
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

monarch64|1325468507|3093179 said:
BS--no aspirin, it's one of the things you should not take when pregnant.
there is some pros and cons to taking a baby aspirin if told to by her doctor. I can't remember why they say one should take baby aspirin exactly, something to do with helping to prevent miscarriage. I had a friend who had miscarried and the doctor prescribed baby aspirin and then the 2nd tri no baby aspirin and then the 3rd tri she took it again and I can't remember the reason it did to help, like what exactly it did to prevent miscarriage??

BS, congrats, so happy for you. . . if you can just call the doctors office tomorrow; I would just ask about the aspirin.

for all the preggos I loved this website when I wasn't sure if I should take something or not?? in addition to asking your doctor or checking on something they think is okay. it also talks bout meds in each trimester and their effects
Re: Re:

puppmom|1325467946|3093172 said:
Kunzite, sending you lots of positive vibes for tomorrow's scan. I just know it's gonna be perfect!
ditto, can't wait to hear about your babies!!! sending good vibes
Re: Re:

monarch64|1325468507|3093179 said:
BS--no aspirin, it's one of the things you should not take when pregnant.

This isn't entirely true. Many OBs recommend it in low dose to prevent miscarriage and to help with blood flow to the placenta. It can be helpful if you have a clotting disorder, a history of preeclampsia, antibodies or other indications when it would help. I had an early loss last time plus I have Graves disease which produces antibodies so my OB reccs me to take one baby aspirin per day. There are certainly two schools of thought on whether it is safe, but it seems the majority consensus is that baby aspirin (81mg) once per day is safe. Of course talk to your OB first!

However it's my understanding that aspirin in adult doses may be harmful and that tylenol is the only safe painkiller during preg.
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BrightSpot|1325467547|3093168 said:
Kaleigh|1325460424|3093094 said:
Yay for you!! Oh saw this and it made me smile. I have no recs, but wanted to say HEY.. :wavey:

And wish you all the best!!!! Big congrats!!!!



Lisa, it's great to see you!! :wavey: I've been sort of confining myself to a couple of threads here on PS, but think of you often & am very happy to see you pop your head in here! How are you doing? Thanks very much for the congrats & hope you are well. ::)

Lizzy, thanks so much! I'm still nervous but hoping for the best. I'll definitely keep you guys posted on my 2nd beta on Tuesday. I will ask about prenatals when I go in as well. Are the prescription ones better than over the counter? And I guess I should keep taking that baby aspirin? So many questions my head is spinning. :twirl:

BS, this is such wonderful news... I am so glad to see you on this board!!!

Definitely talk to your doc about the baby asprin, but as a few have said, in some cases it is perfectly fine to take. I think the concern about asprin relates more to adult-dose asprin on a regular basis for things like aches, pains, and headaches. Regular doses can cause problems with blood flow to the baby... but at low doses (ie: baby asprin), it is sometimes thought to prevent recurrent miscarriages.

I take a regular OTC prenatal. My OB seemed pretty lax about the whole thing. He wanted to make sure I was getting folate and DHA. That's about it. Many prenatals triggered nausea for me...even if I took them at bed time. Right now I'm taking a gummy prenatal that's easy to stomach. I'm not sure it's very "complete", so I'm looking to switch brands when my bottle is empty.

Morning everyone!! Yes, I'm still here. Don't know how to make the move to the big thread :-) I have my 16 week appointment on Thursday. From what I understand it is just a checkup (i.e. talk with the doctor and check the heartbeat) and a blood test. Hoping all goes well.

In other news, my mom bought us a stroller!! We got the 2011 Uppababy Vista in black. We are in Canada and they are 799 each here (699 if you can find a sale) and they are on sale in the states for 475. Since my Mom is down there in the winter, she ordered it for us and will bring it back sometime between now and June :-)

First 'real' baby purchase. Feels too soon but I love a deal!!

How is everyone else doing?

PPM, thanks. I'm very glad to be here. ::) I asked my RE (the nurse in his office) about a prenatal & they seemed totally lax too--just said to get a regular OTC one. The idea of taking fewer vitamins now when my body needs them more than it ever has is a little unnerving, though.

Meg, thanks for chiming in on the baby aspirin issue. I'm definitely not taking the adult dose & just waiting to confirm continuing it with my RE. How are you feeling?

