutters last night. I had felt stuff before but wasn't sure. I felt them for a good hour and I still feel it this morning. SO FREAKIN COOL! I can't wait for all of you to experience it! It really does feel like you're being tickled inside and it's made me laugh a couple times. No kicking yet, just the fluttery feeling. Amazing!

Last night I was standing in front of the mirror and realized my little bump is actually much bigger than I thought. I was thinking it was more confined to the lower area, but I'm thinking that's not true. Also, I've been rocking the Be Band (Target's Bella Band) for two days now. My only complaint is that every time I stand up I have to adjust it, since the bottom of the band slides up to above the top of my jeans. Other than that, it's doing a great job at keeping my jeans up.

Speaking of, the jeans I bought on ebay arrived. And they are too small. I have really muscley legs and these just don't fit. So it looks like I'll be reposting them. Bummer, because they are sooo cute.

Also- I know this is really early, but has anyone started looking at baby stuff? Costco has an amazing crib for $399. It's made of actual hardwood and comes with all of the conversion rails for a toddler bed and full sized bed. It's a little more than we wanted to spend, but such a beautiful crib...and not a bad deal seeing how it comes with the rails. It's by Cafe Kid and is the Alex model.

(Wow, this is turning into a long post.)

Last night I fell asleep on the couch at about 6pm. I woke up and felt horrible...completely barfy. I couldn't get it to go away (tried eating, drinking water, drinking gatorade, an popping another 1/2 Zofran). I gave up and went to bed around 9. I took my last amoxicillin this morning, though, so I'm really hoping that was the cause of my extreme crappiness lately.

Does anyone else feel like your baby hates you? Aside from the nausea, my skin is really bad (but luckily the breakout patches are around my jaw line and the sides of my forehead). Oh, Proactiv, why must you be a class C drug? My brain is working at about 50%. It's like the baby is saying "hmm, what can I do to make mommy a wreck today?" Hahaha. I know, it's all part of the fun and is totally worth it in the end! Hope you are all doing well (or, at least, better than I am!).
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amc80|1326479324|3102208 said:
Also- I know this is really early, but has anyone started looking at baby stuff? Costco has an amazing crib for $399. It's made of actual hardwood and comes with all of the conversion rails for a toddler bed and full sized bed. It's a little more than we wanted to spend, but such a beautiful crib...and not a bad deal seeing how it comes with the rails. It's by Cafe Kid and is the Alex model.
We actually got this one! It's still sitting in its box though because we haven't cleared out the baby's room yet. My parents bought us the crib, and we bought the matching dresser/changing table. It looked a lot better than the original crib we were thinking of getting from BBBaby, and cheaper too, considering it includes the conversion kits!
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S&I|1326483612|3102264 said:
amc80|1326479324|3102208 said:
Also- I know this is really early, but has anyone started looking at baby stuff? Costco has an amazing crib for $399. It's made of actual hardwood and comes with all of the conversion rails for a toddler bed and full sized bed. It's a little more than we wanted to spend, but such a beautiful crib...and not a bad deal seeing how it comes with the rails. It's by Cafe Kid and is the Alex model.
We actually got this one! It's still sitting in its box though because we haven't cleared out the baby's room yet. My parents bought us the crib, and we bought the matching dresser/changing table. It looked a lot better than the original crib we were thinking of getting from BBBaby, and cheaper too, considering it includes the conversion kits!

Good to know! Can you update once it's together?

Muff, I wouldn't worry! My friend was 5'7" and she didn't show til almost 7 months. And I def see a little bump popping out on you and it is adorable. No worries lady :))

Missy, SOOoO exciting you are starting to feel flutters! That has got to be just the BEST! I can't wait for that time to come. It wil make it so real and make this pregnancy denial go Away!

Amc, we have begun to look at baby stuff. We found a crib at Walmart that we like and we were surprised. We like it because it is all wood has storage and the finish is non toxic for gnawing babies teething on the crib! I will post a link from home later. My mom has also bought various baby clothes on sale already too, plus plenty of maternity stuff. She is very excited, to say the least, and is showing it through retail therapy!

Afm, 9w1d. Our second prenatal appt is Monday and we are both off for MlK day. We are excited and just hope all is okay. I am getting eager to share the news with the extended world, but trying to hold on until at least 12 weeks. When does everyone else plan to tell at work? Ive been feeling pretty good with some nausea in the mornings and again around 5pm. Also not sleeping great, but my appetite is okay as long as im not nauseous. The other night i felt awful and the only thing i would eat was a fruit roll up. So DH went out and got some. I managed t out back SEVEN fruit roll ups. Lol. In other news, I think we bought a house this week. It needs a ton of work, but our mortgage comes with a line of credit for home improvements. We are hoping to finalize the deal and close quick so we can get the work done and move in by June. Wishful thinking, but we are excited nonetheless!
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amc80|1326483743|3102266 said:
S&I|1326483612|3102264 said:
amc80|1326479324|3102208 said:
Also- I know this is really early, but has anyone started looking at baby stuff? Costco has an amazing crib for $399. It's made of actual hardwood and comes with all of the conversion rails for a toddler bed and full sized bed. It's a little more than we wanted to spend, but such a beautiful crib...and not a bad deal seeing how it comes with the rails. It's by Cafe Kid and is the Alex model.
We actually got this one! It's still sitting in its box though because we haven't cleared out the baby's room yet. My parents bought us the crib, and we bought the matching dresser/changing table. It looked a lot better than the original crib we were thinking of getting from BBBaby, and cheaper too, considering it includes the conversion kits!

Good to know! Can you update once it's together?
Yup, I'll try to take some pics when we have it all set up. DH has Monday off, and he's said that he's going to assemble the crib, so we'll see if that actually happens. The dresser is already all assembled except for the top piece for the changing table part. I've had pretty good luck with Costco furniture items so far, but I've only ever bought things like nightstands and side tables.