
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


PPM - I'm 5'2", almost 5'3" so I know what you mean! I just measured and from bottom of bra to my belly button is 7 inches :o I have no where to grow but OUT, oh my!
I tried the BeBand thing from Target. It doesn't work well for me, maybe because of my short waist, it just all seems to want to gather in one spot and you can see it through some clothes. And it worked until I sat down and the zipper pulled open making my jeans feel droopy! As soon as I couldn't do the hair tie around the button because my zipper came down, I went and got maternity jeans. I was about 13 weeks when I got my first pair. I found that the ones with the long elastic panel fit me better since I'm not really big yet and the panel seems to keep them up and in place. And they round you out so you look more pregnant too :P Just some tips for us short people :tongue:

AMC - I agree about the dildo cam...that thing seems massive to me. The ultrasound tech asked me if I wanted to insert it or if I wanted her to. Uhhh, yea you can go ahead and do that I don't want to even attempt to put that thing in there! :lol: That was at 6 weeks and I'm now at 15 weeks. Wow that seems so long ago, yet also like it was just the other day at the same time!
My next appointment is on 12/29. After this appointment we'll get to book the 20 week ultrasound appointment. So ready to see what baby looks like in's been so long since my one and only ultrasound that they gave me so far!

Sugarpie - Have fun spreading the good news to everyone! How fun! Sorry about the vomiting...yuck!

Ditto Missy, the Target belly band did not work AT ALL for me (and I'm 5'7" and long waisted). I tried to wear it to work twice with dress pants and it just rolled and bunched every time I sat down or stood up. I tried it as a single layer and doubled over with no luck. I'm making do with a few pairs of pants I have from when I used to be a little heavier, but I am torn between whether I should buy another pair in a larger size or just make do with the two or three pairs I have that fit plus dresses and doing laundry more frequently until I outgrow even those and will properly fit into maternity pants. I haven't tried on any maternity pants but I feel like they would be too baggy now. I'm thicker around the waist but don't have a real "bump" yet.

Oh but, my one coworker is going to get her maternity clothes out of the attic and bring them to me. She was last pregnant in the late '90s. And she referred to them as "jumpers." :shock: I just nodded and smiled and said, wow, that's so generous of you!
Re: Re:

choro72|1324442755|3085834 said:
One more TMI I forgot to add.

5. Constipation is going to suck big time. Especially if you are prone to constipation to begin with. So far, I see no end to this problem. I try to think of it as practice labors when the kid is stuck...

choro - You have no idea how true this is! I had LO before I had a chance to take any birthing classes, and the one piece of advice my L&D nurse gave me was to push like I was trying to take a giant poo!! Umm, best advice ever since I had become quite the expert at that... LO flew out!

Lizzy - So happy to hear about your great u/s!!! :appl:

PP - Sorry to hear about the let down at your appointment. I hope you can get everything straightened out.

So I'm not even looking bloated these days, I'm looking full on pregnant!! Maybe it's because it's the second time around, maybe because there are two, I don't know. I feel absolutely silly walking around work looking like a pregnant lady but still not spilling the beans. I've been in maternity pants for weeks now (which doesn't help because they don't do anything to hide the bump)! It's so tempting to just come out, but my next scan is only a week and a half away (1/3) so I'm trying really hard to hold out. I keep telling myself that I only have four work days to get through and I can come clean. I can do four days, right?

I was reading that I'm supposed to be eating 7 full meals a day, or around every two hours!! Good gravy, I'm not even getting close to that. I guess for twins it's super important to gain a whole mess of weight in the first tri. Maybe all of the junk food will help offset the number of meals :wink2:


ETA - Steph! I cannot wait to find out what is in that stash of maternity clothes! It sounds like a riot!!

PPM, the bean looks great!

PP, hope you get to speak with a Dr in English soon! That is very frustrating. Does your DH speak French?

Missy, from my boobs to my bellybutton is 7.5 inches, I’m 5’2” so I feel your pain! I’m sure I’ll be busting out of my clothes in no time. And I have to wear suits to work EVERY DAY. I have no idea what I’ll do about that!