Kunzite, I hope your scan goes well! Keep us posted!

Muff, congrats on your first new thing for baby! How exciting! Sounds like your mom scored a great deal! I hope your appointment on Thursday goes well!

Skippy, thanks for the congrats & for posting the safefetus website. What a great resource!

Hi to everyone else! I'm still trying to get caught up around these parts. :wavey:

Question for you guys about tea. (sorry if I ask a bunch of stupid newbie questions.) I've cut out diet coke, but usually drink a lot of tea, especially herbal. I've read mixed things about herbal teas. (I don't drink medicinal ones, just the standard celestial seasonings stuff) Are they safe?

afm, I got my 2nd beta done today at 16dpo & it was 154 (my 12dpo beta was 29.2). The nurse said my levels were doubling appropriately & scheduled me to come in for an OB scan to check on everything on Thursday. I wasn't expecting to go in for a scan so soon (and hope nothing is wrong!) but am pleased they're on top of things. Is having such an early scan customary?
I also asked the nurse about baby aspirin & she said she'd check with the doc & get back to me. I vacillate between excitement & worry, but I guess that's normal.

HI guys! Sorry I've been MIA. My company closes down between Christmas and New Years, so I've been enjoying being away from the computer. As I said earlier, my initial u/s went well. Here's the pic-

Based on Ramzi's theory this little bean is a boy, since it's attached to the right side. Who knows though. I go back in 3 weeks for my 11 week appointment (the beginning of the every month check ups). My awesome insurance already approved my NT scan, and that's scheduled for 2/2. So very excited. I am so thankful I got this job. With my insurance, the entire baby process will cost $150. We don't have deductibles or co-insurance and it makes it really nice...and cheap.

Oh at my u/s I asked the nurse what the baby's heartrate was. She said they don't measure it that early, as long as they see it's beating fast. She said it was too much pressure to put on an itty bitty baby. I thought that was kind of nice. One less thing to stress about.

I walked away from my appointment with a prescription for Zofran. I was really hesitant to take anything for nausea. But for a week I tried everything to calm it down (I never barfed, just felt like I had the worst hangover ever 24/7). OMG that pill is amazing. I'm taking less than half of the normal dose and I actually feel human. I only take it when I need it. Some days, like yesterday, I took half a pill in the morning and was fine all day. Other days I can feel right when it wears off and then will take another half pill. It does have some side effects that aren't fun, but let's just say I'd rather be constipated than sick all day!

Does anyone else feel ridiculously full all the time? I'll eat a normal meal and will feel like I ate a Thanksgiving feast or something. I suppose I should start eating less in one sitting...ha...

7w us big.JPG

BrightSpot, I'm so thrilled for your results! yay and sticky dust!
I'm a heavy tea drinker too. I heard that Chamomile is not too good for you, because it relaxes the muscle and might cause miscarriage. On the other hand, in your last weeks when you're sick of being preggo, I head it's good to drink Chamomile to induce labor :D Peppermint tea is one of the sure-safe tea. Mint tea is naturally caffeinated. I think fruity teas are okay. Ginger tea should be fine.
Take my list with a grain of salt because this list didn't come directly from my Midwife. It seems like the general consensus is that there just isn't enough research done to see which tea is exactly safe. I miss my tea too.

Bright, so glad to see your betas doubling! Great sign! Did you find out anything regarding prenatal vitamin suggestions? The scan does seem early to me. I want to say they can't see anything on u/s until your beta is over 1500, but maybe that is just what they tell you so that everyone doesn't want to come in for early scans. Who knows really? My RE waited till I was about 6 1/2 weeks along for my first scan and my beta would have been far over that threshold. I just would keep that in mind when you go in. Great if you see a sac, but don't freak if you don't see a sac or a heartbeat. Might be worth another call to the office to ask about the scan timing. I just don't want you to end up with more worry after leaving it you know? And considering everything is looking so good right now, I'd hate for it to cause you anxiety. Are they going to run anymore betas? That would tell you a lot as well. Things are looking great! How are you feeling?

AFM, my gosh I am 10w4d and the nausea just won't ease up! The way I explain it is that I constantly feel like I need to throw up all day long. I have no cravings for anything. Food just doesn't excite me at all. And dammit, I use to love food! It is hard for me to plan meals in advance as well because certain foods can totally disgust me any given day. I know I need to drink more water, but water seems to make me feel pukey too. I have my first appt with my OB that delivered my son on Thursday. My NT scan will most likely be scheduled for the week after.
Re: Re:

Skippy|1325474649|3093241 said:
puppmom|1325467946|3093172 said:
Kunzite, sending you lots of positive vibes for tomorrow's scan. I just know it's gonna be perfect!
ditto, can't wait to hear about your babies!!! sending good vibes

Awww, thank you!!! :bigsmile:

I'm swamped at work with month end (good day to be late!) but wanted to let everyone know that my appointment went really well. Both babies look fantastic and are measuring nearly a week ahead!

Kunzite, glad things went well! great news!

Bright! Yay for doubling betas!! A huge relief that things are going well and hormones at pumping out. Nice to have a scan so soon to check on things. Let us know how it goes.

Amc, great u/s photo! So that was measuring 7 weeks?? I only ask because it shows 6w6d in the box on the left but maybe that isn't in reference to you. I'm curious because we had u/s one day a part and I measured 6w6d but we have diff due dates. But I suspect we will be moved up a week. And if Ramzi is correct I'm having a girl!

Hey to everyone else!

Afm nothing new to report. Nausea is here and definite food aversions. I had McDonald's French fries and a milkshake for dinner the other night...ooooops. It was delicious! Patiently waiting for next appt on 1/18 and still a nervous Nellie. I hate feeling so anxious but not much I can do but trust and pray and hope. I get more bloodworm for my thyroid tomorrow so I'm hoping my levels have improved.

Also curious what everyone is doing for exercise. My dr has asked me to stop doing the boot camp class Iove because it is too much stress. Besides yoga, which I already do, what is everyone doing for exercise??

AMC: What a sweet u/s pic! I'm curious to see how many Ramzi predictions turn out to be accurate. I mean, there's a 50/50 chance, so if the success rate is 75% or above I will be persuaded!

Bright: WOOHOO!!! What terrific doubling numbers! FWIW, I had an u/s at 5w4d and saw next to nothing. There was a little spot. I trusted the doctor when he told me it was a yolk sac. But at that point there was no heartbeat to confirm whether a fetus was actually developing. I can't say my nerves were eased- good call on double-checking with your office before that appointment.

Lizzy: Sorry you're feeling so :knockout: I'm guessing you're to family cook? It's darn near impossible to prepare food when dealing with m/s. Have you considered Zofran? My friend is in her 25th week and finally got a prescription- she said she finally feels human again. Just something to think about!

Muff: Hang around as long as you want, lady! I like having you here... though you're firmly planted in the 2nd tri! Any baby bump to boast of?

Kunzite: Glad everything went well! How are you feeling?? Does this pregnancy feel different than your first, especially considering there are two in there?

HELLO!!! To everyone else in JBP land :wavey: :wavey:

I had to head back to work today after a long, lovely winter break. I've been sleeping terribly, and last night was no exception, so my 5:30 AM alarm was killer. I'm always super-duper hot, but cannot sleep without long PJ pants and being under covers (so weird, I know). I ended up turning off the heat and threw one of our bedroom windows wide, wide open. Poor hubby! M/S is coming and going, but today was brutal. I'm trying to lay off the B6/Unisom combo (...Oh.. and DH nicknamed the bean 'Doxy', short for doxylamine, the active ingredient in Unisom. Can you tell he's a nerdy pharmacist?).

In other news... when will I have a legit baby bump?! I'm hoping I don't have to wait much longer than week 20!

Re: Re:

megumic|1325635035|3094407 said:
Amc, great u/s photo! So that was measuring 7 weeks?? I only ask because it shows 6w6d in the box on the left but maybe that isn't in reference to you. I'm curious because we had u/s one day a part and I measured 6w6d but we have diff due dates. But I suspect we will be moved up a week. And if Ramzi is correct I'm having a girl!

Also curious what everyone is doing for exercise. My dr has asked me to stop doing the boot camp class Iove because it is too much stress. Besides yoga, which I already do, what is everyone doing for exercise??

That was measuring 6w6d (which is right based on ovulation), but they still considered me 7w because they are sticking with my LMP. My edd got moved up a day to 8/14 as well. What is your due date?