Steph, ha. Hope the 90’s maternity clothes are a hoot. I can only imagine how horrid they might be. I feel like maternity clothes only got cute in the past few years really so be sure to take pics and share please!

Kunzite, hope you can hang on to tell your coworkers. I think even if ppl can tell, you should tell everyone when you feel ready to share, ya know? Try and keep the appetite up and put on the lbs! Also, curious if you had a clue it was twins in advance? I am suspect I might have twins from my high hcgs, but otherwise no real indicators. Did you know beforehand??

Lizzy, glad to see the great u/s. Hope you keep bumping along at this great pace!

Heyyy to everyone else!

AFM, about 5w5d right now. Have been having daily m/s – feeling gross in the AM, starving around lunch, and then gross the rest of the day. Citrus drinks with lots of ice are appealing though, like OJ or orangina or lemon Pellegrino. YUM. Also, can definitely smell everything 2 fold – particularly DH’s breath in the morning. I’m like EWW get AWAY! Lol. Poor guy. We plan to tell our parents on xmas together. We have a giant brunch on xmas morning with just us and our parents so during grace we’re going to say something about the 7 of us, even though only 6 of us will be there, and we’re going to add that we can’t wait for our xmas surprise to arrive in August! Hopefully they catch on. We’re excited to share the news. Then first OB appt is Weds. I actually have an appt with two diff OBs, as I’m on the fence about which I like more and since my Graves Disease makes me high risk, I want to be sure about the OB we select.

Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday and has some time off to get some extra zzz’s and relax. Lots of healthy sticky baby vibes!!!

PS – we picked up some non-alcoholic wine (Ariel) for $5 so I could “drink” as we aren’t ready to share the news with most ppl. It’s actually not bad and I like that I don’t have to hide it and pretend to not feel well. Find it in the mixers section of your local liquor store! LOL.

Hi all! I just wanted to post my ultrasound pics so far. Since I did IVF, I actually have a pic of the day the embryo was put back in me! Here is the pic. It was on 11/9! If you look closely, you will see a - with a circle around it, on the top part, that is the embryo!


This is my 6w3d ultrasound! The baby is marked with the two + signs!


And this is my new ultrasound pic taken on Wednesday. 8w5d! You can see the head, the body, and the start of arm and leg buds!


Meg, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Citrus drinks also do the trick for me. Try picking up the Preggie drops or pops. They work well for me too when I'm in a pinch!

Kunzite, you can do it! You can wait a couple of more days! 7 meals a day! My gosh, I barely feel like eating 3 meals a day. Nothing appeals to me anymore! Post a belly shot for us!!!

Steph and LC, I totally agree about those belly bands. They did not work for me the first time around. When my clothes were uncomfortable I just moved right into maternity clothes with the really high belly panel and I found that my pants stayed up and I was so much more comfortable!

Missy, good luck at your appt on 12/29. Crossing fingers you'll get another ultrasound real soon after. Are you going to find out if it is a boy or a girl?

PP, sorry your appt was not what you expected. Did you end up getting an ultrasound scheduled?

PPM, thanks for the tip on uploading the u/s pics. I didn't do a great job, but at least they are visible! Your little peanut looks so comfy int their sac! Congrats on seeing your little one! With regard to the clothes not fitting. When your ready, just switch to maternity pants with the really high waist band. That will keep them up and you will be SO much more comfortable.

Sugarpie, congrats on a clear NT scan! Enjoy telling everyone!

AMC, your getting close to your first appt now! You must be excited! Are you definitely getting an ultrasound that day? I know they don't always do it on the first appt, so I'm crossing my fingers you'll get a peek at your little one!

Hello to everyone else!

AFM, 9 weeks today! It feels amazing to be at this place! So excited to tell our family on Christmas! I need some help though ladies...i.e. constipation. It has gotten real bad. I have not pooped since Monday. On Wednesday I asked the RE for suggestions and they recommended stool softeners so I started them on Wednesday and still nothing. SHould I call my RE back? I wonder if there is anything else I can do. I'm ready to try a Taco Bell run at this point!
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lizzyann|1324666828|3087593 said:
AMC, your getting close to your first appt now! You must be excited! Are you definitely getting an ultrasound that day? I know they don't always do it on the first appt, so I'm crossing my fingers you'll get a peek at your little one!

Yep! I asked when I made the appointment what will happen and they said an u/s. Plus I have a friend who has the same doc and she also got one at her first appointment. It seems like pretty standard practice around here. I'm so excited, gahhhh. Luckily we have some really fun things coming up over the next few days (you know, Christmas and all) so the time should go by pretty fast.

meg - I actually wouldn't worry about telling my coworkers except that I work with a complete of very tactless people. I just expect one of them to flat out ask me if I'm pregnant one day. I had a meeting with one of them yesterday and I was trying so hard to suck in my gut while also thinking about what sort of response I'd have if they did ask! I had no clue that there would be two babies. None! If we hadn't gotten an u/s I still don't think I would know. I'd be baffled by the size of my belly, but I still don't think I'd connect the dots! I'm totally hooked on fruit too, which happened with my first pregnancy as well. I couldn't get enough oranges, grapes, watermelon.... mmmmm! Add me to the short club! I'm 5'3" which is probably part of my problem now.

lizzy - Love the u/s pictures!! I think the stool softeners take a couple of days to work. While I was in the hospital I had one nurse that would come in every night and go, "Fiber, Colace!" like you would expect at a ballpark. So now when DH brings my prenatals with dinner he always follows it up with fiber, Colace! If you're not already taking fiber I would add that to whatever you are taking. Even taking both of those every day things didn't getting moving as much as I thought they would, but the situation definitely improved. Have you read Belly Laughs? The only part of that book I remember is when she was talking about being constipated and the doctor literally pulled the poo out of her! I think the moral of that story was to just keep at the stool softeners, haha! :eek:

Lizzy - That is so cool seeing the little embryo! Thanks for sharing all of your pictures!
Thank you for the good luck! Pretty sure this is just a standard checkup appointment where we'll hear the heartbeat and discuss setting up my 20 week ultrasound. So I will have to wait until then for the next ultrasound around the end of January. This OB usually only gives heartbeat checks until 20 weeks with no ultrasound until then. The only reason I got one at about 6 weeks is because I had a long cycle and according to LMP they said I'd be about 10 weeks at my first appointment but she said my uterus felt really small. I knew I was only about 6 weeks then, but they don't go by temping :rolleyes: Anyway, we are still undecided about finding out what we're having. I was on board with DH when he said we should wait til birth, but then he said he was leaning towards finding out now haha. At least we still have time to make a decision!

Attaching a "bump" picture. This is from Wednesday at 15w3d! Don't mind the background! My work has no decorating capabilities, that's a circuit breaker in the bathroom :lol:


Happy Holidays everyone!! Hope you all have lovely, laid back holidays with your family and friends knowing that next year, you'll have another person to celebrate with!!!

Just a fly-by to Lizzy's comment...
For constipation I drink citrucel every morning.. But here is the thing. It only allows me to release a few rocks daily, which is better than nothing I guess. Otherwise I would go at least a week without movement. Also, squatting is the only way I can pass the pebbles. Of course I can't do this outside from home :knockout: I hope you find a solution for you. I should note that I have no problems squatting because I grew up where that is normal. I don't know how I'm going to keep it up when my belly gets bigger. According to lliang_chi, constipation eases up in the 2nd trimester, and I hope that's the case for me!

Happy holidays everyone! I returned my Bella Band today and decided to just use my belt.

Steph- I can't wait to see the 90s clothes! Ha that should be fun.