As far as exercise, I asked my doctor if I could run and she said no. So I'm sticking to the elliptical and walking on an incline on the treadmill. Also, the hospital by my doctor has a fitness center and they have water aerobics classes. You get the first 3 for free, and after that they are only $5 each. My doctor highly recommended them. I'm a swimmer (well, I used to be) so I'm really excited about getting back in the water.

AMC - I was feeling SO hungry towards the beginning and would get full after my normal size meals! Now it is the opposite. I am hungry all.the.time and never feel totally full! The other night I ate a full bag of popcorn after dinner. Tonight I had a salad and Cookie Crisp cereal (my new favorite!!!) Yay for your ultrasound! According to that method I'm having a boy also.

Lizzy - I feel sorry for you! I can't get enough food. And I dislike food pretty much, I'm so picky!!!

PPM - I started getting a "bump" around 13 weeks. Or at least I think I did. I didn't feel bloated, but my pants were no longer staying buttoned and zipped at that point.

Kunzite - Yay! So glad things are going well for you and the babies!!

Meg - Good luck with your upcoming appointment! I'm at the point where appointments make me nervous too, I don't have many symptoms and am waiting to feel the baby!! I almost wish I would have bought a doppler so I could check the heartbeat between appointments. I have a Wii, so I've been using the Wii Fit when I feel motivated. It's so easy, I don't know why I put it off! There's one exercise called step aerobics where I can start it and switch it back to the tv and watch that while doing the steps.

Muffdog - Don't worry, I have trouble fully leaving too. Everyone in the big thread is way ahead of me!!! We're JBP veterans still hanging out here ;)

Afm, I did the "ring on a string over the belly" test the other night and it moved in a straight line. I've heard 2 different things, one says boy one says girl. My friend said it meant boy but when I looked online it was the opposite! And according to my mom since I have acne now, it means girl because she's "stealing your beauty" but then I also heard that means boy haha. All of this is a 50/50 chance of being correct! Soooo we will find out in June :love: Time to go find something else to eat :o


Am a nervous wreck today. Two nightmares about mc last night. Ugh. Need reassurance and thinking of getting a Doppler to help with that. Any recommendations? I hate feeling like this. :(( ;( :blackeye:

Oh Meg - I'm sure it is totally normal to have fears like that. Just try to stay calm. No reason to worry unless you have reason, you know?

I've heard on other boards that the Sonoline B is the doppler to get. You can find it on ebay I think. Here is the site

I've heard they can be bad though because ifyou aren't able to find a HB, the mom usually FREAKS out, even though it is just user error. Just something to consider.

Meg - Please don't get discouraged. Pregnancy dreams can be pretty wild sometimes. I've had crazy ones before...and I think it's from drinking chocolate milk before bed. Chocolate before bed = no no for me. I second the Sonoline B doppler, but Muffdog is right, it can be a blessing or a torture...depending if you have trouble finding it or not. They are $52.95 on that site...

On another blog site that I read, they have a thing called "Hump Day Bump Day" on Wednesday's since Wednesday's are known as "hump day" since it's the middle of the week. spirit of today here is my round "bump" at 17w3d. I've noticed some of my shorter length shirts get pulled up in the front a little when my belly sticks out :lol:

Re: Re:

Missy0483|1325696333|3094904 said:
On another blog site that I read, they have a thing called "Hump Day Bump Day" on Wednesday's since Wednesday's are known as "hump day" since it's the middle of the week. spirit of today here is my round "bump" at 17w3d. I've noticed some of my shorter length shirts get pulled up in the front a little when my belly sticks out :lol:

Oh, I'll play! Not showing much of anything except bloat and fat from the holidays! Also, notice my GIANT boobs. I'm so ready for them to go away, but I know they will only get bigger. Sigh.


Yay AMC! You are a skinny little thing! :P And my boobs were pretty big to begin with too...I could probably shop for new bras, but I really really dislike shopping for them!! I was a 38D to begin with. Not sure what I'm truly at right now. Just for reference, attaching my 8 week picture to compre to yours. The red lines are to show the small amount of space between the botton of my bra line to belly button...not much space there.