Kunzite- Thanks, I certainly hope so too. After my next appointment I'll decide if I should switch or not.How exciting that you are into the full pregnant look! I wonder what your coworkers are thinking. DH read a part of a book in Babies R Us today that said we(preggo moms) would want to tell people, but would feel like they are already know. It certainly feels true with this little bump! 7 full meals a day? Yikes! My stomach couldn't handle that one.

Meg- Yes, DH speaks French, which does make life easier, but this is something I need to understand completely. you know? Hopefully it will work itself out. I completely understand you on being sensitive to smells. I actually do the same to DH. haha. I love the way you are telling your folks. How exciting! Let us know how it goes. :)

Lizzy- Your journey has been so amazing and I love the u/s pics! That is so exciting that you have the actual moment. So sweet. The growth is so amazing to see in your pics. I love that it is starting to look more baby like! I did have my ultrasound. I'll post a pic soon. I'm still over the moon! Re: constipation. I try to drink a lot of juice (in the US I had Juicy Juice, I believe). That really helped and I think the fact that I was eating a lot of fruits. I've noticed a change since being home, and stopping the juice, so I really think that is what helped.

AMc- How exciting you will get an u/s at your first appointment! It's the most incredible thing ever. :)

Missy- Love the bump pic!

Muffdog- Happy Holidays to you too! (and everyone else!)

AFM: Our maternity hospital was booked for u/s until January 4th! We called around and found a place that I had used before and they got me in yesterday. The OB isn't the one to do it here. Oh well. I was so nervous, but once he turned the machine on every bit of anxiety went away. It was so amazing to see how big the baby is. He said I am 13w3d (I'll have to double check the days with DH). He measured everything and said everything looked great/normal. That was such a huge relief! I have been constantly praying for it to be. We also got to hear the heartbeat! I wish it were for longer as it was really cool to hear. The HB was 161. He asked if we wanted to know the gender, we said yes. I'll try to post the u/s pic so you ladies can guess first. :) It made everything so real and I continue to get tears in my eyes when I think about it. We are just so happy! Oh, my u/s "pic" is actually on xray paper. Really odd. It was a US machine, so I'm not sure why he couldn't print one. We have the same things to give the OB, but we wanted prints for us and they gave us that. It's definitely better than nothing, but odd! So, we will be giving DH's family a copy on the xray film for Christmas. ha


I hope I attached this correctly! Also, please remember it's on xray film and was held up to the light to take a pic from the cellphone, so I apologize for the blurriness.

What a great U/S picture! I have no clue re gender - going to 'guess' GIRL, but again, what do I know!?

So wait Petite you know the gender already???? Don't hold out on us! :bigsmile:

KUNZITE, I remember trying to gain a pound each week; that was my goal. I totally looked preggo right off the bat; I think twins moms totally show right away. If you want I will look for the title of the book that twin preggos read on gaining weight if you are interested? I read from week 20 to 30 it is important to gain like 1-2 lbs a week. I took that advice and it really helped me put weight on my boys. Oh and I was in maternity jeans I think at 10 too! eta: here is the book the author suggests eating a lot but I did what I could.

LIZZYANN & PP, yay, I love your u/s!!

MISSY, get belly shot!!!

Choro, I use to drink prune juice and eat prunes. I had the worst constipation; I hope it goes away! Oh and ask your doc if it is okay but that fiber drink you speak of did not work for me so I drank Miralax (I think it is fiber based), ask first though. that really helped me

eeeee, I am so excited for you ladies; sorry, I couldn't help but pop in here!

Happy Holidays JBP Mommies!

Muff-good guess!

Missy- they think girl!

Skippy- thank you. I love your new Christmas pic of your boys! So precious!!

We had a wonderful time with DH's family and gave them a frame with the u/s picture. They were very happy! It still doesn't feel real, even with the belly getting bigger, but I'm getting there.

The doctor that did the u/s said girl! I am so thrilled and pray it stays that way. I have always dreamed of having a little girl, so it was wonderful news for me! I am hoping that the high heart rate means girl too. I am desperately trying not to dream of decorating the nursery and buying girly things until the later u/s!