Re: Re:

Missy0483|1325704749|3095038 said:
Yay AMC! You are a skinny little thing! :P And my boobs were pretty big to begin with too...I could probably shop for new bras, but I really really dislike shopping for them!! I was a 38D to begin with. Not sure what I'm truly at right now. Just for reference, attaching my 8 week picture to compre to yours. The red lines are to show the small amount of space between the botton of my bra line to belly button...not much space there.

Awwww that's the nicest thing I've heard in a long time! My boobs are huge. I just bought some new bras before the wedding and had to go up to a 34DDD (every time I gain weight my boobs get bgiger, then I lose weight, but my boobs stay big). I'm sure I'm going to have to get some new bras in the near future, these are already getting pretty full. How tall are you? You've definitely got less room in there for baby. I'm pretty evenly proportioned so who knows when I'll start to show. I'm 5'7.

On another subject, I've always heard that people get really tired at the beginning of their pregnancies, sometimes before they even tested. Well, I'm 8 weeks and it seems to be hitting now. I am heading home shortly for lunch to take a nap. Yesterday I didn't get a nap and crashed for about an hour when I got home. It took everything I had in me to get up and go to the gym.

AMC - I'm 5'2...the measurement between my bra line and belly button is 7 inches! where to go but out! Okay, 34DDD whoa! You poor thing! I didn't get tired right away...I'd say for about a month from 6 weeks - 10 weeks I was tired and going to bed early. It's pretty good now I can stay up to my normal bedtime, but I'd kill for a nap during my lunch break sometimes. But I'm so hungry at lunch, it's either a nap or stuff my face and I usually stuff my face!!!! :tongue:

Kunzite, glad your appointment went well & your twins are overachievers already! :wink2:

choro, thanks for the dust & tea info! I'd read that about chamomile & will stay away. (As I scan my tea cabinet, it seems most herbal teas contain chamomile! :nono: ) I'm happy to hear peppermint is ok, though, as I usually have a cup before bedtime.

Lizzy, I asked about a prenatal & the nurse just said that a regular OTC prenatal would be fine. I asked about DHA & they said they couldn't either recommend it or suggest I stay away. So, not a lot of help on that front.
Thanks for the info on the scan. I thought it was way too early to see anything too, but I guess if I'm prepared to see nothing, I won't be upset if I don't see anything. :wink2: Hopefully they'll at least be able to confirm that it's not ectopic. I'm still having intermittent cramps, so sometimes I worry... I'll ask if they want to do another beta as well.
Other than the cramps, I'm feeling fine. No other symptoms so far. Thanks for asking!
I'm sorry the nausea has been so bad for you. :nono: That sucks to not want to eat, even more so if you have to cook for your family! Would vitamin b6 or unisom help?

Meg, I'm so sorry about your nightmares. They can be hard to shake the next day. <hugs> I hope you're feeling a bit better. Did you decide whether you wanted to get the doppler?
I'm sorry you can't take your favorite boot camp class anymore! Was it really intense? I sometimes take a boot camp class too, but haven't asked my doc about whether I should continue. So far, I've been keeping to my gym schedule as usual, which usually consists of various classes (boot camp, total body conditioning (weights), some cardio and occasional pilates). I think my OB mentioned (before I was PG) that it was ok to continue what I was doing & "the baby would tell me" if I should change my routine.

amc, yay for a great u/s! And can I just say I'm so jealous of your tiny waist & your amazing growing bbs phenomenon? It seems when I lose weight mine deflate! :o
The water aerobics class sounds like a blast--especially when you're super pregnant in the summer! Hope you're feeling better after your nap. :wink2:

Missy, love the baby bump (and cute haircut!) Glad you're feeling so well & are sticking around these parts! :bigsmile:

PPM, thanks for the congrats & the scan info. I'm sorry you've been sleeping so poorly! Does the unisom help? (I love the Doxy nickname) Do you take it during the day for m/s as well? Hope you're feeling better soon!

AFM, I just found out that my best friend is PG! She's a month ahead of me & told me last night. I'd confided in her about some of our fertility issues a while ago, so she said she was waiting until things were better for me to tell me, which was sweet. I'm so excited that we can go through this together, even though we're on separate coasts.

Another PG friend just had her first us today at 6 weeks & they found a corpus luteum cyst & they essentially put her on bed rest until next week, when they'll check it again! They did hear the heartbeat, which was good, but I'm worried about her. Has anyone heard of these?

Nothing much more to report on my end. I'll keep you posted about how my scan goes tomorrow. I've been having some insomnia & have been taking 1/2 unison pill to help. My OB said this was ok a while ago, but it still makes me a little nervous. (Though, I guess everything does these days.) :rolleyes:

Bright, I had a CL cyst when I was pregnant with DS. It's normal from what I understand. If they're large, they can be a problem (I think?) because they can burst. They scheduled me for a follow up scan because mine was 3cm. At my follow up scan several weeks later, it was much smaller. By my anatomy scan, it was pretty much gone.
Re: Re:

puppmom|1325722920|3095298 said:
Bright, I had a CL cyst when I was pregnant with DS. It's normal from what I understand. If they're large, they can be a problem (I think?) because they can burst. They scheduled me for a follow up scan because mine was 3cm. At my follow up scan several weeks later, it was much smaller. By my anatomy scan, it was pretty much gone.

Puppmom, thanks so much for chiming in with this info. I don't know exactly how big my friend's cyst is, but her doc said it was large. Apparently it's causing her pain too. I hope it resolves as easily as yours did. Did your doc ask you to limit your activity?

Afm, I've been taking crinone 8% progesterone supplements & just got my refill in the mail. Well, the stupid pharmacy sent me
the wrong thing! I'm really nervous about getting this error corrected ASAP as I only have 1 left. I'm terrified of what could happen if I miss a dose.

Bright, see if your doctor can give you some samples of the Crinone 8. When I took it previously, it took forever for my insurance to approve it, and I ended up getting 2 or 3 weeks of free samples from my OB's office.

Bright, I hope you get your refill squared away! My doc did not limit my activity. It was weird- the radiologist saw the cyst on my ultrasound but didn't tell my doc for weeks :angryfire: So, I was blissfully unaware. It just so happened that the day they told him, I had an appointment and he told me to schedule a follow up ultrasound which I did. I've heard lots of success stories even with cysts that rupture. It's very painful but I've read about many people who have successful pregnancies despite the cyst.

Jgator, thanks for the great suggestion. I'll ask for a sample. I'm waiting to see the doc now.

Puppmom, thanks for the reassurance on the cysts. I'll pass it along to my friend. I can't believe the radiologist didn't tell you (!) but glad everything turned out ok. Maybe the oversight saved you from needless worry.

So, ladies, should I ask for a 3rd beta? I'm not sure if they were planning to do one or not or if it would be helpful/necessary.

Well, it finally happened. I was sitting on the couch last night after dinner and found myself running to the toilet to throw up. I had been experimenting with taking less Zofran but apparently that was a bad idea. Maybe I'll be lucky and it will be a one time thing :)

amc, aw, I'm sorry you threw up! I hope increasing the zofran dose again will help!

afm, I just got back from my scan & my doc didn't see anything. He said this wasn't necessarily cause for concern since it's very early, but he said he wanted to see me since he thought my 1st beta was low, though he said it was doubling nicely. When he checked my chart he thought I had my 1st beta drawn on 31st not 30th, when it was actually drawn, so it was earlier than he thought, so he said maybe the level was ok after all. They drew another beta & a P4 test & asked me to come in again in a week & a half for another scan. Though, when I made an appointment for the follow up scan, they scheduled me for next Friday, the 13th. Not only am I not thrilled about coming in on Friday the 13th :shock:, but it also seems this is a little on the soon side. (The office is closed the following Monday.)

Do you think I should keep the appointment on the 13th, or reschedule for the following Tuesday? I just don't want to have another fire drill appointment like today's.

Thanks to Lizzy & PPM & the other ladies who warned me that they might not see anything on my scan. If I wasn't prepared for this, I surely would've been pretty stressed (and even though I was prepared, I still feel a bit uneasy.)

The upshot is I got 2 Crinone 8 samples from the office (thanks for the suggestion, JGator!), so that should tide me over until the pharmacy corrects the Rx mistake.

Bright- I'd probably hold off on another u/s until closer to 6 weeks. They really can't see anything with a vag u/s until your levels are in the 1500 range anyway. It seems like going again too early would just bring unneeded stress, you know? If you hold off until 6 weeks (or 6 weeks and a few days) you'll be able to see the hb.