I have also switched to maternity pants and am oh so glad I did. They are the most comfortable things ever. I have leggings and jeans. The jeans have those child-like adjustable elastics on the inside. I didn't expect that, but am happy with it as I hope I can wear them throughout. The only issue is the jeans will need to be hemmed, but i am use to that.

Yay Petite! I hope the girl guess is correct for you!

My SIL said to us today "I hope you guys are ready for some hospital trips this summer" and we're like "ummm why?" she said "Well you first and then me next." She is due July 24th. This will be her 3rd. We bump heads sometimes and I know it's irrational, but I wish I didn't have to share the spotlight with her. Wow that sounds so mean, but this is my first and now birthdays will be so close together. She already has a daughter with a birthday the end of May, now ours in June and then her baby in July. I congratulated her and hugged her anyway. I'm happy for her, but just wish the timing was a little different!

Anyway, Happy Holidays to everyone! DH got me a pretty new necklace, comfy PJ pants, a booklight, an electric blanket because I'm cold all the time, and new slippers! I even let him sleep in this morning since it'll be the last Christmas he can sleep late before the baby comes! :P

Missy- thank you! Me too! I can understand your struggle with your SIL, even if you didn't bump heads. This is your first and is very exciting and I think your family will realize that too. We are going to see a new baby in a few days and I am hesitant to announce our pregnancy, because I don't want to steal the new mom's thunder. It's their first and I want all of the focus on them and their new little one.

PP great pic of the lil one! So cute!

Missy, nice bump! Are you loving it?

Lizzy, thanks for the tip on citrus drinks! I just discovered limonata pellegrino and it is amazing! Similar to orangina but lemon! How did it go telling your family on Xmas? Also, that is by far the cutest u/s pic ever! Looks like an adorable tiny cartoon baby. I love it!

Amc, are you so excited about your appt tomorrow??

Hope everyone else had a great holiday!

Afm, just woke up for the second time to pee and i was so starving I had to go eat some fruit salad. It was the best fruit salad I ever tasted! I'm still suspect of Two being in there, but we'll have to wait til Wednesday to find out I guess! Still nervous as heck and just hoping all is okay.

Also I'm ready for a BFP boom...keeping my fingers crossed for all of the TTCers!!

Hi Ladies - I need your opinion.... Boy or Girl?

us at 13 wks.jpg

Aww soo cute! I'm new at this but I say boy!

So precious! I've been looking on and off all dad and can't seem to decide. I was first thinking girl, but meg says boy, so then I question the sliiiggght angle. More need to chime in! :)

Hi! Just a quick note to say I had my appointment today and everything was great. One little peanut with a heart just beating away. Measuring 6w5 days which is basically right on based on ovulation. I'm 7w based on lmp so they are sticking with that date since it is so close. Edd is 8/14. Such a huge relief to know everything is on track. I go back in 4 weeks. Hope you are all doing well. I'll post a pic once I'm on my computer.

:wavey: Hi everyone!

Sugarpie - What a cute little....human!! Haha I'm not sure, I can never tell if it's a boy or girl!

Amc - I'm glad everything looks great! Such a good feeling coming out of there knowing that the baby is growing at the right pace!!

Just hanging out...waiting to feel baby moving in there. I've had some "I wonder what that was?" muscle twitching moments near my belly button and I'm wondering if that was baby. It just doesn't happen enough for me to definitely know for sure.

Delurking to say hurray for great u/s updates, especially Lizzy and Amc! Meg, I can't wait to hear what you find out today re: multiples! ::)

Okay back to lurk mode, sorry! :D

Hope everyone had a nice holiday! Mine has been very relaxing - hubs is working today so I've been on the couch :-)

I received my first nursery item for Christmas - the ceramic pig speaker from West Elm!

I thought it would be a super cute way to have music in there :-)

Anyways - was hoping to get your advice on something. I have a blog and I've been holding out on telling everyone about my pregnancy but I think it is time. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could announce it to everyone?
